Restoring Grace David Fournier



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  • Zohar in 15-True Study-Destination Unknown

    13/12/2019 Duración: 20min

    There is a big difference between Influencers and Teachers... Influencers today are a huge part of information, and with the social media age upon us, there is a free forum for ideas, thoughts an trainings.  The problem is that Inlfuencers sell their influence (and their wares) and then leave the person to muddle through it... Teachers, trained and tested in their repsective faith traditons-teach the student and walk the student through the process... there is learning and there is pointing... this lesson will talk abiut the difference, using a  2500 year old wisdom writing known as the Zohar..

  • Zohar in 15-Feeding the Hungry Dog...

    30/11/2019 Duración: 19min

    We often talk of peacein the world, peace and the end of war.  It will never be an easy solution, but sometimes if we break things donw and attempt the solve the pieces we can, solutions can begin to work.  Is blessing our enemies a thing? Did the Torah mean it? Did the Law and Prophets mean it?  Did Jesus mean it?  Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he explores f blessing the enemy... 

  • Zohar in 15-Overcoming Judgment with Kindness

    21/11/2019 Duración: 19min

    Hashe, in His excellent wisdom, sends us opportunities to be kind, extend help, love and assistance every day. How we react to these opportunities can be part of how judgment befalls us.  Think of it like a scale that balances with the good and bad reactions in our life.  Our story starts with Abraham, who at a physically painful moment of his life, chooses kindness over selfishness. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on this Zohar passage

  • Zohar in 15- As it is Below-It is Above

    19/06/2019 Duración: 25min

    Most people passively go through life-asking the wrong questions-seemingly unaware of the beauty and possbilities around them everyday.  They experience an unfocused sense of emptiness.  There is a teaching in Kabbalah that explains our actions as "connected" to the Upper Worlds, in a sense, creating opportunities and memories here during our lifetimes. We think we are doing so much here, when in fact, we are missing so much. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on the connection between our world (and life) and the Upper Worlds

  • Zohar in 15-Out of the Darkness

    10/06/2019 Duración: 29min

    Darkness in the soul, in love and in people is everywhere.  The purpose of Tikkun (correction) of our souls is to push out the darkness and begin to be agents of sharing the Light.  Jesus Himself made the claim that His followers were the "Light of the World" and he stated that "men prefer darkness rather than Light" because of their actions.  Join Senior Intructor David Fournier as he teaches on coming out of darkness...

  • Zohar in 15-Trusting the Process

    16/05/2019 Duración: 21min

    Everyone desires Spiritual Growth, they call for deep spiritual lessons-but it takes the investment of time and work to grow into our perfected self.  There are two primary drivers-they are both based in desire-that move us forward-and learning how to follow them and understand what God means by Holiness-is our lesson for this episode. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier from Restoring Grace for this vital lesso

  • Zohar in 15-The Work of Correcting Your Soul

    30/04/2019 Duración: 16min

    Moat people believe that they are here to assist others into converting to their religion. Kabbalah (Through the Zohar, Rabbis and Sages) teaches that we are here to perfect our souls, the gem that Hashem shared with us without cost.  Our Tikkun (correction) and the path to achieve it will be the lesson for this episode.  Your soul is a unique DNA strand that only you possess, and through hard work and effort, you can assist your soul in correction and assisting others along their way. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he talks on Correcting the Soul!!

  • Zohar in 15-Finding and Developing Your Self Worth

    25/04/2019 Duración: 19min

    Many books have been written, seminars attended, documentaries and TV shows about self-worth. Oddly, it has been addressed throughout the ages by Kabbalistic Masters and the Torah for thousands of years.  There is no "feeling good about doing bad"... it does not work.  There is a unique code implanted into each of our souls-our "songsheet" so to speak.  The Creator placed that code there-so that we each sing our part of the Great Divine Musical, bringing on the value and correction of the World. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on self worth

  • Zohar in 15-The Missing Link

    18/04/2019 Duración: 18min

    We spend Sunday after Sunday pumping the crowds for getting "power" and "manifestation" from God, the whole missing the point. All the energy we will ever need is already stored in Heaven. Kabbalists call this "Concealed Light"... But accessing it is not about special words or a special dance. It is about connecting with God on His mission of Tikkun Olam, Repairng the World.  When we ask for ourselves, and don't see immediate results, we blame our lack of faith. But the possibility is we have not created a sacred space for the Light to enter. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier from Restoring Grace as he teaches on "The Missing Link"

  • Zohar in 15-The Power of Your Words-

    11/04/2019 Duración: 17min

    With all the talk about calling things into existence, there is a degree of truth to it.  Our words "create" the environment we live in and "impact" the environment of others.  Getting rid of our Evil Speech and keeping our mind and words clean is one of the best ways to connect to the Light of the Creator and work towards the "perfected spul" we are all here to bring about-to perfom our Tikkun (correction) and become close with God!!

