Darul Qasim Sunday Tafseer



The Sunday Tafsir is a weekly tafseer session with Darul Qasim Director, Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia. This course is open to the larger community and broadcast live every Sunday at 11 AM Central Time. Visit darulqasim.org to join the webcast. Shaykh Amin reads from chapters of the Quran Al-Kareem, interpreting verses and presenting valuable insights into their meanings. The views expressed in these media are the sole property of Darul Qasim. Explicit permission must be obtained from Darul Qasim before these media may be distributed online or referenced in any works.


  • Surah Al-Dhariyat - Session 4

    25/12/2022 Duración: 54min

    Surah Al-Dhariyat (51:38-46). brahim (AS) is the representation of one who overpowers world leaders without weaponry. He is proof that intellectual superiority is a by-product of keeping the fitrah. In this lecture: - Sultān, the self-evident power; - The prophets engaged in reforming those in power, not replacing them; - Mu’jizah; - The annihilation of Fir’awn, the Ād and the Thamūd; - The winds of change and the destructive power of sound; - The repertoire of Nūh (AS)

  • Surah Al-Dhariyat - Session 2

    11/12/2022 Duración: 35min

    Surah Al-Dhariyat (51:14-21). The essence of taqwa is to believe in Allāh (S) and to believe in what Allāh (S) promises. In this lecture:Tests, consistency and constancy; Growth and tarbiyyah in Jannah; Anticipating reward for good deeds; The highest level of Ihsan and Iman; Experiencing the Nur of Allāh (S) at blessed times; Part of Ihsan is seeing people as entitled to access Allah's Fadl.

  • Surah Al-Dhariyat - Session 1

    02/10/2022 Duración: 46min

    Surah Al-Dhariyat (51:1-11). The more we study and appreciate the creations which are sworn by in the oaths of the Qurʾān, the more we will appreciate the Creator. In this lecture:The reason why Allāh swears by oaths; What our approach should be towards oaths in the Qurʾān; The different systems of Allāh by which the world runs; The potential dangers of deep, unregulated speculation

  • Surah Qaf - Session 5

    25/09/2022 Duración: 51min

    Surah Qaf (50:37-45). Ṣabr is a dormant ability within every believer which Allāh seeks that he awaken and utilize, especially in calling others towards good. In this lecture: the power of ṣabr in the arsenal of the believer; the necessity of combining outward tasbīḥ with inward patience; how to plan for success factoring in multiple phases of existence; the importance of acknowledging the truth and adhering to it; how this sūrah comes around full circle with how it began.

  • Surah Qaf - Session 4

    11/09/2022 Duración: 53min

    Surah Qaf (50:30-37). It is not as if Allah doesn’t know you commit sins. It is in your imperfection that you must make tawbah and come to Him, as awwāb.rstood anything. Pause. And think. In this lecture: Jahannam; the bringing forward of Jannah by the Divine; the awwāb; the Rahmān; acclimatizing ourselves to eternity; Khallāq: the limitless Creativity of Allah ﷻ; stabilizing the alternating qalb.

  • Surah Qaf - Session 3

    04/09/2022 Duración: 49min

    Surah Qaf (50:17-29). Human being find it hard to bear that someone else has more knowledge regarding the affairs of what happens to us after death. In this lecture: we are never alone; the angels who record everything; the knowledge of the anbiyaa; the reality of the pangs of death; reflecting upon death; the power of the Trumpet; the plain of Arafaat and the return of our senses amplified; developing an existential agenda; the mureeb and the qareen; disbelief as rebellion.

  • Surah Qaf - Session 2

    28/08/2022 Duración: 57min

    Surah Qaf (50:9-16). The point of revelation is to learn to love Allāh, to have the comfort of knowing Him and knowing that He knows me, and that He will take care of me. In this lecture: The far-reaching effects of Allāh’s mercy through water; The means of rizq V.S. rizq that is consumed; The innovation of divorcing the Messenger from Islam; The ‘renewal’ found in all aspects of a Muslim’s life; The beginning of Iḥsān, and the false dichotomy of knowledge and spirituality.

  • Surah Qaf - Session 1

    21/08/2022 Duración: 57min

    Surah Qaf (50:1-8). The human nafs is the same, whether it is Ādam or Dajjāl. The difference is that Allah's Fadl ﷻ comes to Ādam, but it does not come to Dajjāl. So who is in control? Allah. In this lecture: the Quraysh's reservations with the Rasūl ﷺ; the Divine use of power; the world of the unseen; wahy and its expanding effect on human perception in the presence of imān; amr marīj (a confused state); the addictive state of confusion amid the seduction of kufr.

  • Surah Al-Hujurat - Session 6

    26/06/2022 Duración: 51min

    Surah Al-Hujurat (49:14-18). Belief in Allah and His Messenger is the greatest commodity in existence, which will accompany us beyond death; it is a tremendous disservice to ourselves that we allow our beliefs to become corrupted. In this lecture: The mannerism which Muslims should have with Allah The steps for progression in Iman The role of sacrifice (Mujahadah) in a believer’s development The importance of humility in seeking knowledge as a hallmark of our tradition.

