Quintus Curtius



Quintus Curtius is an attorney, writer, translator, and former Marine officer. His books deal with a variety of ethical, moral, and character topics, using examples in history, biography, literature, and philosophy. The result is both unique and inspiring. His podcasts are his personal dialogues with listeners. He can be found at www.qcurtius.com


  • You Don't Know To A Certainty

    04/04/2022 Duración: 08min

    Some guys look upon knowledge with a purely utilitarian view. They think that if something is not helping them that very instant, then it has no value. This view is shortsighted and terribly wrong. You never know what life has in store for you, and if you're presented with an opportunity to learn, you take it and soak it up. We use a recent incident to discuss this point further.

  • Heaven And Hell Can Change Places Very Quickly

    17/02/2022 Duración: 13min

    Most people never realize that good fortune can be suddenly and brutally replaced by bad fortune. What once seemed like heaven can quickly be transformed into a hell. The reverse is also true: a man can find himself in terrible straits, but can extricate himself through great efforts, and reach a kind of "heaven." This observation leads us to make five (5) important conclusions. We list and discuss them.

  • Clausewitz's "Coup d'Oeil": That Special Knack

    03/02/2022 Duración: 09min

    The military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz used the term "coup d'oeil" to describe a special, innate ability to grasp the military possibilities presented by a specific situation. We may broaden this idea to describe an instinctive talent in some field of endeavor. Each of us possesses a special skill that distinguishes us from others; too often, however, those talents languish, or remain undiscovered. It is our responsibility to try to discover where our own "coup d'oeil" lies.

  • Focusing On What Matters

    20/01/2022 Duración: 09min

    In this podcast we discuss the importance of focusing on what matters, not on what does not matter. We illustrate this principle with a few anecdotes.

  • "I'm Not Sure If She's The Right One"

    18/12/2021 Duración: 10min

    A young reader from Britain has a question about his relationship with his girlfriend. He wants something long-term, but has some nagging doubts as to whether his girlfriend is the right one. He's not certain how to proceed. I read his email, and offer my thoughts.

  • The Gradual Slide Into Moral Corruption

    19/11/2021 Duración: 12min

    In this podcast we discuss Alexandre Moratto's 2021 film "Seven Prisoners." The movie describes the experience of a young man named Matheus, who is basically sold into a modern form of industrial serfdom in Sao Paolo. He tries to rebel at first, but quickly learns the futility of resistance. And being ambitious, he gradually begins a series of accommodations with his oppressors that strip him of his honor. What is the price of one's soul? What is the price of one's humanity? The loss of one's moral base happens slowly, gradually, and almost imperceptibly. A brilliant, morally profound film, and one that we should all reflect on.

  • Increased Opportunities, Increased Temptations

    29/10/2021 Duración: 13min

    When it comes to learning, were things better back in the 1980s and 1990s, or are they better now? How has the internet contributed to the "instant gratification" mentality? What are the parameters of the tension between the availability of resources, and the ease of gratifying our baser desires? We discuss.

  • Never Mind What Others Think...What Do YOU Think?

    07/10/2021 Duración: 11min

    Far too often, we base our opinions on what we absorb from others. But if you have done the homework, if you have done the heavy lifting, and if you know the material, you should have the confidence to form your own thoughts. People read your writings because they want to know what YOU think, not what some other nibbler thinks. A critical step in intellectual independence is having the courage to state your own opinion on some learned topic, once you have earned the rights to do so.

  • "Tusculan Disputations": What It Is About, And Why It Is Important

    25/08/2021 Duración: 27min

    In this podcast I discuss my new translation of Cicero's "Tusculan Disputations." The work deals with five critical problems that face all of us: the fear of death, how to endure pain, how to alleviate mental distress, the various disorders of the mind, and why virtue is important for living a happy life. What questions could be more essential and fundamental than these?

  • "I'm Thinking Of Publishing A Memoir"

    20/08/2021 Duración: 14min

    A veteran of Afghanistan has a memoir he is trying to put together. He's asking for some tips on how to publish it. We offer some suggestions and comments.

