Task Force X



Where your host, Aaron *Head* Moss, reviews and discusses DC Comics Suicide Squad and Checkmate comic books.


  • Episode 32: Checkmate 10 and Squad 21

    21/02/2018 Duración: 01h18min

    Greetings Squadmates. We're back after a several month hiatus. This time we look at Checkmate 10, where Claymore leads an attack on Checkmate HQ. Then in Suicide Squad 21, Amanda's problems with Tolliver and Cray begin to heat up! Is Rick Flag the answer or a bigger problem? Stay tuned and find out. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at http://taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 31: Checkmate 9 and Suicide Squad 20

    17/10/2017 Duración: 59min

    Greetings Squadmates. On this episode of Task Force X, we look at Checkmate 9 where we are introduced to a new bad guy Claymore. Then at 29 minutes in, we look at Suicide Squad 20, with the return of a classic Flash villian, Mirror Master. Or is it? The Mirror Master died back during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, so who is this new Mirror Master? Listen in and find out. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at http://taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 30: Double Checkmate

    19/09/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    This month we have a double dose of Checkmate. To get us on some what of where I want us, I'm looking at issues 7 and 8 of Checkmate. Join us for this double Checkmate episode! Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at http://taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 29: Deadshot issues 3 and 4

    16/05/2017 Duración: 01h18min

    Hopefully we're back on to a regular schedule (knock on wood) and I bring you the final two issues of Deadshot. Join us as we finish our look in to the past of the deadly assassin. Come, take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at http://taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 28: Deadshot issues 1 and 2

    17/01/2017 Duración: 01h03min

    In this still delayed episode (I do apologize for that) I look that first two issues of the Deadshot mini-series. I start out with the first issue and then at 33 minutes in, we look at the second issue. In this series we learn a little more about everyone's favorite assassin. Come, take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at http://taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 27: Checkmate 6 and Suicide Squad 19

    29/10/2016 Duración: 01h20min

    In this still delayed episode (I do apologize for that) I look at Checkmate issue 6. Another issue with 2 stories... First up Checkmate continues the arms deal investigation that's been ongoing and for the 8 page back up, we finish up with the Reed storline... Does Reed make it in as a Knight... listen and find out. Then at 26 minutes in, I take a peek at Suicide Squad 19. Come, take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at http://taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 26: Checkmate 5, Suicide Squad 18 and Annual 1

    29/09/2016 Duración: 02h27min

    Episode 26: In this still delayed and still extra long episode, I do a Character Profile on Shade The Changing Man. Then at 12 minutes in, I look at Checkmate issue 5. Then at 49 minutes in, I take a peek at Suicide Squad 18. Then we take a break and look at TWO character Profiles. Ravan and Manhunter (the Mark Shaw version). Then finally at one hour and twenty five minutes, we look at the Suicide Squad Annual number 1, which concludes the story that began in Manhunter number 6. To listen me talk about that issue, check out The Starman/Manhunter Adventure Hour episode 6 from last month. Come, take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at http://taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 25 : The Movie Reviewed plus Suicide Squad 17 and Checkmate 4

    11/09/2016 Duración: 02h35min

    Episode 25: In this delayed and extra long episode, I review the Suicide Squad movie. Then at about an hour and a half in, I look at Suicide Squad issue 17, featuring the return of THE JIHAD! Then about 2 hours in, I look at Checkmate issue 4. This episode there are two stories in the one issue. A sixteen page story with an eight page back up. Finally we end this episode with Suicide Notes! Come, take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at http://taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 24 : The Two Year Anniversary – The Nightshade Odyssey

    24/07/2016 Duración: 02h26min

    Episode 24: Thanks for joining us for our two year anniversary episode. That's right... two years of Suicide Squad and Checkmate coverage. Before listening to this episode, I recommend listening to Ryan Daly's Secret Origins Podcast, episode 28, where the two of us talk about the Secret Origin of Nightshade. Then join us for this special episode, where I start off with the Character Profile of Nightshade. Then the aforementioned Ryan Daly returns the favor and joins me to review The Nightshade Odyssey. Issues 14-16 of Suicide Squad. Come hear our thoughts on this book. I bid Ryan a fond farewell as I do a Character Profile of Captain Cold, star of CW's Legends of Tomorrow. Then at about an hour and fifty six minutes in, I play the final and latest Suicide Squad trailer, that premiered at San Diego Comic Con and give my thoughts on it. Finally we end this extra long episode with Suicide Notes! Come, take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the we

  • Episode 23:Justice League International and Suicide Squad 13

    14/07/2016 Duración: 01h25min

    Episode 23: After a two week delay, Task Force X returns with episode 23. The Justice League International/Suicide Squad crossover. First up, we do a Character profile on The Justice League International. Then I fly in via Skype, my special guest host, Paul Hix from the Waiting for Doom Podcast, as we talk about issues 13 of both Justice League International and Suicide Squad. After I bid Paul a fond farewall, I then have my second Character Profile of Javelin. Plus Suicide Notes. The JLI review starts at 15 minutes in to the show, and the Suicide Squad portion starts at 52 minutes in. And if you're one of the one's of Javelin's fans, his little mini Character Profile starts at 1 hour and 12 minutes in to the show.... Come, take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at http://taskforcex.headspeaks.com The Waiting For Doom Podcast is located at http://waitingfordoom.podbean.com Join us next month for our two year anniversary episode!

