Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green



WallBuilders Live! with David Barton and Rick Green is a daily journey into the past to capture the ideas of the Founding Fathers of America and then apply them to the major issues of today. Featured guests will include Congressmen, Senators, and other elected officials, as well as experts, activists, authors, and commentators on a variety of issues facing America.


  • Influence of the Bible on America, part 1

    09/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Embark on a journey through America's historical landscape as we uncover the indelible mark of the Bible on our nation's heritage, with insights from America's premier historian David Barton. Discover how the sacred pages sculpted our republic, threading through our founding tenets, from the free market to property and the nuances of our voting system. As we traverse our country's timeline, we reveal the essential nature of biblical teachings in not only shaping our government and society but also fortifying the moral framework essential for prosperity, a sentiment echoed by leaders like George Washington and recently reaffirmed by Donald Trump.Feel the reverence for Scripture that permeated the lives of the Pilgrims and Puritans, who seamlessly wove the Bible into governance, lawmaking, and education, setting the stage for an America where divine guidance was considered a cornerstone. With gripping tales of personalities like Patrick Henry and Noah Webster, we illustrate the Bible's

  • Renewing the Covenant of Liberty with Timeless Principles and Pastoral Leadership

    08/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Embark on a transformative journey with us as we confront the burning issues at the crossroads of faith and contemporary culture. Prepare to unravel the moral complexities of taxation, life, and more, through the steadfast lens of biblical accuracy, historical wisdom, and constitutional savvy. We will illuminate the path back to the foundational visions that the forefathers etched for America. Feel the anticipation build as Pastor Paul Blair informs us about an upcoming pastor's conference in Wisconsin – a rallying point for community torchbearers passionate about reigniting the fervor of biblical tenets and constitutional mores in their flocks.This episode is not just a conversation; it's a clarion call to action. We champion the cause of 'biblical citizenship,' urging you to embrace your pivotal role in the historical and constitutional re-education of our society. The time is ripe to invest your energies and influence into this noble quest, to become mentors, to host enlightening sessio

  • Christian Stewards in the Era of Digital Surveillance and Shifting Morals

    05/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Could the confluence of faith and culture be at a critical tipping point? We delve into this pressing question as we scrutinize the Biden administration's recent decision to set a Day of Visibility for the transgender community on Easter Sunday. In a world where cultural norms are rapidly evolving, we highlight the tension between progressive policies and traditional Christian values. We dissect the secularization of the Easter holiday at the White House. Our conversation is a clarion call for truth and liberty in the face of America's shifting cultural landscape.The ghost of Big Brother looms large with the advent of Central Bank Digital Currencies, and none other than Robert F Kennedy Jr. brings this to light. His recent interview casts a chilling prospect of a future where our financial freedom will be shackled by a Chinese-style social credit system. Senator Ted Cruz echoes the sentiment of many with his proposed ban on CBDCs, aiming to shield American liberties. And as we peek into the upcoming

  • The Role of Scriptural Wisdom in Shaping Educational Policies

    04/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today on Foundations of Freedom Thursday we focus on some listener questions- Can the principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion be reconciled with a Christian worldview? We analyze this  intriguing inquiry, scrutinizing the complexities of DEI through a biblical perspective. We're unraveling the tapestry of diversity quotas, equity's quest for identical outcomes, and the nuanced concept of inclusion—each thread examined against the backdrop of scripture. Our discourse reveals the occasional discord between DEI's group-centric approach and the Bible's individual focus, emphasizing the importance of character and intentions over mere external attributes.The American trinity of unity, trust in God, and liberty stands at the forefront as we contrast these values with the historical consequences of prioritizing equality, drawing lessons from the French Revolution. Not all inclusions are created equal, especially when they sideline Christian tenets; hence, we delve into the critical role of

  • Reclaiming Education: Pastors as Guardians of Morality and Constitutional Rights in Schools- with Pastor Richard Vega

    03/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover the significant impact spiritual leaders can have in shaping our education system as Pastor Richard Vega uncovers the challenges and triumphs of confronting cultural norms with biblical and constitutional values. This episode delves into the importance of pastors returning to their historical role as beacons of righteousness, armed with courage and conviction to speak out at school board meetings. Our engaging conversation sheds light on the explicit and gender-related content within public schools and how church leaders can be the preserving force our society desperately needs.This episode recounts the incredible story of hundreds of controversial and explicit books being removed from public schools as pastors stood up and said no. You'll also hear the transformative journey of a hesitant pastor who, after a personal confrontation with these materials, finds the conviction to step into the fray. This narrative serves as a clarion call to others who may be struggling to find their voice amidst t

