Dean Graziosi's Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom

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Dean Graziosi's Real Estate Weekly Wisdom brings you weekly podcasts where dean shares his tips, tricks, and secrets on Real Estate Investment.


  • DGWW 76 - Weekly Wisdoms Are Back!!! (The Art of Persuasion)


    I know it's been awhile since my last Weekly Wisdom, but the good news is that THEY ARE BACK!!! For those of you new to the DG Family, this week's video explains EXACTLY what my Weekly Wisdoms are all about! And I give you a better idea of what to expect each and every week from me! And the actual topic of this week's Weekly Wisdom is persuasion... So many of you have asked me how to better market yourself and better persuade people to listen and agree with you, so I just had to share some of my personal tips. Because when you know how to persuade people, and use it for the right reasons, it is an amazing tool to have in your back pocket! Go watch now! And also, as I mentioned, to get two of my New York Time best-selling books for free, go to Enjoy my amazing wisdom and have a great week! Dean Graziosi is one of the best personal development trainers and real estate investors in the world. He is a New York Times bestselling author whose books include Totally Fulfilled, 30 Days t

  • DGWW 75 - My #1 Secret to Unstoppable Success


    What if everything we've been told about success has been a lie?! Go see how to kill the inner resistance holding you back from living the life you desire and awaken the hero that is living inside of you! Go to right now!!

  • DGWW 74 - What You Think Is What You Are.


    Do you want to win my personal iPad Mini and learn how you can overcome any obstacle in your life in 4 minutes? Better watch this week's Weekly Wisdom before the offer is gone!

  • DGWW 73 - What You Think Is What You Are.


    As many of you know, Dean's Facebook account was hacked last week and was sending out some pretty terrible posts! For that reason, Dean decided to send out his Weekly Wisdom a few days early to apologize to his DG family Eye-wink His message this week is pretty powerful... He was so upset this past weekend that Dean ended up telling himself such bad stories that he couldn't even fall asleep some nights. And then he realized... He was filling his subconscious with negative stories! He wasn't observing his thoughts like he has preached for years!

  • DGWW 72 - Damn Resistance!


    This week's Weekly Wisdom is part 2 of Dean's lesson on how resistance is negatively controlling your life without you even noticing it. And we just had to title it "Damn Resistance" because Dean says it on more than one occasion Eye-wink And this week Dean urges us all to acknowledge what resistance is stopping us? What are we telling ourselves to distract us from the life we want, from the life we DESERVE? This week Dean shares what resistance he had in his life and how he fought tooth and nail to power through it and come out on top. This is a must watch video for anyone out there that feels like they are; as Dean says, sliding and not climbing... Watch now!

  • DGWW 71 - Stop Resisting!


    In this week's Weekly Wisdom Dean discusses what resistance is in your life like you've probably never heard before. What many of us don't realize is that procrastination, distraction and even sometimes our negativity all stem from resistance. And this week Dean has a task for you that will absolutely transform your life and help you say NO MORE to that resistance in your life. If you agree to do what Dean presents in this week's video, your life will forever change just like it did for Dean when he realized how much resistance was controlling some of his daily thoughts and actions. This is Dean's best weekly wisdom of 2015! Watch now!

  • DGWW 69 - Where are you?!


    In this week's Weekly Wisdom Dean shares with you his personal 'Life Book', that's right his life book. In this video you're going to learn that realizing where you are now, where you want to be in the future, and why you want to be there is an absolutely LIFE CHANGER. So take a few minutes out of your day, learn EXACTLY what Dean is doing to live with more passion, vitality and energy and just maybe you can do the same! Today marks the first week of a 12 week series to find out what YOUR life book is. So don't miss a single week. Watch now!

  • DGWW 68 - What a crappy story!


    In this week's Weekly Wisdom Dean has a very blunt and powerful message for everyone watching... The story you tell yourself on a daily basis that may be holding you back from living the life you wanna live is B.S. That's right, it's a crap story! And this week Dean wants to help you realize that where you are in life right now, and where you want to be in life, can be blocked off by something as stupid and as simple as the negative stories you tell yourself on a daily basis. So watch this week's Weekly Wisdom and let Dean help you change your story from one of doubt and excuses, to one of empowerment and success! This is a must watch...

  • DGWW 67 - I was terrified


    In this weeks Weekly Wisdom Dean presents a very powerful message about the things that terrify us. Im talking about the things that scare us so much that we think well never make it out in once piece. And Dean wants to help you realize that when you experience those things that terrify you... you may just be overcoming something that will forever change your life for the better. It happened to Dean as a kid and throughout his life... and Im sure it has happened to you at some point. So watch this weeks Weekly Wisdom and hear what Dean has to say about your deepest fears, and see if youre willing to accept the 30 day challenge he presents to you. From Dean and everyone here at, we hope you have a great week!

