Wise Traditions



Looking to improve your health? The Wise Traditions podcast embraces traditions from the past for optimal health today! The key is to nourish our bodies with nutrient-dense food, not processed, food-like products. Health coach Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, is the host and producer of the show. She conducts down-to-earth interviews with leading health and wellness experts (scientists, doctors, farmers, physical therapists, and more) to uncover practical tips that you can incorporate into your life today. This podcast is brought to you by the Weston A. Price Foundation, committed to wise traditions in food, farming, and the healing arts.


  • 381: The Problem With Commercial Baby Formula

    22/08/2022 Duración: 29min

    Before commercial baby formula shortages were a concern, Sally Fallon Morell had concerns about the product sold on supermarket shelves. Sally is the president of The Weston A. Price Foundation and the author of "Nourishing Traditions." Today, Sally discusses why commercial infant formula is problematic for babies' growth and healthy development. She goes over formula's ingredients, which in many cases include soy, which has an extremely high estrogen content that can interfere with a baby's hormone function. She covers the history of commercial formula and how it has been marketed to parents. She discusses what alternatives parents have (including homemade formula made with raw goat, cow milk, or even meat). And finally, she makes dietary recommendations for couples hoping to nourish their little ones well and those who hope to conceive a baby one day. Visit Sally's website for her blog: nourishingtraditions.com Register for our Wise Traditions conference See our Weston A. Price Foundation Action Alerts Chec

  • 380: Resilience: Find Regenerative Farms

    15/08/2022 Duración: 38min

    FarmMatch might sound like a dating app, but it’s actually a really cool and user-friendly way to find local regenerative farms in your area! Today, Max Kane, CEO of FarmMatch, explains the mission behind the idea to connect consumers to farms that are doing it right—providing local, nutrient-dense food to the public. Max discusses the idea behind FarmMatch and how to get started with it. He talks about the importance of real food (now more than ever). He shares his own story of ill health as a kid that led to his interest in a diet for healing and why he now considers food more vital for our bodies than even oxygen. Visit FarmMatch.com. Find your local WAPF chapter leader. Check out our sponsors: Bubble & Bee, Upgraded Formulas, Optimal Carnivore

  • 379: Resilience: Protect Yourself Against Radiation

    08/08/2022 Duración: 36min

    We are exposed to exponentially more artificial radiation (non-native electromagnetic frequencies) than any previous generation. How do we protect ourselves? And what can we do to build resilience in the face of this phenomenon? Daniel DeBaun, the co-author of “Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology” and the CEO of DefenderShield, has some practical tips for how to go about this. He reviews studies that have been done that show the harm radiation can cause. He explains EHS, electromagnetic hypersensitivity and why this condition seems to afflict more women than men. He goes over why he’s not a fan of pendants or harmonizers for dealing with EMFs. Instead, he recommends simple switches with our devices and shoring up our health from the inside out. Visit Daniel’s website DefenderShield.com Get your free WAPF info pack Check out our sponsors: Branch Basics, Paleo Valley, Optimal Carnivore

  • 378: Resilience: Raise Backyard Chickens

    01/08/2022 Duración: 47min

    What does it take to raise chickens in the backyard? Is it hard? And what is the payoff (in addition to delicious and nutritious fresh eggs)? Today, Harvey Ussery, farmer and author of “The Small-Scale Poultry Flock”, offers a kind of “backyard chickens 101” class on today's episode and you get a front-row seat! Harvey covers the ins and outs of backyard chickens: from how to get started, navigating your county’s regulations, how to source your chicks, how to avoid chicken coop “stink” and more. He discusses feed and the importance of allowing chickens to roam about and feast on earthworms, grubs, slugs, and snails. He talks about the value it brings to the entire household, in terms of understanding how nature works.All in all, he makes a great (and entertaining) case for giving backyard chickens a go. Visit Harvey's website: themodernhomestead.us Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Check out our sponsors: Bubble & Bee, Upgraded Formulas, Optimal Carnivore

  • 377: Resilience: Take Charge of Your Health

    25/07/2022 Duración: 40min

    These times are a collective wake up call, inviting us to take charge of our health. Paul Chek, author and the founder of the CHEK Institute, today explains why we must respond to this wake up call by listening to our body and learning from the four  “doctors” (or teachers) – happiness, movement, diet, and quiet. He explains each in detail. Turning to these doctors helps us fulfill our dreams, nourish our bodies, strengthen our spirit and identify our purpose. They address our growth and health on all the levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Check out his website: chekinstitute.com Sign up for our Wise Traditions conference this October! See our sponsors: Abundance Plus, Paleo Valley, Optimal Carnivore

