Pilgrim Story Hour

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 113:03:22
  • Mas informaciones



Mony is a storyteller and international award-winning author who uses her experiences of life as a simple pilgrim walking the 800-km Camino in Spain and then 5,000 kilometres across Europe and the Middle East as the foundations for her popular presentations and publications.She is an inspirational speaker, and independent publisher of books and artwork that transform lives and expand consciousness.She is Host and Producer of her own TV show on Rogers called "The Author's Journey", bringing stories of authors to life. She hosts "The Pilgrim Story Hour" storytelling v-log, sharing stories and life lessons from her pilgrimages.She is the former Host and Producer of "Ottawa Experts on Rogers TV", where she brought consciousness to conversations on a wide variety of topics.


  • Conversaciones con Conciencia 35 - Más cuentos que nos inspiran

    02/01/2020 Duración: 38min

    Debido al éxito de los últimos programas dedicados a cuentos que nos inspiraron, hemos decidido compartir una serie más, la tercera, de cuentos con mensaje que esperamos hagan la delicia de todos vosotros y os transmitan la misma Magia que nos transmitieron a nosotros en su día. “Conversaciones con Conciencia” es un espacio dedicado a temas relacionados con la conciencia, la psicología, la filosofía y la espiritualidad. Temas profundos, pero tocados con cariño, ligereza, alegría y sentido del humor. ¡Os invitamos a formar parte de esta aventura exploradora! ~Alberto y Mony Arte original de Alberto Agraso - Art of the Spirit

  • Conversaciones con Conciencia 34 - Otra de Cuentos

    02/01/2020 Duración: 37min

    Debido al éxito del reciente programa que hicimos dedicado a cuentos que nos inspiraron, hemos decidido compartir una nueva serie de cuentos con mensaje que esperamos hagan la delicia de todos vosotros y os transmitan la misma Magia que nos transmitieron a nosotros en su día. “Conversaciones con Conciencia” es un espacio dedicado a temas relacionados con la conciencia, la psicología, la filosofía y la espiritualidad. Temas profundos, pero tocados con cariño, ligereza, alegría y sentido del humor. ¡Os invitamos a formar parte de esta aventura exploradora! ~Alberto y Mony Ilustracion original de Alberto Agraso - Art of the Spirit.

  • Conversaciones con Conciencia 33 - Amigos Invisibles 3 (La Hermandad)

    02/01/2020 Duración: 38min

    Este es el último de una serie de tres programas dedicados a nuestros amigos invisibles de otras dimensiones, planetas o galaxias. En los dos primeros, hablamos de los avistamientos de objetos volantes no identificados (OVNI) y de la guía espiritual que recibimos a través de señales y sincronías. En este tercer programa, concluímos el diálogo comentando experiencias personales y reflexiones sobre la probable existencia de una gran Hermandad de seres de luz dedicados a la evolución de la Conciencia universal. “Conversaciones con Conciencia” es un espacio dedicado a temas relacionados con la conciencia, la psicología, la filosofía y la espiritualidad. Temas profundos, pero tocados con cariño, ligereza, alegría y sentido del humor. ¡Os invitamos a formar parte de esta aventura exploradora! Alberto y Mony Ilustracion original de Alberto Agraso - Art of the Spirit

  • Conversaciones con Conciencia 32 - Amigos Invisibles 2 (Un Fenómeno Espiritual)

    02/01/2020 Duración: 34min

    En el programa 31, empezamos una serie de tres programas dedicados a nuestros amigos invisibles de otras dimensiones, planetas o galaxias. En aquel primer programa, hablamos en concreto de los avistamientos de objetos volantes no identificados (OVNI). En este segundo programa, continuaremos el diálogo comentando experiencias personales y reflexiones al respecto. “Conversaciones con Conciencia” es un espacio dedicado a temas relacionados con la conciencia, la psicología, la filosofía y la espiritualidad. Temas profundos, pero tocados con cariño, ligereza, alegría y sentido del humor. Ilustracion original de Alberto Agraso - Art of the Spirit

  • Walking Alone - a Spiritual Journey

    30/09/2019 Duración: 25min

    Our life is a pilgrimage, with only one sacred destination: an encounter with our true selves. On that journey, we must learn to walk alone so that we may stand in confidence of the world, rather than in fear of it.

  • The Lone Sheep - Reconciliation

    30/09/2019 Duración: 19min

    For those of us on the path of unfolding Spirit, it may at times feel as if the world of Spirit and the world we witness are indeed worlds apart. The divide appears to be expanding, with few means of bridging or reconciling that separation. How can we live in the world, and love it?

  • Spirit in Community

    30/09/2019 Duración: 18min

    In community, we often share an emotional and spiritual connection with others who are of like heart and mind. But that narrow definition of community excludes the larger human community that we all belong to, no matter our apparent differences. As one human family, we are brothers and sisters on a journey of awakening, appreciating the Spirit that animates our lives, so that we may appreciate it in others.

