Fat Pink Cast



Get on board with us as we sail the salty fandom seas!


  • Sleepy Hollow – Magnum Opus/The Akeda (Eps 2.10 and 2.11)


    [audio http://archive.org/download/SleepyHollowThisIsWar/SleepyHollow-MagnumOpusAndTheAkeda.mp3] Sit yourself for a twofer as Fat Pink Cast’s crew breaks down the Sleepy Hollow mid-season finale.   We discuss both episodes, Magnum Opus, and the Akeda…. (So, how exactly are Moloch and Henry and Katrina related?   Henry and Moloch share the same mother, but Moloch is Henry’s surrogate dad and Henry impregnated […]

  • Tom Mison and John Noble Sleepy Hollow-een Interview


    [audio http://archive.org/download/SleepyHollowThisIsWar/SleepyHollow-TomMisonAndJohnNobleInterview.mp3] We don’t have a recap of Sleepy Hollow 2.10 Magnum Opus for you this week, but back in October we caught up with Tom Mison and John Noble at FOX’s Sleepy Hollow-een Pumpkin Patch in NYC, so we hope you enjoy this special interview edition of Sleepy Pink Cast instead! As always, you can catch up on […]

  • Sleepy Hollow – Mama (Ep 2.09)


    [audio http://archive.org/download/SleepyHollowThisIsWar/SleepyHollow-Mama.mp3] *Trigger Warning for discussion of mental illness, suicide, and institutionalisation*  On this episode of Fat Pink Cast, “Do you guys like white boys in dirty coats with long hair? Do you guys like Sleepy Hollow? Are you guys aware that there are diverse people on this show? But would you rather see Ichabod in […]

  • Sleepy Hollow – Marguerite Bennett Interview


    [http://archive.org/download/SleepyHollowThisIsWar/SleepyHollow-MargueriteBennett.mp3] To celebrate the release #2 of the Sleepy Hollow comic, here’s our exclusive interview with author, Marguerite Bennett. You’ll find tidbits about Marguerite’s writing process, plans for future comics, and more. Enjoy! You can also download this interview and our podcast via iTunes. Fans can purchase the comic online at BOOM! Studios or at your local comic book […]

  • Sleepy Hollow – Heartless (Ep 2.08)


    [audio http://archive.org/download/SleepyHollowThisIsWar/sleepyheartless.mp3] On this episode of Fat Pink Cast, The birth of the #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter tag. “These two freeloaders are chillin in Abbie’s daddy’s cabin.” “I would be really angry if they did redeem Henry at this point–after all the shit he’s put Irving through, all the shit he’s put Abbie through, all the shit he’s put […]

  • Sleepy Hollow – Deliverance (Ep 2.07)


    [audio http://archive.org/download/SleepyHollowThisIsWar/SleepyHollow-Deliverance.mp3] On this episode of Fat Pink Cast, “It was so funny livetweeting Sleepy Hollow because there’s the mainstream Sleepy Hollow hashtag, and then there’s Sleepy Holla, and Shady Hollow and like, oh man; it was like a hive mind. Like five people tweeted at once ‘I hope the succubus eats Hawley.’ EAT HIM!” “There’s […]

  • Sleepy Hollow – And the Abyss Gazes Back (Ep 2.06)


    [audio http://archive.org/download/SleepyHollowThisIsWar/SleepyHollow-AndTheAbyssGazesBack.mp3] Look like someone’s got a case of the Wendigo! On this episode of the Fat Pink Cast, we list all the reasons why Nick Hawley needs to go (so he can stop stealing all of Jenny Mills’ screentime) and the many ways in which the show can accomplish his exit. We also chat about […]

  • Sleepy Hollow – The Weeping Lady (Ep 2.05)


    It’s Crane on the Brain as the Sleepy Pink Cast reviews the meh episode of jealous ex girlfriends and fridging x2. We break down the real reason the mug of microaggressions doomed Ms. Caroline, Ichabod’s Starbucks name, as well as Katrina’s ineffective writing style and more effective murdering style. Here’s what you missed last time […]

  • Sleepy Hollow – Go Where I Send Thee (Ep 2.04)


