Whitcomb Ministries



The latest feed from Whitcomb Ministries on SermonAudio.com.


  • A Good and Faithful Servant

    03/09/2023 Duración: 25min

    -A Good and Faithful Servant.--That's the title of a new volume by Dr. David Whitcomb, published by Master Books, that tells the life story of our Bible teacher, Dr. John Whitcomb.-David joins us for this special edition of -Encounter God's Truth- to share some of his father's life story, and to explain why he was motivated to write this book.-Host Wayne Shepherd conveys Whitcomb Ministries' enthusiasm for this project, and welcomes our audience to be inspired anew by this biography of beloved author and theologian, Dr. John Whitcomb.-Thanks for listening, and please pass this program on to a friend-

  • The Necessity of God's Word (Part 1)

    20/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    This week on -Encounter God's Truth,- Whitcomb Ministries presents the next installment in our series on -Biblical Apologetics.- The message will be the first portion of a sermon by Dr. John Whitcomb called, -The Necessity of God's Word.--Listen as host Wayne Shepherd leads us back to Appalachian Bible College in Mount Hope, West Virginia-where we learn to strengthen our faith in the reality that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.-Our teacher shows us that we have a power source that is readily available, which allows us as mere finite human beings to have victory and influence in the spiritual realm-even though we are opposed by all the enemies of God and His gospel -both human and demonic-, as well as our own sin natures. This power source is nothing hidden or mysterious, but something that is readily available to each of us-the Holy Scriptures.-Thank you so much for listening to this week's program. Please feel free to share it with others and be sure to tell your friends about our ministry.

  • The Necessity of God's Power (Part 2)

    13/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    Dr. John Whitcomb instructs us further regarding -The Necessity of God's Power- in this message, continuing his series on -Biblical Apologetics,- which was first delivered at Appalachian Bible College in Mount Hope, West Virginia.--This sermon reinforces the certainty that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end by explaining more about how to share our faith with those who disagree and resist the message of God's grace. It goes into detail regarding the power source that influences unbelievers-namely Satan and his demons, and how they relate to history and prophecy.--With host Wayne Shepherd, we consider how to respond Biblically when unbelievers are less than enthusiastic about our witness for the gospel of Jesus Christ.--Thank you for joining us on this edition of -Encounter God's Truth- from Whitcomb Ministries. We encourage you to make full use of this program by sharing it with a friend who could be encouraged by it.

  • The Necessity of God's Power (Part 1)

    04/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    This week on -Encounter God's Truth- from Whitcomb Ministries, Bible teacher Dr. John Whitcomb presents part one of a message called -The Necessity of God's Power.---We go to Appalachian Bible College in Mount Hope, West Virginia, along with host Wayne Shepherd, to learn how the Bible clearly explains that every person possesses a sin nature that renders us totally depraved. This desperate condition requires God's perfect ability in order to make it possible for anyone to believe the gospel and be saved. This can never be accomplished by our feeble attempts to manipulate or trick people into accepting the gospel.--In this lesson, Dr. Whitcomb unfolds the place that arguments and evidences for the Christian faith should have in our witness-in light of both the total depravity of man and the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures.--God's Word is true from the beginning to the end- Thanks for listening to it today on -Encounter God's Truth.-

  • Evolutionary Difficulties (Part 2)

    04/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    Thanks for listening to -Encounter God's Truth--where we teach every week that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.--Today Dr. John Whitcomb continues his series on -Biblical Apologetics- by concluding our consideration of -Evolutionary Difficulties.---We are going to look at some of the Scriptural imperatives that we must practice in order to be effective in sharing our faith with the unbelieving world-also considering the powerful impact that our own lives have upon the effectiveness of our witness for the gospel.--Guided by Wayne Shepherd, we travel together to Appalachian Bible College in Mount Hope, West Virginia, which has graciously allowed Whitcomb Ministries to distribute these messages to a wider audience by way of radio.--We are glad that you have joined us for this program, and hope that the broadcast will challenge you to share the gospel with others now while there is still time.

