Conrad Rocks

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 402:23:38
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I talk about how to get closer spiritually to the biblical Jesus. I discuss what it means to "walk after the Spirit" and to have a relationship with God. My experiences and scriptural exploration will help you to Know Jesus - and not just know about Him.


  • From Witchcraft to Worship - Alexandria Butler's Radical Transformation

    15/06/2024 Duración: 01h29min

    Discover how a divine encounter on Interstate 35 radically transformed Alexandria Butler's life, leading her from a past of witchcraft and darkness into the glorious light of Jesus Christ.In this powerful episode of Coffee with Conrad, Alexandria Butler shares her incredible testimony of being delivered from a life of witchcraft and darkness into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ. Her story of redemption and transformation will inspire and encourage you to believe in the transformative power of the gospel and the necessity of the Holy Spirit's infilling for a victorious Christian life.Bullet Points:Growing up surrounded by witchcraft and tarot cards, Alexandria was consumed by bitterness, anger, and negativity;A supernatural intervention while delivering drugs changed everything, as God's presence filled her car through the radio;Surrendering her life to Jesus was just the beginning of a journey towards complete transformation and deliverance;Alexandria's pursuit of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, despite o

  • From Brokenness to Impact - Richard's Story

    01/06/2024 Duración: 01h04min

    Discover how God dramatically transformed one man's brokenness into a powerful ministry of impact. - Mischievous childhood rooted in church;- Sexual abuse left deep scars;- Tragic losses turned heart cold;- Jennifer: the persistent pursuer ordained;- Marriage became a ministry cornerstone;- Positive Impact: empowering at-risk youth;- Suicidal past overcome by grace;- Supporting others is life-saving;- God redeems all for His glory;LINKS:Real Talk Interactive Facebook Page: on Facebook: Video Interview: with Conrad podcast: Your Eyes - book: Label: Media:

  • Radical Discipleship: Jesus vs. Modern Christianity

    11/05/2024 Duración: 31min

    What Did Jesus Really Mean by "Make Disciples"? Contrasting 1st Century vs. Modern DiscipleshipKey Points:In 1st century Israel, discipleship under a rabbi was a significant multi-year commitment involving close daily relational living and imitation of the rabbi. The goal was to become like the rabbi in character, behavior and lifestyle.Jesus' call to "make disciples" meant perpetuating this intense rabbi-disciple relationship model, with disciples becoming teachers themselves. It involved deep sacrifice, leaving everything to follow the rabbi.In contrast, modern western discipleship often:Emphasizes comfort and personal fulfillment over sacrificeUses classroom-style teaching vs. relational immersionMakes disciple-making a side ministry vs. the core missionSees persecution as failure vs. a privilege of sharing in Christ's sufferingsFocuses on information transfer vs. transformational lifestyleTo align with Jesus' intent, the modern church needs to recapture the early church's model of sacrificial, relational,

  • Discerning True Prophecy - Lessons from Biblical Examples and Failed Predictions

    13/04/2024 Duración: 28min

    Are you tired of being bombarded by doomsday prophecies that never come to pass? In this episode, we're going to explore the critical differences between genuine biblical prophecy and the failed predictions that have plagued the modern church.Show Notes:Title: Discerning True Prophecy: Lessons from Biblical Examples and Failed PredictionsIntroduction: The hype surrounding the recent solar eclipse and the need for discernment2. Conrad’s background in the prophetic community and the differences between Old and New Testament standards3. Examination of false prophecies:    - The "Mystery of the Shemitah" by Jonathan Cahn    - The "Four Blood Moons" by John Hagee    - The failed rapture predictions of Harold Camping4. Contrasting false prophecies with genuine biblical examples:    - Gideon's confirmation through fleece and dream interpretation    - Jeremiah's prophetic land purchase as a sign of hope    - Moses' encounter with God at the burning bush    - The confirmation of Samuel's prophetic word to Eli5. Common

  • America's Prophetic Wake Up Call - Lessons from the UN Abstention and the Bridge Collapse

    30/03/2024 Duración: 46min

    Dive into a thought-provoking analysis of America's spiritual state, as a pivotal incident sparks profound reflections on the nation's relationship with Israel, the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, and the prophetic implications behind the "Dali." Buckle up for a journey that challenges complacency and calls for repentance.Show Notes:America's abstention at UNSymbolic ship collisionFrancis Scott Key BridgeDali's Prophetic Paintings of AmericaMoral decline in AmericaCall for spiritual renewalLinks: Live video -

