Bill Moyers Journal (audio) | Pbs



Veteran journalist Bill Moyers returns to PBS with Bill Moyers Journal, a weekly program of interviews and news analysis on a wide range of subjects, including politics, arts and culture, the media, the economy, and issues facing democracy.


  • Historian Howard Zinn

    11/12/2009 Duración: 53min

    Renowned historian Howard Zinn has chronicled centuries of people's struggles against oppression. He joins Bill Moyers to discuss the voices of today's people - facing big interests' outsized influence - and his new film THE PEOPlE SPEAK. And, organizers George Goehl and Heather Booth on turning anger into action.

  • Director Oliver Stone

    04/12/2009 Duración: 53min

    Veteran Oliver Stone came back from Vietnam a changed man. Now, with four films on the Vietnam War under his belt –Platoon (1986), Born on the Fourth of July (1989), Heaven & Earth (1993), and Pinkville (2007) – Oliver Stone talks with Bill Moyers about how his experiences of war has affected his life, his work and his vision of the world today. Also on the program, Bill Moyers comments on President Obama's decision to escalate troops in Afghanistan.

  • Dr. Jane Goodall

    27/11/2009 Duración: 53min

    Dr. Jane Goodall. Despite dire warnings for our endangered planet, Jane Goodall says all is not yet lost - we can change course if we act now. And, the Jane Goodall institute's global youth program, Roots and Shoots.

  • lBJ's Path to War

    20/11/2009 Duración: 53min

    As President Obama prepares to announce how many more troops he will send to Afghanistan, Bill Moyers remembers the presidency of lyndon Johnson and the agonizing decisions that escalated America's involvement in Vietnam. Through Johnson's secret tapes of phone calls and conversations, and his own reminiscences, Moyers recalls the events that plunged us ever deeper into war.

  • Anna Deavere Smith

    13/11/2009 Duración: 53min

    While politicians and the media war over "the public option" and "bending the cost curve," acclaimed actress-playwright Anna Deavere Smith and her one-woman play "lET ME DOWN EASY" give voice to questions of life and death, sickness and healthcare. And, the JOURNAl visits a new home in New York City for contemplation and celebration of poetry.

  • Economic recovery in review

    30/10/2009 Duración: 53min

    The Dow's up, but why are Main Street Americans still reeling from last year's economic collapse? With Americans still facing rising unemployment, foreclosures, and declining property values, renowned economist James K. Galbraith on whether we've averted another crisis and how to get help for the middle class. James K. Galbraith is the lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations at the lBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. Galbraith has authored six books, most recently The Predator State: How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why liberals Should Too. And, National Review senior editor Richard Brookhiser talks about his mentor William F. Buckley, Jr. and today's conservative movement.

  • Judge Richard Goldstone.

    23/10/2009 Duración: 53min

    Bill Moyers talks with Judge Richard Goldstone, who headed up the controversial UN Human Rights Council investigation into the fighting in Gaza between Israel and Hamas. And Bill Moyers remembers Texas judge William Wayne Justice.

  • Redefining the United States.

    16/10/2009 Duración: 53min

    Barack Obama was elected on a message of change, promising a new era of diplomacy and international cooperation - but can the President deliver a new vision of America? Reporting from the world's most troubled hotspots, Mark Danner has seen countless deaths over ethnic and political divides, and witnessed firsthand how U.S. attempts to exploit those conflicts have resulted in disastrous unforeseen consequences. Danner speaks with Bill Moyers about Obama's challenges in resetting the mindset of America from war to peace, and redefining the US as a nation. Danner was a staff writer for many years at The New Yorker, contributes frequently to the New York Review of Books, the New York Times Magazine, and his latest book is Stripping Bare the Body, which chronicles the moral history of American power over the last quarter century. Also on the program, the Journal profiles public health doctor America Bracho, who serves her Santa Ana, CA community - notorious for crime, poverty and disease - with her organizati

  • America's economy reformed?

    09/10/2009 Duración: 53min

    Just over a year after economic calamity brought promises of reform to Washington, many now say that the recession is nearing an end. But is it business as usual for Wall Street, and have future financial crises been averted? Former International Monetary Fund chief economist Simon Johnson and US Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) join Bill Moyers for a report card on the bailouts, an update on the state of the U.S. economy, and to find out whether efforts of reform have been derailed. And, Bill Moyers remembers his friend, renowned physician and mountaineer Charlie Houston.

  • Rory Stewart and Kavita Ramdas

    25/09/2009 Duración: 53min

    Rory Stewart, director of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, lays out an alternate strategy for the international community in Afghanistan. And, Kavita Ramdas, president and CEO of Global Fund for Women, the largest grant-making foundation focused exclusively on women's rights issues talks about human rights initiatives around the world. And, lynn Sherr on the century of women.

