Toni Cots And Marina Garcés - The Struggle With Thought (bitka Miljenja)

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 2:20:52
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Toni Cots and Marina Garcés - THE STRUGGLE WITH THOUGHTPolitics is nowadays a semiotic battlefield in which we must conquer the words that have been removed from us. The actual form of censorship is not prohibition, but neutralization and disaffection. This is our crisis of words. In view of this expropriating logic reducing us to simple spectators of our own lives, we propose that the necessity to conquer the spaces of thought is a requirement for taking the world in our hands.Toni Cots is a choreographer, actor and general coordinator of L'ANIMAL A L'ESQUENA, a performing arts centre in Spain. For several years, he was a member of the Eugenio Barba theatre in Odin.Marina Garces, has a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona. She is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Zaragoza (UZ) and Director of the Fundación Espai en Blanc. Since 2001, she has been the coordinator of the Espai en Blanc research project (, which, through practice, examines the possibilities and the potentiality of collective thinking. She wrote a book entitled In the Prisons of the Possible (Barcelona, 2002).



    29/05/2010 Duración: 02h20min

    TONI COTS IN MARINA GARCÉS - BITKA MIŠLJENJA Politika je dandanes semiotično bojišče, na katerem moramo osvojiti besede, ki so nam bile odvzete. Dejanska oblika cenzure ni prepoved, pač pa nevtralizacija in odtujitev. To je naša kriza besed. V luči te razglastitvene logike, ki nas zvaja na gole gledalce svojih lastnih življenj, bomo poskušali premisliti pogoje o načinih spreminjaja in »prevzemanja« prostorov mišljenja, s katerim lahko ustvarimo pogoje za spreminjanje sveta. Toni Cots je koreograf, igralec in vodja centra scenskih umetnosti kot tudi ustanovitelj podiplomskega umetniškega študijskega programa L'Animal a l'esquena, v Gironi. Več let je bil član gledališča Eugenia Barba iz Odin. Marina Garcés je profesorica Sodobne filozofije. Poučuje na različnih španskih univerzah. Od leta 2001 je koordinatorka raziskovalnega projekta Espai en Blanc (, ki skozi prakso preiprašuje možnosti in potencialnost kolektivnega mišljenja. Je avtorica knjige »In the prisons of the possible (Barcelo