New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio With Darius Barazandeh



Ready for a Fresh Energy Breakthrough? Darius Barazandeh and top spiritual healers, teachers and energy experts help you to heal, transform and awaken matters affecting your life, health and spirit. Every episode contains POWERFUL energy healing work and self help - so catch them all. To listen to LIVE sessions while they happen please visit: and get your Free 3-Step Energy Awakening Kit. All to help continue your journey to your best self and life!


  • Morgana Rae interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    17/02/2015 Duración: 01h30min

    Could Money fall in love with you? Listen today to find out how! Get ready to SHIFT your emotional, physical and spiritual energies around Money now! Join Morgana Rae for How To Make Money Fall In Love With You. In this session you will experience something amazing and learn how to uncover your hidden blocks to your own abundance, abolish financial anxiety, learn a new way to relate to money that is radically different from anything you have heard before. Discover a way to ask for more wealth and get it! Create irresistible *attractors* for money. Wait until you experience what we did in this session - wow! Brad Pitt, Fabio and your Money - really? Find out now - exercises inside! IMPORTANT NOTE: Results are not typical - Everyone is different! Discover what could happen in your life! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Panache Desai interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    12/02/2015 Duración: 01h24min

    Experience something revolutionary! Something amazing is going to happen! You've heard our top teachers mentioning him. His words can shift our thoughts instantly. He is a totally new vibration. His will could shift you right now. Join Panache Desai for Igniting Boundless Receiving - A Vibrational Solution for a Life of Limitless Abundance and learn about his "Experience Vibrational Transformation (TM)". Get ready to experience: a revolutionary approach to your transformation; a physical, emotional and vibrational 'uplink' to universal consciousness; two live vibrational tools on the session (to dissolve trapped imprints); feeling nourished, inspired, and empowered to access revolutionary insights; receiving a life altering energy transmission to restore your natural state of being; feel the vibration that resonates with a life filled with your natural abundance. This is going to be an evolutionary catapult to your own awakening! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to: http://www.YouWealthRevoluti

  • Kenji Kumara interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    10/02/2015 Duración: 01h15min

    Listen to this amazing session and attunement! What if you could unlock miracles? Join Kenji Kumara for some exercises in this session: Journey Into Transformation & Miracles. In this session you will learn tools and strategies releasing the energy that keeps you stuck! Experience powerful processes to release core patterns of stress, trauma, pain. According to Kenji "We will start creating activations on the DNA and sub-atomic levels. Some might experience a 'light-body' alignment and a magnetic field re-alignment!" What could this mean for you? Get ready to find out and experience something new! WARNING: In this session you will go deep - DO NOT listen while driving or operating equipment while listening to this session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Marcy Neumann interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    05/02/2015 Duración: 01h24min

    Get ready to experience something new! Join Marcy Neumann for CellpH (Self) Love: The Missing Link to Healing. Marcy Neumann is a registered nurse, spiritual minister, certified hypnotist, Reiki Master level teacher, and is the creator of CELLpH LOVE, a unique and cutting-edge 'self help', health and wellness program. Marcy has been a liaison between the physical and meta-physical worlds for over 30 years, and incorporates both worlds in every aspect of her work. What would your life be like if your body was healthy? If you had a deep and loving 'Soul Mate'? If you had a clear purpose and direction? If you knew how to manifest money? If you had infinite joy? Discover how you can realize your best life by connecting to your infinite and true self! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Michelle Manning-Kogler interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    03/02/2015 Duración: 01h13min

    Listen today and learn tools and strategies for an amazing clearing at the deepest levels! Join Michelle Manning-Kogler for Quantum Soul Clearing Process: Healing the Scars Life Leaves on the Soul. In this session we will do be doing exercises and clearings to clear at the DEEP levels, connect and work with your *Higher Self*, erase the PAIN of old traumas, free up the past and recreate your future. You will learn how to create a life of joy and transformation now! Michelle will show and teach why you must connect to the divine core center. Experience exercises and clearings to clear your frequency in this session TODAY! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Gay & Katie Hendricks interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    29/01/2015 Duración: 01h16min

