Country Squire Radio



JD and Beau sit down every week and talk about the rich history and elegance of pipe tobacco, the custom blends found only at the Country Squire, as well as general shop talk. If youre a pipe enthusiast looking for a show to listen to on the go or while youre kicking back enjoying a bowl, this is definitely the place for you.


  • From The Library: Integrity

    15/02/2023 Duración: 59min

    The Library or Study has long been the haven of the contemplative pipe smoker. In our ‘From The Library’ series, we take a look into the musings, writings, poetry, and more that pique our interest and consider the mind of the author and how we can, or perhaps can’t, relate from our own experience. This week we have an article from Psychology Today on IntegrityPipe Question:  So I had been smoking my first tin of autumn evening and was enjoying about halfway through the tin I started getting a very sour note that burned the back of my throat I thought it might be the pipe ,but it tastes fine either other aromatic tobaccos. I also smoked it in a different pipe first half of the bowl was good ,but the second half turned sour again why might this happen? - Jared FroeseGET YOUR TICKETS FOR EPISODE 500 LIVE FROM THE COUNTRY SQUIRE HERE!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

  • Tobacco Talk: Savinelli 140th Anniversary and Taste of Temptation

    08/02/2023 Duración: 47min

    What would a pipe tobacco podcast be without a good deal of pipe tobacco reviews? Loose leaf, tin, and even the hard to find stuff will all find their way into our pipes and into our heads as we review the entirety of each pipe tobacco from the packaging, marketing, tin note, texture, flavor, and smoke. This week: Tobacco Talk: Savinelli 140th Anniversary and Taste of Temptation500th Episode EventJoin us live on March 4th at the Country Squire to celebrate our 500th episode with music, food, and fun.REGISTER HERE: Question:  Good morning brothers, I just finished listening to the episode “caught you blending” from 12 sep. 2018. I’m really excited to try out blending with some better knowledge now. A month ago, I took about 3 pounds of various high quality tobaccos that didn’t make the rotation, mixed them all up, and pressed them in the “poor man’s press” y’all talked about in a previous episode. It’s ready to come out now so I’ll send some along

  • Squire Select: Gin Martini (Shaken. Not Stirred.)

    01/02/2023 Duración: 40min

    A pipe is the perfect complement to a good meal and a good drink is the kind companion to a good pipe. But these days there are so many options to pull from when walking down your local package store. Here we pair beverages with pipe tobacco to find an ideal combination to enhance the enjoyment of both. Pipe Question:  From Don - Maybe you can help me with an issue i'm having. Any time I have something with burley in it, i find that i have a lingering harshness in the back of my mouth/throat that stays for many hours. It doesn't seem to matter how cool i smoke, or if it's an aromatic vs non. The only consistent thing seems to be if burley is present. Many english blends don't leave me with this issue. Any idea if it really could be the burley and, if so, is there a way to fix the issue? Thanks. - DonListener Feedback: Hey Guys - Listening to your most recent episode. I didn’t look you guys were aware but there was at one point a limited edition Sinatra Jack Daniels. It’s supposed to be higher

  • Modern Pipe Stem Design

    25/01/2023 Duración: 48min

    500th Episode EventJoin us live on March 4th at the Country Squire to celebrate our 500th episode with music, food, and fun.REGISTER HERE: Question:  Hey Beau and JD, found you guys a few months back and I can't stop listening, I'm finding every episode a breath of fresh air in my otherwise dull life here in Japan. I have a question regarding cellaring tobacco in warmer climates such as Japan. I put my tobaccos in glass mason jars, but unfortunately as my air conditioning is not running all the time every square inch of my house becomes really warm, even my dark cupboards out of the way. Will this affect the aging progress of the tobacco and is there anything I can do? Hope you both are having a great week - Charlie from JapanQuickfire Questions: bookstore edition (Joda):Shiny and new books or old and musty bookspaperback or hardback cat in the hat or green eggs and ham e-book or physical book Heavily illustrated or pop-up bookListener Fee

  • The Time Has Come...

