Topher Wiles

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"Create more than you correct." This blog is intended to be a place of creating positive content that will inform, inspire, and involve you in what God is doing in this wonderful life!


  • Solar Eclipse - Glad it's temporary!


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3 Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ bringing you a positive message minute. In just a little over 5 weeks, 3% of the United States will get the opportunity to see a truly rare event in our lifetime, a total solar eclipse.  From what I understand from friends in Tennessee, Kentucky, and southern Illinois, this is going to be a crazy time.  Schools are closing.  Governments are shutting down for the day.  Police are ramping up to handle the amount of traffic influx  they expect for this momentous occasion.  Hotels are already booked solid, campgrounds are maxed out, and  pieces of farmland are going for $125 a night just for someone to pitch a tent. Map Credit: http://www.eclipse2017.orgPeople are really excited to experience this short moment in time where we can feel the temperatures drop during those few

  • There's No Place Like Home


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3 "My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?" - John 14:2Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive Message Minute.  Dorothy returned from her whirlwind journey to appreciate the simple pleasures of home.  Yes, her life may have been black and white.  Yes, her life may have lacked a little adventure.  Yes, all she had were simple family that loved her and a dog that followed her around.  Yet, she couldn't return to that humble abode in Kansas until she finally understood and said, "There's no place like home.  There's no place like home."  Ashley and I have spent the last couple weeks traveling, camping, and guest speaking in various locations.  While all the family time was nice, and the camping weather was won

  • Do Love


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher, from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive Message Minute.photocred: psychologytoday.comKids know things about Love that we forget as adults.  We tend to think of Love as an emotion, but kids know that it is an action, a decision.  One kid said, "Love is when mommy makes coffee for daddy and takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is ok."  Another said, "When my Grandma got arthritis and couldn't bend over, my grandpa started painting her toenails for her, even when his hands got arthritis too.  That's love."Kids know that love is an action and a decision.  That is exactly what the Bible says about it too.  That famous 1 Corinthians 13 passage says, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices w

  • Gas Station Love


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher, from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive Message Minute. Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt 22:39)  Deuteronomy expounds on the second half of the ten commandments in chapter 24 and informs us that love goes out toward more than just neighbors at our physical address.  Loving your neighbor as yourself in just this one chapter includes: honoring your wife, being merciful to the family, showing grace to a debtor, giving justice to your countryman, treating fairly the poor, being accountable for only your own mistakes, blessing the visitor to your land, taking care of the orphans, and providing for the widows.  And that's just one chapter of the Bible folks. photocred: ashtachemicals.comI recently saw how another acted neighborly in caring for patrons in the local Viking Mart Marathon Gas Sta

  • Family Laboratory


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3photo credit: Dexter's LaboratoryGood morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ, bring you a positive Message Minute written especially for families.  I believe the family is your own personal laboratory, where moms and dads get to experiment on their children to see what hinders and what helps in bringing about the best and most well balanced adults by the time they finally fly from the nest. Last week, we noticed a little bit of ingratitude creeping into our kids, you know, that kind that just grates on your nerves because of the thanklessness, complaining, and whining that it brings.   This week, we're experimenting with what we read in our history books about the pioneer days of America.  Our children only have one toy for the entire week, they only have two changes of clothes, we don't turn on the lights and night, and our food is m

  • Signs of the End Times?


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3(P.S. Thanks for your patience as I took a little break from Message Minutes.  With multiple funerals in church and in family, combined with travel and preaching gospel meetings, I was burning the candle at both ends and needed to sleep past 5:30am for a while till our schedule calmed down.  We had to make room for our first priorities.  Thanks for understanding.)Good morning, this is Topher, from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you another positive Message Minute. photo credit: Huffington PostLet's smile for a moment and ask, "What is going to bring about the end of the world, Armageddon, the apocalypse?"  Some might say the Mayan calendar running out.  Others thought it would be Y2k.  Some hedged their bets on 4 blood moons.  As for me, I think the act that will bring about ultimate chaos will be...wait for it… disobedient children.&n

  • So Many Super Heroes


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive message minute.  credit: www.ign.comIt's amazing the amount of super hero movies, books, shows, and action figures that are being produced today.  Just walk through the toy isle of Walmart to see any amazing amount these heroes.  They are created to represent so many power of greatness:  running fast, invisibility, super strength, telekinesis, and we're just scratching the surface. Some say we have so many amazing super heroes today because people feel a great amount of fear and desire to be saved. There are attributes in the Bible that are developed, disciplined, and inspired inside of human beings by God's Spirit that bring about a lot of relief in our life from the fears that surround us.  Oh, and when we share them with others, we become heroes to them.  Pau