    Join us as we recap of our adventures at New York Comic Con (including our tale of playing good cop/bad cop at the Sleepy Hollow Panel), interviewing Marguerite Bennett and last, but not least, Sleepy Hollow episode 2.4, “Go Where I Send Thee.” Find out what’s “like the plot of a porno,” why we want […]

  • Sleepy Hollow – The Root of All Evil (Ep 2.03)


    So it turns out that it’s money?   Fat Pink Cast dishes out new Sleepy Hollow casting scoop and explains why the Mills sister are like “Frozen”, but better.  Is Nick Hawley is actually Santa Claus?  Plus, learn about the neurological condition that causes Hodoring, and why righteous rage is all the rage. Here’s what […]

  • Sleepy Hollow – The Kindred (Ep 2.02)


    Will Daniel Henney ever guest star? What is Katrina’s maiden name? Where did Abraham learn how to read? Does Ichabod call all his special friends Leftenant? Will someone please free Frank Irving? Is there life after battling the Headless Horseman and a giant evil Kinect simultaneously? We attempt to answer these questions and more in […]

  • Sleepy Hollow – This is War (Ep 2.01)


    Before Sleepy episode 2.2—The Kindred airs tonight, here’s our recap of 2.1—This is War! Find out fascinating information such as when did the term “alarm clock” come into fashion? What’s up with Ben Frankin’s modern day Philly accent and why did he advocate for sleeping with older women? Why is Katrina similar to an iphone? […]

  • Episode 41: Thrones, Hollow, and Wolf


    Batten down the hatches as the Fat Pink Cast staggers back in with more Fall TV news.   But first, it wouldn’t be Fat Pink Cast without a deconstruction of race and representation in Game of Thrones–especially in light of the new Dorne casting (Arianne who?) Next up, Marissa interviews the cast of Sleepy Hollow (!!!) straight […]

  • Episode 40: Fall 2014 TV Preview


    We know everyone’s excited for Fall TV, returning shows, and brand new ones (more excited than you are for school starting up again probably) so we’ve got a sneak peek of a couple pilots we had the pleasure (or displeasure) of watching! Find out why GRRM’s twitter handle is GRRMSpeaking, who’s coming back for Sleepy […]

  • Episode 39: The Children (GOT 4.10)


    This week we didn’t have to reset the meter and Incident Reporting Raven has happily gone on vacation until next year. We also contemplate who Ro-Mance Rayder is and where he’s been vaca-ing; why the Night’s Watch is determined to set their entire compound on fire; how The Mummy’s undead cast ended up beyond the […]

  • Episode 38: The Watchers on the Wall (GOT 4.09)


    Awwww yesh, it’s that time of the year again where Game of Thrones has a focus episode and Fat Pink Cast picks at the show’s cheesy pimples.   Dolorous Edd could really get another career shaving ice, Incident Reporting raven’s on a winning streak, and Sam rules lawyers his way through a G rated Lord’s […]

  • Episode 37: The Mountain and the Viper (GOT 4.08)


    This week on Fat Pink Cast, join the crew as we recap another “shocking” episode brought to you by Hot Topic and D&D’s random ableist metaphors.  The cannibals attack the Burps of Castamere, Dany sends Jorah packing, Showberyn Martell goes Inigo Montoya, and Sansa raids the jewelry section of the 99cent store. HERE’S WHAT YOU […]

  • Episode 36: Mockingbird (GOT 4.07)


    This week on Fat Pink Cast, join the crew as we reset Days without Incident Raven, casually wonder why off-screen women in charge have been turned into dudes, and bemoan the failure of Jon’s ice tampon suggestion.  Chekov’s floor-door seals out the deal and J and M have to describe Dario’s pert butt since Sade […]

  • Episode 35: The Laws of Gods and Men (GOT 4.06)


    This week on Fat Pink Cast, join the crew as we cram into our tiny rowboats and traverse the continent only to run away from dogs. Marvel as dramatic speeches are punctuated by the camera tenderly carressing butts. FPC tackles the issue of honesty in representation of war and human brutality, wonders why the Iron […]

  • Episode 34: First of His Name (GOT 4.5)


    “You know, Daario 2.0, who’s obviously an upgrade…” “I was like, this council is not diverse, and then you know what I realised? I realised that Dany’s small council is still more diverse than the writing staff of Game of Thrones.” “If he can’t ride a horse, what was he doing in the brothel?” “Oh […]

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