  • Remembering Our Truth

    30/09/2019 Duración: 17min

    As souls on this journey of life exploration, it is all too easy to forget who we are, where we come from and the magnificence and perfection of this path we are all walking, back to ourselves, back to the Divine. On this Day of Remembrance, Mony shares some reflections on what we have forgotten... and long to rediscover.

  • Peace - an Inner Journey

    30/09/2019 Duración: 21min

    When I began my 5000-km Rome-to-Jerusalem pilgrimage, walking was the outer action that I felt inspired to take as my contribution to the voices of peace in the aftermath of 9/11. At the same time, there was the inner action, what was happening on the inner planes as I walked. In this talk, I will share with you what it means to BE peace in a world that seems devoid of it, and why the greatest journey we can be on is to THIS sacred place.

  • Guided By Grace

    30/09/2019 Duración: 16min

    In lives all too often filled with plans and organized activities, grace feels like a breath of fresh air. Gently yet powerfully it enters, opening our hearts and revealing the infinite love and divine hand that is continually at work in our lives. It’s a gift…that’s about the best way I can describe it. Unexpected. Unplanned for. Always perfect. Always what we need and when we need it.

  • Finding Go(o)d in my "Enemy"

    30/09/2019 Duración: 20min

    The idea that I am a sacred being clothed in a physical body is a powerful one. Many philosophies, religions, teachings... say the same thing in one way or another. It makes each and every one of us GOOD, in essence, because we all have GOD in us, irrespective of what we do. This is not always easy to accept, let alone embrace, especially when we see some of what is happening in this world. How do we see the GOOD and GOD in another who commits terrible acts, unspeakable things?

  • Energy of Money - Part 2

    30/09/2019 Duración: 26min

    In this two-part series of talks, Mony shares her experiences and stories with money, and what she has learned about this most powerful energy: what it means to help, what it means to serve, what it means to fix…and how to do it all from a place of love and wisdom, and not from fear or obligation.

  • Energy of Money - Part 1

    30/09/2019 Duración: 29min

    In this two-part series of talks, Mony shares her experiences and stories with money, and what she has learned about this most powerful energy: what it means to help, what it means to serve, what it means to fix…and how to do it all from a place of love and wisdom, and not from fear or obligation.

  • Divine Feminine - Mothers Day Edition

    30/09/2019 Duración: 20min

    Compassion, nurturing, love, inclusion...why are these the exclusive domain of women? Power, dominance, assertiveness, independence... why are these the exclusive terrain of men? We all carry the principles we call feminine inside of us, along with the masculine. They are the divine energies we are all gifted with. The harmonizing and marriage of those energies is the journey - and ultimate purpose - that we have signed up for. It is from this marriage - this sacred union - that true power arises and the magnificence of creation is unleashed.

  • Difficult Relationships and the Soul Journey

    30/09/2019 Duración: 20min

    Few of us have lived a life untouched by difficulties, heartaches or traumas. And it can be difficult to understand their loving purpose, or make peace with them. In this talk, Mony will share with you some reflections based on her own life’s journey.

  • Change - Agent of the Divine

    30/09/2019 Duración: 26min

    Whether we choose it or it is thrust upon us, change can be a source of great upheaval and turmoil, or of opportunity and growth. Drawing on her personal experiences and practices, Mony will share some insights on how to manage this transition.

  • Being in Conscious Relationship

    30/09/2019 Duración: 28min

    Alberto and Mony have been together for seventeen years and, from the outset, have understood the meaning of relationship to be the grandest opportunity to do the most powerful inner work. They chose to walk this path consciously when they first met, and continue exploring what it means to grow in consciousness, alone and together.

  • ADVENTure in Peace

    30/09/2019 Duración: 19min

    As the birth of the Christ Light nears, so too are we closer to the ideal of Peace being born within us. We all long to live in peace, to be at peace and to have it manifest in our world. As all the great sages have taught, it begins within. Peace is a journey, and its destination is inner. In this week of Advent, Mony shares her journey with peace, and the stories and experiences that have shaped her understanding of what it means to be peace in the world.

  • ADVENTure in Love

    30/09/2019 Duración: 24min

    One of the greatest surprises of my pilgrimage was the invitation I received to truly understand the life and message of the great Master, Teacher and Healer... Jesus, the Christ. Over the years, he’s become my way-shower, the one whose example I turn to when I don’t know what to do. He points me back to myself for my answers, because he wants me to BE a Master, not merely follow a Master. He encourages me to continue the work of unfolding the #Christ – that brilliant sun – within me, to be the full unique expression of that Christ that is in me… not to be like him, but to be like ME, understanding that the Christ fully manifested in me will not look like the Christ fully manifested in him. Or in any other person. That is because each awakening – each journey – brings a unique Master and Teacher. And THAT is what expands the whole.

  • ADVENTure in Faith

    30/09/2019 Duración: 19min

    As this time of year (Christmas), when the outpouring of Light is strong, the invitation is held for us to remember the sacred contract that we made with our spiritual families before we came to this Earth, and to recall the faith – that unshakeable knowing – that we are not alone on that journey. To see with inner eyes. To understand the eternal truths, not only with the mind, but with the mind in the heart. To know that all is unfolding for the highest good of all because Love is the only truth that exists.

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