  • Sowing the Word - Bearing Kingdom Fruit

    16/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Exploring the concept of sowing the Word of God and reaping a perpetual harvest.**Main Points**The Word of God is a seed from heaven.- We are co-laborers with God in spreading the gospel.- There are two aspects of God's word: Rhema (spoken word) and Logos (written word).- Our role is to faithfully sow the seed and trust the Holy Spirit to bring about growth.- The parable of the sower teaches us that the seed may fall on different types of soil, representing the different ways people respond to the word of God.- We should be mindful of the fruit we are producing in our lives.- Making disciples is more than just sowing seeds, it's about nurturing them and helping them to reproduce.- The parable of the talents teaches us that we are given gifts and talents by God, and that we're expected to use them to make a difference in the world.LinksReach God Through the Storm, Tap into the Spirit Realm - Speaking to Your Mountain, Bold Declarations of FaithSocial Media:Conrad on FacebookConrad on InstagramConrad on Twitter

  • From Spinning Plates to Sowing Seeds - Be fruitful for the Kingdom not just busy

    02/03/2024 Duración: 27min

    Become a more fruitful disciple-maker by shifting away from busyness to investing in people.Main PointsThe "spinning plates" mentality gives an illusion of control and busyness but doesn't produce lasting fruitWe should shift to a "sowing seeds" mentality focused on fruitfulness for God's kingdomFocus on activities that bring you closer to God and serve othersPrioritize tasks based on spiritual impact and kingdom goals, not just urgencyBe patient - growth takes time like a farmer waiting for harvestSowing the word involves investing in people, not just spreading informationBuild relationships and create space for spiritual growthMake disciples who can then disciple others - multiplicationAction StepsEvaluate how your activities contribute to God's kingdomDistinguish urgent tasks from important long-term goalsFind receptive hearts to sow gospel seeds intoNurture new believers like Paul did with TimothyCreate a safe space for spiritual conversationsLINKSSocial Media: htt

  • Reach God Through the Storm - Tap into the Spirit Realm

    13/01/2024 Duración: 36min

    Hear God's voice above the stormLearn the secret to tapping into the spirit realm during prayer for guidance and miracles.Are your prayers being drowned out by the chaos in your mind? Today's podcast reveals the crucial difference between intellect-driven prayer and Spirit-led prayer, so you can breakthrough and clearly hear God's voice, discern His will, and experience more miracles.Show Notes:- The problem with praying from intellect;- Why we must get out of carnal mind;- The power of praying in the Spirit;- How to know you have connected;- Tapping into the spirit realm;- Developing spiritual discernment;- Personal examples of breakthrough;LINKS:Social Media: for Listeners!AUDIBLE FREE TRIAL Two Free Months Scribd Trial Readwise free trial My Books:Open Your Eyes - My SUPERNATURAL JourneyOvercome Demonic Night TerrorsT-Shirts PayPal:https:/

  • Speaking to your Mountain - Bold Declarations of Faith

    30/12/2023 Duración: 19min

    In this faith-building message, we look at the power of our words and declaring bold statements of faith just like David did when he spoke to his mountain, Goliath. Learn to speak God's promises over your obstacles! The new agers get the law of attraction from passages like this in the bible. I dig deeper and show you the kingdom keys of this passage in Mark 11:21-26Bullet Points:- Jesus curses fig tree;- Tree withers days later;- Speak to mountains in faith;- Heart and mind alignment key;- God gives right desires;- Forgiveness removes blocks;- Declarations bring breakthroughs;Links:Book Media: for Listeners!AUDIBLE FREE TRIAL Free Months Scribd Trial free trial

  • Destiny Awaits - Step into Your Prophetic Purpose

    02/12/2023 Duración: 42min

    Struggling to step out in your prophetic gifting because of fear or insecurity? This podcast helps you break through doubt, operate in courage, and unleash your supernatural talents for Kingdom impact!Show Notes:Overcoming fear of embracing prophetic call;Reasons for fear: inaccuracy, pride, rejection. Push through fears.;Parable of talents - don't bury gifts. Multiplying talents rewarded.;Cultivate courage and step out in faith when using gifts, even if unsure at first.;Growth through practice.;Fear caused by lack of trusting God. More experiences of God build faith.;God gave spirit of power, love and discipline - not fear (2 Timothy 1:7).;Have mentors who model successfully operating in gifts. Community helps overcome fear.;Links:Prophetic evangelism podcast Four Sources of Spiritual InformatoinOpen Your Eyes My Supernatural JourneyFreebies for Listeners!AUDIBLE FREE TRIAL Two Free Months Scribd Trial Readwise free trial My Books:Overcoming Night Terror - Making the Demons LeaveT-Shirts PayPal