  • Surah Al-Hujurat - Session 5

    19/06/2022 Duración: 48min

    Surah Al-Hujurat (49:12-13). Giving up on the ummah is the greatest pollutant among Muslims. In this lecture: ⁃ the evil of ghībah; ⁃ the language of wahy; ⁃ the methodical dismantlement of the Qurayshi aristocracy in Makkah; ⁃ the norms of human behavior and what Islam adds to it.

  • Surah Al-Hujurat - Session 4

    12/06/2022 Duración: 45min

    Surah Al-Hujurat (49:10-12). True freedom gievs you security. In this lecture: the evil of ridiculing people; accommodating those you don't agree with and collaborating for a greater good; the fabric of unity and neglecting micro-values such as having a good opinion of others; a higher standard for Muslims; aman (security) and the nafs al-ammārah.

  • Surah Al-Hujurat - Session 3

    29/05/2022 Duración: 37min

    Surah Al-Hujurat (49:9-10). It is a part of human nature to quarrel and fight and the Quran recognizes this frailty.In this lecture:the myth that Muslims do not fight; the categories of two conflicting Muslim groups; maintaining peace and stability once it is achieved; gray areas and room for negotiation; the spirit of the law; taqwā at the center of service; reconciling differences under the amīr.

  • Surah Al-Hujurat - Session 2

    15/05/2022 Duración: 50min

    Surah Al-Hujurat (49:6-9). The greater among the sahābah came to understand how the Rasūl ﷺ thinks and analyzes information. Simply being with the Rasūl ﷺ wasn't enough; they had to exercise tremendous effort to observe and study the ways of the Rasūl ﷺ.In this lecture:validating news and informationthe science of hadiththe discipline Allah ﷻ desired for the sahābahthe need for due diligencelove for Īmān as a gift from Allah ﷻthe murād of the Divine, and the sincere submission of the Rasūl ﷺ

  • Surah Al-Hujurat - Session 1

    08/05/2022 Duración: 48min

    Surah Al-Hujurat (49:1-5). Your Islam is determined by how much you accept the prophet'sﷺ authority in your life. In this lecture: the adab of being around the Messenger; the mindset of a Muslim; the event that brought down the second verse, a proof of the obedience of the sahabah; the civilizational value of adab for leadership; commentary on adab with the Quran, the masjid, the fast; ihsān over 'adl.

  • Surah Fath - Session 7

    27/03/2022 Duración: 40min

    Surah Fath (48:29-29). The key to Islam is that it must be apparent, not hidden. In this lecture:public and private prayerthe mention of the companions in the Torahthe story of Umar (R) in Jerusalemthe standards of ibādah

  • Surah Fath - Session 6

    20/03/2022 Duración: 48min

    Surah Fath (48:27-29). Allah ﷻ confirms that His prophet's dream ﷺ is true as it based on truthfulness. In this lecture:seeing Hudaybiyyah as a victoryactualizing the true dīnMuhammad RasulAllah ﷺ - the Rasul within and without timefool-proofing 'aqīdah through strictness against bid'ātthe all-or-nothingness of Īmāna pluralistic legal system built upon tolerance in fiqh, diversity and intellectual accommodationcoexistence without integration

  • Surah Fath - Session 5

    13/03/2022 Duración: 48min

    Surah Fath (48:18-26). Divine sakīnah is an active state that makes you stronger, not weaker. In this lecture: sakīnah; the many facets of sirāt al-mustaqīm; self-restraint and cowardice; the goal of establishing security in the land; being aware and conscious of Allah ﷺ as a deterrent from sin; the code of taqwa; the elevated status of the sahābah at Hudaybiyyah; the intent in jihād; the weight of the ihrām

  • Surah Fath - Session 4

    06/03/2022 Duración: 55min

    Surah Fath (48:10-17). While we can control our own decisions and actions, Allah ﷺ controls everything and decides everything. Our will is subordinate to His. In this lecture:the hijrah; the state of the munāfiq; the Divine prerogative of punishment and forgiveness; the ideal of perfection; the despicable act of making tafīr; mukhallafūn - the ones who lagged behind; the indispensability of sīrah in undertanding Quran; the two types of wahy; the victory in Hudaybiyyah; the communal responsibilities of Muslims.

  • Surah Fath - Session 3

    27/02/2022 Duración: 39min

    Surah Fath (48:7-9). It was in the interest of the prophetic mission for the Prophet ﷺ to motivate those around him with glad tidings. In this lecture:bashārah; indhār; a parallel in parenting; the underlying purpose in loving the prophet ﷺ; the umbrella of īmān; making tasbīh of Allah ﷺ; the paradoxical reason for 'ibādah; a different level of dhikr

  • Surah Fath - Session 2

    20/02/2022 Duración: 46min

    Surah Muhammad (48:3-6). The more Muslims are purified, the more Islam will spread. In this lecture: tazkiyah; the force of sakīnah; the test in Hudaybiyya of the companions' love for the prophet ﷺ; the armies of Allah ﷺ; the expansive effect of Imān upon knowledge; cleansing to be eligible for Jannah

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