Youth Ministry In Motion

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 119:20:09
  • Mas informaciones



The podcast to keep youth workers motivated and their youth ministries moving forward.


  • What's Your Role In God's Story?

    22/01/2018 Duración: 08min

    Welcome to question number four in our series on questions we should be asking our new volunteer or as a way to re-evaluate our old volunteers. This question, posed right and plumbed well, will reap you valuable insight. Don't forget to sign up for the Fresh Impact newsletter and get the show notes for this series when I am done. Just head over to: and sign up.

  • How To Get Your Volunteers On Mission

    19/01/2018 Duración: 12min

    Back with question three in the five part series on questions we should ask our volunteers. Today is all about mission. How do you get your volunteer on mission? I share a few thoughts on what I am doing with my volunteers that may help you as well. Don't forget to sign up for the Fresh Impact newsletter. I'll be sending out the notes on this series very soon and I would not want you to miss it.

  • Increasing Your Volunteers Passion Level

    17/01/2018 Duración: 19min

    Welcome to question two in my series on questions we should ask our volunteers. In this episode I ask you to ask your volunteers (and yourself)about their passion level and how to take it up a notch. Don't forget to sign up for Fresh Impact newsletter to get the pdf of this series when it is done. Sign up at under resources.

  • 5 Questions To Get The Most From Your Volunteers

    16/01/2018 Duración: 11min

    And now for something new. This week kicks off a five part series on the five questions to get the most from your volunteers. These questions are valuable for recruiting, evaluation, or re-evaluation of volunteers. To get the notes, be sure to sign up for the Fresh Impact newsletter at

  • Four Keys To Goal Setting

    03/01/2018 Duración: 41min

    Does setting goals feel like a trip to the dentist? Do you dread it? Feel pressured by it? In today's episode, my co-author of Prepared For Impact, Ryan Latham and I interview each other. We each share our thoughts on goal setting based on a chapter in the book. Here's the the goal setting topics Hitting your target: Knowing what you’re aiming at So Many Targets: Planning Events Moving Targets: Aligning Your Activities With Your Goals Clarify The Target: Dig Down Deep You can purchase our book Prepared For impact HERE and HERE Sign up for the Fresh Impact newsletter to receive the podcast notes. Music by

  • Preparing To Make An Impact In Youth Ministry

    22/12/2017 Duración: 24min

    How prepared are you to make an impact on the students you serve? Preparing to make an impact is more important than the actual event, message, or outreach we employ. Today I offer you an interview about my new book Prepared for Impact I did with Greg Davis. Buy the book here Greg is the leader of the Birmingham chapter of First Priority. First Priority is a bible club movement in over 200 schools. Greg was kind enough to have me on his radio show Priority Talk to chat about my book. You can check our First Priority here

  • Navigating Critical Relationships In the Church

    19/12/2017 Duración: 44min

    Not gonna lie. This episode is going to blow your mind. Today I interview Ryan Schmall and he shares so many good things about how we can navigate the toughest relationships in the church. To get the full show notes filled with quotes, questions, and evaluation tools, sign up for the Fresh Impact Newsletter at You can reach Ryan on Twitter @iamryanschmall and Instagram @iamryanschmall You can catch his writing over at

  • Video Games, Culture, and Parenting With Christ Centered Gamer

    12/12/2017 Duración: 46min

    Whether you're a Christian who happens to game, a parent looking for some insight on video games, or a youth pastor wondering about the best system for your youth room, there is something for everyone. Check out the Christ Centered Gamer website, it's packed with reviews and recommendations. Their 2017 Christmas buying guide is handy for those last minute gifts. Want to write for Christ Centered Gamer? Click below Connect with Christ Centered Gamer Twitter: @divinegames (Cheryl) and @IBJamon (Jason) Facebook:

  • God Adventures From The NYWC

    05/12/2017 Duración: 23min

    Happy December everyone! Today I share a few of my God Adventures from the National Youth Workers Conference that was held in Memphis this year. I share a few stories and some exciting news about my new book Prepared For Impact: 12 Keys to Unlock You and Your Youth Ministry. You can pick my new book up here Or on Amazon (of which I am an affiliate)

  • The Art of Youth Ministry Interview with Jeff Goins

    02/11/2017 Duración: 51min

    Incredible discussion today with best selling author Jeff Goins. Jeff is the author of five books including the bestselling Art of Work and his latest Real Artists Don't Starve. You can buy Jeff's book Real Artists Don't Starve below (Amazon Affiliate) You can also connect with Jeff @ You can read my 12 posts about the books starting here You can also watch the 12 videos I made on my Youtube Channel here Interlinc- Youth Leaders Only If you like the podcast please consider stopping by and leaving some stars dan review

  • 3 Reasons I Live Stream Our Youth Meetings

    20/10/2017 Duración: 16min

    Are live streaming your youth services? If your not your missing out on some valuable opportunities. In today's episode I offer you a few reasons why I have started live streaming our youth services and why you might want to start streaming yours as well. You can check out some of our live services on my Facebook profile at You can check out my extended thoughts on this blog post I wrote Don't forget to stop by iTunes and give this podcast a review and some stars, it will help other youth workers, just like you, find it and receive the same encouragement you do. Thanks for listening.

