Jj Virgin Lifestyle Show



Celebrity nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin, author of New York Times bestsellers The Virgin Diet and The Sugar Impact Diet, provides simple, effective strategies for fast, lasting fat loss. The JJ Virgin Lifestyle show provides valuable, easy-to-implement strategies to help you lose weight, eat healthy, turn back the clock, and become your healthiest, most vibrant self.


  • How to Have Steady, Sustained All-Day Energy

    04/02/2015 Duración: 11min

    Clearly we have an energy crisis. Unfortunately, staying over-caffeinated and neglecting things like sleep only exacerbate that perpetual crash. In this podcast, I'll discuss often-overlooked but extremely effective ways to prevent those crashes that kill your sex drive, keep you tired and miserable, and stall fast, lasting fat loss. Armed with this information, you'll be able to uncover your energy thieves and maintain steady, all-day.

  • My #1 Question for Fast, Lasting Fat Loss

    30/01/2015 Duración: 12min

    So many eating plans look at what you shouldn't eat. In this podcast, I'll talk about ideal food choices that crush cravings, taste delicious, and leave you full, satisfied, and burning fat. I share why protein is essential, why dietary fat is healthy, why carbohydrates have unfairly received an unfair rep, and how the right foods can keep you full for 4-6 hours. I also talk about my "magic bullet" to aid digestion (and probably fat loss too). If you've ever felt confused about what to eat, this podcast will arm you with information to effortlessly make the right meal choices.

  • Mindful Eating for Fast, Lasting Fat Loss

    22/01/2015 Duración: 08min

    Stop making fat loss so hard on yourself! Willpower doesn't work. I'll tell you why in this podcast, where I'll discuss simple but powerfully effective ways to effortlessly eat less, burn more fat, and become your leanest, healthiest self.

  • Why Muscle Mass becomes Crucial for Fat Loss and Optimal Health

    14/01/2015 Duración: 22min

    Resistance training is your ticket for stronger bones, burning fat, and feeling and looking your best no matter what your age. Among resistance training's benefits include making your cells more insulin sensitive and better handling stress. In this podcast, I'll discuss an effective, efficient routine that provides everything you need to build muscle and become your leanest, healthiest self. I also talk about recovery and repair, tracking and measurements, and utilizing a personal trainer to continually mix up your workouts.

  • The Magic Bullet for Fat Loss, Building Muscle, and Overall Health

    07/01/2015 Duración: 13min

    Just one night's poor sleep knocks numerous fat-regulating hormones out of balance, increases stress, lowers feel-good serotonin, and crashes your immune system. You're hungrier, tired, cranky, and over-caffeinated. In this podcast, I'll talk about what a good night's sleep looks like. I'll discuss simple but effective strategies to prepare for sleep, establishing a sleep routine, and nutrients that can help you sleep better so you get the deep, nourishing sleep you need. I even have a sleep quiz to determine how well you're doing.

  • Feeding Your Kids Healthy Food without Civil War

    31/12/2014 Duración: 10min

    Since when did every birthday party and other social gathering become a sugar free-for-all with kids? In this podcast, I'll share simple strategies about how to motivate your kids to make healthier eating choices. Don't worry: I won't turn you into mean mom or deprive them of birthday cake, but I'll show you easy lateral shifts and smarter choices to help your kids make better eating decisions in even the most sugar-laden social situation.

  • Busting the Myth of Fruit as a “Free Food"

    24/12/2014 Duración: 07min

    How did fruit get lumped in with vegetables? Dried cranberries provide few of the nutrients in leafy greens, and their fructose content could do serious damage to your liver and waistline. In this podcast, I'll argue that most fruits are not the free foods some people consider them. I'll discuss your best fruit options and how to make lateral shifts for jams and other fruit-based foods.

  • Simple Strategies to Banish Cravings

    17/12/2014 Duración: 14min

    Mine's almond butter. We all have one: That special food that no matter how staunch our willpower, we tend to overeat. In this podcast, I'll provide easy strategies to reduce temptation and maintain fast, lasting fat loss. Employ these strategies and that pint of Chunky Monkey (or whatever your "poison" might be) won't stand a chance!

  • Artificial Sweeteners: Science Experiment gone Wrong

    10/12/2014 Duración: 07min

    For decades, manufacturers positioned artificial sweeteners as a free pass to enjoy sweetness without consequences. Little did we know what damage that science experiment was doing to us! In this podcast, I'll share with you why artificial sweeteners could actually be worse for you than sugar. If you like a little sweetness in your tea or coffee, I'll share several good-for-you natural sweeteners that don't create these problems. My number-one sweetener might actually surprise you!

  • 10 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget

    03/12/2014 Duración: 10min

    Eating healthy needn't be expensive, as I recently learned when I compared two shopping carts. Guess which one was less expensive? Yep: the healthy one. In this podcast, I provide 10 strategies to make that happen by shopping healthy without spending half your paycheck.

