Nite Ev Sermons



Sermons from Nite EV Church focusing on the life changing message of Jesus from the Bible.


  • There is a God and he cares for you.


    The Bible claims there is a God and he really cares for you. Andrew Heard shares the incredible news that God has pursued us and welcomes all those who return to him - He is the good Father.

  • EV Night service


    The heavens sing a new song because salvation has come to us in Jesus. Andrew Heard delves into Revelation to help us understand the implications of Jesus death for us.

  • Christmas Eve 9pm Service | Zechariah's Song


    What is the purpose of your life? Dave Jensen helps us understand this by looking at the purpose of the life of Jesus... That he came to rescue us. "Praise be to the Lord, the god of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them" Luke 1:68

  • Resurrection


    Jono McKeown reminds us that we are headed for a new creation with new resurrection bodies to be with the Lord.

  • Sanctification


    To be sanctified is the great purpose of our salvation, that we might continue to be changed to be more like Jesus. Andrew Heard challenges us to contend for God and his work to be central to our lives.

  • Adoption


    The greatest privilege of the Christian faith - adoption: A new identity, a new relationship, a new way of living, a new future.

  • Justification


    How can a righteous God declare us, unrighteous sinners, righteous? What does that even mean? As we dig into the glorious truth of justification by faith, we see that it is what the Bible really says, how it can be, and what it means for you and me.

  • Vindication


    To see the slides click -> How does the resurrection contribute to our salvation? It is much more than just proof that vindicates Jesus' claims. It is how Jesus takes his seat on the throne, as the promised Messiah, and so it qualifies him to send the Spirit. Andrew Hayes takes us through these truths and shows how they grow our confidence.

  • Atonement


    How can we gain access to a holy God? Andrew Heard shares how only Jesus' death can atone for our sin and bring us back to him.

  • Everything in Christ


    What is the purpose of life? Why do we even exist? Andrew Heard speaks on the profound blessing we have in Jesus, that God has loved us so much to have revealed the mystery of life to us.

  • How God saves today


    Jono McKeown speaks on the hope of the gospel going out - The word and the Spirit of God.

  • The Gift of Salvation


    What does it mean to be saved by grace? What are we saved to, and what does grace even mean? Andrew Hayes compares two views of grace that sound similar, but lead to different saviours. Only one saviour can really save - as we see from Ephesians 2:1-10.

  • If Jesus came to our church


    What would Jesus think of our church? What does he look for in a church? Revelation 2-3 give us letters from Jesus to seven of his churches, with powerful challenges and deep encouragement. To those who hold fast to his word, no matter the cost, he promises vindication, security, honor, and the reward of his presence forever.

  • What happens when humanity unites?


    The Genesis account of the Tower of Babel shows us the significance of our spiritual connection with God. Dave Jensen highlights from this passage the negative consequences of pride and how this destroys our relationship with God.

  • The saving of many lives


    Through to the end of Genesis we are reminded that God is in control of all things, for our good, the "saving of many lives". Andrew Heard helps us understand the all-powerful sovereign God is not a puppet master but purposeful.

  • In the Pit


    What will it mean to have the Lord with you? Jez Reynolds explores how Joseph's temptation and time in the pit shapes our expectations for life with the Lord.

  • Messy Families


    Misshaped loves: sex, love, children. Jono McKeown shares from Genesis about God and the only Love that can truly satisfy.

  • Jacob I Loved


    A father's influence can shape a family. Andrew Heard shares with us from Genesis how God reveals what he is like as our good Heavenly Father and his determination to bring blessing on whom he chooses.

  • Faith in the promise


    God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his son on whom all the promises of God rest. Andrew Heard helps us understand this confronting account which points us to what relationship with God is actually about.

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