  • The Danger of Study, Preach, Repeat

    09/10/2017 Duración: 21min

    It happens to us all. We can get into a cycle of studying and preaching without absorbing the word for ourselves. If we hope to stay in ministry, long term, we have to be able to take care of our own soul. In this episode I share a few ways I keep my soul refreshed among the rigors of church ministry.

  • Alone Sucks interview with Timothy Eldred

    28/09/2017 Duración: 54min

    Alone is a word youth workers understand to well. We sense the aloneness in leadership, when we make tough calls, or when we are just feel out of place in the church. That's way this conversation with Timothy Eldred is so important. Join us for insight, challenge,and a few laughs as we look at how to deal with our aloneness and how to start an empathy outbreak. Sign up for the Fresh Impact extended notes at Connect with Tim @timothyeldred

  • 10 Tips For Delegating Like A Rock Star

    22/09/2017 Duración: 19min

    Want more time to do what you are good at and empower others to do what they are good at? Then you are going to need to develop some delagating skills. Good thing this is what this episode is about. I took an article I found here and put it a youth worker context for easy digestion. I share a few of my own secrets to delagating with the hope that you will move in your giftedness while others move in theirs.

  • 10 Ways To Get Your Mojo Back After A Bad Youth Meeting

    15/09/2017 Duración: 21min

    It usually hits us the day after our youth meeting, the blahs. The blahs are the that nagging voice telling us about all the things we didn't get right at the youth meeting and it can be a serious downer, if we let it. Lucky for you, I'm her to help chase away these nasty blahs so you can stay motivated in your calling and keep your youth ministry moving forward. Youth Ministry in Motion Podcast FB Page. Come say Hi! or search @youthmininmotion See You At The Pole My Facebook Live Youth Service

  • The Power Of Showing Up with Amber Gaddis

    25/08/2017 Duración: 26min

    I loved having Amber Gaddis on the show today. Amber is down to earth and has put in the work. I hope you enjoy the tips she shares about showing up and pease forgive us if it sounds like we're having too much fun, because we are. Amber Gaddis is the Assistant BMMC (Birmingham Metro Master Commission) director and is the Middle School Pastor at her church. Want to connect with Amber? Ask questions? Instagram: amgadd Twitter:@amgstatus Facebook: Facebook: Birmingham metro master's commission Instagram: bhammetromasterscommission Twitter: @bhammetromc Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast over in iTunes and sign up for the Fresh Impact Newsletter, at, to get the show notes and some bonus stuff.

  • 7 Back To School Rules

    15/08/2017 Duración: 14min

    Its that time of year again! Summer is over and kids have gone back to school, can I get an amen! Today I want to share with you seven of my rules for heading back to school. Enjoy. If you would like the notes to the podcast, head over here and sign up for the Fresh Impact Newsletter If you want to check our my Blacklight Night event, you can head over here

  • 4 Post Mission Trip Must Do's

    14/06/2017 Duración: 14min

    I am back from Honduras and wanted to share some of my post mission trip rituals with you so you can make an impact with your missions trip story. Here's the links I mentioned in the podcast Layout from Instagram - search in phone apps. My youth rooms greatest asset My Honduras Mission Trip Slideshow

  • 7 Concepts Graduates Should Grasp

    11/05/2017 Duración: 21min

    It is graduation seasons once again and I am asking the question, "Did I spiritually prepare these graduate enough to face the world ahead? " Join me to hear how I have broadened my idea of creating a checklist of spiritual facts I wanted them to know into larger concepts that will help them navigate their walk with God. To get the notes, sign up for the Fresh Impact Newsletter My first blog post about graduates and graduation

  • Re-Branding Your Ministry In Three Questions

    28/04/2017 Duración: 17min

    Are you wanting to re-brand your youth ministry? Our maybe you just want t now how to plan better to meet kids needs. This episode covers the three main questions I asked my youth ministry and how its led to a new name and a fresh vision. For the notes, be sure to subscribe to the Fresh Impact Newsletter at Bernadette Jiwa Quote

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