    Ask yourself - are you single? Are you a couple? Is this for you? Join Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks for "The Relationship Catalyst: How to Engage the Energy of 2012 to Create More Love In Your Life". Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., has been a major contributor to the fields of relationship transformation and bodymind therapies for more than 35 years. Along with his wife, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks, Gay is the co-author of many bestsellers, including Conscious Loving and Five Wishes. After a twenty-one-year career as a professor of Counseling Psychology at University Colorado, he and Kathlyn founded The Hendricks Institute, which is based in Ojai, California and offers seminars worldwide. In recent years he has also been active in creating new forms of conscious entertainment. Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D., BC-DMT has been a pioneer in the field of body-mind integration for nearly forty years. Her explorations about the catalytic transformational power of the creative arts have been featured in many magazines, journals and books.

  • Joshua Bloom interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    27/01/2015 Duración: 01h18min

    This is going to be a POWERFUL session. Joshua will reveal 'The Ultimate Answer'! Join nationally recognized author and Quantum Healing Expert, Joshua Bloom, for Evolution of 'Beingness': How to Become the Person Free of Illness and Lack NOW. In this session, you will learn how to 'INSTANTLY' shift through the secret Quantum Processes that Joshua discovered; how this 'Ultimate Answer' is different than anything else available today; how he has assisted clients to release ailments such as lack, limitation, scarcity, emotional trauma and even fibromyalgia, pain, anxiety, depression, allergies, eczema, rosacea and more; how you can HEAL yourself using this Quantum Energy Transformation Technology. Find out why 'Transformation' is different than healing, why people do not heal and how to shift energy into transformation, how to leave the "stuck" and open into any possibility, and how to end 'victimhood' and create UNLIMITED power. Find out about all of these breakthroughs - the truths of Quantum Healing - and get

  • Sheila Gale interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    22/01/2015 Duración: 01h27min

    Today - FINALLY wake up to the authentic you! A true healer, and Deeksha Blessing Giver, Sheila Gale is also an Access Consciousness Facilitator and leads workshops worldwide. Sheila is also one of the world's top syndicated radio hosts in the Inspirational, Spiritual, Energy Healing and Human Potential movement. Her quick wit and willingness to openly share her struggles on her daily LIVE radio show, 'The Sheila Show; Inspiration For Your Life", give listeners a presence of "Realness" that is sadly lacking on today's airwaves. In this session, join Sheila Gale for THRIVE: You Are What The World Has Been Waiting For! You will learn how to thrive - TODAY; techniques and processes to actually receive all that you have longed for; how to create and generate your service or products that will generate lots of money; how to receive abundance from the Universe (it's not what you think!); how to bring more money - NOW - into your life. You can thrive in this economy and create a life you love. Listen and hear the st

  • Derek Rydall interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    20/01/2015 Duración: 01h23min

    Could this be the real secret to ending the struggle of self-improvement? Learn how to effortlessly achieve your full potential! Experience amazing experiential breakthrough exercises! Join Derek Rydall for The Magical Truth of Emergence & Why the Law of Attraction Could Be Dangerous. In this session you will learn about potential dangers with the Law of Attraction or self development programs if you don't practice 'emergence'; discover the missing link to why some programs and processes don't work; experience a rapid process for activating more wealth and healing energy; avoid the 'unattractive side' of the 'Law of Attraction'; learn the most powerful prayer for accelerating your spiritual awakening; learn how to create the life of your dreams - no matter what! Find out about all of these breakthroughs and incredible truths. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Richard Gordon interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    15/01/2015 Duración: 01h20min

    Now YOU can learn to BE the healer - learn Quantum Touch! With 35 years of experience, Richard Gordon is considered a visionary and pioneer in the field of energy healing, and the founder of 'Quantum-Touch', a global health institution. Quantum-Touch currently has certified practitioners in over 50 countries and has over 500 certified instructors around the world! In this session, join Richard Gordon for The New Human: Redefining What it Means to Have No Boundaries. Now you can learn how to change energy and HEAL; raise your vibration; heal your family to release illness, allergies, pain, sadness, and more; heal animals and remove fear, illness, pain; change your life by healing others and changing your own state; realize incredible results when you heal people, heal water, heal remotely. You become the Healer with Quantum Touch! Find out why abundance, love, vitality and joy are YOURS to experience! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Hans King interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    13/01/2015 Duración: 01h06min

