Dharma Talks By Christopher Titmuss



Christopher Titmuss, a former Buddhist monk in Thailand and India, offers Dharma teachings addressing the wide variety of issues in daily life including mindfulness, meditation, communication and wise action. Drawing directly on the Buddha's wisdom, Christopher explores in depth world and spiritual experiences including an enquiry into ethics, love and awakening. His talks are practical and insightful, serious and at times, humorous. For more Information please visit http://www.insightmeditation.org


  • Mark Cross Bitcoin by Christopher


    These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the significance of the spiritual in daily life. The teachings examine ethics and wisdom for application to personal, social and global issues. Dharma Enquiry consists of a one to one dialogue on a variety of themes with a participant on a retreat. These dialogues last from 10 to 30 minutes. A former Buddhist monk in Thailand and India, Christopher Titmuss is a senior Buddhist teacher in the West. Poet and social critic, he is the author of numerous books. He lives in Totnes, Devon, England.

  • Formless And Formations Of The Mind


    These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the significance of the spiritual in daily life. The teachings examine ethics and wisdom for application to personal, social and global issues. Dharma Enquiry consists of a one to one dialogue on a variety of themes with a participant on a retreat. These dialogues last from 10 to 30 minutes. A former Buddhist monk in Thailand and India, Christopher Titmuss is a senior Buddhist teacher in the West. Poet and social critic, he is the author of numerous books. He lives in Totnes, Devon, England.

  • Dharma Enquiry


    These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the significance of the spiritual in daily life. The teachings examine ethics and wisdom for application to personal, social and global issues. Dharma Enquiry consists of a one to one dialogue on a variety of themes with a participant on a retreat. These dialogues last from 10 to 30 minutes. A former Buddhist monk in Thailand and India, Christopher Titmuss is a senior Buddhist teacher in the West. Poet and social critic, he is the author of numerous books. He lives in Totnes, Devon, England.

  • The Necessity of Renewal


    These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the significance of the spiritual in daily life. The teachings examine ethics and wisdom for application to personal, social and global issues. Dharma Enquiry consists of a one to one dialogue on a variety of themes with a participant on a retreat. These dialogues last from 10 to 30 minutes. A former Buddhist monk in Thailand and India, Christopher Titmuss is a senior Buddhist teacher in the West. Poet and social critic, he is the author of numerous books. He lives in Totnes, Devon, England.

  • The Buddha And His Dysfunctional Family

    05/01/2014 Duración: 57min

    Dharma Enquiry by Christopher Titmuss. 08.12.2017

  • What Is Truth?


    These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the significance of the spiritual in daily life. The teachings examine ethics and wisdom for application to personal, social and global issues. Dharma Enquiry consists of a one to one dialogue on a variety of themes with a participant on a retreat. These dialogues last from 10 to 30 minutes. A former Buddhist monk in Thailand and India, Christopher Titmuss is a senior Buddhist teacher in the West. Poet and social critic, he is the author of numerous books. He lives in Totnes, Devon, England.

  • Mindfulness, The Self And Emptiness

    05/01/2014 Duración: 59min

    Experience comes before theory and knowledge. Mindfulness goes to body, feelings, states of mind and Dharma and the process of conditionality, rather than attributing events to the self to show the emptiness of self. See what leads to what. Dharma talk recorded on March 24, 2013.

  • Concerns With Regard To Isolation

    20/12/2013 Duración: 50min

    The “All” includes senses, sense objects and the “All” that takes in the inner life. We have to consider what is gross and its change to subtle. We sometimes act in gross ways deserving attention. The body may not be a gross lump but subtle sensations. The solid is not so solid as we think. The mindful one meditates on the duality of gross and subtle. Dharma talk recorded in India, February 2013.