  • Evolutionary Difficulties (Part 1)

    23/07/2023 Duración: 25min

    We go deeper into -Biblical Apologetics- today on -Encounter God's Truth- with Dr. John Whitcomb.-This is Part One of a message on -Evolutionary Difficulties.- In it we tackle challenging questions like these- Since evolution is not true, why is it so difficult to convince unbelievers regarding the Bible's account of creation-- And why do so many Christians even seem unwilling to agree on the Biblical position-- Also, how are we as Christians to go about seeking to bring ardent unbelievers to the Lord-- Or to strengthen struggling believers---Whitcomb Ministries expresses appreciation to Appalachian Bible College in Mount Hope, West Virginia, for allowing us to bring you this conference audio.-Wayne Shepherd, our host, sets the context for this important and timely lesson that is intended to help us effectively communicate that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.-We encourage you to share this broadcast with others.

  • Basic Biblical Answers (Part 2)

    16/07/2023 Duración: 25min

    Dr. John Whitcomb concludes his message called, -Basic Biblical Answers--this week on -Encounter God's Truth.---Host Wayne Shepherd invites you to join those who first listened to this teaching when it was given at Appalachian Bible College in Mount Hope, West Virginia, to demonstrate that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.--In drawing on some life lessons he has learned the hard way, Dr. Whitcomb explains the clear Scriptural basis for contending for the faith. He shows how the self-authenticating message of the Word of God and prayer-empowered by Jesus Christ, -the living Word of God--are the means that we must use when talking with others about our faith. We must never rely on our own limited knowledge or abilities. As Dr. Whitcomb emphasizes, we need to be humble, patient and teachable-leaving the results in God's hands.--Thank you for listening to this latest installment in our series on -Biblical Apologetics.- May the Lord help you as you seek to apply it.

  • Basic Biblical Answers (Part 1)

    09/07/2023 Duración: 25min

    God's Word is true from the beginning to the end. We know that-but how do we convince other people who do not believe it---That is our focus in this new series of messages here on -Encounter God's Truth.- They were originally recorded live as Dr. John Whitcomb delivered them to a conference at Appalachian Bible College in Mount Hope, West Virginia.-Today, Dr. Whitcomb begins a sermon entitled, -Basic Biblical Answers.- We are considering the profound issue of how we must present the Bible to non-believers in this postmodern, post-Christian culture. Our teacher opens by using illustrations from the disciplines of science and history to exemplify the challenges that evolutionists face, which we must probe as we proclaim the gospel to those who do not yet believe in Christ.-Please join along with host Wayne Shepherd as we open this series on -Biblical Apologetics.- This would also be a great opportunity to share our program with a believing-or unbelieving-friend.

  • A Good and Faithful Servant

    24/06/2023 Duración: 25min

    -A Good and Faithful Servant.---That's the title of a new volume by Dr. David Whitcomb, published by Master Books, that tells the life story of our Bible teacher, Dr. John Whitcomb.--David joins us for this special edition of -Encounter God's Truth- to share some of his father's life story, and to explain why he was motivated to write this book.--Host Wayne Shepherd conveys Whitcomb Ministries' enthusiasm for this project, and welcomes our audience to be inspired anew by this biography of beloved author and theologian, Dr. John Whitcomb.--Thanks for listening, and please pass this program on to a friend-

  • Alpha and Omega (Part 2)

    16/06/2023 Duración: 25min

    We focus our attention on Christ as -Alpha and Omega- once again this week on -Encounter God's Truth--also applying that reality in ways that will help us serve Him in these distressing times.-Host Wayne Shepherd guides us in listening to portions of three different presentations by Dr. John Whitcomb. Together, they offer a brilliant demonstration of the fact that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.-First, we consider the outworking of our faith in Christ as -Alpha and Omega- by studying the strategy offered in 2 Timothy 2, by which we endeavor to teach the entirety of Scripture to the whole world.-Next, we hear questions posed to Dr. Whitcomb on both creationism and prophecy, followed by an exhortation that will motivate us to serve the Lord at this crucial hour.-With thanks to Victory Baptist Church in Whiteland, Ind., and Prairie Baptist Church in Noblesville, Ind., for portions of this audio, we offer this broadcast with prayers that many will hear and share its gospel message.

