Dr. Jim Richards

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 225:09:30
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Podcast by ImpactMinistries


  • 2. Resurrection Power

    09/09/2021 Duración: 28min

    The focal point of all Christian faith focuses on the resurrection of Jesus. Faith in the resurrected Lord in our heart is the key to the new birth, healing, deliverance, prosperity, protection, sanctification, righteousness, and every other aspect of the New Covenant. Yet, religion has deceived us into believing that faith in the resurrection is relegated only to the new birth! So many believers think they don’t have enough faith for the promises of God, but they do! The simple reason our faith often fails is that we do not understand that all the promises of God are wrapped up in our beliefs about the resurrection. Join me this week’s CyberChurch message, Resurrection Power,” and you will discover: Why the resurrection is crucial to your faith Every promise of God is realized through our faith in the resurrection What really happened to Jesus in the resurrection How we can enter into the resurrection The power of resurrection life that works in us How God encoded His life in Jesus at His resurrecti

  • 1. Decoding The Mystery Of Life

    02/09/2021 Duración: 28min

    All people want to live. Living, however, is more than existence; living is about quality of life, i.e., thriving, enjoying, and experiencing something far beyond mere existence. This is precisely the type of life God offers us in Christ: life to its fullest! Few people believe God wants us to enjoy life to the fullest. Religion has seduced us into believing God wants us to suffer and endure hardships. This belief redirects our focus from what Jesus taught and brought us. It keeps us from looking to Him for the very best quality of life possible. Join me this week for a message that will set you on course to end your Struggle for Life! This will be a guide for the very best life possible!

  • 6. The Ultimate Source Of Life

    24/08/2021 Duración: 29min

    God has given us so many ways to improve the quality of our life. In fact, we are the only ones that can improve the quality of our life by making better decisions. Every time we intend to make our lives better, we have a plethora of sources. However, every source from which we derive a better quality of life has to be continually “upgraded.” There is only one source of life that meets every need, is sustainable, and always provides more than we will ever consume in life: Jesus. Join me this week as we look at connecting to Jesus, the ultimate source of life. Discover the intimacies of experiencing life at its best! Always more than enough! Able to meet every need! A fountain that never runs dry!

  • 5. Discovering The Best Life

    19/08/2021 Duración: 28min

    When I was a child my family was very poor. Being poor, however, was not troublesome. We lived in a poor part of town; everyone around us was poor. Two very destructive things can happen in poverty: it becomes an acceptable “normal,” and one often fails to realize the opportunities available. In our “faith-walk“ the majority of believers have accepted a version of normal, limiting not only their present quality of life but even worse, limiting what we believe is possible. We limit our possibilities to the circumstances we have experienced thus far. God wants to open our hearts to a quality of life better than anything we’ve ever considered. Join me this week for Discovering Your Best Life!

  • 4. Does Everything Works For My Good

    12/08/2021 Duración: 28min

    For decades I’ve heard people dance around the promise that everything can work to our good! Religious unbelief twisted this to mean every bad thing is for our good. Religion does not believe God is good and only good. Therefore, it nearly always twists scriptural promises to something legalistic or utterly contradictory to the kindness and goodness of God! Join me this week, and we’ll dissect Romans 8:28-29 and find God’s strategy for making everything work for your good!

  • 3. Always Above Never Beneath

    05/08/2021 Duración: 28min

    As a young boy, while on a trip with my uncle, I contracted spinal meningitis. Everyone assumed I had the flu or something that would pass. Red blotches began to appear on my skin. The old country doctor said, “It looks like measles; nothing to worry about!” But it wasn’t measles; there was blood seeping through the pores of my skin. I was close to death’s door. Fortunately, another younger, better-trained doctor checked me, provided a proper diagnosis and a treatment plan. What looked hopeless, within 24 hours looked hope-filled. od is omniscient! One of His names is Jehovah-Jireh, which means He sees and provides, i.e., meets the need. The moment this life-threatening situation was viewed through a different set of eyes, everything changed. God is like that doctor; He always has a proper diagnosis and a proper treatment plan. The moment we see what God sees, hope returns. Join me this week for a special message: Seeing What God Sees!

  • 2. Understanding God

    29/07/2021 Duración: 28min

    I am constantly amazed at the contradictions in what we believe about God. We know we are to trust God. Yet, we also believe we can’t understand God. So how can we trust anyone we don’t understand? We can’t! Religion makes God too complicated to understand. But Jesus came so we could understand God. When we understand God, we will trust Him, rely on Him and know what to expect. Join me this week for a message that will open the door to resolving confusing and conflicting beliefs about God, making Him easy to understand and easy to trust!