    Have you been trying to create success in your life? Would you like to connect with Spirit so you can remove blocks? Would you like to receive healing from spirit to clear those blocks? Internationally acclaimed Intuitive and Spiritual Teacher, Hans King, will show us how to change our lives by changing intentions from spirit guidance! Join Hans for Change Your Life by Changing Your Intention (Let's Discover How to Let Spirit Remove Blocks). This session is going to open us up, releasing the energy that keeps us stuck! Now you can use the higher dimensions to raise your vibration and learn how to get clearing guidance from SPIRIT today. Learn how to bridge your intentions across the spiritual and physical worlds, and you will learn how to open up to spirit and release blocks. Imagine if 'Spirit' could help you release your blocks; what if your Angels wanted you 'cleared' of limitations; how do you access this infinite power; how do you make it part of your life FOREVER; how do you create a MAGICAL LIFE now? H

  • Dr. Bradley Nelson interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    08/01/2015 Duración: 01h20min

    Ask yourself... have you been trying to create success in your life? Do you feel stuck, desperate, and like nothing has worked? Have you ever had a bad experience, memory or rejection? Have you had health challenges or a lack of vitality? You may have a HEART WALL! In the session, you will be set free! Join Dr. Bradley Nelson for Unlock the 'Secret Abundance' Behind Your "Heart-Wall" A specialist in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology and one of the nation's foremost experts in magnetic healing, Dr. Bradley Nelson has developed a simple yet powerful self-help healing method known as "The Body Code," of which "The Emotion Code" is a part. In this session, you will learn why abundance, love, vitality and joy are yours to experience! This is one of the few times that Dr. Bradley Nelson answered questions from callers! You will understand how to remove ANY 'Heart Walls' that may be holding you back; learn how to DISSOLVE 'Heart Walls' remotely; understand the truth about creating ab

  • Carol Tuttle interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    06/01/2015 Duración: 01h18min

    Today we clear your Chakras to remove blocks to abundance and wealth! Listen today for clearing exercises! Join Energy Therapist Carol Tuttle for Chakra Healing - Release Your Own Personal Energy for Wealth and Abundance. An internationally acclaimed and award-winning author, speaker and businesswoman, Carol has received her Master Certification is several modalities, including Reiki, Rapid Eye Therapy, EFT, Tapping and Energy Medicine. We will be *CLEARING* your Chakra system to blast open your true wealth earning ability; blast open your sexual energy and attraction power.; awaken your highest pure self esteem and confidence; cosmically expand your deepest empathy and love; ignite and access 'True Voice', inspiration and brilliance! Experience exercises during the session to help open and *CLEAR* your Chakra system! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Kenji Kumara interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    01/01/2015 Duración: 01h15min

    What if you could UNLOCK miracles? Experience some powerful exercises in this session! Join complimentary energy medicine (CAM) specialist and multi-dimensional visionary teaching and healing ascended energies channel, Kenji Kumara, for Journey Into Transformation & Miracles. Now you can release the energy that keeps you stuck! Learn powerful processes to start UNLOCKING it and release core patterns of stress, trauma, and pain. According to Kenji, this session will create activations on the DNA and sub-atomic levels. Some listeners did experience a 'light-body' alignment and a magnetic field re-alignment! Dr. Kenji showed us things we've never experienced before - this session is a must listen! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Wendi Friesen interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    30/12/2014 Duración: 01h11min

    Find your gift and SHIFT deep intention to transform every aspect of your life! Wendi helped Darius transform his life 5 years ago - NOW - isn't it your turn? Described as a Mind Coach Genius, and a Life Changing Strategist by her colleagues, clients and the media, Wendi Friesen is known worldwide for creating dynamic mental strategies that are used by executives, athletes, addicts and students for the past 15 years. Join Wendi for Hypnotic Energy Shift- Creating Deep Intention That will Transform Every Aspect of your Life. In this session you will learn how to create a Hypno-Energy shift; how an energy BLOCK works and how to release it easily; why understanding how to CLEAR is so important; the tools you can use everyday - yours FREE in this session; Wendi's unique version of the ancient Hawaiian process for 'Wealth, Joy and Abundance'; processes, tools, and more hypno-energetic practices. Plus, she will cover how to 'Get Happy', how to experience 'Inner Peace', and the secret of the 'Kindness Karma' and how