  • DGWW 66 - Are we doing it all wrong?


    In this week's Weekly Wisdom, Dean shares a very important message about how so many of us are going about our lives making a big mistake we might not even realize we are making. So this week Dean is going to share a few key points to help everyone communicate better, share your story or feelings better, change someone's life more efficiently, impress someone easier, impact people's lives on a daily basis or simply live with more confidence. Let Dean help you live with more passion, start living with more confidence, and start learning and living more than ever before. Let him share with you what we all might be doing wrong.

  • DGWW 63 - Are You Wasting Your Time On The WRONG Things?


    Last week Dean discussed in depth the Dilemma of Lack of Time and this weeks Weekly Wisdom is going to branch off slightly from last weeks message and discuss how so many of us are spending time doing the WRONG things that have no positive impact on moving our lives in the right direction. Dean will address the dilemma we have with wanting more happiness, more joy, more money, but spending time doing things that dont help our journey to get there. Some of the lessons Dean teaches this week are lessons he has spent years mastering and years implementing into his own life. This might just be one of the best weekly wisdoms of the year. Dont miss out, watch now!

  • DGWW 62 - The Lack of Time Dilemma


    Weekly Wisdoms are back! And like Dean said earlier this year, the weekly wisdoms are going to be AWESOME (not that they arent always awesome) this year! And this week Dean starts by addressing the Dilemma of Lack of Time and how we can separate the physical lack of time from the emotional lack of time. This weeks Weekly Wisdom is awesome... DONT YOU DARE MISS IT!

  • DGWW 61 - Ready to profit?


    If you dont think 2015 is going to be your best year yet then youre looking at it all wrong! Because it is Deans PERSONAL mission to make sure it IS your best year yet. And if real estate investing is truly something you are excited about then this month is your month to make sure you dont miss a SINGLE weekly wisdom. Because Dean and Matt are going to give out some awesome tips and tricks... if you dont mind Eye-wink So check out this weeks Weekly Wisdom and find out what Matt and Dean are so excited to share with you!

  • DGWW 60 - You're doing it all wrong!


    This time of year so many people across the country set new goals and new resolutions... Goals theyre never going to reach because they set the WRONG goals. This week Dean wants to share with you how to set goals, and how to set the RIGHT goals.

  • DGWW 59 - Do you want More?


    Do you want more? More money? More happiness? More joy and excitement? More vitality and passion and love for life? Dean honestly knows he can help achieve all of that and more... Check out this weeks Weekly Wisdom and see how...

  • DGWW 58 - Push That Sh@t Down!


    After spending 5 days at Tony Robbins event last week Dean came home with an energy that he hasnt felt in a while. But he also came home asking himself so many questions because Tony just had Deans head spinning all week. And Tony got Dean thinking so much about the layers of negativity and excuses in his life that he really needed to push down, and guess what you have the same exact layers you need to push down. in this Weekly Wisdom Dean wants to show you how...

  • DGWW 57 - Time To Be Selfish


    This past week Dean spent 5 days at a Tony Robbins event that absolutely blew his mind! And while he was there something incredible happened, and he realized something so powerful he just had to share it with you.

  • DGWW 56 - What is happiness?


    In this weeks Weekly Wisdom Dean discusses why its SO important to find your purpose to find your happiness. Dean wants to discuss what drives you what motivates you what makes you want to be a better person and ultimately how you can be THAT person. So watch this weeks video, and listen to Deans very important message.

  • DGWW 55 - Stop lying to yourself!


    In this weeks Weekly Wisdom, Dean wants to discuss why he thinks it is TRULY time to stop lying to ourselves. Yep, you heard that right lying to ourselves. And look, its something everyone does many people unknowingly. But its something we need to seriously work on, something we need to cut from our daily habits immediately So watch this weeks Weekly Wisdom and hear what Dean has to say about Lying to ourselves"

  • DGWW 53 - iPhone 6 Winner Announced!


    Dean has some KILLER information to share with you this week! First off, find out who the lucky winner of the iPhone 6 is! You'll also find out how Dean is giving a hand UP to a few lucky military veterans. Lastly Dean gives you a tool that can help get in a better state of mind, or get out of a funk, because lets be honest, being in a funk sucks... So watch this weeks Weekly Wisdom, and start your week in the RIGHT state of mind. You wont regret it

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