  • 376: Resilience: Get Growing

    18/07/2022 Duración: 38min

    What would it look like if we worked together with our neighbors to foster food independence, build stronger communities, and improve our health? Zen Honeycutt, author and the Executive Director of Moms Across America, has an idea to get us growing food for our families and those around us, ensuring food access for all, which is especially important in times like these. Zen explains the pilot program she is starting up to empower people to get growing their own food: the Neighborhood Food Network. She talks about the support offered to newbie gardeners including resources for when to plant, what to plant, how to handle pests, and more. She shares her vision for more connection with those around us and with the land that can yield food and joys to sustain us now and in the future. Visit her websites: momsacrossamerica.com and neighborhoodfoodnetwork.com Check out our website: westonaprice.org Sign up for a WAPF event at Sally's farm: westonaprice.org Check out our sponsors: Bubble and Bee, Optimal Carnivore,

  • 375: Resilience: Buy Local

    11/07/2022 Duración: 44min

    With expected food shortages, it is more important than ever to get to know our farmer and buy local. John Moody, well-known food grower, researcher, and author, explains today how a food buying club may be an excellent way to source real food close to home. He describes how food buying clubs operate and how they benefit both farmers and consumers. He goes into why he started a food buying club many years ago and why you might want to start one, too. He shares the pros and cons of such clubs and how they help us avoid the fragile, single-point of failure that characterizes the industrialized food complex. Check out John's websites: roguefoodconference.com and johnwmoody.com. Sign up for the School of Lunch Leader Training Academy! Find more resources on our website westonaprice.org. Check out our sponsors: Abundance Plus, Bubble & Bee, Optimal Carnivore

  • 374: Is the Sun to Blame? Or is it the Sunscreen?

    04/07/2022 Duración: 36min

    We have been told the sun is harmful and that we need to protect our skin from its rays. But the chemicals used in sunscreens are actually more dangerous for us than the sun; indeed sunscreen is harmful to all life on the planet. Today, we gain insights on the problems with sunscreen and what to do about it from Dr. Elizabeth Plourde, a Clinical Laboratory Scientist and the author of "Sunscreens Biohazard 2: Proof of Toxicity Keeps Piling Up." It's not the sun that causes skin cancer, Elizabeth explains, but rather the chemicals in the sunscreen that disrupt our body's balanced hormone ecosystem with carcinogenic toxins. She talks about the problem of sunscreen mixing with chlorine in swimming pools, turning them into a kind of "toxic soup". Elizabeth also explains why spray sunscreens are especially dangerous and why zinc oxide isn’t a particularly good type of protection, either. But she does not leave us without hope. She offers a number of ideas for how to get a healthy amount of sun without burning. She

  • 373: Detox From The Shot And Shedding

    27/06/2022 Duración: 44min

    Have you gotten the COVID-19 shot? Or are you someone who is concerned about shedding? Today's podcast offers some glimmers of hope and practical suggestions for both situations. Dr. Louisa Williams is the author of "Radical Medicine," and she is a specialist in environmental medicine and detoxification. Today, she offers advice on how to detox from the COVID-19 shot and from shedding, if you have not gotten the injection yourself. She recommends the use of activated charcoal for both, in light of its history as an antidote to poison. She goes into detail about the problem with graphene oxide (a metal found in the shots that is very damaging to the body) and how it interacts with 4G and 5G radiation. Louisa offers insights to inform and guide us, based on her practice and personal experience. Visit Louisa's website here: louisawilliamsnd.com Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Check out our sponsors: Redmond Real Salt, Serenity Farm Bread, Optimal Carnivore.