  • Thomas Dabney Tannehill - Testimony for Jesus

    21/10/2023 Duración: 35min

    Thomas Dabney Tannehill shares his powerful testimony of coming to faith in Jesus Christ. He talks about his occult experiences, drug use, and demonic encounters before having a life-changing salvation experience. Thomas describes how his life was radically transformed after surrendering to Christ.Interesting upbringing: church, occult, poltergeist;Ran away at 13; parents divorced;Confirmed in church at 12-13; still "heathen";Started using psychedelic drugs; played in rock band;Sensed evil spirits and demons on drugs;Bad trip: saw convulsing body, demons; cried to God;Selling drugs; old friend Mickey witnessed to him;Tried to be Christian; surrendered and repented;Mickey mentored him; lived in house with believers;Bible came alive with Holy Spirit revelation;Life radically changed after salvation; freed from sin;Reconnected with Mickey before he passed;Christians need fellowship and to reach out;Righteous stumble but get back up in Christ;Salvation is a journey; takes time;Prays for clinging to Jesus and shin

  • Pondering Parables - Portals of Revelation

    14/10/2023 Duración: 27min

    In this episode, we’ll explore how pondering the parables of Jesus can unlock spiritual revelation in our lives. Get ready to go deeper with the wisdom of Christ as we reflect on the transformative power of parables.Why Jesus used parables; they grab attention, create emotional connection, accessible to all, provoke deeper reflection;Parables are easy to remember and ponder; can recall essence without full scriptural context;Pondering parables while away from Bible allows fresh perspective; experience personal revelation;Parables invite self-reflection; see ourselves in the stories;Layers of meaning reveal insights into current circumstances; Spirit guides us;Must keep parables rooted in biblical truth; complement scripture;Approach with open heart, but ensure aligned with written word;Parables shine a light, mirror us; challenge beliefs and values;Spirit rushes in with sudden clarity, congruent understanding; we feel peace, inner knowing, confirmation;When words abide in us, we recognize Jesus' voice through

  • Bystander Syndrome - Wake Up Church!

    30/09/2023 Duración: 53min

    show notesBystander Syndrome is Rampant in Christianity Today!Do you struggle with sharing your faith? Learn how to overcome fear and excuses to become a bold witness for Christ.This podcast tackles the pressing problem of "bystander syndrome" that has infiltrated the church when it comes to evangelism and fulfilling the Great Commission.Discover little-known statistics revealing that personal evangelism is the #1 way people come to Christ - not big church events or programs.Be inspired by real testimonies of divine appointments and lives changed through simple acts of compassion and sharing the gospel.Get proven tips to write your testimony, pray for open doors, and step out in faith to reach your family, friends, co-workers with the message of Jesus.The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few! Will you embrace your call to action and become an ambassador for the gospel?The time is now friends. Souls hang in the balance. Listen to this podcast and get equipped to share your faith boldly!Here are show no

  • WorldWide Deception - Cultivating Discernment for Our Times

    16/09/2023 Duración: 32min

    Deception is running rampant. False prophets and doctrines abound. Are even faithful Christians at risk? Join Conrad as he explores spiritual discernment amidst deception. Learn key Bible passages about end times trickery. Hear exposés of worldwide hoaxes like Piltdown Man and crop circles. Gain essential safeguards to anchor in God's Word and the Holy Spirit. Fix eyes on Jesus. Weather the storms of compromise. Walk the narrow path home. Intrigued? Hit play now and dig deeper into guarding against deception in this eye-opening edition of Coffee with Conrad!Show NotesSpiritual deception is rampant in the world today;Even faithful Christians can be vulnerable to deception if not vigilant;Key ways followers of Christ can guard against deception:Study and live by God's Word;Rely on the Holy Spirit's guidance;Beware of false teachers arising from within the church;Scrutinize teachings against Scripture;Anchor ourselves in Christ above all;Bible passages warning about spiritual deception:Revelation 12:9;Matthew 24

  • Aliens or Demons - Unmasking the Deception

    02/09/2023 Duración: 43min

    Are aliens real or are they demons in disguise? Dive into the debate on this episode of Coffee with Conrad.Show Notes:Introduction to the debate on whether aliens could actually be demons from another realm or dimension;- We'll explore both sides by looking at historical examples, personal experiences, and biblical theories that have been proposed;- Discussion of compelling historical examples often cited as evidence of ancient alien encounters, including the Nazca Lines, Ezekiel's vision, Dropa Stones, Sarcophagus lid of King Pakal, Vimanas, Bayankara Ula disks, and more;- Examination of remarkable overlaps between modern alien abduction accounts and reports of demonic oppression/possession;- Analysis of biblical support for the theory that aliens are actually demons, including passages from Revelation, Corinthians, Ephesians and more;- Insights from my personal experiences with sleep paralysis and night terrors resembling reported alien abductions;- Exploration of the Nephilim and extraterrestrial interbree

