Natural Health Service - Self-empowerment Healthcast



Sharing useful tips and tricks to a healthier and truly happy relationship with ourselves, our friends and relatives AND our planet. Just how vibrantly healthy do you want to be?Find emotional healing and lasting happiness with small changes and practices every day.From illness to wellness and beyond, this show will help you from surviving to thriving!


  • Final Food Thoughts

    17/05/2019 Duración: 04min

    I thought my diet was fairly well structured and nourishing.  In this episode I observe how a few thing I ate might have contributed to my illness last week. In isolation these might not have been a problem, but add dehydration, lack of sleep, stress etc and it all makes sense! Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Water Tips for Taps

    16/05/2019 Duración: 04min

    A follow on from yesterday's episode about drinking water and how dehydration can suppress immunity. Today I share some tips to get you to the tap more frequently. Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • What's Without the Water?

    15/05/2019 Duración: 03min

    Most of know we need to drink more water.  Today I shared how a few days short of hydration probably weakened my immune system. Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Shut-eye Strategy for Super Sleeps

    14/05/2019 Duración: 05min

    Here I come clean about how burning the midnight oil was the catalyst for my immune system downfall. I also share a couple of not-so-well known tips on how you can get better sleep. If you would like to consider CBD oil, please contact me: I offer a 15 min consultation FREE! Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Influenza Wisdom

    13/05/2019 Duración: 05min

    So this week< I've been hammered by a virus which has knocked me for six.  Yes, I do push it and forget my pillars of health. But I'm choosing to see the wisdom in it all. Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Anapanasati - Breath Awareness Hacks - Black(board) Thoughts

    10/05/2019 Duración: 04min

    This is a rather different technique Chinmayi teaches to help us bring ourselves back from the trains of thoughts we seem to have when we meditate. This one is very useful if you are a visual person. Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Anapanasati - Breath Awareness Hacks - Nostril Noseyness!

    09/05/2019 Duración: 03min

    One of four techniques featured this week to train the mind to focus on the natural breath. Here we examine the breath in the nostrils to bring ourselves back from thought. Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Anapanasati - Breath Awareness Hacks - Inhale-Exhale 1-2-3

    08/05/2019 Duración: 03min

    In this episode Chinmayi shows us another simple technique to bring our mind back from the thoughts that block us from having one-pointed focus. The simple act of counting the breaths can really help to calm the mind. Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Anapanasati - Breath Awareness Hacks - Fire or Ice?

    07/05/2019 Duración: 04min

    Part of our mental health awareness month and practices to help strengthen and protect the mind from the effects of stress. Here is the first of little tools you can use to keep your mind on the natural breath and bring it back from the thoughts.  The tool is focusing on the temperature of the breath. Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Just Five Breaths Away

    03/05/2019 Duración: 04min

    In this episode Chinmayi teaches us how to practice getting into the relaxation response and how short, regular breaks throughout the day can really help us to feel energised and focused. A simple suggestion for practice is given at the end. Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Deconditioning Meditation

    02/05/2019 Duración: 04min

    The second part where Chinmayi follows on from yesterday talking about the two types of meditation from the knowledge of one of her teachers Dr. Kumar. Today she describes deconditioning meditation and why the breath is the best too we have. There's also a suggested practice. Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Conditioning Meditation

    01/05/2019 Duración: 04min

    Over the next two episodes, Chinmayi shares how her teacher Dr. Kumar describes two types of meditation.  She gives examples and suggestion for practising conditioning meditation yourself, today. Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Stress Awareness Month - Subconscious - Below the Surface of Your Mind pt 4 of 4

    30/04/2019 Duración: 05min

    The last part of the puzzle that is your mind.  Today I’m talking about the Subconscious aspect of your mind. The one that teaches us habits that we can grow or release as we wish. I'm also offering totally FREE a copy of a full chapter from my best-selling book - BodyMAGIC! Email me at and insert "FREE CHAPTER PLEASE".  If you do not wish to learn more about BodyMAGIC! and how it can support emotional or binge eating, please also write "Don't Subscribe" Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Stress Awareness Month - Speedy Survival of the Unconscious - pt 3 of 4

    29/04/2019 Duración: 04min

    Our survival depends on this part of our brain but it can often hold us back. There are some easy ways to learn about our unconscious thoughts.  One of which is meditation. If you want to ask me anything about meditation, please contact me here: Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Stress Awareness Month - Consciously Speaking - pt 2 of 4

    26/04/2019 Duración: 04min

    Today I discuss the Conscious Mind.  This is the easy bit! Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • Stress Awareness Month - It's All in Your Mind (yeah, REALLY)! - pt 1 of 4

    25/04/2019 Duración: 03min

    I'm excited to share some profound teachings that I've got from Yoga and Tantra and how they have been confirmed by a more recent explanation in The Chimp Paradox, that I'm listening to on my Audible right now. Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. Usually around 3-minutes, easy, no-frills, health tips broadcast every weekday.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on YouTube as a video

  • St. George of the Earth Day

    23/04/2019 Duración: 03min

    Chinmayi's informal yet informative short Healthcast, where she shares her (almost) daily insights into holistic health and wellness Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. No-frills, health tips broadcast most weekdays.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on podcast channels as ​audio for your convenience! Appointment scheduling

  • Stress Awareness Month - What's Yours Called?

    19/04/2019 Duración: 05min

    A third extended episode in support of Stress Awareness Month. Awareness is everything! Mindfulness is one of the best techniques you can use for stress simply because it helps us to be aware of the triggers and the emotions that are causing the stress. This is Chinmayi's informal yet informative short Healthcast, where she shares her (almost) daily insights into holistic health and wellness Part of the Natural Health Service Self-empowerment Healthcast by Chinmayi Dore. No-frills, health tips broadcast most weekdays.  Please like, subscribe and share with those you love. Also available on podcast channels as ​audio for your convenience! - Appointment scheduling -

  • Stress Awareness Month - The Effect of and on our Emotions

    17/04/2019 Duración: 05min

    A second extended episode in support of Stress Awareness Month. Today she is describing the effect of stress on our emotions and how the physical and emotional effects of stress interplay with each other. Chinmayi's informal yet informative short Healthcast, where she shares her (almost) daily insights into holistic health and wellness

  • Stress Awareness Month - What is Happening Inside?

    15/04/2019 Duración: 06min

    Stress Awareness Month - for the rest of this month Chinmayi is giving you information, tips and tricks to manage stress. This is an extended episode to give you an insight into how stress affects us on a physical level and why we get sick. 

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