  • 1. What's Your Normal

    22/07/2021 Duración: 28min

    “Normal” is usually defined by family culture and life experiences. For some, abusive relationships are normal. For others, poverty, dishonesty, or chaos is normal. The fact that something has become normal to us means we accept it, allow it, and even expect it, and without realizing it, we play a role in creating it. God wants to give you a new normal. Join me this week for CyberChurch, and I’ll share a short message to help you step into a new normal. But only listen If you want your life to get better.

  • 8. Being Strong In The Lord

    15/07/2021 Duración: 28min

    In everything God tells us to do, He actually provides the process and the power to accomplish them. Our responsibility is to believe Him and choose to follow His instructions. The Bible tells us to “Be Strong in the Lord and the power of His might.” What would you do to follow His mandate? Few people actually know what they would do to be strong in God and His power! Since God instructed us to do this, it means He has explained the process to make this a reality. Join me this week for Cyberchurch, and I’ll share God’s instruction for becoming strong in Him!

  • 7. Equipped

    08/07/2021 Duración: 28min

    In 30 years of pastoring and 49 years of ministry, I cannot recall how many people have expressed the frustration of feeling they had no idea what God wanted them to do. Many who had a sense of destiny felt desperation because they knew what to do but didn’t feel capable of doing it. Religion has made us believe discovering God’s will for our life results from vague spiritual quests. They think it will take a lifetime to grow into their calling. The truth is, God has called us to do exactly what Jesus did; furthermore, He has mapped out a journey that we all make to grow, develop, and become equipped for every part of our destiny as well as every battle we’ll ever face. Those who do not know and pursue God’s general calling for every believer will never fully grasp and feel equipped for their specific destiny. Join me this week and discover the simple, yet powerful journey that equips every believer for a life of purpose and destiny.

  • 6. A Journey Of The Heart

    01/07/2021 Duración: 29min

    God has called every believer to make the same journey: come out of the world’s system and discover Heaven on Earth! The Israelites modeled this journey when they left Egypt and went forth to Canaan. Egypt represents the world; Canaan represents the Kingdom of Heaven! The Israelites had never been to Canaan; they didn’t know where it was; they didn’t know how to get there, and they had no map! Likewise, we too are called to live in the Kingdom of Heaven. We don’t know where it is or how to get there. It is a journey of the heart! This week you can begin to discover how to connect with God in your heart, hear the voice of God in your heart, and experience the power of God flowing from your heart! Join me for CyberChurch and discover the heart journey to Heaven on Earth!

  • 5. The Secret Door

    24/06/2021 Duración: 29min

    The Kingdom of God is a mystery. It is not, however, hidden by God. Our own beliefs and opinions hide it. According to John 3:3, when we are born again, we gain the ability to see or perceive the kingdom. According to Jesus, the Kingdom can not be perceived, understood, or entered by anything external. It is an inward phenomenon, i.e., via the heart! When our self-worth is not rooted in our heart beliefs about Christ and His resurrection, they are rooted in our ego. Join me this week for Impact CyberChurch, and I’ll show you how to find and access the door of your heart so you can begin to live and function in the resurrection power of Jesus!

  • 4. Entering The Kingdom

    17/06/2021 Duración: 28min

    In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus said, "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” He wasn’t teaching about how to enter salvation, He was teaching about entering the realm of the Kingdom wherein we experience all the promises, provision, and protection of King Jesus. Knowing about the Kingdom is not the same as entering the Kingdom. Join me this week and discover the New Covenant process for entering the Kingdom!

  • 3. Seeking The Kingdom

    10/06/2021 Duración: 28min

    The Bible says Jesus preached the parables of the Kingdom, then He ministered healing and deliverance to those in need! Many people have asked, “why don’t we get the same result as Jesus from our preaching and believing?” There are many possibilities that can be considered when answering such questions. Based on the law of the seed, the one determining factor of the fruit we produce is the seed we sow and the ground wherein it is sown! In my 49 years, I’ve heard few sermons that were based on the Kingdom of God. It has become prevalent that believers know almost nothing about the Kingdom, or how it can work here on earth as it does in Heaven. The great irony is this: Jesus our Lord told us specifically, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…” So join me this week for CyberChurch, and we will discuss seeking the Kingdom of God in the priority Jesus emphasized. You may discover an incredible shift in the quality of your life and the power of God’s Word when we seek the Kingdom first!

