Opinions May Vary



Join Jayare, Alex, and special guests every week for discussions on the latest news in comics, movies, television and videogames!


  • Episode 323 with Matt Ryan of Free Lunch Studios: Embracing the Grind.

    26/05/2018 Duración: 01h02min

    Our guest this week is Matt Ryan of Free Lunch Studios and as you'll soon find out this man is the definition of the awful expression "rise and grind". It first came up a few weeks ago after our Free Comic Book Day excursion when Alex and I fully realized how hard Matt actively works to promote his product and interact with his fans. Coming from two guys who get exhausted recording a podcast for literally one hour of the 168 hour week we can't help but respect the amount of time and effort Matt spends day-in and day-out repping his work. This week Matt was able to carve out a little bit of time on his "easy" Saturday and chat with us about his comics, his work ethic, and a mutual fondness of Conan the Barbarian. Be sure to check out Matt and on all the various social mediums and keep your eye out because you never know when he might pop up at a show near you. Enjoy! -Jr.

  • Episode 322 with Michael Bracco: The Creator of "The Creators"

    19/05/2018 Duración: 01h18min

    It's been literally hundreds of episodes since we had the pleasure of talking with Michael Bracco on our show. According to the internet it's been around 1,541 days which I thought would be a neat statistic but in reality it just kind of made me feel old so we'll drop the stats for now and get to the good stuff. Some people might be a little more familiar with Michael's alter-ego: the legendary Baron Von Sexyful of . But performing in insane bouts of artistic mayhem doesn't quite fully illustrate the scope of his talents as both an artist and a writer and some would be pleased to hear he's also been producing his own comics such as "NOVO" and "Adam Wreck" for quite some time. Now, many years and many more episodes later Michael is back and this time he's got a new volume of his webcomic "The Creators" that he's looking to get published and, as of this writing, it's looking like that dream is going to become a reality. Check out the Kickstarter and if you wanted to get caught up with the rest of Michael's wor

  • Episode 321 with Brett Kelley: Let's Talk With Frenchy and The Punk!

    12/05/2018 Duración: 01h11min

    I am forever indebted to Brett and Alex. They are two of my closest friends and they have introduced me to more incredible things over the last decade than I could possibly have imagined. Not only that, but then they have the patience to deal with me as I gradually slide down a spiral of fascination and obsession. They really are saints. 2013 was a big year in terms of "Jayare gets obsessed with stuff" as that was the first time Brett and Alex took me with them to a Steampunk show down in New Jersey. It was at this show that I was introduced to a smorgasbord of acts, people, and performances I never knew existed: One of them being the musical powerhouse known as "Frenchy and The Punk". Described as a "Multi-cultural genre-bending NY Folk Cabaret Duo", Frenchy and The Punk have been traveling and performing around the world since 2005 and have shown no signs of slowing down. In fact, they're to release their latest studio album and are going to be touring the United States with another OMV favorite: The Men T

  • Episode 320: The Day of Free Comic Books.

    06/05/2018 Duración: 01h17min

    It's been a while since we've had one of those real late Saturday night "oh man I hope they didn't forget to make an episode this week" episodes so we figured we were due for one. But this is a late one for good reason: It's Free Comic Book Day. And free comic books we did acquire. Then we had to do other adult stuff but that's boring and not relevant. But free comic books were achieved and now we're going to talk about them. If you missed out on FCBD 2018 be sure to mark the first Saturday of May for next year and start planning. Or you can hit up your local comic shop and see if they have anything left over; you never know what you might get your hands on that turns out to be your next obsession. Enjoy! -Jr.

  • Episode 319 with Colin: *Clickbait Title About Infinity War*

    29/04/2018 Duración: 01h31min

    Today was a good day. I woke up around 7 in the morning because that's what normal people do on a Saturday, right? Then I went to see Infinity War at 9:45am with Alex because, again, that's what normal people do, right? Then we found a wild Colin, kidnapped him, forced him to eat Red Robin with us, then planted a microphone in front of his face for an hour and half to hear his thoughts on the latest movie in the Marvel Universe. Then we threw a frisbee around and played some lawn darts. The only part that's not true is the kidnapping thing. Colin willfully (I think) joined us today but literally everything else in the previous statements are true. Because those are things normal people do. Especially the lawn darts. Good days are good. We say it a bunch in the episode but I'm going to put it here, too: This episode contains massive spoilers for Infinity War. You've been warned. -Jr.

  • Episode 318 with Joe: The 2018 PAX East Recap!

    21/04/2018 Duración: 01h48min

    This year's PAX recap was a tough one. Not only is it extremely difficult to fit an entire weekend full of the best things in the world into one episode; but we had to do it down a man. Sadly; our brother-in-PAX Colin couldn't make it to the studio as he was in a heated battle with every microphones worst enemy: The Common Cold. Despite the enormous handicap we were able to push on and with Joe's help we managed to put together a hell of a recap full of games, panels, and experiences. 2018 makes it PAX East #5 for us and this year we did things a little differently. Meaning: This year, in addition to the "core group", we also had some new members join in including two people who have never been to a PAX before. Ever. Meaning: We got to introduce rad people to a rad show and damn was it neat. Former OMV guests Ken and Bob joined in on the fun this year along with a new friend Kevin. Each of them came to PAX because of a shared fondness for gaming but what was really fascinating was the diversity that each pers

  • Episode 317 with Matthew James: Of Course We're Talking About Wrestling.

    14/04/2018 Duración: 01h34min

    For the second year in a row I managed to actually watch Wrestlemania instead of catch 5 second gifs while my friends live-tweet the event. I still don't really consider myself an avid fan of professional wrestling but I have to admit the big pay-per-views can be hella entertaining sometimes. Even though I am a sucker for the nostalgic and I (unfairly) compare everything new to everything I loved as a child I still find myself getting invested in a match every now and then to the point where a genuine emotional response is then provoked out of my face-hole. Brings me back to the old days of Brett Hart/Bob Backlund cross-face chicken-wing insanity that caused me to scream at my friend's television for what felt like an eternity. I definitely thought that was real, btw. But it wouldn't be a Wrestlemania recap without Matthew James, though. So Matthew James is what we got. Tune in this week for recaps, reactions, and TONS OF SPOILERS from The Greatest Spectacle in Sports Entertainment. Enjoy! -Jr.

  • Episode 316: Six Years Later...

    05/04/2018 Duración: 01h05min

    According to our calculations we've been doing this whole podcasting thing for 6 years now. If you went back in time to 2012 and told us that we'd be 316 episodes deep with 100+ different guests in 2018 we would probably attack you with vicious intent as we're absolutely terrified of time travel paradoxes. But seriously. We did a lot of patting-on-the-back recently when we hit episode 300 so I'll try to keep the gloating to a minimum and instead I'll just say thank you. To everyone who tuned in to even a single episode over the years and to all the guests who took the time out of their day to let a couple of doofuses ask them questions. Thank you all. Here's to another year of casting those sweet, sweet pods. -Jr.

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