  • Sam Tanenhaus; Bill Fletcher and Michael Zweig

    18/09/2009 Duración: 53min

    Digging deep into the roots and evolution of the American conservative movement, Sam Tanenhaus talks with Bill Moyers about why he believes that conservatism is dead and how it might yet come back to life. Tanenhaus is the editor of both THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW and the Week in Review section of the TIMES. And, with public support for labor unions at its lowest point in 70 years, Bill Moyers talks with experts Bill Fletcher, co-author of SOlIDARITY DIVIDED: THE CRISIS IN ORGANIZED lABOR AND A NEW PATH TOWARD SOCIAl JUSTICE and Michael Zweig, director of the Center for the Study of Working Class life at SUNY Stony Brook, about the state of organized labor.

  • Nancy Youssef and Dr. Jim Yong Kim

    11/09/2009 Duración: 53min

    The JOURNAl takes a hard look at the state of affairs in ever-divided Afghanistan with McClatchy DC Pentagon correspondent Nancy Youssef. And, global health specialist and Dartmouth College president Dr. Jim Yong Kim shares his expertise in public health.

  • Trevor Potter and Floyd Abrams

    04/09/2009 Duración: 53min

    Next week, the Supreme Court reconvenes early for a special hearing on the constitutionality of campaign finance limits for corporations. To hear the arguments, Bill Moyers sits down with Trevor Potter, president and general counsel of The Campaign legal Center and a former chairman of the Federal Election Commission, and Floyd Abrams, a First Amendment attorney. And, a Bill Moyers essay on health care reform.

  • Critical Condition

    21/08/2009 Duración: 53min

    Bill Moyers Journal presents CRITICAl CONDITION, a film by Roger Weisberg that follows families fighting illness without health coverage. The families discover that being uninsured can cost them their jobs, health, homes, savings, and even their lives.

  • A Conservative Plan for Healthcare?

    14/08/2009 Duración: 53min

    Conservative journalist David Frum worries that Republicans would only win a failing status quo in their fight to kill health care reform. Bill Moyers sits down with the former special assistant to George W. Bush, who is calling on Republicans to come up with a plan for health care reform and suggests changes that conservatives can favor. David Frum is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the editor of Also on the program, the JOURNAl sorts fact from spin in the health care debate. Media analyst Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Kaiser Family Foundation president and CEO Drew Altman discuss the messages in health care ads today, and how well they reflect the real issues of health care reform.

  • Sara lawrence-lightfoot

    07/08/2009 Duración: 53min

    "Change, growth, and new learning" - there's a cultural shift in America, says Sara lawrence-lightfoot. This Friday, Bill Moyers speaks with one of America's leading educators and author of The Third Chapter: Passion, Risk, and Adventure in the 25 Years After 50. Sara lawrence-lightfoot is the first African American woman in the history of Harvard to have an endowed professorship named in her honor. She's been on the faculty for 37 years, and her career as a scholar has won her the prestigious MacArthur fellowship and the George ledlie prize for research. And, photographic artist Chris Jordan turns the statistics of consumerism into palpable images in his startling series Running the Numbers: An American Self-Portrait and Intolerable Beauty: Portraits of American Mass Consumption.

  • Profits before Patients

    31/07/2009 Duración: 53min

    With almost 20 years inside the health insurance industry, Wendell Potter saw for-profit insurers hijack our health care system and put profits before patients. Now, he speaks with Bill Moyers about how those companies are standing in the way of health care reform. And, a Bill Moyers Essay.

  • Debating Health Care Reform

    24/07/2009 Duración: 53min

    Bill Moyers sits down with Trudy lieberman, director of the health and medical reporting program at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, and Marcia Angell, senior lecturer in social medicine at Harvard Medical School and former editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine. And, what happens when America's airwaves fill with hate? BIll MOYERS JOURNAl revisits a tough look at the hostile industry of "Shock Jock" media with a hard-hitting examination of its effects on our nation's political discourse.

  • The Evolution of God

    17/07/2009 Duración: 53min

    In his new book, THE EVOlUTION OF GOD, bestselling author Robert Wright examines how the idea of God has changed through history. Wright sits down with Bill Moyers to discuss why he thinks the notion of God - real or not - is imperative to a moral society. And, Bill Moyers talks with two environmental activists who are disappointed in Obama's progress on climate change. Plus, a Bill Moyers essay on health care.

  • Profits before Patients

    10/07/2009 Duración: 53min

    With almost 20 years inside the health insurance industry, Wendell Potter saw for-profit insurers hijack our health care system and put profits before patients. Now, he speaks with Bill Moyers about how those companies are standing in the way of health care reform. And, a Bill Moyers Essay.

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