Discipleship In Luke



Learn to think about Jesus & Christianity differently. The episodes presented here are teaching the "craft" of discipleship by using Jesus as an example. We will use the book of Luke from the bible as our guide to understand - and participate with - the great Rabbi Yeshua.


  • Messengers, Part 2 (31)

    07/08/2012 Duración: 18min

    We are messengers, but it’s not our message – it’s God’s.  We had better be extra careful to check our sources, be silent until we know what we’re talking about, and then deliver an accurate message – or better yet – show people where to learn for themselves.  Good News that’s false – is not Good at all.  Nothing hurts more than false hope.  

  • Messengers, Part 1 (30)

    01/08/2012 Duración: 22min

    In Luke 14 at the dinner, Jesus tells a story about another dinner – the Kingdom feast.  We will look at the characters in Jesus’ story and we find ourselves there: we are the “slaves,” the messengers.  Scriptures used: Romans 10:1-2 James 3:1-2 Luke 14.15-24; Matthew 22.1-14  

  • Satan’s Sirens, pt2 (29)

    19/07/2012 Duración: 11min

    Practical steps for killing Excuses, Justifications and Rationalizations, and replacing them with adaptations, improvisations and overcoming.  We can categorize our lives, and look for them – to root them out.  Then, connect with a Godwor disciple for accountability & help.  Finally, choose one or two and work on them one bit at a time. 

  • Satan’s Sirens (28)

    17/07/2012 Duración: 19min

    Satan’s Sirens … Excuses, Justifications and Rationalizations.  These three are alluring, enticing, just like the beautiful singing sirens of mythology that lured sailors to their death – Satan’s sirens kill us.  The solution is for us to recognize things that tempt us to these things, then treat them as challenges and opportunities.  We should adapt, improvise, overcome … we should put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6). 

  • Grow Some Go Some (#27)

    10/07/2012 Duración: 21min

    Grow Some Go Some … congratulations are due to those of you who are still listening & studying, and especially to those of you who are DOING the assignments.  Following Jesus was hard when he was in human form, and it’s still hard.  Now … time to get to work for real. 

  • From Now On (#26)

    07/07/2012 Duración: 20min

    From now on … these lessons will be less formal, shorter … and use excerpts from Luke to continue our studies.  Most importantly, it’s about helping you to start actually doing the stuff Jesus did … on purpose.  Make a real change.  Do three things, right now:   memorize our Purpose, Actions and Priorities.   Plan to start “heal” work Start asking others to join you.

  • Wrap Up (#25)

    28/06/2012 Duración: 45min

    it’s time for us to review and settle some things.  Remember our purpose, our actions and our priority.  And then … DO what Jesus said.

  • Talents (#24)

    21/06/2012 Duración: 50min

    This lesson is about the parable of talents (found in Matthew 25.14-30 & Luke 19.12-27).  It’s about how you live as a disciple of Jesus … steadily giving more in quality and quantity purely for the purpose of bearing increasing fruit and glory to God.  

  • Recovering the Lost (#23)

    14/06/2012 Duración: 40min

    Jesus explains why he left the religious folks to go seek sinners and call them to repentance.  We are introducing the “Lifecycle” of disciples … those who come to Jesus for various reasons, then go all-in, are born again, and then live and grow.  Scriptures highlighted in this lesson include: Luke 15, Matthew 6.20-21, Colossians 3.1-2, Philippians 3.12-21, and Matthew 25.14-30. 

  • Teleios (#22)

    07/06/2012 Duración: 47min

    Teleios is a Greek word used commonly to describe a certain kind of maturity – the maturity which is understood to include productivity.  Only when a thing has reached ‘teleios’ is it considered to have arrived at its full potential.  Each one of us should strive to arrive at our full teleios state

  • Obey Step by Step (#21)

    31/05/2012 Duración: 46min

    This lesson is an attempt to “put it together.”  To provide you with the pathway to growth.  “Do what you’re told” is the short answer, another one might be “trust and obey.”  So to grow stronger, start by teaching, healing & reproducing.  Find an act of service and/or fun, and invite a friend to join you.  Then do it again.  Then do it better, and do it more.  Start somewhere, and increase steadily in quantity and quality for the rest of your earthly life. 

  • Growing Faith (#20)

    24/05/2012 Duración: 41min

    Combining basics learned from 1 John 5.4, Hebrews 11, James 2.14-26, Luke 17.5-10 and 1 Samuel 17.34-37, we learn the  basics of growing faith.  We learn that faith is what we need in order to obey.  Sometimes it seems like we need more than we have – this lesson teaches the basics about how to grow that faith.