  • Episode 22:Blood and Snow; Suicide Squad issues 11 and 12

    19/05/2016 Duración: 01h43min

    Episode 22: This episode, as promised, I review the Blood and Snow storyline that ran through Suicide Squad issues 11 and 12. Also at the top of the show I do a Character Profile of The Thinker and I conclude with a Character Profile of Speedy. Plus Suicide Notes. Take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 21: Checkmate 3 and... Enter The Doom Patrol

    21/04/2016 Duración: 02h13min

    Episode 21: First up, I play the audio for the new Suicide Squad trailer, and then hear from a podcasting friend, Nathaniel Wayne and his thoughts. I also give my thoughts on it. Then at 22 minutes in, we take a look at Issue 3 of Checkmate. At one hour in to the show, I welome a new guest, Mike Garvey and we do a Character Profile on The Doom Patrol and then we review the Doom Patrol vs Suicide Squad Special. Then finally at 1 hr and 54 minutes, I do final Character Profiles on Psi and Weasel, and then have Suicide Notes. Take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 19: Suicide Squad trailer and Paul Kupperberg

    16/02/2016 Duración: 02h08min

    Episode 19: First, me and Ryan Daly (from The Secret Origins Podcast) talk about the latest Suicide Squad trailer. Then I spend my morning talking with the great Paul Kupperberg who you may know from Checkmate as the fantastic writer! Take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 20: Checkmate 2 and Suicide Squad 10

    16/02/2016 Duración: 01h25min

    Episode 20: This episode we take a look at Issue 2 of Checkmate. Then we have a Character Profile on Mr 104. Then at about the 43 minute mark, I start my review of Suicide Squad number 10, where it's a Dark Knight at Belle Reve. Then finally I do a Character Profile of Bronze Tiger, aka Ben Turner. Take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 18: Millennium, Suicide Squad 9 and Checkmate 1

    19/01/2016 Duración: 01h38min

    Episode 18: This month I briefly cover the Millennium event (the first four issues) and then I talk about Suicide Squad's entry in to the crossover, issue 9. I then discuss Checkmate's first issue. Also, we have a Character Profile of Gotham's very own, Harvey Bullock. Take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 17: Action Comis 598 and Suicide Squad 8

    18/12/2015 Duración: 01h08min

    Episode 17: This month I look at Action Comics 598, with the first appearance of Checkmate, with a very special guest host. From the Superman Homepage, From Crisis To Crisis: Superman Podcast, Views From The Longbox podcast, plus many more, and one of the spiritual founders of this Headcast, Michael Bailey! Also, I look at Suicide Squad issue 8, entitled "Personal Files". Plus we have Character Profiles on Harry Stein and Mark Shaw. Take a listen. Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at taskforcex.headspeaks.com

  • Episode 16: R.I.P Murphy Anderson pt 2- Showcase 34

    24/11/2015 Duración: 47min

    Episode 16: R.I.P Murphy Anderson pt 2- Showcase 34 We interupt our regulary scheduled show for a special episode of Task Force X. On Oct 22, 2015 one of the greats in comics passed away. Murphy Anderson a legend at DC Comics, passed away. Join Task Force X as we celebrate his life and work as we look at Showcase 34, the first apperance of The Atom (Ray Palmer). Mr. Anderson inked both stories in this issue. Also check out Head Speaks 17 for our first part of our look at Murphy Anderson.

  • Episode 15: Suicide Squad 7 - Thrown to the Wolves

    20/10/2015 Duración: 49min

    Episode 15: Suicide Squad 7 - Thrown to the Wolves. This month we finish up the mission to Moscow story, where our ragtag band of misfits must escape Russia at all costs! Also, we have a Character Profile on Black Orchid. Come join us!

  • Episode 14: Suicide Squad 6 - Hitting The Fan

    17/09/2015 Duración: 44min

    Episode 14: Suicide Squad 6 - Hitting The Fan. This month we look at the second part of the mission to Moscow story, where our ragtag band of misfits must escape Russia with their political prisoner! Also, we have a Character Profile on Enchantress. Come join us!

  • Episode 13: Suicide Squad 5 - The Flight of the Firebird

    18/08/2015 Duración: 44min

    Episode 13: Suicide Squad 5 - The Flight of the Firebird. We're back to a normal episode. This episode we look at the first part of the mission to Moscow story, where our ragtag band of misfits must travel to Russia to resue a political prisoner! Joining the Squad this issue, we find The Penguin! Also, we have a Character Profile on Chronos (from last month's episode). Come join us!

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