Andrew Farley



Pastor and bestselling author Andrew Farley's weekly messages and radio shows.


  • Is there a secret rapture with some left behind?

    24/03/2024 Duración: 54min

    Is the return of Christ a secret “rapture” or is it more public and obvious? Is there one return of Christ or two? What is the general order of events at the end of the age? Do we need to re-dedicate our lives to Christ? How should we view a refocus later in life? Do I need to find church fellowship? Do I need to tithe to a church? Why will Jesus tell some churched people to depart from Him? Whom do I pray to - the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit?

  • Two Acts of God

    24/03/2024 Duración: 35min

    Discussion Questions: In your own words, what does the cross mean to you? React to this statement: I am holy and blameless, and I have perfect peace with God. React to this statement: God will never refer to my sins again. Why do you think “crucified with Christ” is such a neglected message today? What does freedom from the Law mean to you? What does it not mean? Of all the benefits of the cross, which impacts you the most? Why?

  • “Am I going in the same direction as Satan?”

    23/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    Is it wrong for a believer’s body to be cremated? If you don’t bump into the devil every so often, are you heading in the same direction as him? What is Paul’s discussion of branches and being cut off really about in Romans 11? How do I tell someone in a dating app that I’m not interested in them?

  • Give an account? Plead the blood? Not exactly.

    22/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    Do Christians have to give an account for their sins? Does 2 Corinthians 5 describe a second and separate judgment for believers? Do we need to plead the blood of Jesus over people or situations? Is that idea in the New Testament? What is the discipline of the Lord? How is it different from the activity of Satan and this fallen world?

  • “What if Jesus returns when I’m sinning?”

    21/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    What if Jesus returns and I have unrepentant sin in my life? I’ve been backsliding for years. Does Hebrews 6 mean there’s no place of repentance for me?

  • “How can I avoid a counterfeit message?”

    20/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    How can I avoid being tossed back-and-forth by every wind of doctrine? What role do the Ten Commandments play in the Christian life? Do you get frustrated with the Law-based teaching out there? Does 1 John 3 really say Christians don’t sin anymore?

  • The “third use” of the Law?

    19/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    My sister is telling me God wants us to balance law and grace. She refers to Luther’s “third use of the law.” What are your thoughts? Churches don’t seem to minister to people who are married to unbelievers. Do you think this is true? Does the Holy Spirit bring sins we’ve committed to our remembrance? How is His counsel different from accusations of the enemy?

  • Works burned? Suffer loss? Here’s the truth!

    17/03/2024 Duración: 54min

    Do James 1 and Romans 6 disagree regarding the source of temptation? Who was Simon of Cyrene? Our governor signed legislation that I disagree with. What can I do? How do we define sin? How do we know when we’ve sinned? Is it a feeling? Who are the two groups that become one in Ephesians 2? Is Old Testament consecration applicable today? Can you put the 1 Corinthians 3 passage about planting, watering, and building in context for me?

  • Alive with Christ: Discovering Our Spiritual Riches in Ephesians – Part 9

    17/03/2024 Duración: 22min

    Discussion Questions for Ephesians 6: Why does Paul quote the Law in Ephesians 6:1-3? Does this challenge our freedom from the Law? Why or why not? Read verse 4 and react to this statement: God’s discipline does not provoke us to anger. What do verses 5 and 6 insinuate about the heart? What does “receive back” mean in verse 8? Read verses 10-17. What is the armor of God? How do we put it on? Read verse 18. What does it mean to “pray in the Spirit”? React to this statement: Paul says to always pray in the Spirit, so it can’t be about tongues. Read verse 24 and react to this statement: I have an incorruptible love for Jesus.

  • “I wonder if I have true faith!”

    16/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    I wonder if I have true faith and if I’m really saved. I struggle so much with sin, so I doubt my salvation. How can you tell if you are in the faith? What about those to whom Jesus will say, “Depart from Me“? What is “the obedience of faith” that we see in Romans 1?

  • “They won’t believe me!”

    15/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    Is Hebrews 6 addressing believers, or unbelievers, or both? A family member says I hurt them, and they will no longer talk to me. But what they currently believe I did isn’t actually true. What should I do? How does our righteousness factor into daily struggles with those who hurt us?

  • Does the Spirit help us keep the Law? No!*

    14/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    Does the Holy Spirit help us keep the Law? What does it mean to “gain the whole world and forfeit your soul”? What is the false teaching in 1 Timothy 4:1 really about? I love the freedom of God’s grace! *previously aired

  • “How do I deal with regret and missing out?”

    13/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    What do I do with regret over past decisions and the idea of missing out on God’s best? What about rewards? Blessings? Earthly consequences? I have MS, and I take prescription medications for my pain. I wonder if what I’m doing is wrong and if I am failing to keep my promises to God. I also wonder about my salvation. Can you help me?

  • Why did Jesus breathe on the disciples?

    12/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    Why did Jesus breathe on the disciples? Does this mean there are two portions of the Holy Spirit that we can expect today? Do we see conditional forgiveness in the Old Testament law? Why did Jesus teach it in the Lord’s Prayer? A popular Bible teacher says we’re robbing ourselves of a blessing if we do not tithe. Is this true?

  • Do you have authority over demons?

    10/03/2024 Duración: 54min

    Why was God mad at Balaam when he appeared to obey? Is “once saved, always saved” actually true? Should I get baptized a second time if I was already baptized as a child? What kind of authority do we have over demons? How should we exercise it? How can I find relief from intrusive thoughts about God and blasphemy? I tend to think in images and pictures. I’m wondering if there’s anything wrong with this?

  • Alive with Christ: Discovering Our Spiritual Riches in Ephesians – Part 8

    10/03/2024 Duración: 31min

    Discussion Questions for Ephesians 5:18-33: Read verse 21. How was this idea radical and counter-cultural in its day? How about today? Read verses 22-24. How could this be a challenging (even alarming) passage for wives? How does the context of verse 21 reveal God’s heart in the matter? Read verse 25. How does “gave Himself up for her” relate to a husband’s treatment of his wife? Give examples. How does this not mean “be a doormat”? Read verses 26-27. What is God’s view of the church? And God’s view of you? Read verses 28-29. Consider all the ways we respect and care for our own bodies. Now relate those to a husband’s treatment of his wife. What is God trying to tell us? Read verses 31-32. What exactly is the great mystery? (Notice the expressions “leave” and “join” and “one flesh.”) How does this mystery impact you personally?

  • “Is there opposition to the grace message?”

    09/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    Have you faced opposition in your ministry? Has it been a struggle? I’ve experienced some failed relationships. Is it my fault? What can I do?

  • Does the Spirit help us keep the Law? No!

    08/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    Does the Holy Spirit help us keep the Law? What does it mean to “gain the whole world and forfeit your soul”? What is the false teaching in 1 Timothy 4:1 really about? I love the freedom of God’s grace!

  • “I still don’t feel forgiven!”

    07/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    What is the soul? Is it the real me? Is it important to believe we have three parts (spirit, soul, and body) instead of just two? I’ve asked God for forgiveness over and over, but I still don’t feel forgiven. What can I do? Doesn’t the Lord’s Prayer say we’re supposed to ask Him to forgive us? My sister is Mormon, and I’m worried she’s missing her blessing due to false teaching. How can I share truth with her?

  • Are pastors and elders biblical? Yes!

    06/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    How can I know for sure that I’m saved? My son was killed in a car accident. Where was God‘s protection? Was his death untimely? Are paid pastors and the concept of elders a product of Constantine or Calvin? Or are they actually biblical?

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