Content Inc With Joe Pulizzi



Content Inc. is for entrepreneurs and startups who want to be big - not by creating and selling more products and services - but by developing a loyal audience through remarkable content. Joe Pulizzi, known as the "godfather of content marketing," believes that most small businesses and startups are going to market in the wrong way. Instead of leading first with product, Joe believes entrepreneurs should be building audiences...then they can sell whatever they want. Each episode contains one inspirational idea that can change your business - all in less than 15 minutes, too.


  • Episode 18: Forcing Yourself Out Of Your Comfort Zone {with Ann Handley}

    27/01/2015 Duración: 10min

    Taking on a content first mentality with your marketing, means you must be willing to put yourself out there, possibly in ways you never imagined. Taking a stand, having a strong point of view and perhaps even shaking up the status quo are all elements that need to be considered when developing content for your business. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi is joined by Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs. Ann shares a story from her grade school years of how being forced to evaluate what it meant to literally sit on the sidelines affected more than just one game of field hockey. You cannot expect to succeed if you are not in the game. 

  • Episode 17: We Fail When We Lead With Product First {with Jay Acunzo}

    26/01/2015 Duración: 05min

    Too often, as start-ups and even as established companies, the marketing messages we create for our audience share only the features, not the true benefits that will help those we serve. In this episode of Content, Inc., Joe Pulizzi brings on guest Jay Acunzo, VP of Platform for NextView Ventures, to share how to get past the features conversation and go directly to addressing the problems you solve for your customers. Don't fail by leading with your product. Succeed by leading with how you improve the current situation for your customer. 

  • Episode 16: Build The Base, Then Diversify Content {with Jon Loomer}

    20/01/2015 Duración: 06min

    This episode of Content Inc. Joe Pulizzi has guest Jon Loomer, a Facebook Marketing Expert who has grown his business using a content marketing approach. Jon shares how he grew his audience and subsequently his revenue, by building a solid content base. In his first two years, he generated over 600 blog posts. This was truly a solid base that then allowed him to diversify into other content platforms as well as create products that his audience wanted. Listen to hear more of how Jon became the Facebook Marketing Expert by focusing on content first. 

  • Episode 15: How To Launch A Product (Hint: Audience First) {with Brian Clark}

    19/01/2015 Duración: 13min

    Launching products on the web is not a new idea today, however, a few years back when Brian Clark started Copyblogger, these ideas and concepts were quite new. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi has Brian share how he launched the first product for Copyblogger and how that initial process continues to evolve and grow the company. Learn why building your audience before you have a product is a critical component to a successful content driven business model. 

  • Episode 14: Breaking All The Rules: Copyblogger Origin Story {with Brian Clark}

    13/01/2015 Duración: 08min

    What are the rules to building a Content Inc marketing approach to your business? The rule is there are no rules. In this episode, Joe Pulizzi brings on Brian Clark, founder of Copyblogger, to share a bit of the origin story of launching his business and site. Brian had two aspects he knew he wanted for his business. One, he wanted to apply his copywriting skills to content to make it more engaging, more reader friendly and more valuable. And two, it had to sell stuff, not advertising, to make money. 

  • Episode 13: Why You Need To Care About Content Competition {with Jay Baer}

    12/01/2015 Duración: 06min

    Creating content for the sake of just creating content will not necessarily be the best strategy for your business. This episode of Content Inc. Joe Pulizzi addresses a few things to consider when honing in on your content niche. Joe is also joined by good friend Jay Baer, Convince and Convert, to ask you two questions you better be able to answer before you start any content creation. Learn why caring more about the content you create can mean the difference between just creating content and creating great content that converts. 

  • Episode 12: 4 Ways To Dominate Your Market With Publishing

    06/01/2015 Duración: 08min

    It's time to take on a publishing mindset. If you want to dominiate your industry, thinking and acting more like a media company vs. the traditional marketing tactics of the past, will get you there. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi breaks down the four ways you can dominate your marketing by publishing quality and useful content for your target audience. Become the leading authority on your topic or in your industry by being helpful. Choose a media platform and own it. Watch your business become the dominate player in your field. 

