Ranger Danger: A Power Rangers Podcast

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  • Editor: Podcast
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Were on a mission to see, summarise and size-up all 800+ episodes of Power Rangers. Its a crazy goal, but its a crazy show and were crazy people. If you are too, subscribe to join us on our journey. Find us at rangerdangerpodcast.com, @rangerdcast on Twitter, or Ranger Danger Podcast on Facebook and YouTube.


  • MMPR 62: The Mutiny, Part II


    Mat threatens to mutiny himself as we kick on with part two of the Season 2 opener this week. Spoiler alert: nothing happens! Oh, we finally get to see the Thunderzords, I guess? They don't, you know, do anything. It's a bummer this week, folks.

  • Special: New Pilot?


    In a special, bonus mini-episode of the Ranger Danger Podcast, we discuss a hot-off-the-press rumour. Listen in to find out what Katee Sackhoff, James Van Der Beek, Saban, Disney, Power Rangers and the words 'dark and gritty' might have in common!

  • MMPR 61: The Mutiny, Part I


    Our weekly recaps launch into season 2 of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers this week – but before that, we interview OG Red Ranger Austin St. John (Jason) and OG Black Ranger Walter Jones (Zack)!! What have Austin and Walter been up to since leaving the show? Are they prepared to suit up as Rangers again? And – in our recaps – how will we deal with the last hurrah of the original Megazord? Find out in this week’s episode of the Mighty Morphin’ Ranger Danger podcast!

  • MMPR 60: An Oyster Stew


    This is it! 60 episodes have been leading to this! This week on the podcast, we recap the very last episode of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1, entitled OYSTER STEW!! Here’s some of what goes down: How might a Power Rangers/Super Sentai crossover go down? We take a stab! Comics nerds: did you know a Power Rangers/Youngblood crossover almost happened? And Liefeld was going to draw it? I KNOW, RIGHT?! We watch a trailer for Green Ranger Jason David Frank’s new YouTube. It’s insaaaaane. In the best/worst way. So, uh, we know this is the final episode of the season, but this doesn’t feel like a season finale at all. Angela’s back, though? So I guess you get that? Once again, Power Rangers provides us with a teachable moment: don’t buy jewellery from out of creepy serial killer looking dudes’ jackets. I’d go as far as to call that one a Pro Tip. HOOOOOO DAMN SON UNDERWATER MEGAZORD BATTLE!!! Drop your cocks and grab your socks and get in on this shiiiiiiiiiiiit. AND SO MUCH MORE!!

  • MMPR 59: Mighty Morphin’ Mutants


    This week on the podcast we watch the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode MIGHTY MORPHIN' MUTANTS! But, sadly, there's no X-men involved. Or Ninja Turtles. Or any of those weirdos from Mutant X. Here's some of what goes down: The future of Power Rangers revealed! Dramatic drum roll… MORE NINJAS! Yay? The Green Ranger is fighting Ryu on Super Power Beat Down. If you don't vote for the Green Ranger, you're expelled from our listener base. Amy Jo Johnson put the Pink Ranger suit back on! Way to go, Amy Jo! Since that rhymes, we'll overlook the fact that she made us wait 20 years. Want to know more about the American School System? I sure hope so. How do you know someone is evil? Their costume is poorly designed. The Sword of Darkness is back!! It's so dark!! AND SO MUCH MORE!!

  • MMPR 58: Football Season


    It's FOOTBALL SEASON on the podcast this week, as we watch the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode of that name, with Tim! The key to winning this episode will be yardage. Yardage, yardage, yardage. Here's some of what goes down: Zordon wrote a book! Kind of! And it's noiiiiiir! We discuss the Power Ranges Super Megaforce finale. It's THE most disappointing thing that has ever happened. To anyone. Ever. We offer some pointers on how it could be improved. Not that we're saying that we can and want to write Power Rangers. Except that's exactly what we're saying. Mat explains American Football using chess as a reference. Just in case you were still wondering whether or not we're giant nerds. Putties wearing extra costumes! Our favourite thing! Yes! We pitch the 'The Office' version of Power Rangers. Anyone have a contact at Saban? AND SO MUCH MORE!!!