  • From Gross To Subtle

    20/12/2013 Duración: 48min

    The “All” includes senses, sense objects and the “All” that takes in the inner life. We have to consider what is gross and its change to subtle. We sometimes act in gross ways deserving attention. The body may not be a gross lump but subtle sensations. The solid is not so solid as we think. The mindful one meditates on the duality of gross and subtle. Dharma talk recorded in India, February 2013.

  • The Dharma Of Love

    16/12/2013 Duración: 59min

    Ancient teachings pointed to a single transformative experience of the ego. Could one’s life be going back and forth between the infinite and the finite. Metta means love as much as friendship and kindness but can be at the expense of romantic love. Dharma talk recorded in India, February 2013.

  • Exploration Of Feelings And Emotions

    16/12/2013 Duración: 53min

    We experience a wide variety of states of mind including feelings and emotions. We experience absence of such states of mind. Are there resources within to transform difficult emotions or do we need wise counsel? Practice distinguishes pleasant and painful feelings/emotions and works with both. Dharma talk recorded in India, February 2013.

  • Who Is The Meditator?

    11/12/2013 Duración: 50min

    The teachings explore the nature of the self, of I. The “I” cannot sit. Only the body can “sit.” The “I” identifies with the body so we say “I am sitting here.” There is the pure witness who witnesses the variety of experiences. Control and will power is the problem of the meditator. Am I the pure witness or can we go deeper? Dharma talk recorded in India, February 2013.

  • Construction Of The Personality

    11/12/2013 Duración: 54min

    We judge others and ourselves through features of personality rather than looking deeper. We forget that a personality consists of regular repetition, wholesome or unwholesome of certain patterns of mind. We identify with these patterns. It becomes our persona. At times, the personality is not functioning. There is a stillness within… Dharma talk recorded in India, February 2013.

  • Inner And Outer Change

    11/12/2013 Duración: 52min

    We either want something to change or we don’t want it to change. Human issues revolve around these perceptions. Some meditators believe that witnessing change moment to moment is enough. What can we change. What can’t we change? Such as our parents…. Dharma talk recorded in India, November 2012.

  • Nature Of Specific Conditions

    11/12/2013 Duración: 01h18min

    Grasping onto conditions makes life problematic. If something really affects us there may be a causal condition whether happy or painful. What is the immediate sense of what brought an issue about? We must be honest with ourselves. The teachings examine the known not the elevation of the Unknown into a supernatural. Dharma talk followed by questions and answers. Recorded in Australia, 2012

  • Happiness Meditation

    10/12/2013 Duración: 54min

    What robs us of happiness? Pressure, tension and control get reinforced through the thoughts used to justify our experience. Mindfulness serves as a step towards the dissolution of contraction to reveal peace of mind and happiness. Happiness touches us in various ways from nature, to meditation, to listening to the Dharma. Dharma talk recorded Germany, May 2012

  • Full Moon Of May

    10/12/2013 Duración: 01h03min

    Commentary on the events that led up to the Buddha’s awakening. Why his deep meditation experiences before the night of the full moon were unsatisfactory. He realised that our view shapes the way we live our lives. He pointed the way to the middle way between self indulgence and self hate. Dharma talk recorded Germany, May 2012

  • Liberation Of The Voice

    10/12/2013 Duración: 48min

    There is the wish to be heard, to be understood. At times, we pour out a form of verbal diarrhoea without consideration for the other. The way we communicate often means we are not heard. What is the voice of liberation? Dharma talk recorded April 2012

  • What Is Tantra?

    10/12/2013 Duración: 53min

    People get separated from each other due to beliefs – monks/nuns from householders. Tantra means to weave together, to expand. Tantra draws upon different traditions, sexuality, sensuality and daily life rather than live trapped in a box. Dharma talk recorded in Israel, April 2012

  • Rolling In The Deep

    10/12/2013 Duración: 48min

    The touch of the Deep shows itself in a break from the unresolved issues from the past. We have come out of a relationship but we have really learnt something from it. Dharma talk recorded in Israel, April 2012

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