Happy Self Publishing Show



Are you an aspiring author who wants to successfully self-publish your book? Are you looking for ways to increase your book sales and use your book to grow your business? You are in the right place because this is Happy Self Publishing show where you get all your questions related to book writing, publishing and marketing answered by successful authors. Enjoy the show with your host - the founder of Happy Self Publishing, Jyotsna Ramachandran


  • Who will sign up for your coaching if you give away everything in your book?

    23/02/2021 Duración: 07min

    Are you a coach who’s thinking of giving away all the good stuff you teach in your book? You know in your heart that it could be a good idea, right? But you are also in doubt, beating yourself with the question lingering on your mind, “Will I ever get people to take up my coaching after sharing everything they need to know through my book?” I sense your dilemma and I will attempt to resolve that for you! To get you out of a tight spot, I will debunk a (nothing but a) myth and tell you 3 reasons why your readers will still sign up for your coaching.

  • Why establish your purpose for writing a book? | Author Success Stories Featuring Kelsey Smith

    22/02/2021 Duración: 25min

    Why establish your purpose for writing a book? Welcome to Author Success Stories! Today's very special guest is Kelsey Smith! We helped Kelsey publish her book in 2018 and it's so amazing to reconnect with her after a couple of years! Kelsey was born and raised in Colorado. She is incredibly grateful to call the beautiful state of Colorado her home. She is on her 9th year of being a Special Education teacher and teaches at an elementary school for Jeffco Public Schools. She is grateful to have a career that allows her to work with some incredible students and teachers each day. Outside of teaching, Kelsey has a passion for the nonprofit world and serves on the Board of Directors for two amazing organizations within Colorado. In September 2018, Kelsey published her first book titled, This is Me! My Journey with Turner Syndrome. Her book shares the journey she has been on since learning about her diagnosis of Mosaic Turner syndrome at the age of 16. Events that took place in her life starting in December 2017

  • The fastest way to leave a legacy

    15/02/2021 Duración: 09min

    Let us explore a little bit about this concept of leaving behind a legacy. Have you ever thought of what your legacy is going to be like? I know that at some point in your life, you had. In fact, most human beings have this inherent urge to leave something behind mainly because we understand that human life is not permanent. Nothing is permanent! Once we understand the very temporary nature of human life and realize that we are not going to be on this planet for long, it creates the urge to be wanted to be remembered when we pass away. Because of this understanding, we want to leave behind some trace of our life that can be relevant to the generations that will come after us. I believe this is where our need to leave a legacy stems from. Now, let's talk about some of the common ways some people do in order to leave a legacy.

  • One Thing You Need to Become an Author This Year | Jyotsna Ramachandran

    09/02/2021 Duración: 10min

    It’s a brand new year while here you are again writing on your goal list the same old reminder being jotted down year after year: I NEED TO WRITE A BOOK! There are so many people out there who are so talented at what they do and are itching to write a book, but they can’t seem to take that one step to accomplish it. Does that sound familiar to you? Are you one of them? Let me tell you the one thing you need to do to become an author THIS YEAR! MAKE YOUR BOOK YOUR ONE THING! I found a book that inspired me to talk about the concept of being productive. The name of the book is The ONE Thing, and it’s a fantastic read! The author teaches how to focus on the one most important task in any given project. And I would like to share my own ideas with you, which I, and other successful authors, use. If you want to make your dreams come true and launch your book this year, you need to make your book your number one thing. There is no other workaround to it. But what do I mean about making your book your one thin

  • How To Land Speaking Engagements From Your Book | Author Success Stories Featuring Monica Rubombora

    06/02/2021 Duración: 35min

    Welcome to Author Success Stories! Are you an aspiring author who has these self-limiting thoughts? Should I write my book?

  • Do you have what it takes to be a successful author?