  • MMPR 57: Enter… The Lizzinator


    Tim's back for another round as we prepare for the entry of... the Lizzinator on the podcast this week! Here's what you've got to look forward to: "It's not called Ellipsis the Lizzinator. I just want to make that clear." We pick our Power Rangers dream teams! Well, I say "teams"... "Trumpets are musical bacon. I've said it before and I stand by it." Are you #protrumpet or #antitrumpet? Squatt and Baboo learn to cheer. It's... it's definitely something. Mat discusses his Theory of Putty Reincarnation. It's surprisingly touching. AND MUCH MORE!

  • MMPR 56: On Fins and Needles


    We're walking ON FINS AND NEEDLES on the podcast this week, as we watch the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode of that name with Paisley! Here's some of what goes down: Want a buttload of talk about comics? We sure hope so because that's watcha gonna get! But really though, we uncover something that (if you're familiar with comic history) will probably blow your god damned socks right off. Seriously. It's the first time (and hopefully the last) will namecheck Ayn Rand on the show. We get a bit into the Austin St John v Jason David Frank rivalry. Fairly and objectively. Having said that, ASJ4LIFE. The Rangers assemble the Power Blaster, form up, charge the cannon, fire, and… miss?? Well, that was unexpected. And a little pitiable. We make a formal request for a new season - Power Rangers: Pirate Knights. Time to start an online petition, maybe? AND SO MUCH MORE!!!!

  • MMPR 55: Second Chance


    It's Paisley's first time as a solo guest on the podcast this week, as we watch the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode 'Second Chance'! Here's some of what goes down: Is there a mole operating from within Rita's Moon Palace? If so - who is it? Power Rangers teaches a very strange moral lesson to kids this week. SOCCER THEMED FIGHT! No, for real. And it's actually pretty cool. "Zordon out!" He's just trying out the catchphrase. We wish it had stuck. We know Rita is evil, but she's so down right mean to a kid this episode that it still shocks us. Want a little bit of discussion about comics censorship? You've come to the right podcast! …oddly enough. FISH AREN'T FISH! OR SOMETHING! Biology revelations! AND SO MUCH MORE!!

  • Special: Podcar! Power Rangers: Hexagon


    It's another special POD-CAR bonus episode of Mighty Morphin' Ranger Danger, as we use our roadtrip back from Canberra to discuss the mythical lost season of Power Rangers - HEXAGON!!! Here's some of what MIGHT HAVE BEEN: Tommy and Jason leading rival Power Ranger factions? God yes please. An anti-authority theme running through a season of Power Rangers? God yes please. Tying up loose ends, like the fate of Scorpina and the fate of Terra Venture? God yes please. Finding out the identity of the Phantom Ranger? God yes please. Was it have been gratuitous fan service? Yes. Was it way too ambitious? Yes. Was it bogged down in obsessive continuity? Yes. But do we desperately wish we could've seen it? God yes. AND SO MUCH MORE!!!

  • MMPR 54: Trick or Treat


    It's a spooooOOOOOoooOOOOOoooOOOOooky episode of the podcast this week, as we watch the (admittedly not at all) terrifying episode of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode TRICK OR TREAT with Jeremy! Here's some of what goes down: A Power Rangers (or Sentai, rather) stunt actor uses his Ranger skills to break into and rob a whole bunch of homes! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! What would Michael do to turn Power Rangers into a genuinely terrifying horror show? Want a horrible thought this Halloween? Imagine yourself slowly, unpredictably transforming into a putty. Your mouth sealing up… your skin turning grey and rubbery… *shiver* Michael: "THAT WAS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!" What got Michael so enthralled? Awesome putty fight, awesome monster… this episode has a LOT going for it, despite featuring the world's worst "game show". The Power Rangers spend so long rap-bragging that the monster get the upper-hand. That's not a typo. AND SO MUCH MORE!!!