  • 372: Clay: Ancient Earth Medicine

    20/06/2022 Duración: 46min

    Clay is an ancient earth medicine that offers unique healing properties to help restore the body's electrical balance, nourish the body with trace minerals and electrolytes, and assist the body in detoxing processes. Today, Victor Cozzetto, a nutritionist, certified Emotion Code Practitioner, and detox expert, reviews the wonders of clay for healing!  Victor describes how his own family has benefited from its use, what his clients have experienced, and why he suggests we all learn to use it for healing on a number of levels. Visit Victor’s website: vitagenics.me Sign up for the WAPF email list Follow WAPF on Instagram, MeWe, Telegram, and YouTube Check out our sponsors: Earth Runners, Paleo Valley, Optimal Carnivore

  • 371: Beyond Organic

    13/06/2022 Duración: 41min

    Do you ever wish we could go back to a time when farmers really cared about their animals and land...and neighbors? Amish farmers Leon and Junior remind us that the time is now, as they describe their vision for farming that goes beyond "organic." Leon Wengerd is the CEO of Green Field Farms and Raymond Yoder (who goes by Junior) is the production manager. Green Field Farms is a certified organic farm coop in Ohio.   Together, they explain how ethical agriculture has historically been a part of the Amish culture and how they are continuing those traditions today. They get specific, from the ground up, discussing soil health and what they do to ensure that it is abundant in minerals to provide the most nutrient-rich produce possible. They emphasize old-fashioned growing methods, knowing the cows by name, and most importantly, how they care for their neighbors (as demonstrated in a recent barn-raising). It's a conversation that highlights the healthy, "beyond organic" options that are available in every facet o

  • 370: Germ Theory V. Natural Law

    06/06/2022 Duración: 44min

    Since grade school, most of us have been taught germ theory so consistently that we may have forgotten that it is a theory in the first place. Today, Marcy Cravat, the producer of the documentary "Terrain" challenges our presumptions. She contrasts germ theory with natural law (or what some call terrain theory). And she explains how these drastically different approaches shape our understanding of the world and our own health. Marcy differentiates between the two - exploring a number of related subjects including contagion and resonance, and the pleomorphic cycle of healing. Along the way, she celebrates the intrinsic wisdom of our bodies to bring us back to balance and health. Visit her website terrainthefilm.com. Get the FREE WAPF info pack here. Check out our sponsors Earth Runners, Paleo Valley, Optimal Carnivore.

  • 369: Is It About Public Health Or Power And Control?

    30/05/2022 Duración: 51min

    Worldwide restrictions (like lockdowns and mask mandates) are not supported by science, proving their efficacy. And the objective does not appear to be to restore the public health, anyway, but rather to gain power and control over the population, at large. Leslie Manookian, the President and Founder of the Health Freedom Defense Fund, offers insights about what's going on related to the "pandemic."   Leslie's group was the one behind the case in Florida that overturned mask mandates on public transportation. She explains how they won that case and what she expects down the line. She offers historical context on the infringement of freedoms in the U.S. in particular. She goes over the science (and the lack, thereof) supporting masks and other precautionary measures. And she explains what the recently released Pfizer documents reveal about what this vaccine company knew and knowingly hid from the public. In sum, Leslie offers a compelling case for questioning the mainstream narrative on what's going on, and wh

  • 368: Make Your Own Baby Formula

    25/05/2022 Duración: 32min

    The U.S. is experiencing a nationwide baby formula shortage. What to do at such a time? When breastfeeding isn't possible, a homemade baby formula is a wonderful alternative. Sally Fallon Morell and Mary Enig co-authored Nourishing Traditions and they also developed a recipe for homemade baby formula decades ago, which has helped innumerable babies thrive. Today, Sally explains how they came up with this alternative and why it is preferable to commercial formulas that often contain seed oils, corn syrup, and other questionable ingredients. Sally goes over the ingredients needed to make this homemade version, explaining how each ingredient benefits the baby. She even offers alternative ingredients for babies with allergies or sensitivities. Visit Sally's blog: nourishingtraditions.com. Join Nourishing Our Children. Find a local WAPF chapter leader. Go to radiantlifecatalog.com for formula ingredients. Buy "Nourishing Traditions" from New Trends Publishing. Check out the WAPF homemade baby formula resource pa

  • 367: Hold Your Breath

    23/05/2022 Duración: 56min

    Did you ever hold your breath when driving through a tunnel as a kid? Do you now deliberately slow down your breathing to de-stress? The less you need to breathe, the longer you live and the better your health. So says Niraj Naik, a SOMA Breath instructor, who today gives us an overview of how breathing impacts our entire body, and how mindful breathing can help heal all of our systems. He explains what happens in the body and brain over the long-haul with a committed breathwork practice. He goes over an easy exercise to assess where we are, as a starting point, and he also offers tips for how to begin breath training for all of the benefits it holds. Visit Niraj's website: somabreath.com Check out our WAPF resources in Spanish: WAPF en español See our sponsors: Redmond Real Salt, Earth Runners, Optimal Carnivore

  • 366: Is Homebirth For Us?

