Sci Fi Pipeline



Each week, Daron and Chris bring you news headlines from the world of science fiction, commentary, and reviews of new and catalog DVD and Blu-ray titles. Whether it's Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, superhero movies, sci fi classics like 2001, or modern sci fi, these guys love their stuff. Listen for their free-styling stream of consciousness, and love of the sci fi genre.


  • Sci Fi Pipeline Episode 3 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine


    Who are you lookin' at, Bub? Or was that "Blob"? Doesn't matter. This week, we settle-in for some action with an established comic-book character who's once again tearin'-up the big screen, and now DVD and Blu-ray, in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Plus: we talk about developments on other Marvel-related film projects, including Deadpool and X-Men: First Class, and a long-awaited gem never before released on home video that will make it's way into the new Star Trek: The Original Series Season 3 Blu-ray. Sci-Fi Pipeline Episode 3 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine

  • Sci Fi Pipeline Episode 2 - Watchmen


    We really get the ball rolling in our second episode, starting with news about what to expect from the new Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek films. Plus: a sci fi Rambo 5? What's that all about? And might Terminator. The Sarah Connor Chronicles finally wrap-up its story...on DVD? Then, we settle in for a good long review of the much-anticipated Watchmen, now on DVD and Blu-ray. We also compare it to the original 12-issue comic book mini series. So much sci fi goodness for one little podcast. Sci Fi Pipeline Episode 2 - Watchmen

  • Sci Fi Pipeline Episode 1 - Fall TV Preview 2009


    Here it is: the long-awaited (by us, at least) pilot of the new Sci Fi Pipeline podcast! In Episode 1, join Daron and Chris as they introduce themselves, comment on sci fi news, and preview the new sci fi TV shows debuting or returning this fall. We talk about Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Fringe, Dollhouse, Heroes, Eastwick, Flash Forward (pictured), Smallville, Ghost Whisperer, Medium, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Stargate: Universe, Sanctuary, V, Legend of the Seeker, The Prisoner, and Battlestar Galactica: The Plan. What's not to love? Hear what they think. Sci Fi Pipeline Episode 1 - Fall TV Preview...

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