  • Cultivating Responsibility and Resisting Centralized Controls in Our Communities- with Justin Haskins

    02/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Uncover the influence that each one of us wields within our communities as we navigate the confluence of faith, culture, and law. Today's episode is a reminder that change begins at home, and we have the duty to foster truth and engage actively in local affairs. We're joined by Justin Haskins from the Heartland Institute, who sheds light on the concerning evolution of the Uniform Law Commission (ULC). The Commission, veering from its original mission, now endorses the Public Health Emergency Authority Act, setting the stage for for unprecedented gubernatorial power that could challenge our state sovereignty and encroach upon our individual freedoms.Our discussion takes a critical look at the potential for government overreach through the Public Health Emergency Act, and the implications it has on the constitutional balance of powers. Drawing historical parallels to feudal systems, we underscore the urgency of constitutional protections, especially during times of crisis. The episode is not just an a

  • Upholding the Constitutional and Moral Compass in Chaotic Times for Israel- with Scott Faith

    01/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Journey with us as we uncover the power of primary sources in interpreting the founders' visions. The episode peels back the layers of media bias, particularly in the aftermath of the October 7th massacre, where Israel's portrayal often leans towards the villainous. We emphasize the imperative to discern America's historical and ethical grounds for supporting Israel amidst a sea of misinformation that floods liberal and conservative news alike.Joining the discussion, Scott Faith assists in dissecting the clever manipulation of language by media outlets, which tend to diminish the severity of violence and provide cover for terrorists. We examine how campus newspapers' editorial choices contribute to the larger narrative of oppression and the necessity for retractions due to altered perspectives. The conversation then takes a critical turn towards the Marxist influence on our understanding of justice, contrasting it with the biblical insistence on individual responsibility. Highlighting the

  • Easter and a Resurgence of Conservative Values on Good News Friday

    29/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover what happens at the crossroads of faith and secular culture on today's episode, where we engage in a vibrant discussion about the values that will define America's future. With Easter just around the corner, we contemplate the deep impact of this sacred season, celebrating the decision of many businesses to honor the day by shutting their doors. But our conversation doesn't stop there; we seize the moment to discuss the vital role Christians play in shaping public discourse, reinforcing the need for active participation and not just passive observance.Victory has a name in the pro-life movement, and it's gaining ground across the political landscape, even in some surprising places.  It's becoming evident that being Pro-life doesn't hurt one's campaign, as more and more people begin to understand the value of life.Can bipartisan support really change the tide in our nation's capital? We shine a light on the unexpected moves by several elected officials whose com

  • Delving into the Ethical Fabric of Political Leadership and Civic Duty on Foundations of Freedom Thursday

    28/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today is Foundations of Freedom Thursday, so lets dive into some questions from the listeners- Which is better, primaries or caucuses?  And,If spending begins in the house, how is it that Biden is doing his own spending?Discover the heartbeat of American democracy as we promise an expedition through the landscape of our electoral systems, dissecting the value of primaries versus caucuses. This isn't just about voting mechanics—it's a deep dive into the lifeblood of civic engagement and the crucial role an informed electorate plays in upholding constitutional integrity. We'll unravel the complexities of this transition and its implications on representing the wider public, fueled by the wisdom of  great historical figures such as Thomas Jefferson, and the pressing need for voter awareness.As we navigate the murky waters of potential presidential pairings, we leave no stone unturned. A Trump-DeSantis ticket? The strategic allure of adding Marco Rubio to the mix? We analyze the constitutional nuan

  • Charting a Course for Financial Stability in Uncertain Times - with Ken Ivory

    27/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Prepare to be enlightened on the stabilizing virtues of gold and silver in our currency system as we welcome Ken Ivory, a leading figure on economic strategies. This episode promises an in-depth look at how these precious metals can reinforce our financial sovereignty, particularly in times of distressing inflation reminiscent of that felt during the American Revolution. As Utah makes legislative advancements towards embracing a precious metals currency, we celebrate this proactive step and discuss the constitutionally grounded possibilities for other states to follow suit.The erosion of our dollar's purchasing power is more than just an economic concern; it's a crisis of confidence with far-reaching implications for our sovereignty. We tackle the intricate subject of "shrinkflation" and its impact on your wallet, unraveling how sound money is critical for both individual and state stability. We analyze the petrodollar system, and the ensuing challenges from countries like China and Saudi

