Sermons By Alan Bentrup



Podcast by Alan Bentrup


  • Feeling Small

    31/10/2022 Duración: 11min

    Whatever is going on in your life, whether death or divorce or pain or fear or shame…that’s the place where Jesus stops, looks up with love and acceptance, and calls you back down into a new life.

  • Enduring Faith

    24/10/2022 Duración: 13min

    The life of faith is not a race that can be won. It can only be run. It can only be endured.

  • Enduring Word (a Sermon for Proper 23C, 2022)

    09/10/2022 Duración: 17min

    We can argue over values, or debate worldviews, and even disagree on whether some ancient words on pottery should be read left to right or right to left. But if we focus too much on that, it only leads to division and hatred and ruin. What we are oΛered, and what we are called to oΛer the world, is Jesus Christ. That’s the Gospel. And that’s the Word that endures.

  • An Enduring Legacy (a Sermon for Proper 22C, 2022)

    02/10/2022 Duración: 02h01min

    We don’t always get a chance to thank the people who have impacted our lives. And we don’t always know the lives we’ll impact. Who is part of your legacy? Who are the people that shared and showed the love of God to you? Who are the people that made you feel welcome, that made you feel important, and made you feel loved? Who are your Eunice and Lois and Lacy?

  • Endure: Letters to Timothy (a Sermon for Proper 21C, 2022)

    25/09/2022 Duración: 15min

    These words rang true for Timothy. These words rang true for the Queen. And I pray these words ring true for you and for me… “But as for you, children of God, shun all worldly things… Shun power and riches and fame and control and division and hatred and ego… And pursue good things… pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, gentleness, endurance…. Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life, to which you were called…” (6.11-12)

  • Seeking the Lost (A Sermon for Proper 19C 2022)

    11/09/2022 Duración: 12min

    I say that every week. Everyone is welcome at God’s table. Everyone. Even me, and even you. Because Jesus found us all. Therefore let us keep the feast.

  • Historical Markers: All In (A Sermon for Proper 18C 2022)

    04/09/2022 Duración: 21min

    Jesus calls us to get rid of anything and everything that comes between us and God and each other. That is why the picture Jesus draws in today’s Gospel is so vivid. Following Jesus is hard. Following Jesus is costly. Because Jesus calls us to be all in… Are you ready to cross that line?

  • Historical Markers: Eyes of Humility (a Sermon for Proper 17C)

    28/08/2022 Duración: 19min

    We can no longer just see the people who can do something for us, and instead look for the people the world overlooks. And we need to see that we all are in equal need of grace and mercy in the eyes of God. And we’re all equally loved in the eyes of God. And if we are in equal need of grace, and we’re all equally loved, we can no longer participate in a system that places more value on some people and less value on others? As we accept Christ’s invitation to join him at Table in the Kingdom of God we must admit that we are only there because of God’s grace and mercy and love.

  • Historical Markers: Reckless Love (a Sermon for Proper 16C, 2022)

    21/08/2022 Duración: 17min

    In a world full of too many rules, too much fear, and too much sadness that tries to convince us otherwise, we are set free from all sorts of bondage. Like the woman in today’s Gospel, we are set free to live in the miracle of new life and second chances and amazing grace and reckless love, every day, in Jesus’ name.

  • Historical Markers: Expectant Hope (a Sermon for the Feast of St. Mary, 2022)

    14/08/2022 Duración: 14min

    Like Mary singing about what she knows God will do, we carry that same expectant hope of what God in Christ is doing in and through and around us. A hope that sees hate and meets it with love. A hope that sees failure and meets it with opportunity. A hope that sees brokenness and meets it with wholeness. A hope that sees fear and meets it with faith. A hope that sees death and meets it with life. If that isn’t hope, I don’t know what is. And that’s a hope that our schools…our churches…our world is longing for.

  • Historical Markers: Fearless Faith (a Sermon for Proper 14C, 2022)

    07/08/2022 Duración: 11min

    Fearless faith isn’t a straight line where we decide to follow God and never doubt or question or fail or want to turn back. Fearless faith doesn’t mean we never struggle with our faith. Fearless faith doesn’t mean we never deconstruct our faith. Fearless faith is taking the next step, knowing God is there. Fearless faith means trusting that God is here, with us, even when we don’t feel it. Fearless faith is believing that God continues to be present, even when we lack the certainty of a vision, or the certainty of direction, or the certainty of anything.

  • Historical Markers: Bold Prayer

    24/07/2022 Duración: 16min

    Our historical marker this week is BOLD PRAYER. Followers of Jesus are marked by bold prayer. Despite our enslavement to sin and brokenness and pride and shame, we pray boldly. Our circumstances don’t always change when we pray. But we change. Our hearts and our minds change, as we boldly proclaim that God has been, is, and always will be working in and through us.

  • Historical Markers: Radical Welcome

    17/07/2022 Duración: 16min

    We practice the radical welcome of Jesus who turns the world upside down. Everyone is welcome in God’s kingdom. And everyone is welcome at St. Martin’s. As Jesus continues on his journey to Jerusalem, he leaves behind him individuals, households, villages, and a whole world that will never be the same. Because they have glimpsed a new vision of God’s radical welcome.

  • A Harvest of Hope

    05/07/2022 Duración: 16min

    I have a friend who has the word “hope” tattooed on her arm. It’s a reminder to her of God’s presence and faithfulness in times of gut-wrenching pain and grief. For her, it calls to mind 1 Thessalonians 4:13…”we do not grieve as those who have no hope.” Even when we don’t feel it, we are people of hope. Even when we’re all tears and broken hearts, we are people of hope. Even when it seems like a pinprick of light down a really long hallway, we are people of hope.

  • The Unbearable Love of God (A Sermon for Trinity Sunday 2022)

    13/06/2022 Duración: 14min

    The fullness of God is unbearable. The fullness of God is too big, too beautiful, too wild, to be understood, explained, or contained.

  • Lament & Hope (a sermon for Easter 7C, 2022)

    30/05/2022 Duración: 15min

    How long, oh Lord! We lament. We yell. We grieve. But we don’t grieve as the world grieves. We don’t grieve as people who have no hope. Even in the midst of weeks like this…. Even in the midst of heartache like this… We hope. We have Easter hope.

  • Love Makes All Things New (a Sermon for Easter 5C, 2022)

    15/05/2022 Duración: 13min

    God redeems and restores and renews the whole world, through love. And the world will know that we are his disciples, not by the right opinions or positions or allegiances. The world will know that we are Jesus’ disciples by our love. We as Christians don’t stand on issues. We walk with people, in love. And God loves everyone. Even you. And even me.

  • We're Just Getting Started (a Sermon for Easter 2C, 2022)

    25/04/2022 Duración: 19min

    When we walk in faith and love together, your chips and my cracks and your brokenness come together. When we walk in faith and love together, when our life together is shaped by the cross, we're beautiful.

  • The Story is Just Getting Started (a Sermon for Easter Sunday, 2022)

    18/04/2022 Duración: 08min

    God is always out ahead of us, making all things new!

  • The Story is Good (A Sermon for Good Friday, 2022)

    16/04/2022 Duración: 07min

    Today, on Good Friday, the cross stands tall and declares that the story isn’t over if the story isn’t good. Jesus, the perfect, sinless man, today is smashed to pieces with us.

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