Cellar Door Skeptics



Cellar Door Skeptics is a podcast based out of Grand Rapids Michigan featuring hosts Christopher Tanner & Chris Hanna. Prepare for the revolution!


  • #50: One Year Anniversary/ Presidential Debate

    28/09/2016 Duración: 8084h00s

    #50: One Year Anniversary/ Presidential Debate In our anniversary episode we talk about the best and worst of our first year of broadcasting. After we finished rambling for the first segment, we are joined by PaleoRadio for the Presidential Debate Recap. We covered everything from pre-debate analysis, to motives, and close with talking about what the Trump and the Clinton really said. This episode is jam packed and oozing with entertainment, laughter, and pontificating that should never be missed. Episode: https://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/50-one-year-anniversary-presidental-deba Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Website: http://cellardoorskeptics.com Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ce

  • #49: Republican Tax Hike Rampage

    20/09/2016 Duración: 6435h00s

    #49: Republican Tax Hike Rampage The fury unleashes this week as Tanner gets rather passionate about tonight's topics. The duo start out talking about the Dakota Pipeline Controversy. They move on to a lecture from an Ex-Mormon about how crazy Mormonism can be. If that was not enough to wet your whistle, Tanner gets up on his pedestal and debunks Republican Representative Tom Hooker and his proposed Bull S**t Beer Tax. The show ends with reflection on Aleppo and Gary Johnson's misinformation. 00:00 Dakota Pipeline Controversy 40:12 Mormonism with a Former Mormon 56:58 MI Republican Proposes Raising Beer Tax 81:05 Aleppo and Gary Johnson Episode: https://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/michiganbeertax Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Website: http://ce

  • #48: Patent Trolls Live Long and Prosper

    14/09/2016 Duración: 6682h00s

    #48: Patent Trolls Live Long and Prosper After last weeks long discussion about gun control and secular addiction recovery services, we bring you a more variety show that covers a range of topics that have been burning our bottoms. We begin with a tribute to Star Trek 50 years along with a special rant from Christopher about Indoctrination. The show continues with a discussion on Medical Patent Trolls and Hillary's 100K dinner fundraisers. The duo tops the show off with their science segment about Luca the ancestor of all known things. 00:00 Ranting and Star Trek 50 34:17 Medical Patent Trolls 63:02 100K Hillary Fundraising 85:02 Meet Luca, the proposed ancestor of all living things. Episode: https://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/startrek50 Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?

  • #47: In the Heat of Battle

    06/09/2016 Duración: 9658h00s

    #47: In the Heat of Battle The United States and the World have many different opinions and laws about drugs and gun control. In this episode we snag a meeting organizer out of Detroit who runs a SMART Recovery Rehab program that uses skepticism, science and a non religious program to help those in recovery from drugs and alcohol. Later on we are joined by NRA certified CCW Instructor Stu as we look at both sides of the gun control debate. We bring statistics, philosophy and laws into play as we hash out some of the gun control arguments. All the links are in the description for this informational look at both perspectives from passionate individuals. 00:00 Smart Recovery Secular Self Management for Addiction Recovery 34:58 Beginning of Gun Control and Stu's Credentials 61:10 Statistics and the Things Hanna Found 104:10 Rational Global Discussion 136:05 Moral Obligation and Mutual Laws Episode: https://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/smartrecovery Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cel

  • #46: Have Wifi? Prepare the Tin Foil

    30/08/2016 Duración: 6172h00s

    #46: Have Wifi? Prepare the Tin Foil Will you stand for a moment? Well we won't! This episode we bring our friend Ishmael Brown from Angry Black Rant Podcast on to discuss his thoughts on Colin Kaepernick. And yes Tanner butchers the name several times. They continue their discourse looking at #WifiGate and if Jill Stein has a scientific case against Wifi usage. Even further down the path they discover that the FDA owns a patent for Marijuana but has denied rescheduling it. They conclude their journey by analyzing #BurkinisGate. Segments ------ 00:00 Ishmael's Colin Rant 29:05 Jill Stein's HiFi Wifi SciFi Conundrum 57:02 Marijuana: The FDA rules again 82:20 Burkini Bans and the Real Reasons Episode: https://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/kaepernick Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044