  • Theology with Pi AI - Unleashing the Power of Technology in Theological Conversations

    05/08/2023 Duración: 43min

    Join Conrad as he has a fascinating dialogue with AI assistant Pi about spirit-led evangelism. They explore cultivating intimacy with God, the role of spiritual discernment, and what it means to authentically follow the Holy Spirit.Show Notes:Why apologetics alone doesn't always reach people's hearts;The power of miracles and spiritual encounters;Developing intimacy with God through prayer walks;Learning to discern God's voice from other influences;Biblical examples like David and Jesus' practices;Stepping out in faith to share God's love even when afraid;Making seeking God our first priority in life;Links:

  • Walking in Divine Health - What does the bible say?

    22/07/2023 Duración: 41min

    Does the Bible really guarantee divine health and freedom from all sickness for Christians? Listen as we examine the Scriptures on God's healing promises.Show Notes:Defining "divine health" and what it means to Christians;- Looking at Exodus 15:26 - obeying God's commands leads to health;- Matthew 18:32-34 - unforgiveness can lead to sickness;- 1 Corinthians 11:27-30 - taking communion unworthily can make you sick;- Examining some "proof text" verses used to support divine health (Matthew 4:4, Psalm 34:19, etc.);- These verses don't guarantee freedom from affliction;- Examples of godly people in the Bible who weren't healed (Paul's thorn, Epaphroditus' illness);- Sharing personal experiences with sin-sickness connection;- Going through listener comments and feedback on Facebook;- The story of John G. Lake's miraculous healing during the plague;- Discussion of whether divine health is promised or not;- Looking at Deuteronomy 8:4 - did the Israelites have divine health?- Conclusion - pray for healing but unders

  • Monty Simpson Interview - Exploring the Challenges and Rewards of Street Evangelism

    08/07/2023 Duración: 01h16min

    In this episode of Coffee with Conrad, Conrad interviews street evangelist Monty Simpson, who shares his testimony and experiences of preaching on the streets. Monty discusses his journey from a life of alcoholism to finding salvation and his calling to evangelism. He also shares insights into the challenges and rewards of street preaching, and how his spiritual relationship with Jesus fuels his passion for the Great Commission. Despite facing opposition and misunderstanding, Monty remains steadfast in his mission to bring Jesus to the lost and hurting world.Show notes:Monty Simpson shares his journey to street evangelism;- Simpson's upbringing and struggles with alcoholism;- His radical transformation after accepting Christ;- The challenges and opposition faced by street preachers;- The importance of being led by God in street preaching;- Encountering demonic opposition during public preaching;- The power of prayer and persistence in evangelism;- The need for more Christians to take the gospel to the streets

  • Calvinism vs. Arminianism Divine Dilemma

    01/07/2023 Duración: 33min

    In this thought-provoking episode of Coffee with Conrad, Conrad delves into the age-old debate of free will versus predestination, as well as the contrasting views of Calvinism and Arminianism. Join Conrad as he explores the main points and differences of these theological systems, offering his own spiritual perspective along the way. Buckle up for a deep dive into this fascinating topic and get ready to have your mind opened to new possibilities.Calvinism:1. Total depravity - humans born in sin.2. Unconditional election - God chooses who is saved.3. Limited atonement - Jesus died for the elect.4. Irresistible grace - the elect cannot resist God's grace.5. Perseverance of the saints - the elect will never be lost.Arminianism:1. Partial depravity - humans have capacity for good.2. Conditional election - God chooses based on mercy.3. Unlimited atonement - Jesus died for all.4. Resistible grace - humans can reject God's grace.5. Conditional salvation - believers can fall away.Differences:1. Role of human free wi

  • Sparking Spiritual Insight: 4 Questions to Dig Deeper

    24/06/2023 Duración: 20min

    Are you looking to deepen your relationship with God, unlock new insights from scripture, and learn how to apply spiritual truth to your life? Join me as I explore the power of asking, seeking, and knocking in order to spark spiritual revelation and insight. In this episode, I’ll be discussing a powerful four-question method that can help you take your spiritual journey higher. Tune in for Coffee with Conrad and start unlocking your hidden spiritual insights!• The power of asking, seeking, and knocking when it comes to sparking spiritual revelation and insight.• Spiritual revelations come with a biblical foundation- we must have a relationship with the Spirit of Truth and a biblical foundation for this to work. • “Parking the question in the Spirit”- when we are not ready to receive an answer. • Readwise Reader is useful for staying organized and motivated to read more. • Four questions to help dig deeper and go higher with God: • What question or questions does this scripture or idea answer? • What sc

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