  • Episode 11: Why It's Time To Ditch The Office

    05/01/2015 Duración: 07min

    Technology has not only changed how we do business with customers, it has also changed how we work as in organization. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi discusses why now is the time to consider ditching the traditional office and creating a virtual working model for your business. Joe cites this one decision as perhaps the best decision they made at Content Marketing Institute. By choosing the right talent, having less meetings and the ability to be agile, becoming virtual could put you ahead of your competition. 

  • Episode 10: Why Your Business Needs A Cause

    30/12/2014 Duración: 07min

    Cause marketing is not a new idea. However, finding a cause that your business can get behind can be the driving force that makes a huge difference not only in the lives of others, but also on your bottom line. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi shares how Content Marketing Institute, in partnership with the Easter Seals of Northern Ohio, has raised over $100,000 with their CMI Golf For Autism event over the past eight years. Learn the six tenets your company needs to successfully integrate cause marketing into your content strategy and align with the future of our purpose-driven economy.  

  • Episode 9: Top 5 Ways To Get More Speaking Gigs

    29/12/2014 Duración: 07min

    Is landing more speaking gigs one of your goals for the next year? This episode of Content Inc. has Joe Pulizzi sharing the five key elements that can help you book more speaking as part of your content strategy. Get organized, get focused and get on more stages in the this year! 

  • Episode 8: 7 Strategies To Focus Your Content Inc. Approach

    23/12/2014 Duración: 09min

    You understand that content marketing will build audience and drive business growth. Now it's time to get more organized in building a solid content marketing strategy. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi breaks down the seven strategies that are key to creating a successful business using content marketing. 

  • Episode 7: How To Start The Business Book of Your Dreams

    22/12/2014 Duración: 08min

    Writing a book can seem like a daunting task. Yet, you know that a book puts you in a different level of thought leadership and can change your business. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi shares the seven tips to getting that book out of your head and onto paper...and published. A published book can not only change your business, it can change your life. 

  • Episode 6: Two Storytelling Lessons From My Grandfather

    16/12/2014 Duración: 08min

    Joe Pulizzi learned his first lessons of entrepreneurship from his grandfather. These lessons have stayed with Joe over the years and have been a big inspiration to his own success. In this episode of Content Inc. Joe shares two lessons of storytelling that he learned from his grandfather and that still resonate with him today. 

  • Episode 5: 8 Content Steps To Making Millions

    15/12/2014 Duración: 11min

    In the past, it would have taken a lot of resources in both time and money to build an audience. Today, technology allows anyone to build an audience without many of the barriers that were in place in the past. In this episode of Content Inc., Joe Pulizzi breaks down the eight steps needed to successfully build an audiene with content marketing and turn that audience into business growth. 

  • Episode 4: The Risk of Being A Full-Time Employee

    09/12/2014 Duración: 06min

    The world is changing. The definition of security does not necessarily include having a full-time job and working for someone else. This episode of Content Inc Joe Pulizzi offers up some hard questions that each of us need to consider when it comes to our professional careers. How much say do you have in the company you work in? Is it really that risky to go out on your own vs. working for someone else? Get Joe's take and then decide for yourself.

  • Episode 3: The Content Marketing Mission Statement

    08/12/2014 Duración: 07min

    Does your organization have a content marketing mission statement? This episode of Content Inc Joe Pulizzi breaks down the elements of a content marketing mission statement and why having one for your team is critical for consistency and content success. Ensure your content team has clarity and consistency with their content by developing a content marketing mission statement. 

  • Episode 2: The Two Things Every Content Marketer Needs To Do

    08/12/2014 Duración: 07min

    What are the two things that differntiate great content marketers from average content marketers? This episode of Content Inc, Joe Pulizzi shares the power of setting goals, both personally and professionally, and how this one task can be critical for content marketing success. Once the goal is set, it's imperative it is reviewed on a regular basis. Does your content team do this? 

  • Episode 1: Defeating Goliath Requires Different Thinking...a Different Model

    04/12/2014 Duración: 08min

    We are all familiar with the story of David & Goliath as told from the Bible. This episode of Content Inc, host Joe Pulizzi breaks down this parable as it pertains to small business. Referencing the latest book from Malcom Gladwell, David And Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants, Joe shares how small businesses are more agile, can have a better strategy and can take down the big corporate giants. 

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