    02/02/2021 Duración: 10min

    In this episode, we will be talking about what are some of the attributes that you need to have to become a successful author. After working with hundreds of authors, I have seen so many common traits that most successful authors have. And I thought of just breaking it down for you to see if you might have already possessed some of these attributes a successful author has or if you might need to develop them. I’m sure you may have a few of these attributes already but I hope that this will help you identify some of the other attributes that you might want to work on. I would love to hear more about what you think about these attributes an author should have. And if you can share a few more attributes that you think can be important for authors, make sure to mention that in the comments so we can all learn from one another. See you on the next episode of Author’s Success Show! Until then, Happy Authoring!

  • How to come up with the perfect topic for your book? | Interview with Deniz Kayadelen

    30/01/2021 Duración: 35min

    Welcome to Author Success Stories! Today, we have a very special guest, Deniz Kayadelen! Deniz is a Business Psychologist, a Management Consultant, and an Extreme Swimmer, winning many gold medals in national and international swimming races. She is passionate about helping people get out of their comfort zones so they can explore their limits, transform pain into success, and realize their dreams. Today, Deniz is the Bestselling Author of the book, “Out of Comfort Zone". This book is her way of sharing her inspiring journey of resilience and growth after experiencing the thrill of stepping out of her own comfort zone to achieve her dreams. Listen to this episode as Deniz discusses how she came up with the perfect topic for her book, how she made her book unique, and what was the most challenging part of self-publishing for her! Please check out all the amazing things that Deniz is doing and please support her by buying her book. Deniz's website: https://www.outofourcomfortzone.com/ Deniz's Book: Out Of Com

  • Not getting progress with your writing? Here's what you can do

    26/01/2021 Duración: 08min

    Not getting progress with your writing? Struggling to write your book and at some point in time, you are considering getting somebody's help like a writer? If that idea has crossed your mind but you are not sure if that is the right thing for you, then in this video, I will be giving you 5 questions you need to ask yourself so that you can make a good decision when it comes to your book project. If all your answers to these questions are a YES and you can’t still find yourself to take the next step to finish your book or have it published, you need the help of an Angel Writer! If you would like to explore working with us, do check out www.happyselfpublishing.com/apply and one of my team members will speak with you and help you clarify all your questions. I would also love to hear from you by leaving a comment below. What do you think about Angel Writing? Have you tried it yourself? Did it work or not work for you? Or you can also let me know what part of the writing process is most difficult for you. Please m

  • How can an Accountability Partner help you finish your book? | Interview with Sanjeevv Somanath

    26/01/2021 Duración: 32min

    Writing and finishing a book is difficult for most of us but having an Accountability Partner who is also experiencing the same victories and defeats writing can bring can be comforting! Getting yourself an accountability partner is the most helpful strategy I know that works! You get a chance to support, encourage, and celebrate each other when you meet your goals together. Most importantly, both of you can help each other get your writing done! Listen to this episode where I interview Sanjeevv Somanath, author of, "The Sales Yogi: Master Selling In The New Age Through Wisdom Of The Yogis". In this interview, Sanjeevv talks about his author journey, how he built his author funnel, and how he finished his book with the help of an accountability partner. Support Sanjeevv by checking out his website here. 

  • How to write a book without writing it? - Ghostwriting vs Angel writing

    20/01/2021 Duración: 13min

    If you have a strong message you'd like to share with the world, yet you aren’t a writer and don’t know the first thing about the process of writing a book, what are your options? Ghostwriting is a great option... but so is Angel writing! If you are confused about which option is ideal for your book, then watch this video as we dive into the difference between ghostwriting and Angel Writing.

  • Interview with Annie Mayfield | How to Finish Writing a Book

    03/11/2020 Duración: 28min

    In this video, I interviewed, Annie Mayfield, author of, "Be The Light: A Devotional", and client of Happy Self Publishing. Annie shares tips for writing a book, how to start writing a book for beginners, and how to actually FINISH writing a book so you can move ahead with your goals. Enjoy!

  • 5 Steps to Finalise Your Book’s Topic

    07/07/2020 Duración: 17min

    Lack of topic clarity is the number one problem in writing for most upcoming authors. However, we have to consider that for everyone, it can be a challenge to find a topic that is fun to write yet interesting to the readers. What do we need to do to make it easy for us to choose our book’s topic so that our time and effort is not put to waste?