  • Jennifer Hough interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    25/12/2014 Duración: 01h20min

    Today - experience a permanent energy activation! Join speaker, author, gifted intuitive, holistic nutritionist and teacher of the art of awakening, Jennifer Hough, for Cellular Awakening: Mastering Your Uncommon Senses. You will experience two IMMEDIATE energy activations; the difference between awakening and the Law of Attraction (why awakening is much faster); a physical experience of your freedom; a lasting activation of this technology; creating direct guidance from the 60 trillion cells in your body! Journey into transformation and miracles - yes YOU can create your magical life! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Burt Goldman interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    23/12/2014 Duración: 01h25min

    Listen NOW! Strange Quantum time travel reveals our alternate selves and opens infinite abundance! Experience powerful exercises to create your new reality and reset your wealth blueprint! Join Burt Goldman for Reset Your Blueprint & Re-Create Your Destiny. You can learn the Quantum Jumping Method to reset your prosperity blueprint. What if you could learn a new SKILL by 'jumping' into the Quantum; earn more money by 'Quantum Jumping'; instantly CONNECT to your ALTERNATIVE SELF; contact your wealthy 'TWIN' self; heal the past....RESET the future; even communicate with the deceased? Get the exercise and prepare to Quantum Jump! Reset your blueprint & re-create your destiny! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Alex Loyd interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    18/12/2014 Duración: 01h33min

    Are your success codes turned off? Why do 99% of people have their wealth, health and joy turned off? Listen today - exercises happening! Join Amazon #1 Best Selling author and doctor of both Psychology and Naturopathic Medicine, Dr. Alex Loyd, for Your Success Code Mechanism: Is Your Wealth, Health and Joy Turned Off? In the informative session, Dr. Alex will share: how this code works in our lives; how to know if your code has been turned off; how to UNLOCK the codes in your life; where these codes come from; what you MUST KNOW about unlocking your own codes; how UNLOCKING the codes in your life can create more abundance, love, joy and vitality NOW. He will also share an amazing exercise you can do immediately! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Christie Marie Sheldon interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    16/12/2014 Duración: 01h23min

    Money Clearing session - worried about money? Listen now for NEW powerful clearings! Join Christie Marie Sheldon for Clear Those MONEY Blocks Sabotaging Your Ability To Attract Wealth. In the money clearing session with Christie Marie, you will: learn and experience clearing the resistance to money; release 'auto-pilot' programs keeping you stuck financially; understand how to release doubt and fear that keep you stuck; understand your 'mojo motor' that controls the abundance you receive (and how to turn it ON); release fears of success, numbers and failures. You will finally understand how your life-robbing blocks to money work and how they are not you! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Susan Shumsky interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    11/12/2014 Duración: 01h28min

    Awaken your divine guidance! Get ready for some powerful exercises - an incredible EXPERIENTIAL session! Listen now and learn the shocking truths of how to connect to your 'God Self' and protect against harmful energies. Join Susan Shumsky and Open to Your Higher Self - Your Divine Guide! In this session, you learn how to open to your precise intuition; tune out 'other voices' that seek to harm you: understand 'Faker' Spirits and how to avoid them: avoid psychic deception: become your own 'Guru' of you: understand your Divine Inner Contract: cut psychic CORDS holding you back: avoid Psychic "sponges" that can harm you. WARNING: If you have been a seeker or someone who has spent time in spiritual study you must take a moment to use the clearings of this call. Susan shared why you could be taking on other HARMFUL energies that are NOT YOURS! You will learn how to trust your own voice, connect to Angels, and protect yourself from 'Faker' spirits and HARMFUL cords, contracts, sponges and darker energies that coul

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