  • Power1 commitment (#19)

    17/05/2012 Duración: 43min

    What tasks you?  What tempts you to fear, frustration, stress, or anger?  What habits would you like to overcome?  How can you grow stronger, more durable and more obedient to God?  This is the first of what (hopefully) will be a 2 part series that will teach you practical truths so you can do things that are otherwise impossible.  The power to overcome – it’s one of God’s great gifts.  

  • Rescue Club & Growth (#18)

    10/05/2012 Duración: 48min

    Telling the story of the rescue club to serve as a reminder of our primary purpose, because “rescue” = “seek & save.”  Like good rescuers working together, we teach, heal and reproduce … that’s rescue, recruiting, training and developing rescuers.  As we move forward, we’ll talk about growing up into stronger, wiser and more mature rescuers.  

  • Sending (#17)

    03/05/2012 Duración: 43min

    Visit chapter 9 & 10 … where Jesus (the sent) sends the 12 as 6 pair, who also send 6 pair.  These were their first “baby steps,” in which they start taking responsibility to do God’s will and “go” to make disciples by healing, teaching and reproducing.  

  • Luke 8 (#16)

    26/04/2012 Duración: 52min

    We cover chapter 8, briefly discussing each of the chunks, but focus mostly on the Parable of the Sower and the Seeds.

  • Luke 7 (#15)

    19/04/2012 Duración: 39min

    This lesson started out as a quick overview of chapters 7 & 8, but I ran out of time.    Remember the two layers: 1) Jesus & his audience – and 2) Luke and his audience.  We skimmed over the bits and put it into “chunks,” as Luke laid it out for his audience … mostly to show them how Jesus dealt with his own people (Jews) and other groups of people.  You should practice doing this as you study through any gospel … break it into chunks, stories, thought ideas, parables, etc.  Then see the message the writer was trying to convey to his audience.    Then – focus on Jesus and his audience.  As disciples, this is our primary interest.  We want to understand how Jesus handled different people differently, so we can handle them the same way.  How did Jesus treat religious folks, compared to “sinners,” and why?  How did he treat Jews differently than gentiles?  But mostly … we want to watch how Jesus trained the 12.  He started them off with the Sermon on the Plain in chapter 6 (last two lessons), and then

  • Sermon on Plain pt2 (#14)

    12/04/2012 Duración: 47min

    This is a review of the sermon on the plain from Luke 6.17-49 … but our focus in this lesson is on the disciple’s view of scripture.  The steps are these:   Review the “chunk” of text, and then break it down into mini-chunks, being sure to keep it in context, to know who Jesus is talking to, who he is talking in front of, and what he’s trying to accomplish.  Pay special attention not only to what Jesus is saying, but also how he’s saying it.     Then review the same text, and this time look at Luke’s layer.  Why did Luke choose this particular lesson, and why did he put it in this place in the gospel?  These are the sample kinds of questions you should learn to ask.     Now go over the text yet again … this time hopefully with others who also want to be disciples of Jesus … and challenge yourselves to see if you’re doing what Jesus teaches.  Learn to take these lessons personally and apply them to your life when your life matches his circumstances.   Now again, go over the same section of text.  This time s

  • Sermon on Plain intro (#13)

    05/04/2012 Duración: 28min

    We want to learn to understand the bible as disciples of Jesus, not scholars or preachers or Sunday school children.  To do that, we need to keep each section in context.  The goal of this short lesson is to give you an intro to this idea … to see the text as Luke portrays it: Jesus’ introduction to his new dedicated disciples, and a reminder that they’ll become unpopular, but need to love the bad guys, anyway.    Now you have lots of homework: study the section of Luke 6.17-49.  Break this lesson into the chunks we discussed last lesson.  then see each chunk as it fits in with the work of Jesus so far, and as it applies to those he’s teaching.  Finally, consider how this will apply to you as a disciple, and as a disciple maker.  That means you’re first a student, like Jesus’ 12, but also that you want to learn to teach others as Jesus taught.  When you make disciples, you’ll want to do exactly as Jesus is doing, right?  

  • Bringing it Together (#12)

    29/03/2012 Duración: 49min

    This is the lesson where the principles introduced so far should begin to merge together into the story of Luke.  Remember, Luke’s original audience were active gentile disciples of Jesus, and their version of church and Christianity was very different than ours, and much more like what Jesus intended.  So it was necessary to help you also understand the nature of discipleship … before we begin to see the text from which it’s taken.    Here I introduce you to the major characters in the gospel: Jesus, his close disciples, “the crowd,” or “the people,” and the religious conservatives, generally called Pharisees and teachers of the law.  It’s easy for us to see the religious people as bad guys, but it’s important to remember that they are the ones with the right doctrine and teachings.    My hope is that from this study of the text you’ll be able to picture yourself imitating Jesus in your own life, at your job, in your school, and with your family.  Can you find a “Simon” at work, and train up a “Peter” who

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