  • Zohar in 15-As It Above-It Is Below!!

    31/03/2019 Duración: 16min

    There is a lot of talk in faith practice circles about "calling down power" and "creating your miracle/breakthrough", but is it real? Do our actions here on earth stir activity in the heavens? It is taught, pumped up and preached from our pulpits, but is it practiced and understood as God has instructed? Join Senior Instructor David Fournier from Restoring Grace to learn more about this subject

  • Overcoming the Challenges of Life-Interview with Rocky

    18/06/2018 Duración: 52min

    Life is about facing challenges and pushing through.. About making the tough decisions, and sticking to them. My guest tonight Rocky (AKA The Great One) is not stranger to hard times, addiction and overcoming. Join me in this challenging and yet encouraging interview about a man facing life and taking the corrective actions to steer himself to the winning ways. Many people, people we care about, need to know they can push through, they can make it, with the help of family and friends. 

  • Zohar in 15-Revival, Redemption, Resurrection and Return

    24/05/2018 Duración: 21min

    Many people talk, preach and sing about revival in their churches and religious gatherings, but few understand the steps it takes towards a revival.  It takes returning from a Wilderness Experience to truly sense revival, not just moving from one religious event to another. God uses periods of exile to help get our attention and bring us back into the fold. Join David as he talks about the Rabbis and Sages thoughts on this subject

  • Early Christianities-Three Historical Viewpoints

    26/04/2018 Duración: 24min

    In this lesson, I will discuss the Three Historical Viewpoints (the different lenses we all use when considering the authenticity of history and historical records) and how they can influence or bias our approach to historical records.  I will also address the need for an "interactive" approach to out studies and viewpoints. I will include a brief discussion on "The Story Tellers Art" as a possible explanation of why the Scriptures at time seem out of order or give differring narrative of the same events. This is our second lesson in the series, taught by Senior Instructor David Fournier of Restoring Grace  

  • Zohar in 15-Killing Our Doubts

    19/04/2018 Duración: 15min

    So many times we launch out to invest in meaningful ways-to improve our lives and the lives of the people we care about-only to be defeated and dragged down by doubt and uncertainty. It can feel like we are stuck, and can't find a way through. Senior Instructor David Fournier will talk about three things we can operate through to help overcome our doubts and also about one well-know Biblical character that let his doubts come back to haunt him

  • Zohar in 15-Commentaries of the Rabbis

    24/11/2017 Duración: 28min

    This episode will deal with the added commentary of the Rabbis on certain portions of The Zohar Volume Five. Getting a look at how the Rabbis looked at and made the Zohar come alive in their own lives and times gives insight into daily applications of this often misunderstood book. The Rabbis help us see the Zohar in live time-and bring it to our understanding so we can be better equipped for our work in Restoring the World

  • Understanding Our Circumstances-Zohar in 15

    12/09/2017 Duración: 17min

    Often our circumstances can be difficult.  Going through the human existence is a trying pathway. For many of us, we try so hard to find the reason behind the suffering, put on a happy face and proclaim it is "all for the good", while the whole time feeling lost, sad, depressed and in pain.  Many of life's hurts and pain simply cant be explained away by saying "all for the good".  The Old Testament tells us of a man named Jacob, who in his own right, suffered greatly in his own life.  Jacob can teach us a lesson on how we should move forward through our circumstances. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on Understanding Our Circumstances

  • Zohar in 15-Surviving the Wilderness Experience, Learning from Israel's Example

    29/08/2017 Duración: 27min

    When Israel was facing the challenges of the Wilderness Experience, things looked very bleak. There were some that were ready to face the challenges, others grumbled about a possible return to Egypt. Moses was deaeling with all this at the same time pleading with God not to destroy them for their disbelief. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier for a valuable look into this Biblical narrative and see what depths of understanding we can pull from Israel's lessons.


    18/06/2017 Duración: 16min

    Negaticity spreads like a wind-driven wildfire through our souls.  We catch it from negative people that have a consciouness of negative thought and feelings.  Many times, these people are right in our camp, spreading their message of unhappiness and dismay with their own life and experiences. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier of Restoring Grace as he discusses the "Mixed Multitude" that joined with Israel during the Exodus and how they later had major impact in Israel's journey through the wilderness and on to the Promised Land.

  • Zohar in 15-Three Ways we Hurt Ourselves

    23/05/2017 Duración: 24min

    Life can be a challenge, with constant turns, ups and downs, twists and turns. Some of the challenges in life happen to us, and we must learn how to deal with them. Other times, we create situations in our life that could be avoided.  This episode will lay out three simple and obvious points that we can help improve our lives, reduce stress and reveal the most Light on our spiritual journey. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on Three Ways We Hurt Ourselves!!

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