  • MMPR 53: Fowl Play


    The ever enthusiastic Jeremy joins us to review the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode FOWL PLAY on the podcast this week! Here's some of what goes down: More on the strange family history of Mr. Thomas Oliver - the Green Ranger! A surprisingly solid episode! And perhaps the coolest OG Ranger, Zack, gets a chance to shine. Zack teaches kids incredibly important life skills - flirting whilst juggling! Peckster - stupid name, surprisingly fun monster. Definitely the best monster to ever be bested by balloons, at least. Uh, spoiler, I guess. The writer of this episode also wrote for a beloved 90s animated sitcom… but which one…? We rope Sarah in for a guest spot to dole out romance advice! This is must hear information, people*. AND SO MUCH MORE!! *Not really.

  • Special: One-Year Anniversary Trivia Spectacular


    IT'S ON!! Your normally affable hosts are pitted against each other, as Mat and Michael go head-to-head in a vicious Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Season 1 trivia competition to celebrate one year of podcasting! A trivia question for each episode of the series they've seen… how much craziness have they kept in their brains? Almost every guest from the show's history returns to help grill Mat and Michael! One guest reveals a question answer so well that they almost win the competition by default… Is Tim's voice still sultry? Spoiler warning: yes. Duh. There may be a major announcement about the future of the podcast snuck in this episode... Who, ultimately, faces the dread punishment for losing… a fate so terrible it can scarcely be spoken?! FIND OUT NOW!!

  • MMPR 52: Two Heads Are Better Than One


    On the podcast this week, two guests are better than one as Canberrans Jamie and James join us to review the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE!! The reviews are in: "I really didn't understand what was happening", "That was an interesting mess", "It was definitely worse than the last episode", "It wasn't my favourite". Oh dear. Rita's grasp of math tells her adding an extra head to her monster will make it smarter. It seems like Rita's just an idiot, until… Zordon agrees. That's just accepted science in the Power Rangers universe, I guess. "Shut up, Billy." The Rangers 'study' the weaknesses of a monster by pressing buttons on the Command Center console. That's not studying! At least read a book! This (allegedly) super-smart monster gets distracted when the Rangers throw fruit at it. …ugh. We guess at how many Power Rangers there have been thus far. Mat is so, so wrong. AND SO MUCH MORE!!!

  • MMPR 51: Grumble Bee


    The podcast is recorded in Canberra this week, as new guest host Jamie helps us review the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode GRUMBLE BEE!! It gets us buzzin'. For the first time, we have a guest who has NEVER SEEN POWER RANGERS EVER! Bewilderment and hilarity ensues. We talk about Doctor Who's Karen Gillan, dressed in a Pink Ranger costume, getting ice-bucketed - "I approve, but I don't understand." Power Rangers is returning to New Zealand for shooting? What are the chances we can make the short hop across the water to NZ for a set visit? Apparently "Bees are the highest form of insect"! That's Power Rangers, your #1 source for science education. You know how we only just got Tommy back as the Green Ranger? Well if you were hoping to see him fight again this episode, you're shit out of luck. BASKETBALL FIGHT!!! Are Rita's magic wands disposable? And is there a weird collector on Earth that is hoarding them? Enquiring minds want to know. AND SO MUCH MORE!!!

  • Special: Podcar! Power Rangers: A Rock Adventure


    It's a special POD-CAR bonus episode of Mighty Morphin' Ranger Danger, and we pass the time on the road by listening to (and reviewing) MIGHTY MORPHIN' POWER RANGERS: A ROCK ADVENTURE! Here's some of what goes down: There was a dance remix of the Power Rangers theme - produced by SIMON COWELL - and we didn't get to listen to it. Mat recommends Ron Wasserman's Power Rangers Redux album on iTunes, for exercise and general life purposes. Is 'FIGHT!' the greatest piece of music of the 20th century? Mat's not willing to rule it out. The podcast gets its first injection of Lord Zedd in the best way possible - with his bad-ass theme. It's awesome like the Imperial March… because it's basically the Imperial March. How many rhymes are there for 'Rita'? We find out together! "They don't know about your Ultrazord protection." That's a lyric. Not joking. Find out how the profoundly moving song 'I Will Win!' is at least partially responsible for our podcast. We get a glimpse into the future and see - THE