  • Peyton & Fundies


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive message minute.  credit: pinterest user - Bill AgeeI was surprised to see Peyton Manning trending in my twitter feed this morning.  Being from Tennessee, relocating to Indiana, I was able to enjoy Peyton as a QB for the Tennessee Vols and Indianapolis Colts, and I genuinely enjoy Peyton's personality.  In a news article by the Indy Star yesterday (catch it here), Manning shared this wisdom with some Hoosier student-athletes. "If you ever think the little things don’t matter, and you can brush those aside, I promise you in whatever you’re doing, your game’s going to slip.”Just like a good QB needs to continue working on the regular disciplines of the snap, huddle communication, and footwork, we too should focus on the fundamental daily disciplines in life.  The Bible says,

  • Tough Wisdom on Tax Day


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive message minute!You know, America really is the land of opportunity because every single person has the opportunity to become a tax-payer!  In case you haven't heard, TODAY IS TAX DAY, the one day of the year that makes more liars out of people than golf!  credit: az quotesWith all the joking aside, can I just share with you some thoughts that help me through taxes?  As I did the dirty deed of dropping a check in the mail, I tried to remember the following.I am blessed with a free education.I enjoy safe drinking water.I have parks to play in.I have paved roads to drive on.I have few cares because a relatively safe place to live compared to much of the rest of the world.I know that tax day can hurt, especially if you drop a check in the mail like me.  Trust me though, it'll

  • Beat that Easter Hangover


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ bringing you a positive message minute.  credit: elizabethhagan.comI know what you’re thinking.  Good morning, yeah right!  I know you don't want to go to work today.  I know you don't want your normal routine back.  I know you don't want to do your chores.  I know you are loathing school at this moment.  Let's face it, this past weekend was good.  You had great weather to spend outside.  You enjoyed a lot of good time with family all around you.  Odds are, you spent some extra blessed time honoring the Risen Savior this weekend.  Now you feel like it all has to end because BAM, just like that, life has come back!What you're experiencing is "Easter Hangover."  It comes from not having much of family, friends, faith, and fair skies in your regular schedule,

  • Your Identification Please...


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Scroll down to view an infographic of a Holy Week Timeline.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher, from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive message minute. Yes, I confess, I've been pulled over a time or two: twice when I was 16, once at 18, 21, 26, and 34.   Each and every time, those wonderful men in uniform wanted some information about me immediately, so they asked for my ID.  In America, we have an amazing database system implemented that gives a lot of information about you based on the Identification Card that you give to the police officer, an ID card that you aren't supposed to leave home without.  On Thursday of the Holy Week, just after Jesus has identified his betrayer, he gives his disciples an ID Card, a way that everyone would know who they serve, who they pledge allegiance to, whose follower they were.  In John 13, Jesus says, "A

  • Teaching Tuesday on the Holy Week


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Scroll down to view an infographic of a Holy Week Timeline.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive message minute.  About 1984 years ago, give or take a few, Jesus was in Jerusalem during what we now call the "Holy Week" of Passover.  On Tuesday of that week, the man who was the Christ, the Messiah, was teaching on weddings, marriage, and the Kingdom of God.  These teachings stunned and astonished some of the religious elites called the Sadducees. (Matthew 22:33)Upon seeing that their political and theological opponents were stumped, the Pharisees got together and put one expert of the law to test Jesus with a question.  He asked, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?"   (Matt 22:36)  Jesus gave my favorite reply to all the many questions he was asked here in Matthew 22.  H

  • Kick Karma (& other ideas) to the Curb!


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ bringing you a positive Message Minute. You just gotta laugh at some of the silliness that comes out of our mouths sometimes, especially those of us who claim to be people who live by the Good Book. For instance, We talk about our loved ones, getting their wings and becoming angels when they die.  Truth is, angels and wings are rarely connected and we certainly don't become angels anymore than we become camels!  Don’t even get me started on the golden ringed halo above the head!We tell people two of every animal went in the ark, when it was really 7 pairs of all the clean ones. (Genesis 7:2) Cleanliness is close to Godliness?  - Didn't arrive in our world until a sermon in 1778! (source here)How about decorating our churches with pews, pulpits, and crosses?  Oh wait, in the New Covenant, the chur

  • Can Justice & Peace Exist Together?