  • #45: Debunking Turek and Trump's Wager

    24/08/2016 Duración: 6168h00s

    #45: Debunking Turek and Trump's Wager For most of this episode we are once again joined by our good friend Joseph Casper, we roped him in to give us his learned perspective on debunking Frank Turek's YouTube Video titled "Is God Good". We also talked with Joseph about the interview that never was; Gloria Haas and her book were scheduled but when the truth was out about our skepticism and apostasy that was all she wrote. We end the show again on Trump and his Pascal like wager for the downtrodden people for Detroit. Segments ------ 00:00 Debunking Frank Turek's "Is God Good" Video 37:10 Book Review/Discussion "Navigating Life with MPD" 75:30 Detroit and Trumps "What the hell do you have to lose?" Episode: https://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/debunkingturek Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/

  • #44: Satanism and Volkswagen

    17/08/2016 Duración: 2649h00s

    #44: Satanism and Volkswagen This week is a shorter version of your beloved Cellar Door Skeptics with Christopher off on vacation/assignment. We did decide that you all were more important than Tanner's sleep and recorded an episode to fill this gap. But alas, have no fear, do not worry we talked about Satanism and the new Satanic Clubs that could be debuting in a school near you. We end the episode by talking about Volkswagen's EPA violation, the billions they owe, and where we feel they should spend it to help prevent such an environmental catastrophe from happening again. Segments ------ 00:00 Satanist Clubs and Satanic Definitions 25:00 Volkswagen and Their EPA Violation Episode: https://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/satanism Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?mt=2&i

  • #43: Michigan Congressional Candidate Dennis Murphy, Cain, and the TPP

    10/08/2016 Duración: 5453h00s

    #43 :Michigan Congressional Candidate Dennis Murphy, Cain, and the TPP. This episode was a first for us here at Cellar Door Skeptics, an interview with a congressional candidate! Dennis B. Murphy is the Democratic candidate running for Michigan's Second District and just repeatedly impressed Chris and Christopher with his historical, scientific, and progressive intellect, making him our kind of candidate. We also ad another segment of Crazy Shit Chris Used to Believe with the story of Cain's Marriage. Ending the show was a comparative analysis of the new interpretations and apologetics for the TPP trade deal. Segments ------ 00:00 Democratic Nominee Dennis Murphy 46:30 Crazy Shit Chris Used to Believe: Cain's Wife 1:11:15 TPP? Is it good or bad? Episode: Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?m

  • #42: Princess Sparkle Farts and Voting Privilege

    02/08/2016 Duración: 6391h00s

    #42: Princess Sparkle Farts and Voting Privilege Each week we strive to bring content that will entertain and educate. On this episode we provide both in just the first segment. Join us as we interview Promoting Secular Feminism Podcast as they tell us what their secret to podcasting, life, and feminism is. We then follow up talking about about the DNC and Bernie's endorsement of Clinton. With the hours dwindling we close discussing Voting Privilege, 3rd Parties, and our take on who everyone should vote for in November. Segments ------ 00:00 Promoting Secular Feminism 46:00 DNC Convention and The Glass Ceiling 70:00 The Privilege of the 3rd Party Vote Episode: https://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/privilege Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Website: h

  • #41: Turkey, Trump, and Suicidal Cancer

    26/07/2016 Duración: 7087h00s

    #41: Turkey, Trump, and Suicidal Cancer If you thought we did not have it in us to do more politics, we tackle a couple of subjects that even your local radio station may shy away from. This episode we discuss the Turkey Coup, it's relationship to Trump, Bacteria that could be fatal to Cancer, and the Coronation of King Trump at the RNC Convention. This episode we pull out all the stops and go on a political terror. Segments ------ 00:00 Turkey Coup Part 1 22:00 Turkey Coup Part 2 44:53 Science Segment - Bacteria Eating Cancer 68:20 King Trump and His Coronation Part 1 90:10 King Trump and His Coronation Part 2 Episode: https://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/turkeycoup Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Website: http://cellardoorskeptics.com Stitcher: http:

  • #40: Farewell Tiny Dancer and Band-Aids for America

    19/07/2016 Duración: 5452h00s

    #40: Farewell Tiny Dancer and Band-Aids for America Cellar Door Skeptics Dedicates this episode to #TeamTinyDancer Samantha Bannister whose battle with cancer has ended. She fought bravely, smiled often, and inspired others at a mere 12 years old. This episode of Cellar Door Skeptics discusses short term solutions verses long term solutions in politics, the new discovery of Water Clouds on other planets, and if Immigrants are stealing tax money through food stamps and health care. If you have the means please help the Bannisters out in their time of need by donating here: http://GoFundMe.com/TeamTinyDancer Segments ------ 00:00 Dedication to Samantha & Band-aid Politics 31:00 Science Segment Water Clouds on Other Planets 48:40 Immigration Food Stamps and Health Care Episode: https://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/teamtinydancer Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/e

  • #39: Sun-fire Bio genesis and Life After Brexit

    13/07/2016 Duración: 5421h00s

    #39: Sun-fire Bio genesis and Life After Brexit As Solar Weather doused earth in it's attacks 4 billion years ago, Chris Squared discuss a new article about how the origins of life may have formed. They quickly move toward a discussion about 30 biblical contradictions where Christopher helps Chris figure out the Hermeneutics of a few of these passages. The fun quickly turns serious though as they talk about the politics behind the Georgia's KKK group trying to adopt a highway. And if that is not enough, they finish strong discussing their support of #BlackLivesMatter and how it ties together with the Chilcot Report and Brexit. This episode is dedicated to Samantha Bannister and #TeamTinyDancer. Support them on their gofund me as Samantha fights for her life. http://GoFundMe.com/TeamTinyDancer Segments ------ 00:00 Solar Storms May have Created Life on Earth 21:03 30 Biblical Contradictions 47:20 KKK Try and Adopt a Highway 67:00 Chilcot Report/BlackLivesMatter/Brexit Episode: https://www.spreaker.

  • #38: Dating Jesus for Profit and a Hip Hop Heretic

    06/07/2016 Duración: 4973h00s

    #38: Christian Mingle/Ensomniak Interview Are you sure that Jesus wants you to date the same people that super-profitable dating site wants you to date? This week Chris and Christopher talk about the ChristianMingle.com LGBT equality issue from a different angle than anyone else, who owns ChristianMingle and are they in it for God or the cash. Also we go to 11 for music this week with special guest Ensomniak to discuss his secular rap album and outright godless verses. And, we close with a light hearted discussion about whether your fit bit is lying to you. Segments ------ 00:00 Is Christian Mingle Wrong for limiting Gays? 29:00 Ensomniak Interview 59:00 Fitbit and their accuracy Episode: https://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/christian-mingle Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?m

  • #37: Young Activism, the Historicity of Jesus, Drugs, and the 4th Amendment

    29/06/2016 Duración: 5963h00s

    #37: Young Activism, the Historicity of Jesus, Drugs, and the 4th Amendment For this episode we roll back time to high school, or is it the future, when we interview Chris's cousin about teen LGBT activism and communities. We also talk to Matt Kovacs about his upcoming documentary series "Who Do They Say I Am" which promises to be "The most comprehensive documentary on the historical Jesus." Rounding our usual current events discussions we slam Michigan's welfare drug testing program failures and the SCOTUS's recent assault on the 4th amendment. Segments ------ 00:00 Welfare Drug Testing In Michigan 24:00 Youth LGBTQ Activism 47:00 Who Do They Say I Am Podcast 73:00 Scotus and the 4th Amendment Episode: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/youth-activism Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id104