  • 2. Establishing The Will Of God

    03/06/2021 Duración: 28min

    The Kingdom of God is a realm to which all believers are called. The journey into this realm is the process by which God equips us for everything we will face in our walk with God. The person who makes this journey will be equipped to win every battle! Once we enter the Kingdom Realm, we experience God’s provision and protection. From this abundant life, we live free from the cares of the world! Every need is met, and every desire is fulfilled: the perfect will of God! From this quality of life, we have the influence to share Jesus with all who are attracted by our quality of life! This is the will of God for every believer. Join me this week and discover the secret to establish your life in the will of God. Influence the world around you by living an incredible life: the perfect will of God!

  • 1. Making The Journey

    27/05/2021 Duración: 29min

    I have great news for you and a little bad news. The great news is that the Bible says, “Seek and you shall find.” The bad news is - what if we’re seeking the wrong things? What if we’re seeking things that bring chaos and destruction into our lives, hurt our marriage, and corrupt our children? Nobody would admit to it, however, we do often seek incredibly destructive things thinking if we can get them, all of our problems will be solved. Jesus doesn’t want us to be confused. He wants you to understand His priorities. But where do we start and what should we seek to make sure we don’t go off track and mess up our lives? Watch this week’s CyberChurch broadcast, “Making the Journey, and learn how to get your priorities right so you’re not seeking the things that will destroy you and your family. You will find out how easy and light life can be. What a great life you can have if you actually harmonize your priorities with God’s!

  • 12. Writing on Your Heart

    20/05/2021 Duración: 28min

    One of the most powerful tools we can employ to dramatically change our lives is meditation. The Bible mentions meditation dozens of times; Jesus explains that unless we meditate on the Word of God we hear, it brings us no benefit. Yet, the majority of believers have no idea what He is talking about. Many believers insist they don’t meditate, but the truth is every person meditates. Sadly, we tend to meditate on those things that hurt our self-worth, destroy our faith, and make our lives worse. The most common form of meditation is memories, and sadly we usually recall memories that are filled with sorrow and pain. When we relive painful past experiences, it alters our view of the future, diminishes our hope, and robs us of our dreams. Join me this week, and I’ll show you how to rise above painful memories and create a new picture of your future through meditating on the promises of God.

  • 11. Creating A New Past

    13/05/2021 Duración: 29min

    It’s incredible the number of people who have come to me as a pastor or counselor and said, “I just want to start over. I’ve made such a mess of it. I’m sick of it. I’ve made so many mistakes and so many things are going wrong. I don’t know how I’ll ever have a life or future.” Sadly, most people believe their past is who they are, and they’re tormented and driven by it. It’s become their identity. But I have great news! God wants to give you a brand new life. He’s already made a way for you to be delivered and to step into the brand new life He’s provided for you. Jesus overcame all you’ve ever been outside of Him so you could walk away from that old life. It doesn’t matter if it happened before you got saved or things you’ve done outside of Jesus as a believer. If you’d like to leave your past behind and finally have a shot at building a life based on the beliefs and choices you make now instead of fighting stuff from the past, watch this week’s CyberChurch broadcast, “Creating a New Past.” Start down a p

  • 10. Change Your Memories - Change Your Identity

    06/05/2021 Duración: 28min

    Our identity is, in large part, based on our memories. We tend to believe we are the sum-total of our life’s experiences. But God has never wanted you to be a slave to your past. We think we are what we have experienced. In this week’s CyberChurch message, I talk to you about choosing and changing your memories. God tells you what is important to remember and how it will benefit your life. Join me this week for: Change Your Memories, Change Your Identity!

  • 9. The Power of Remembering

    29/04/2021 Duración: 28min

    Religion has duped us into believing only those with a prophetic gift can help us foresee and prepare for what is coming in the future. The truth is, God has provided a way we can always know what He will do in any (especially in significant world-changing) events. I want you to discover how you can see, know, and prepare! In this week's Impact CyberChurch program, I share The Power of Remembering! God has already provided everything we need to know for an incredible, victorious life. By understanding what He has already revealed, we can understand what He will do in future events. This will be the beginning of a supernatural journey into seeing the world and yourself in a completely new manner. From this new awareness, you will have confidence in so many situations that would leave others wavering in fear! The more clearly you remember the past, the more clearly you will understand the future!

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