Vaughn Park Church Of Christ (sermons)



Weekly messages from Vaughn Park Church in Montgomery, Alabama.


  • We are Building


    How do you begin creating positive change in others' lives? Ask and Care! As we begin a new series on Nehemiah, Tim challenges us to follow the great builder's example by asking our neighbors how they're doing, listening to their answer and caring enough to help. 

  • Pure and Genuine Religion


    As Vaughn Park Church prepares for Agape Giving Sunday Sept. 10, Tim sits down with Erich and Allena Burbage to talk about their journey as foster parents as well as Agape Executive Director Steve Duer to hear about the needs and victories in serving vulnerable mothers and children. 

  • Natural Evangelism - Challenge to Obedience


    When God asks "Whom shall I send?" are you prepared to respond "Here I am. Send me!" If not, Tim's lesson may help as we see God, ourselves and the harvest more clearly. 

  • Natural Evangelism - What Do I Say?


    What do you say to someone who needs Jesus in their life? How about start with what Jesus has done in YOUR life? In today's lesson, Tim helps us overcome the fear of speaking about Him by reminding us we already know everything we need to share. 

  • Natural Evangelism - Love and Unity


    How do people know we're Christians? It's not the sign on our building, our dynamic programs or even our benevolent service. Jesus said, the answer is our love. As Tim builds a foundation for natural evangelism, he challenges us to understand the importance of love and unity — and to demonstrate these qualities in tangible ways to one another. 

  • Natural Evangelism - Rest and Connect


    Does evangelism seem unnatural? Do you find talking to others about Jesus difficult? As Tim begins a four-part series, he helps calm our fears by reminding us evangelism is relational, not confrontational. When we are connected to Jesus, He provides the opportunities and the power. 

  • How Can I Hear God Speak to Me?


    Do you want to hear God speak? Got questions? In today's lesson, Tim leads us to the familiar parable of the sower for practical tips about how we can soften the soil of our hearts so God's word can penetrate and take root. 

  • LIfe's Not Fair


    It seems some people get more than they deserve. In today's lesson, Donovan explores the parable of the workers in Matthew 20, which reminds us God is more than fair. He's generous! 

  • Rich Man & Lazarus, Part 3


    What is hell like? The Bible provides few details about the dreaded destination. One thing is for sure:  God isn't there. In today's final installment of his lesson on the Lazarus parable, Tim helps us consider how knowledge of eternal darkness can motivate us to reflect Jesus' light in this world. 

  • Rich Man & Lazarus, Part 2


    What would it take for you to believe? And, when should you start helping others? In the second part of his lesson on the Rich Man & Lazarus, Tim challenges us to see the needs of those around us and understand we already have the ultimate evidence for faith: Jesus!

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