    18/01/2023 Duración: 56min

    Episode 490: The Time Has Come...Join us in Jackson, MS at The Country Squire on MARCH 4th 2023 for the grand finale of Country Squire Radio! Details at TheCountrySquireOnline.comTo see the pictures of Jon David from the earliest days of recording be sure to check out Feedback: Mitchell Chambers - Hi Beau & JD, I am a new listener who discovered the CSR podcast about a week ago. I've been a pipe smoker for almost a year now and today I signed up for your patreon at the listener level. Thank you both for so many incredible podcasts. I have been bingeing some older episodes and today I found myself getting quite emotional while listening to the episode on the soldier and sailor archetypes. It made me thinking of all the WW2 vets that I went to church with when I was a kid. Sadly, they've all passed on now. In the show you mentioned the famous Marine, Alabamian, and pipe smoker, Dr. Eugene Sledge, who was my granparent's neighbor at one time. Dr. Sledge taug

  • Pipe Smoking 101: Barriers To Entry

    11/01/2023 Duración: 33min

    For the new pipe smoker who is just getting started, there can be a ton of barriers to entry that some of the more seasoned among us take for granted. Decision fatigue, trust, and the overwhelming amount of information out there are just a few of the topics we address in this week's Pipe Smoking 101. Support Country Squire Radio at Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

  • Tobacco Talk: Former's Private Flake & Ruins of Windsor

    04/01/2023 Duración: 45min

    If this episode seems a little out of order... that's because it is! The opportunity to record 2 shows from the Las Vegas Pipe Show room floor threw off our scheduled release a bit but as always we strive for evergreen content that you can pack a pipe with at anytime! Who knows? Maybe you are enjoying this one with a bowl of Former's Private Flake or Ruins of Windsor right now... Enjoy! Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

  • Best of 2022: Top 3 Pipes & Pipe Tobaccos

    28/12/2022 Duración: 46min

    It's that time of year! And we are changing it up again as we are want to do here on Country Squire Radio, blending our annual Best of series with our on going 'Top 3' series! This year: Best Top 3 Pipes and Top 3 Tobaccos of 2022! Enjoy!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

  • A Country Squire Radio Christmas Carol

    21/12/2022 Duración: 40min

    The Christmas Spirits of Pipe Tobaccos Past, Present, and Future on upon Scrouge McCole...will he rediscover his love of pipe tobacco in time for Christmas!? And what of Tiny Quinn? Beau! Humbug! Enjoy.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

  • Father To Father: Our Faith Journeys

    14/12/2022 Duración: 54min

    Step into the Country Squire Tobacconist on any given day and you’re likely to find a group of diverse men of all ages sharing their lives, triumphs, and troubles, over a bowl of quality pipe tobacco. In our Father To Father series, we try to capture the realness of conversation you find at your local pipe shop as we share our experience navigating fatherhood as two dads of young kids. This week we are sharing our faith journeys and how that impacts us as fathers. Listener Feedback: (Jim Friedemann)  Hello Beau and Jon David, It’s been a while since I’ve emailed you guys. I love your podcast and look forward to it each Wednesday. You mentioned in this week’s episode (David Foster Wallace’s 2005 Kenyon College Commencement Address) how everyone worships something, even if they don’t recognize it as worship. I loved your discussion around this. It got me thinking… there have been times when I’ve allowed pipe smoking to become an idol. I’ve had to watch how much I focus on it during the day. It’s so easy to muse

  • A Message For The Modern Day Pipe Community

    07/12/2022 Duración: 35min

    We are back at the Las Vegas Pipe Show and getting very contemplative on the future, and perhaps more importantly, present of this industry. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

  • Live From The Las Vegas Pipe Show featuring Get Piped, Brian Lavine, and More!

    30/11/2022 Duración: 36min

    Viva Pipe Vegas! We are here with the whos who of the pipe world enjoying some good times with old and new friends. Enjoy!Support this podcast at Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

  • Squire Select: Jack Daniels & The Manhattan

    23/11/2022 Duración: 37min

    A pipe is the perfect complement to a good meal and a good drink is the kind companion to a good pipe. But these days there are so many options to pull from when walking down your local package store. Here we pair beverages with pipe tobacco to find an ideal combination to enhance the enjoyment of both. This week: Jack Daniels & The ManhattanPipe Question: I bought my latest batch of Chestnut in the 14oz tub. I know that old drugstore blends often come in such tubs. Will that keep my tobacco fresh, or do I need to get a big ol' Mason Jar to transfer it into? - Fr IsaacQuickfire Questions: What do you hate the most: Hunger, Cold, Loneliness, Boredom, Being ignored If you had to live with a ‘curse’ which would you prefer? Werewolf, Zombie post death, Vampire, Mummie (which is basically just a more fashionable zombie thb) Confession Time: Did you ever cheat in College, Highschool or otherwise and if so how? Listener Feedback: (CM Gilbert) I’ve recently, in the last two months, returned to my pipe and eve