  • #36: Gun Control Again / Advice from a Friend

    22/06/2016 Duración: 6240h00s

    #36: Gun Control Again / Advice from a Friend Here we stand again, looking into the abyss that is the internet trying to make sense of the tragic shooting in #Orlando. With a desire to help discuss common sense solutions, we invite our friend Tim to join us to talk about Gun Control along with the statistics in other nations. Before we dive into gun control, Tim helps "Chris Squared" discuss Crazy Shit Chris used to believe about the Rapture. They also discuss teaching fiscal responsibility to our children. Segments ------ 00:00 Crazy Shit Chris Used to Believe: Rapture 27:00 Teaching Fiscal Responsibility to Children 54:00 Gun Control Statistics 81:00 Suicide and Gun Control Continued Episode: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/gun-control-again Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id10440

  • #35: Calm Before the Storm

    15/06/2016 Duración: 5358h00s

    #35: Calm Before the Storm In a battle between Chris and Christopher, they tackle what will happen with Bernie now, Hillary's presumptive nomination, and how we can still revolutionize even under another presidential candidate. They also focus heavy on the science of In Ear Translators which could help bring together individuals with different languages. They close the show out with an article from the Economist talking about black holes and if they are bald or hairy? Segment ------ 00:00 Trump VS Clinton 44:00 In Ear Language Translator 68:00 Are Black Holes Bald or Hairy? Episode: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/trumpvsclinton Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Website: http://cellardoorskeptics.com Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/cellar-

  • #34: Dr Abbie / HIV Vaccination / #GorillaGate

    08/06/2016 Duración: 5729h00s

    #34: Dr Abbie / HIV Vaccination / #GorillaGate Our special guest tonight joins us to talk about HIV Vaccination and the research she has been doing on the disease. Dr Abbie Smith has a PHD and does doctoral research for Emery University. As the show progresses we talk about Hallucinations and the Dead, A new theory that could be more in-depth than Darwinism, and we close with Gorilla Gate. Segment ------ 00:00 Dr. Abbie and HIV Vaccination 35:08 Hallucinations and the Dead 52:40 One Up Darwin 69:50 Gorilla Gate Episode: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/hiv-vaccination Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Website: http://cellardoorskeptics.com Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cellardoorskeptic

  • #33: The Order of Elijah - Christian Metal Apostate

    30/05/2016 Duración: 4469h00s

    #33: The Order of Elijah - Christian Metal Apostate In this special edition of Cellar Door Skeptics, we interview Shannon Low the lead singer of The Order of Elijah. We talk about his conversion to Christianity, lapse of faith, and descent into atheism. This episode touches home as we see more and more individuals leaving the faith. Check out this interview that will tickle your sense and give you a sense of what their band is about. Segment ------ 00:00 The Whole Episode is an Interview Exclusive! Episode: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/the-order-of-elijah Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Website: http://cellardoorskeptics.com Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cellardoorskeptics Intro

  • #32: Cellar Door Skeptics and The Tangerine Dress

    24/05/2016 Duración: 5304h00s

    #32: Cellar Door Skeptics and The Tangerine Dress Have you heard the news report about the upset Forest Hill's parent looking to ban a children's book? Well this episode is for you as we bring the author on for an interview about her book entitled "Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress" which addresses bullying of those not like others. We also talk about raising the dead with Stem Cells and Chris's fathers opinions on immigration reform. Segment ------ 00:00 Interview with Christine Baldacchino author of "Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress"/ anti-bullying 35:30 Stem Cells Raising the Dead? 55:15 Stop Building that Wall! Episode: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/tangerine-dress Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Website: http://cellardoors

  • #31: Is Satan a Hero or Does Pastor Jay Know the Truth

    18/05/2016 Duración: 5980h00s

    #31: Is Satan a Hero or Does Pastor Jay Know the Truth On this episode, a special guest joins me to discuss if Satan is the hero and God is the villain. Jason Comeau aka Pastor Jay from Konw the Trut comes on for a full interview about his activism, parody show, and his music. We talk about atheism, fame and why he see's Satan as the Hero. Segment ------ 00:00 Introduction to Pastor Jay 31:50 Looking at Activism 70:00 Is Satan a Hero? Episode: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/31-is-satan-a-hero-or-does-pastor-jay-kn Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Website: http://cellardoorskeptics.com Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cellardoorskeptics Intro Music: http://aloststateofmind.com/ Sponsore

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