  • Five Easy Foods to Add for Fast Fat Loss

    26/11/2014 Duración: 04min

    "Add before you take away" is one of my favorite mantras. In this podcast, I discuss five foods that rev up your metabolism, balance blood sugar, bust cravings, and help you lose fat fast. Best of all, they're super easy to incorporate into your current plan!

  • Overcoming Weight Loss Resistance

    19/11/2014 Duración: 15min

    Are you doing everything correctly yet the scales won't budge? It isn't your fault: You might just be following the wrong set of rules. In this podcast, I'll discuss seven areas that hijack fat loss and create weight loss resistance. Many of these are overlooked or ignored in mainstream medicine, yet they could be your culprits for weight loss resistance. Many aren't "easy fix" problems, but I'll provide practical solutions to reduce their impact, restore hormonal balance, and help you attain fast, lasting fat loss.

  • Five Simple Ingredients for Fabulous, Crowd-Pleasing Seafood

    12/11/2014 Duración: 15min

    Do you avoid cooking seafood because it seems intimidating or too much work? In this podcast, my guest Jeff Moore of Wild Things Seafood offers five simple strategies to create amazing, party-pleasing seafood. You'll save time, money, and become the rave of your next dinner party when you employ Moore's easy, flavorful seafood-preparation strategies.

  • Busting Fish Myths with Jeff More

    08/10/2014 Duración: 16min

    Wild-caught versus farm raised. Astronomical mercury levels. When you order fish at restaurants or purchase it at your local grocery, you have so many decisions to make. It can become confusing! Yet fish is one of the healthiest foods you can eat, thanks to its omega 3 fatty acids, protein, and nutrients. In this podcast, Jeff More busts popular fish myths and discusses the best choices that belong on your plan to minimize mercury levels as well as other problems you confront buying and eating fish today.

  • Is Wild-Caught Really Better? Your Guide to Intelligent Fish Buying With Jeff More

    01/10/2014 Duración: 16min

    Buying fish can easily become confusing. In this podcast, I've asked fish Guru Jeff More how to make the best buying decisions. Is wild-caught always best? Is farm-raised fish ever okay? What conditions make most - but not all - farm-raised fish so unhealthy? Some of Moore's answers might surprise you. They certainly did for me. Listen to this podcast and you'll be armed with all the right information including types, brands, country of origin, and stores to buy fish intelligently without all the confusion.

  • Dining Out without Sacrificing Your Dietary Dignity

    24/09/2014 Duración: 10min

    Restaurants can be tricky, especially if your goal is fast fat loss or lasting fat loss. In this podcast, I'll provide simple strategies to navigate any menu to make low sugar impact choices that make you healthier and leaner. Restaurants are notorious for sugary sauces, food intolerances, and gigantic portions. I'll provide helpful, fun effortless strategies to modify the menu to fit your goals. I'll even tell you about how to enjoy dessert without any morning-after regret!

  • Six Simple Strategies for Fast, Lasting Fat Loss

    17/09/2014 Duración: 11min

    JJ Virgin shares six simple, cutting-edge, easy-to-implement strategies that help you lose fat fast and keep it off. Among those strategies include a meal replacement shake, stop eating three hours before bed, pinpoint hidden sugars and other food intolerances in your diet, burst training, and varying your calories.

  • Going Gluten Free while Having a Life

    10/09/2014 Duración: 08min

    Gluten could be holding your health hostage in ways you may not consider. Bread and other gluten-containing foods (yes, even "healthy" ones like wheat bread) can stall fat loss and trigger or exacerbate numerous symptoms like headache and fatigue. In this podcast, I'll provide easy swaps - what I call lateral shifts - to ditch gluten without deprivation. I'll also show you how to challenge gluten to see whether you can occasionally handle it. When many clients pull gluten for as little as 3 weeks, they feel a "new normal" and those last few pounds finally disappear. Are you up for the challenge?

  • Choosing the Right Protein Powder for Fast, Lasting Fat Loss

    03/09/2014 Duración: 07min

    Many popular protein powders contain whey, which is derived from milk, often cheaply produced, potentially creates food intolerances, and can actually stall fat loss by raising insulin levels. In this podcast I'll provide better protein alternatives that don't create reactivity, will help you reach your goals, and that you can confidently use every morning for fast, lasting fat loss.

  • 5 Strategies to Get (and Stay) Motivated for Fast Fat Loss

    27/08/2014 Duración: 06min

    Does lack of motivation hold you back from achieving fat loss and optimal health? In this podcast I'll tell the story of Bryn, one of my clients who lost over 100 pounds and rediscovered happiness and a new lease on life. She implemented 5 strategies I'll describe here. Over my nearly three decades as a health and fitness expert, I've found putting these strategies into action can help you get fast fat loss and maintain that loss.

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