The Web Platform Podcast



A weekly show covering the latest in browser features, standards, and the tools developers use to build for the Web of today and beyond. Each week, hosts Danny, Amal, Leon, and Justin are joined by a special guest to discuss the latest developments and features that you may just want to use in your next project.


  • 167: PWAs with Alex Russell

    31/07/2018 Duración: 44min

    Alex Russell has been around, he has seen some things, and now he wants to share it with us! Come join our hosts as we dive into Alex's background and learn how he came to hold some of his views on many things. Browsers, JavaScript and web frameworks, he has insight into all of these things and many more on this week's episode. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 166: Samsung Internet

    18/07/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    This week our panel chats with Ada Rose Cannon (@lady_ada_king) all about Samsung Internet. Haven’t heard of Samsung Internet? You may not be alone but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some very cool things happening. Learn more about how Samsung is contributing back to the community as well as some very cool hardware integrations on this week’s episode of the Web Platform Podcast. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 165: JS Unit Testing Tools & Best Practices

    05/07/2018 Duración: 55min

    Join Danny, Leon, and Amal for a discussion on unit testing modern web applications. Amal has recently taught a pilot testing workshop in Boston with Gleb from Cypress who was on the show last week. She is excited to evangelize the importance of unit testing. Unit tests are the vegetables of the JavaScript world - cooked properly, they are absolutely delicious, and you'll never want to stop eating them! Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 164:

    28/06/2018 Duración: 51min

    Guests Brian Mann and Gleb Bahmutov join our hosts to discuss Cypress, and open source test runner that's built for the modern web. With fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser, the show discusses how cypress utilizes the platform and the ease of use for end developers. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 163: RxJS

    20/06/2018 Duración: 47min

    This week on the Web Platform Podcast our panel talks with Tracy Lee (@ladyleet) and Ben Lesh (@BenLesh) about RxJS. We find out just what these fancy sounding Observables are and how they help solve problems. Our panel and guests also discuss the importance of documentation in open source and good ways to start contributing. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 162: WebAssembly

    06/06/2018 Duración: 56min

    This week on the Web Platform Podcast our panel chats about WebAssembly and the future of the web. What exactly is WebAssembly? Is it a replacement for JavaScript? Do I need to learn C++ if I want to use it? Sooooo many questions about this very cool technology. Come listen to Thomas Nattestad and Ben Smith give answers to all of these questions and many more! Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 161: UNPKG

    30/05/2018 Duración: 01h15min

    This week on the Web Platform Podcast Amal, Danny & Justin talk with Michael Jackson about his project UNPKG and how it can help make front-end development easier. Our panel also chats about the current state of front-end tooling including the JavaScript module spec and how things have led up to where it is now. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 160: NG-CONF 2018

    25/05/2018 Duración: 58min

    Ng-conf has happened! There were a bunch of excellent talks and and excellent people. Jeff Whelpley was one of them! Jeff helps us dive into what is coming in Angular. Angular 6, the new Angular CLI, RxJs 6 and more! There is a ton to unpack in this week’s episode. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 159: lit-html - HTML Templates via JavaScript Template Literals

    04/04/2018 Duración: 59min

    This week we chat with lit-html creator Justin Fagnani. Lit-html is a framework agnostic library that uses new JavaScript features to efficiently render HTML templates. In this episode, you’ll learn what lit-html is in detail and why it was created. We compare the lit-html approach to VDOM in terms of performance and also how it compares to JSX structurally. We also discuss some of the upcoming proposals for standardising HTML template instantiation. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 158: A Developer's Guide into the World of Web Standards

    28/03/2018 Duración: 01h06min

    The world of web standards can be complicated and confusing, Jory Burson joins us to help make things clearer! We discuss the different standards organisations, why standards are important and why it's good for developers to get involved. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 157: Cross-Platform Development with Ionic and Capacitor