  • Coping With The Loss Of A Child

    01/08/2021 Duración: 21min

    In this podcast, we discuss a serious subject. A reader explains that his family has just lost a young child, and he is searching for advice on how to deal with this calamity. I offer some suggestions drawn from Plutarch's letter of consolation to his wife on the death of this two-year-old daughter, as well as anecdotes from other sources (e.g., the life of P.T. Barnum) and my own personal experiences. Fiat voluntas tua.

  • Illusions Of Fitness, Delusions Of Preparedness

    01/07/2021 Duración: 19min

    In this podcast we talk about the need for true, well-rounded fitness. Some think that getting bulked up in the gym makes them "fit" and ready to take on the world. While this may produce the appearance of fitness, it remains an illusion. Endurance-related activities promote mental toughness, the ability to withstand pain and deprivation, and a sharpening of the aggressive spirit. These are essential traits that will be needed for the struggles that lie ahead of you in life.

  • "The Black Russian": Lessons Learned From A Fascinating Life

    04/06/2021 Duración: 29min

    In this podcast we discuss Vladimir Alexandrov's book "The Black Russian," and what lessons we may conclude from it. Frederick Bruce Thomas was a black American businessman who made a fortune in czarist Russia in the early 1900s. His life is a fascinating one, and one that has much to teach us today.

  • Small Twitter Account Gold: Tweet Reading 1

    12/05/2021 Duración: 21min

    In this podcast, I read some of the recent great tweets I've noticed from small accounts on Twitter. Small Twitter accounts are a refreshing break from the contrived foolery of the mainstream blue-check accounts. They are an underappreciated gold mine of honesty, passion, and tortured grapplings with truth. Let's give some credit where due, and hear what they have to say.

  • Exploring Small Twitter Accounts

    01/05/2021 Duración: 13min

    I've been exploring small Twitter accounts lately. And when I say "small," I generally mean accounts that have less than 50 followers. You'd be surprised how much gold can be found hidden away in these accounts: they tend to be raw, honest, and unconcerned with saying the "right" thing. In this podcast, I discuss how I started doing this, what I've learned, and how I go about it.

  • The Sea-Raiders (A Story by H.G. Wells)

    02/04/2021 Duración: 27min

    This podcast is a reading of H.G. Wells's grisly tale, "The Sea Raiders." An unknown species of man-eating squid terrorizes the inhabitants near Devon, on the English coast.

  • "How Do I Transition From Youth To Middle Age?"

    20/03/2021 Duración: 23min

    A reader emails me and asks for advice and guidance on how to navigate the passage from youth to middle age. But there are no magic answers, no magic wands. You have to keep moving forward, keep working on yourself, keep focusing on mind, body, and responsibilities. But I also detect some other things in his email, things that are unsaid. We discuss.

  • "Should I Reopen A Closed Chapter?"

    13/03/2021 Duración: 15min

    A reader reaches out to ask a question that's been troubling him. He was recently re-contacted by an ex-girlfriend from several years ago. She appears to want to start over again with him, but he has his doubts and hesitations. Should he re-open this closed chapter of his life, or should he keep his distance? We discuss.

  • "If They Had Lived Up To The Responsibilities That Went With The Privileges"

    27/02/2021 Duración: 19min

    The distinguishing feature of our "leaders" today is their near total disregard for putting the mission ahead of themselves. They are unwilling to risk their careers to make the hard calls that would truly benefit society. And because of their moral cowardice, all of us suffer. We see this played out over and over. In this podcast we examine an anecdote from POWs in the Second World War, and discuss its lessons.

  • Sometimes You Have To Make Allowances For People

    13/02/2021 Duración: 10min

    Sometimes you have to accept the flaws and issues that people have, in order to accomplish the greater good. If you are in a leadership position, the priority is mission accomplishment. All else is secondary. Your people will not all be flawless: some will have issues. If someone is a top performer, sometimes you have to learn to work around those flaws, as long as his abilities merit consideration. In special situations, you have to make allowances for people. Circumstances will be the judge of this principle--and it should not be abused.

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