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ bringing you a positive message minute. credit: photos combined fromABCnews.comIt's a little tougher to be positive when your news feed over the last 24 hours was flooded with graphic evidence of the destruction of the innocent and the harsh realities of retaliation.   I have my opinions, but I am no expert in the areas of international justice or peace, so my opinions will at this time remain my opinions.  Yet I am qualified by God's calling to share with you that Justice and Peace have struggled on opposite sides of picket lines many times in the history of our broken world.  Will the world ever find balance between Justice and Peace?credit: from www.reasonabletheology.orgThere is one Bible verse that brings my heart joy in such times as this as it points forward to a time that I know with cert

  • Relationship Thermostat or Thermometer?


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive message minute. Is the temperature comfortable where you are? It probably has something to do with a small apparatus in your home, car, or work called a thermostat.  Now, a thermostat is different than a thermometer.  A thermometer tells what temperature exists in an area,  but a thermostat actually does something about that temperature in the area.  A thermostat sends a signal and works in conjunction with other units to bring about that blessed and comfortable 70 degrees that you are struggling to find right now with Indiana weather!photo credit: www.lowes.comIn life, as you seek to find equilibrium, balance, and peace, are you the thermostat or the thermometer?  In Ephesians chapter 4, Paul is writing wisdom to the people in relationships.  Somewhere along th

  • Those Behind The Scenes


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ bringing you a positive message minute. It took many behind the scenes playersto get this photograph of my daughter:reflector holder, someone holding her,a photographer, my wife to pick wardrobe,and the wonderful EastSide Park grounds workers.Thanks to everyone who helps us excel in life.Focus on that old phrase, "behind the scenes" for just a moment.   In all areas that we excel in life, there is an abundance of people at work behind the scenes that deserve respect and praise.  In my case, my wife is the hardest worker I know, enabling me to be a community leader.  Eastside Park is beautiful this time of year with a great playground, blooming cherry trees, and a clean environment, yet there is a large crew at work behind the scenes that garners little of the attention of this great area attracti

  • Finding "Fun" in Fundamentals


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive Message Minute. Fowler #25 scores! (Credit: Getty Images / Dilip Vishwanat)You don't even have to like baseball to have heard about the Cardinals bottom of the 9th win against the World Series Champion Chicago Cubs last night.  With both teams garnering a lot of fans on this opening night for the Cards, there was a lot of tension in the air in Busch Stadium. After a Cardinals season that could be described as flawed, flat, and full of faults, these St. Louis sluggers seemed to find fun in the fundamentals last night.  With no errors in this exciting win, it seems getting back to the basics and focusing on fundamentals paid off.   If you are struggling through a flawed and flat season of life, consider refocusing on one fundamental to jump-start a new season.&nbs

  • Baseball Buildup?


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher and Gabriel from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive Message Minute.  Here's a positive direction for all you parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, coaches, and friends out there who will be following one of America's great past times this spring and summer.  Consider following Paul's words in Ephesians on the baseball field as he says,"Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building others up…" - Ephesians 4:29aI'm coaching Gabriel's little league baseball team, which means I'm charged with teaching these young impressionable boys some baseball and life skills.  I know, I know, I know, our current culture tells us that it is ok to direct, yelling, insults, distractions, and things we call "chatter" toward kids and adults to diminish their performance (as long as they are on the

  • Forgiven Much


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ bringing you a positive message minute. Wow, I love my wife!  Do you want to know how I know that I love my wife?  Let me tell you a quick story.  Topher in 2003Fifteen years ago I had the perfect setting to propose.  A blanket in the park, comfort food, mood music, a bouquet of roses, and a ring hidden inside one of the roses.  While the sappy music about love was playing, I dropped to one knee, grabbed the rose with the ring…. And panicked!  The ring wasn't in the rose!  She saw the look on my face and knew I had botched this one.  I began frantically searching the grass around us looking for that precious symbol of love that had fallen out of the rose!  Eventually, I found it, and even though I'm a blundering idiotsometimes, she said yes!  How do I know I lov

  • Fear, Faith, & the Father


    Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher, from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive message minute. It was about 9pm in the dark woods, and it certainly was not quiet.  My wife and children were helping me clean up after an exciting weekend retreat in woods.   I can't even begin to describe the various participants in this cacophony of sounds that at least included owls, woodpeckers, crickets, toads, coyotes and more.  My children were walking along a path in the woods with no flashlights and no fear.   Why were the children unafraid of all the supposed monsters lurking in the dark? Topher & Ethan about 7 years ago. Photo taken by Ashley.Pauls describes it this way in Romans 8:15, "For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry,&

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