    16/03/2018 Duración: 50min

    Ionic has focused on Angular for many years, but the recent move to Web Components has opened up new and exciting framework agnostic possibilities. Leon, Danny and Justin talk to Mike Hartington from Ionic about this and a new project called Capacitor a cross-platform API for building desktop, mobile and progressive-web apps. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more: Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 156: React 16 - Fiber and Beyond

    08/03/2018 Duración: 01h05min

    In the past few years React has become a mainstay in the front end development community and React 16 has more to offer than ever. This week our hosts chat with Andrew Clark of the React core team about some of React’s history as well as some of the new exciting things in React 16 and beyond. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 155: WeDeploy

    21/02/2018 Duración: 56min

    Infrastructure is hard, that is one of the big reasons "the cloud" has become such a popular option, but it can still be difficult. As the website says: "WeDeploy helps you build from simple to complex applications. We give you predefined services that can speed up your development process." Our hosts welcome back Zeno Rocha and discuss the platform, what it can do and how it can improve your process. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 154: StackBlitz

    14/02/2018 Duración: 52min

    Modern web development has a lot of cool stuff, but that cool stuff can come at a cost. Getting a development environment set up can be a task even for folks that know what they are doing. Enter StackBlitz, a way to get up and running with Angular, Ionic or React (with others on the way). This week our hosts talk to Eric Simons about the benefits of such a platform as well as some of the challenges with building it. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 153: Microsoft Edge in 2018

    09/02/2018 Duración: 01h12s

    This week we are joined by Patrick Kettner to find out what's new with Microsoft Edge. We ask about Web Component support, speak about the PWA story for Edge and learn a lot about how browsers decide which specifications to implement next. Also, find out what the Edge team are doing to improve DevTools and the development experience. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 152: Firefox, what's new & what's coming in 2018

    31/01/2018 Duración: 57min

    You've seen the ads, you've heard the name, now let's take a dive into all things Firefox and Firefox Quantum. Our hosts talk with Matthew Claypotch about where Firefox is and where it is going in the future. Web Components, Progressive Web apps and performance improvements are only some of the things you can expect to hear about this week on the Web Platform Podcast. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 151: Crystal Ball Fortunes in 2018

    24/01/2018 Duración: 51min

    This week Justin, Danny, and Leon talk about what they think is going to be important for the web in 2018. We talk about AI and an interesting experiment Danny has got involved with along with Leon’s excitement for customized built-in elements an unadopted part of the Custom Elements spec. PWA’s is a big topic where we talk about what this means for native app-store apps and we finish by sharing what we hope for in 2018. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • WorkBox - A Developer Toolkit for Service Workers and Beyond

    11/01/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    Episode 150, we made it! This week on The Web Platform Podcast our hosts Justin Ribeiro, Amal Hussein and Leon Revill chat with Jeff Posnick and Matt Gaunt about WorkBox. Service workers are becoming more and more important to the web in the world of progressive web apps and WorkBox makes it easy. So tune in and learn how you can up your service worker game and how WorkBox can help. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 149: Angular - A Platform for the Modern Web

    20/12/2017 Duración: 01h04min

    This week Michael Prentice and Stephen Fluin join Danny Blue and Amal Hussein to chat about the current state of Angular. They go over the path to get to the Angular as it is now as well as the new features available in the latest version (5.1.1 as of this recording). Compilers, template, and Observables are discussed as well as build tools & schematics. Come listen about the Angular Platform on the Web Platform! Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

  • 148: What's new in the world of WebRTC

    14/12/2017 Duración: 48min

    Chad Hart joins us for this episode to discuss what's happening in the world of WebRTC. We start with an introduction to the technology, what it can do and who is using it right now. We then discuss how WebRTC handles low-grade devices and connections and some parts of the technology which you may not have known about. WebRTC is driving many of the top real-time comms apps, this episode is a great overview of the technology with many useful resources and will surely get you excited about its many practical applications. Visit the website for This Week in Web, resources & more:’s-new-in-the-world-of-webrtc   Follow The Web Platform podcast on Twitter for regular updates @TheWebPlatform.

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