  • MMPR 50: Return of an Old Friend, Part II


    This week on the podcast, Green Ranger Tommy gets his powers and giant Godzilla robot back as we watch the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode RETURN OF AN OLD FRIEND, PART TWO! Here's some of what goes down: We go through listener mail! There's swimming teams in Ranger dreams, creature features, ReBoot disputes and morphabulous… shit, I can't rhyme that. The Great Batman: The Animated Series vs ReBoot Debate continues, with Michael firmly on the back foot. Drunk Uncle Zordon's rants continue, but he has a lot to deal with you guys, cut him some slack. Lauren and Mat were taught by a P.E teacher who was a Gladiator! Bad 90s television Gladiator, not Roman Gladiator. Sadly. "Be aware of his nozzles," says Zordon. Good life advice. Lauren calls the MegaDragonzord, quote "a bit excessive. It's just a mole! You've got a dragon and a dinosaur! Darwinism says that these guys are probably going to come out on top." AND SO MUCH MORE!!!

  • MMPR 49: Return of an Old Friend, Part I


    This week on the podcast, Green Ranger Tommy makes his triumphant return as we watch the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode RETURN OF AN OLD FRIEND, PART ONE! And we have an old friend of our own return, as Lauren returns to guest host alongside new guest Daniel! Here's some of what goes down: When Daniel was a child and his friends played Power Rangers, he was a true hero - and played a Putty for them to beat-up. We talk about the Where's Wally? (or Where's Waldo? in the US) animated series, and indulge in scandalous WallyWorld parentage rumours. The cast of Power Rangers Dino Charge is announced, and Lauren asks the hard hitting questions, like: "Any hotties?" Speaking of hard hitting, this episode of Power Rangers tackles the touchy subject of divorce. Unsurprisingly, that plotline gets railroaded by an armpit-gas-monster. What's a 'reverse-Justin'? It's surprisingly G-rated. Is Tommy an orphan? We lay out our theory, just in time for his return! GO, GREEN RANGER GO GO to parent's day at An

  • MMPR 48: Plague of the Mantis


    If you weren't prepared for the Reign of the Jellyfish, just wait until you see the PLAGUE OF THE MANTIS with Kaley this week on Ranger Danger!. Here's what we've got in store: Is the Legacy Dragonzord show accurate - that is, way cooler than the Legacy Megazord? The show is vaguely coherent this week! We're so happy we could cry. "That's probably Rita's best plan ever." "I feel like the writers stumbled across it by accident." What is the most honourable tradition of kung fu? Is it having giant dinosaur robots? "Do you want to see penis kung fu?" Do you know what honour is? The show never really makes it clear. "And it would have been great, if the episode ended there. AND SO MUCH MORE!!!

  • MMPR 47: Reign of the Jellyfish


    It's the REIGN OF THE JELLYFISH on the podcast this week, as Kaley returns to watch Power Rangers with us! Long may she reign! This week on the show: A wild box appears! And we open it on air! Mystery abounds! Ah screw it, I'll tell you: we get a Legacy Megazord and Dinozord!! We throw some more shade on Titanus. Sorry ya dorky tortoise. Ya boring. We reveal that Michael wanted to be an actor in Power Rangers when we was a child. Mat is shocked by this. Which is shocking in itself. There's this cool, semi-transparent, 'time-phased' special effect that is so impressive (for this show) that we can't stop raving about it. Where does the Jellyfish fall on our Ranger Danger Creature Feature ranking? You'll have to listen to find out! AND SO MUCH MORE!!!

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