  • Alpha and Omega (Part 1)

    10/06/2023 Duración: 25min

    Author and Biblical scholar Dr. John Whitcomb offered words of hope and anticipation to help us press forward during spiritually challenging times in this message, which focuses on Christ as -Alpha and Omega.--With assistance from host Wayne Shepherd, Dr. Whitcomb drew from the broad sweep of Scripture in this message-giving Biblical reasons to persevere in our service to the Lord until the day of His return. Dr. Whitcomb went all the way back to creation to establish this theme.-This program truly embodies our mission on -Encounter God's Truth,- which is to declare that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end- In fact, Dr. Whitcomb encouraged us to be faithful to take all 66 books of the Bible seriously.-We trust that this broadcast-the first half of a short series-will be a great blessing to you. If it is, won't you please consider sharing it with someone else as well--

  • The Second Law of Thermodynamics

    04/06/2023 Duración: 25min

    -Encounter God's Truth- reaches back into the archives to present a unique program this weekend.-We share insights given by Bible scholar and author Dr. John Whitcomb into -The Second Law of Thermodynamics.--His teaching will show, through the intersection of Scripture with science, how God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.-Host Wayne Shepherd guides us through this special broadcast, and he asked Dr. Whitcomb about the implications of the Second Law of Thermodynamics for the creation week, the time since the fall, the future millennial kingdom-and even the spiritual conditions in the church.-May you have a blessed and meaningful weekend, in spite of the many crises facing our nation and our world.-Thanks for listening and for sharing this program-

  • Pentecost in the New Testament

    27/05/2023 Duración: 25min

    Dr. John Whitcomb brought us a special message for Pentecost Sunday that we replay on this edition of -Encounter God's Truth.- -This is part two of our study of -The Significance of Pentecost.- The Old Testament celebration of Pentecost was the background for the creation of the church in Acts 2-following Jesus' promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit. -In Exodus 32, 3,000 men died following the giving of the Law -which was remembered at Pentecost- after they worshiped the golden calf. In Acts 2, however, at the birth of the church, 3,000 people were saved after hearing Peter preach the gospel.-Wayne Shepherd, our host, also asked Dr. Whitcomb about the future of the Feast of Pentecost in the millennial kingdom. Our survey of Pentecost has reminded us once again that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end--Thanks for listening, and have a blessed Pentecost Sunday-

  • Pentecost in the Old Testament

    21/05/2023 Duración: 25min

    This week on -Encounter God's Truth,- we draw from the classic teaching of Bible scholar Dr. John Whitcomb, as we begin a two-part study on -The Significance of Pentecost.--We open by looking at the Old Testament background of this harvest festival, which God gave as a special time for all the men of Israel to gather for worship.-Dr. Whitcomb showed how, according to Jewish tradition, Pentecost in the Old Testament was a remembrance of the day when Moses gave the law at Mount Sinai-when God officially formulated the nation of Israel.-Later, host Wayne Shepherd asked our teacher about the Holy Spirit's Old Testament work and whether or not Old Testament believers were regenerated.-God's Word is true from the beginning to the end- Thanks for listening to it with us today.

  • How God Blessed the World Through the Jews

    14/05/2023 Duración: 25min

    Whitcomb Ministries welcomes Dr. Woodrow Kroll back to -Encounter God's Truth- for this special broadcast, titled- -How God Blessed the World Through the Jews.---Dr. Kroll shows us from Scripture-which is true from the beginning to the end-and from history how God's blessings are indeed evident upon and through the Jewish people.--We hope that you find this message to be informative, and challenging.--Join host Wayne Shepherd in sharing your appreciation for this powerful message from a great friend of our ministry, Dr. Woodrow Kroll.