  • How to Build your Own Thriving Community of Fans that Will Buy Anything from You

    14/05/2020 Duración: 34min

    In business, we need to create a thriving network of people who loves you. We need people who are excited to hear from you and are waiting for your next product to launch. We need those who will not think twice about buying your products and services. So how do you do this? How do you build your thriving community of fans that will buy anything from you?

  • Build a Global Business From Home with Zero Ad Spend

    07/05/2020 Duración: 29min

    Having a global mindset is having the ability to adapt, engage, and be accepting of traditions and cultural norms from around the world, being able to conceptualize how to create a positive impact in all and different environments. Embedding a sense of global thinking in your company and the way you allow your business to operate daily is the road to transforming your organization to fuel global growth. This is no simple feat, but there are several ways in how a global mindset can apply in a business environment. Let me share with you the steps to level up your business and develop a Global Mindset. If you have found this blog useful, then I welcome you all to attend my live WEBINAR where I go in detail and share with you how you can be a trusted expert in your niche in just 7 days! Let me give you insights on how you can gain credibility as a trusted author in the eyes of your targeted audience, globally. Go ahead and register yourself today!

  • 3 Divine Signals to Become an Author

    28/04/2020 Duración: 10min

    How do you tell if it’s time that you become an author? In life, we get messages or hints from around us. Some people or God, and even the universe may help shift your direction to becoming an author. However, people or these powerful entities won’t directly tell you to write a book and be an author. Instead, listen to the signs or the signals that are being given to you. Let me share with you the 3 Divine Signals which will truly help you realize that it’s time to write a book.

  • The 3Cs to Competition-Proof Yourself in this New World

    17/04/2020 Duración: 12min

    Indeed, change is inevitable; change is constant. With the pace at which society progresses, business owners strive to find new strategies and ways to dominate their markets and they have to do whatever it takes to survive no matter how bleak the future might look for the economy especially these days. Yes, times do get tough and always, we need to equip ourselves and our businesses to get ready with what the future has in store for us. Let me share with you here, the 3 Cs to Competition-Proof yourself in this new world.

  • 4 Levels of Thought Leadership

    09/04/2020 Duración: 09min

    A Thought Leader is somebody who is considered as an authority or expert in their industry. People look up to them and respect their views and opinions. They go out and speak on stage. They are Influencers with a huge social media following. These are the kinds of people who are considered as a Thought Leader. However, that is the common perception of what a Thought Leader is. I, on the other hand, look at it slightly differently.

  • 5 Deeper Connections I've Built in my Life During the Lockdown

    03/04/2020 Duración: 12min

    So it has been hectic in the past few months with all the tension and chaos due to the pandemic that has affected every nation worldwide and while a lot of us are lucky enough to be confined in the safety of our homes, most of us can rediscover ourselves in different ways.   Let me share with you here, the 5 deeper connections I've built in my life during the lockdown.  

  • 3S to Effectively Work from Home

    27/03/2020 Duración: 21min

    If you just started to work from home, you’ll find it’s not always easy. It’s nice to be able to lounge on your sofa and relax in your bed with your laptop, just typing away, or to be able to prep some snacks and eat it while working at the same time in your dining area. Sure! But then you begin to notice that you’re unable to finish your work on time. At one point, you’re happily typing up a report to present at the meeting tomorrow and the next thing you know, you are staring straight at your TV getting all hyped up with the soap opera only your mother was so excited about. You have practically jumped from one area of your home to another but for some reason, your attention keeps getting diverted to somewhere else that your mind finds more entertaining. You soon realize that it is more chaotic working at home than it did when you were working in the office. So let me share with you what worked for me before and up to now, as I, too, have had some difficulties working from home.

  • The Easiest Way to Find Your Life Purpose

    23/03/2020 Duración: 10min

    At some point in time, we wonder about a lot of things going on in our lives. Are we leading ourselves to the right path? How does it feel to live a life more fulfilling? Often, we shrug it off and accept the thought that, anyway, someday in the future, we will get there and find our purpose in life. However, the question lingers, "If not now, when?" I have been going through the same struggles, I have discovered something that helped me and I want to share it with you in this video.

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