    16/05/2022 Duración: 44min

    What are the pros and cons of homebirth? Registered nurse Elizabeth Parsons and her husband, Noah, share their insights today. They are parents of five children, some of whom were born at the hospital and others at home. Elizabeth was a pediatric nurse for 9 years before coming home full time to empower and educate about natural alternatives for healing.  Today, Elizabeth and Noah explain what to consider when making this birthing decision. They discuss the importance of knowing your rights and birthing options, whether you decide to labor at home or in the hospital. They also delve into the difference between midwifery and OB/GYN care, throughout pregnancy and after delivery.  Finally, they share their own perspective on the birthing process (they much preferred their homebirth experience), along with resources for making an informed decision, and their most recent (and surprising) homebirth. Visit their website: purelyparsons.com Check out the Modern Ancestral Mamas podcast. Visit the WAPF website: westona

  • 365: Homesteading For Health

    09/05/2022 Duración: 40min

    A diagnosis of lymphoma shattered Jason Contreras' world. He was only 30 years old and he was a marathon runner. Something had to change, clearly. Though it took a little time, Jason did a 180. He and his wife moved to North Carolina to start a homestead. Today, Jason, the man behind the Sow the Land YouTube channel, tells his story, describing how receiving this diagnosis and leaving his office job has radically altered his life and health. He talks about all he learned along the way – from his biggest learning curve to the fact that labels aren't everything to his daughter who now knows how to butcher chickens! He also explains why he is healthier today than ever.   Check out Jason's YouTube channel: Sow the Land Register for our Wise Traditions conference! Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation. See our sponsors: Earth Runners, Serenity Farm Bread, Optimal Carnivore

  • 364: Your Life Is Your Medicine

    02/05/2022 Duración: 49min

    If your life was given to you in a line up, would you pay for it? Would you buy it, exactly as you're living it? If not, it may be time to explore what has to change. Dr. Cassie Huckaby is a Naturopathic Physician and founder of Grit Natural Medicine. Today, Cassie invites us to explore how our very lives are our medicine--for our good or to our detriment. And to begin to recognize our own intrinsic power to heal. Cassie lifts up the power of the human spirit to bring about changes. She explains how our belief system affects our health, and how what is called the “placebo” effect can be used to our benefit for healing. She reminds us that our bodies are on our side---not trying to sabotage us. And that illness or injury may be one way that they communicate to us. Cassie also speaks to us from her own experience of healing and what she has witnessed with her patients. She calls us to get curious and courageous to explore our full healing potential. Visit Cassie's website: gritnaturalmedicine.com Pick up your f

  • 363: Mental Health: EFT (Tapping)

    25/04/2022 Duración: 40min

    Emotional Freedom Technique (known as EFT or tapping) is a simple, non-invasive healing technique that moves energy in the body. It has been used to great effect to relieve anxiety, PTSD, improve sports performance, and more. EFT practitioner Bev Nerenberg helps us understand what it is, how it works, and how to get started tapping. Bev has been tapping for decades now. She explains how it can help alleviate emotional and physical issues through a gentle tapping procedure, using the body’s meridian system. She tells the story of how she first came across EFT (what she calls "acupuncture without the needles") and how effective it was at helping her deal with anger and other issues. She even walks us through a step-by-step tapping tutorial. Visit Bev's website: wellnessatyourfingertips.com Register for our upcoming Wise Traditions conference. Check out our sponsors: Earth Runners, Women's Meditation Network, Optimal Carnivore Get our free Nutrition for Mental Health brochure

  • 362: Mental Health: Shadow Work

    18/04/2022 Duración: 01h34s

    Shadow work is the process of exploring the hidden side of yourself. In the work, you learn to let go of facades and ways of relating that are disempowering. Today, Dr. Kelly Brogan invites us to lean into the challenges and enjoy the freedom and growth that can result from increased self-awareness. Kelly is a holistic psychiatrist, the author of A Mind of Your Own and Own Your Self, and the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset. She points out that shadow work helps us break old patterns and to discover what it feels like to really live--feeling our feelings, facing fear, and exploring parts of ourselves that we have either ignored or resisted. She suggests that we begin with curiosity about ourselves, rather than self-judgment or condemnation. She reminds us that at times we may feel like we're actually dying as we sit with uncomfortable feelings. She describes the process as a spiral path of learning, where we revisit lessons throughout our lives. Finally, Kelly reminds us that this work c

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