  • Prepare for Judgment

    06/05/2023 Duración: 25min

    This week on -Encounter God's Truth,- we listen as Dr. John Whitcomb concludes a short series called -Judgment-Then Blessing.- He explained that God will use two different methods to deal with two distinct groups-the church and Israel-in each of their final days on this Earth, in order to prepare them for the coming kingdom.-Dr. Whitcomb then surveyed the major themes regarding the trends that will mark the last days of this age. To do this, he took us to the last two chapters of the final book written by the Apostle Paul-the book of 2 Timothy.-Later, host Wayne Shepherd asked Dr. Whitcomb about those who believe that God is finished with Israel and has replaced that nation with the church.-God's Word is true from the beginning to the end- That is our reason for communicating with you here on -Encounter God's Truth.--Please share this important teaching with a friend.

  • Signs of Judgment

    30/04/2023 Duración: 25min

    Will there be cavemen in the future---Can you imagine a time when people will enter caves to escape the judgment of God-- Dr. John Whitcomb described this scene from Isaiah 2, and we replay that classic message on this week's edition of -Encounter God's Truth.--We are in the midst of a three-week overview of Bible prophecy, and today's message is one that we desperately need to hear.-After the message, host Wayne Shepherd asked Dr. Whitcomb to advise listeners who might be wondering how to prepare for this coming time of tribulation.-Thanks for listening to this important prophetic message from -Encounter God's Truth,- where we believe and teach that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end- We hope that you will share what you have learned with a friend.

  • The Coming Tribulation

    23/04/2023 Duración: 25min

    We begin a three-week series covering an overview of Biblical prophecy this week on -Encounter God's Truth,- from Bible teacher and author Dr. John Whitcomb.-Dr. Whitcomb presented a survey of God's plan for the events that will occur in the future-and how we are to prepare for them. In this message, he focused on some of the warnings given to Israel by the Prophet Isaiah in the early chapters of his amazing Old Testament book.-Following our teaching segment, host Wayne Shepherd asked Dr. Whitcomb to explain how we can get the most out of the Old Testament prophets as we read and study them for ourselves.-Since God's Word is true from the beginning to the end, we have so much to draw from and teach here on -Encounter God's Truth.--Thanks for joining us today for this important lesson. Please share it with a friend-

  • Jesus Christ: Our Creator and Savior

    16/04/2023 Duración: 25min

    Today on -Encounter God's Truth,- theology professor Dr. John Whitcomb points us to -Jesus Christ- Our Creator and Savior.--Christ is the living Word-and His written Word is true from the beginning to the end--We will consider a number of Bible passages today as we survey important doctrinal truths about our Lord, from eternity past to eternity future. In the process, we will review many of the Biblical supports for the teaching of a young earth-created by Christ Himself.-This message was first presented to the congregation of Valley Grace Brethren Church in Hagerstown, Maryland, where the Whitcombs' son Dr. Dan Pritchett serves as lead pastor. We are glad to be able to share it with you.

  • Six Reasons Why I Believe in Jesus' Resurrection—and You Should Too!

    09/04/2023 Duración: 25min

    A blessed Resurrection Sunday to you from all of us at -Encounter God's Truth- and Whitcomb Ministries.-Special guest teacher Dr. Woodrow Kroll is back with us this weekend to conclude his series for Resurrection Sunday.-Dr. Kroll takes us on a tour of the resurrection accounts given in the New Testament gospels.--The issue is faith-- Dr. Kroll explains this vital truth, and helps us close our Easter series with an urgent call to believe the gospel.-With host Wayne Shepherd, we're so grateful to continue our tradition of welcoming Dr. Kroll to bless us with important messages for Easter. -They renew our courage and hope, built on the certainty that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.

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