Living Springs Fellowship - Prosper, Tx



Living Springs


  • Now, Not Yet - Descending to Ascend - Audio

    29/11/2015 Duración: 2324h00s

    In Matthew 16 Jesus said he wouldn't give any other sign but the "Sign of Jonah." But what is the "Sign of Jonah?" Learn from Jesus what authentic faith looks like as he teaches us to descend in order to ascend.

  • Thanksgiving Testimony - Audio

    22/11/2015 Duración: 5084h00s

    We are all trophies of God's Grace, but some roads are harder than others. Listen to our featured testimony with Coy Baker at the 52:10 mark of the MP3. You will be blessed to hear how God has transformed Coy and how He continues to walk in His Grace.

  • Now, Not Yet - Audio

    15/11/2015 Duración: 1892h00s

    Jesus' greatest criticism of the Pharisees was not so much what they believed, but the chasm between what they believed and what they did or didn't do. Pastor Mike shares dynamic insights to Jesus' religious critique that is also our greatest challenge...

  • Now, Not Yet - Audio

    08/11/2015 Duración: 2333h00s

    We have all heard of Murphy's Law, if something is going to go wrong it will... But, how do we respond when God's "Law of Interruption" intervenes in our life? Do we just lay down? Do we pick up our boot-straps? Listen to Pastor Dave share from Matthew 14 how we should respond to the interruptions of surprise blessings, surprise struggles, and Ol' Mr. Murphy when he comes to visit our broken world.

  • Now, Not Yet - Audio

    25/10/2015 Duración: 1768h00s

    The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of Religion. When religion goes bad, it is really bad. But when religion makes grace its highest quotient, the our faith changes the world around us.

  • Now, Not Yet - Audio

    18/10/2015 Duración: 1760h00s

    Many times our plans and God's plans are not on the same page. So, how do we respond to God and our faith walk when our plans fall apart?

  • Fathers Day Message - Thanks Dad! - Audio

    21/06/2015 Duración: 2513h00s

    Thank you Dad! Fatherhood is not for the faint of heart. Most fathers feel that they are barely passing the grade of fatherhood, but God's grace is right there with us. Listen to Pastor Dave as he shares his own struggles, but also his gratitude to his heavenly Father and his earthly father...

  • Counter Culture - Living Faith in a Backward World - Audio

    14/06/2015 Duración: 1578h00s

    As Jesus concludes his teaching from the "Sermon on the Mount" he admonishes us to beware or discern the potentials of false teaching and behavior, including our own. It is Jesus' radical call for our own internal inspection of our heart. Listen to Pastor Mike as he teaches us all to inspect our heart...

  • Counter Culture - Living Faith in a Backward World - Audio

    07/06/2015 Duración: 1797h00s

    Before we cannot really connect with God in prayer, He asks something from us. Like any parent, our Father wants us to cleanse our relationships on a human level before we come to Him for cleansing. See how Pastor Dave expounds this passage to help us grow in our prayer life...

  • Counter Culture - Living Faith in a Backward World Pt.7 - Audio

    31/05/2015 Duración: 2153h00s

    Have you ever been told, "You should not judge" or "Christians are not supposed to judge, the Bible even says so." In all probability, you have heard this many times. But, it doesn't seem to make logical sense. It is too emphatic. What if Jesus is saying, "Be careful to judge, because HOW you judge will be the measure you are judged against?" Listen and learn 3 practical ingredients in how to judge from a Biblical perspective.

  • Counter Culture - Living Faith in a Backward World - Audio

    24/05/2015 Duración: 1785h00s

    Stress and worry seem to be badges of honor in our culture, but the reality is it is killing us. Anxiety is truly a symptom of other issues at work. And in the context of faith, Jesus provides us an andecdote to the insanity. Listen to Pastor Mike teach a practical but convicting message on Matthew 6:24-34...

  • Counter Culture - Living Faith in a Backward World - Audio

    17/05/2015 Duración: 2528h00s

    Jesus asked, "Do you have a good eye?" What kind of question is that? What was Jesus trying to teach? Matthew 6 starts off with one of the most important topics in the New Testament. Listen and learn from this message about what having a "good eye" really means...

  • Mother's Influence - Mother's Day 2015 - Audio

    10/05/2015 Duración: 1544h00s

    Our mother's influence is beyond our words. King Lemuel in Proverbs 31 shares some insights from his mother's influence. Pastor Dave also shares some of his mother's influence in his own life... Happy Mother's Day!

  • Counter Culture - Living Faith in a Backward World - Audio

    03/05/2015 Duración: 2417h00s

    Jesus turns our theology upside down again. Have a you ever cringed when you read, "Love you neighbor... turn the other cheek, give your enemy your own shirt... etc...???" For many these phrases seem like we are to be a doormat in our Christianity, and let people cross our boundaries without any consequences. So, what is Jesus really saying? Listen with surprise and clarity regarding the real meaning behind this text...

  • Counter Culture - Living Faith in a Backward World - Audio

    26/04/2015 Duración: 1831h00s

    Jesus goes deeper than the fruit of adultery, by helping us see that the seed of adultery is just as poinsonious as the fruit. Listen to Pastor Mike deliver a challenging but practical message for living "Counter Culture."

  • Counter Culture - Living Faith in a Backward World - Audio

    19/04/2015 Duración: 1770h00s

    Jesus moves beyond the obvious outward interpretation of "You shall not murder," and digs deeper toward the inward meaning of "Anger." In this message Pastor Dave helps us understand why unresolved "anger" leads us towards "victimhood." Listen and learn how Jesus wants us to remove walls of anger and victimhood, so that we can truly live.

  • Counter Culture - Living Faith in a Backward World - Audio

    12/04/2015 Duración: 2474h00s

    Our Christianity is being scrutinized and vilified at every turn in our media and culture. No longer can our faith stay within the four walls. Jesus calls all of us to live out a radical faith in a backward world. Jesus warns it will cost us something. Listen and learn in this series from the teaching of Jesus from Matthew 5-7

  • Life On Another Level - Matthew 5:10-12 - Audio

    01/03/2015 Duración: 2192h00s

    It is hard to believe that Jesus said you would be blessed if you were persecuted, insulted, and demeaned because of your walk with God. It sounds so counter-intuitive... but listen to what Jesus is really saying in this end cap on the Beatitudes.

  • Life On Another Level - Matthew 5:9 - Audio

    22/02/2015 Duración: 1476h00s

    What does it mean to be a peacemaker? Is peace just a feeling of emotion or is it something more tangible or concrete? Listen, as Pastor Dave provides biblical instruction on what real peace is all about...

  • Life On Another Level - Matthew 5:8 - Audio

    15/02/2015 Duración: 1967h00s

    What does Jesus mean when he says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God?" Learn from Pastor Mike Duncan as he paints a challenging picture of what purity in God is about.

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