  • Defending Our Children: America's Culture War and the Fight for Wholesome Communities- with Ricky Schroder

    26/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Embark on a journey through America's heart and soul as we explore the integral connection between faith, culture, and civic duty. With a focus on how these crucial elements shape our nation's citizenship, this episode promises to provide a thought-provoking analysis, underpinned by biblical, historical, and constitutional wisdom. Our special guest, Ricky Schroder, joins us to amplify the voices of unsung American heroes and sheds light on the battle against the easy access of pornography to our children, a fight that is as crucial as it is challenging.As we navigate the complexities of modern-day media and its impact on our youth, we find ourselves at a crossroads. We confront the subtle ways in which narratives are shaped, examining Disney's influence and discussing the necessity of creating content that uplifts and educates rather than manipulates. Ricky's efforts, alongside our own initiatives, aim to secure a bastion of wholesomeness for future generations. We close with a fervent cal

  • Rising with Resilience: Dr. Ben Carson on the Power of Faith and Protecting American Values

    25/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover the indomitable spirit of Dr. Ben Carson, who rose from the depths of poverty to the peaks of medical achievement and political influence, as he joins us in a soul-stirring conversation about faith, family, and the foundations of American society. We journey through his life story, as recounted in his autobiography "Gifted Hands," exploring the immense influence of his mother's unwavering support and the biblical values that have grounded his impressive career. Dr. Carson also shares his perspective on the current cultural and political landscape, examining the role of courage and conviction in confronting the challenges that threaten our nation's core principles.We discuss the critical need to reinforce the family unit and reignite the torch of America's founding values. We dissect the historical fortitude that shaped our nation, from the heroic efforts of World War II to today's internal battles that risk our collective future. We underscore the importance of active ci

  • Fostering a New Generation's Stand for Freedom on Good News Friday

    22/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today on Good News Friday, we’ll work through more of David and Tim’s stack of good news articles- Discover the indomitable spirit of youth as they navigate the challenging waters of faith in public schools. We unveil a heartening narrative of high school students who've orchestrated a prayer and worship event, casting a beacon of hope within their educational environment.Together, we dissect the Supreme Court's affirmation of Texas's pioneering immigration enforcement law, engaging in a rich dialogue about state sovereignty and its historical relationship with federal legal frameworks.The emblem of freedom, the American flag, becomes a catalyst for debate as we recount an incident at an Indiana school that sparked discussions around nationalism and the symbols we champion in educational spaces. Hear how a simple act of displaying the flag spurred a much-needed conversation on patriotism and led to an exploration of the dynamics of military enlistment under current political currents. We discus

  • School Choice, Replacing Socialism with Competition on Foundations of Freedom Thursday

    21/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today is Foundations of Freedom Thursday, so we'll take a look at a couple listener questions. First, what can be done about the failing education system that indoctrinates our kids and creates enemies of Christ? And Next, how can we read the Bible with a political and legislative understanding?Could the key to revitalizing our education system lie in the wisdom of the past? This episode takes you on a journey through the necessity of education reform, invoking Thomas Jefferson's vision of an educated citizenry and the indispensable influence of Christian principles in modern schooling. We confront a listener's deep-seated concerns about where our schools are headed and the imperative for the faithful to courageously counteract what some see as harmful trends. A personal epiphany unfolds, revealing education as the core influence for the critical issues surrounding judicial nominations and the sanctity of life, that should guide our voting decisions. The larger question remains: Can a collectiv

  • Engaging the Spiritual Crossroads: Mission for America's Youth and Our Founding Values

    20/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Embark on a journey to the heart of America's spiritual battleground with Kirk Cameron, where the intersection of Christianity and culture is undeniably critical to our nation's future. Our conversation with Kirk Cameron reveals his passion for instilling strong moral values in our youth through his upcoming dynamic children’s show. We also turn our focus to the pivotal role of pastors and ministry leaders in guiding their congregations towards embracing and understanding our nation's rich spiritual heritage, especially as we approach the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Their wisdom and leadership are more important than ever in fostering a society that reflects our foundational values.Uncover the profound impact of Christian ethics on our country's founding principles, as this episode illuminates the deep roots of Biblical influence that shaped America's governance. We explore the moral imperative for Christians to confront evil and work towards positive societa