  • Cigar Smoking 101: The Home Humidor

    16/11/2022 Duración: 47min

    Pipe Question: I've been enjoying some of the so-called "American English" blends lately, which I understand to be primarily burley-based, but with a bit of latakia added. Right now I've really been digging on Russ Ouellette's Chestnut blend, a match for the now-defunct Walnut of blessed memory. Any other suggestions for good "American English" blends, perhaps something tinned? - Fr. IsaacQuickfire Questions: What kind of instrument do you most enjoy listening to?Violin, Drums, Piano, or TrumpetWhat smell do you find irresistibleCrackling log fire, fresh parchment paper, home, or the sea? Which would you rather be? Trusted, Liked, Imitated, Praised, Envied or FearedListener Feedback: Feedback on the Calico Jack Episode - Dear Beau and Jon David, Hope you all are doing great! Just passing to praise Beau’s ability to tell stories. As a son of a storyteller myself (my mom) I appreciate the art and know how special it is for someone to have this ability. Beau is able to take us in the

  • Pirates and Pipe Tobacco: Blackbeard

    09/11/2022 Duración: 49min

    We revisit the 'Pirates & Pipe Tobacco' this series in honor of Beau's new project 'Eversail Vol 1: The Pirate's Daughter' Please consider supporting this project at Formerly ‘Heroes of the Bowl’, The Half Bowl Histories series takes a look into the history, lore, and legacy of individuals, places, and events of interest that helped shape the world we know today for good and for ill. Here we get a chance to revisit some of the famous pipe smokers we’ve covered in the past and shift the focus from what they loved to who they were and the complexities of their lives. This week: Edward Teach AKA Thatch AKA BlackbeardPipe Question: Hey guys, I’ve been enjoying my MM corn cobs a lot lately, and I’m wondering what y’all do to prep a fresh one for smoking? I didn’t enjoy the taste of the stem end charring the first few smokes. So I drilled it out and put in a pipe mortar composed of activated charcoal, salt, plaster of Paris, and water as a binder. I then shaped the m

  • Official Trailer: Eversail Vol 1. The Pirate's Daughter

    06/11/2022 Duración: 02min

    The Pirate’s Daughter is an immersive audio drama filled with swashbuckling adventure, political intrigue, ancient mysteries, & more!Support this project at Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

  • Pirates and Pipe Tobacco: Mary Read

    02/11/2022 Duración: 43min

    We revisit the 'Pirates & Pipe Tobacco' this series in honor of Beau's new project 'Eversail Vol 1: The Pirate's Daughter' Please consider supporting this project at Formerly ‘Heroes of the Bowl’, The Half Bowl Histories series takes a look into the history, lore, and legacy of individuals, places, and events of interest that helped shape the world we know today for good and for ill. Here we get a chance to revisit some of the famous pipe smokers we’ve covered in the past and shift the focus from what they loved to who they were and the complexities of their lives. This week: Mary Read Pipe Question: I really enjoy listening to Country Squire Radio. I am sitting here watching Bilbo smoke his pipe at the beginning of “The Hobbit”. It made me think of a question. Some of us like vintage tobacco. What are the oldest, original, blends still being produced today? By family, like Virginias, Vapers, Balkan, etc.? Thanks to both of you for a wonderful virtual pipe club

  • Las Vegas Mailbag

    26/10/2022 Duración: 43min

    We are back on the road and will be bringing you episodes from Las Vegas, NV over the next several weeks! A lot of great pipe smoking topics and more headed your way but this week we wanted to take the time to read some of your feedback from the past several weeks. Enjoy!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

  • Shop Tales: Stories from The Country Squire

    19/10/2022 Duración: 42min

    Inspired by some feedback on last week's episode we decided to take a week and touch base with the shop, share stories of some of our most memorable interactions and welcome you into the space that has meant so much for so many.Looking forward to seeing some of you this week in Vegas!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

  • CSR Pipe Club Spotlight: John Coatney, Isaac Babauta, Tyler Edwards

    12/10/2022 Duración: 33min

    Doing something a little different this week. As we are prepping hard for the vegas show(s) right now we thought it would be a great time to open up the mics to some of our amazing club members! Enjoy!Want to join us for the next one? Join the club at and be sure to check out the latest project from Podastery soon to be announced at FindEversail.comAdvertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

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