  • Reviving Core Values: State Legislators Lead the Charge in America's Policy Renaissance

    19/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Unlock the secrets of state-level triumphs as the passionate Audrea Decker from the ProFamily Legislative Network guides us through the resurgence of America's core values in policymaking. Discover how state legislators are courageously championing historical, biblical, and constitutional principles amidst today's political climate. From Louisiana's bold move to rein in executive power to Idaho and Tennessee's defense of parental rights, this episode promises a deep dive into the heartening legislative actions taking shape across the nation.Join us for a conversation that not only celebrates these victories but also offers a much-needed perspective on the essential role of individual states as the bedrock of our nation's values. With wit and wisdom, we reflect on the echoes of the American Revolution in today's legislative landscape and the push to reintegrate traditional values into education, preserve religious liberty, and uphold the moral integrity of sports and locker rooms.

  • Navigating Cultural Storms: Restoring Values and Confronting Woke Ideology

    18/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Are the moral and ethical foundations of American culture crumbling? Join us as we confront the challenges of our times, embarking on an urgent mission to restore the values that underpin our society. We take a hard look at the recent Google AI debacle to underscore the dangers of biased technology and its ripple effects on economy and ethics. Diving deeper, the episode welcomes the discerning perspectives of Dr. Everett Piper. Our conversation is a clarion call for vigilance and action, offering insights into how leaders can shepherd their flocks through these stormy cultural seas.This episode doesn't just highlight the problems; it heralds the brave individuals who dare to speak the truth against the currents of gender identity confusion and sexual chaos. It's not just conservative Christians raising their voices – figures such as Joe Rogan and Bill Maher, often seen as far from the religious right, are also saying enough is enough. We chart a course through the debate on truth and moral relativis

  • Dissecting Political Narratives: A Search for Accountability and Honest Reporting

    15/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover the untold stories of January 6th as we scrutinize the new House Oversight subcommittee report that challenges previously held beliefs about the Capitol events. Together, we uncover the overlooked aspects and dissect the complicated web of security lapses, distinguishing between the violent few and the peaceful many. This episode promises not just revelation but an understanding of the fine line tread by truth in the chaotic dance of misinformation, and the steps former President Trump took amidst the turmoil.The pursuit of honesty in today's media is like searching for a beacon in a fog—difficult but not impossible. We explore the fatigue that so many feel toward political narratives and emphasize the necessity of due process, inviting listeners to join us in a media revolution that favors truth over sensation. Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch's recent remarks on the New York Times v. Sullivan case signal a potential swing towards greater accountability in public discourse, and we

  • Examining the January 6th Narrative: A Congressman's Quest for Transparent Investigation

    14/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Uncover the veiled truth behind the January 6th committee investigation with Congressman Barry Loudermilk. This episode promises a deep dive into the revelations from the oversight subcommittee that bring into question the established narratives. As we chat with Congressman Loudermilk, listen to his dedication to an impartial search for the facts, as he reveals the initial intentions of the original committee and their potential to sway political views. We're grateful for his openness and his efforts to reinforce faith in our civil institutions.The pursuit for clarity in the January 6th events brings us to a pivotal point as we examine recently surfaced White House documents. These records offer a new perspective on former President Trump's response to the Capitol breach – a narrative quite removed from what we've been told. Hear our frustration over the challenges in accessing vital transcripts and the resultant impact on the integrity of the investigation. The conversation turns to the Januar

  • Safeguarding Liberty in the Face of Social Credit Scoring

    13/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover the bold legislative counterstrike against the encroaching ESG movement with Tennessee State Representative Jason Zachary. Engage with us as we journey through the critical intersections of faith, culture, and governance, shedding light on the efforts to safeguard our economy and citizens from a system many equate with social credit scores found in authoritarian regimes. We're not just talking theory; we're bringing you the concrete actions and strategies from the front lines of this constitutional battleground.This episode isn't just a discussion; it's a call to awareness of the power your vote holds in shaping the future of governance. As we put the spotlight on the troubling impact of ESG criteria on individuals like Ambassador Sam Brownback, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and inspiration to stand for your rights. Join us for an empowering session that emphasizes the importance of transparency, informed participation, and the enduring impact of support from our comm

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