Happy Hour Podcast With Dee And Shannon



Join Dee & Shannon as they, through laughter, tears, kombucha and wine, travel through the sticky areas of truth-telling, authenticity and having the courage to always choose LOVE over FEAR. In these messy and heart-centered conversations, Dee & Shannon will dig into the turmoil, frustrations, and potholes of relationships, career struggles, and the journey to find purpose. Each week they'll discuss and answer questions centered around being REAL, RAW, FULFILLED and HAPPY in the most positive + bad ass hour of your week.  Find out more at www.happyhourpodcast.org


  • HHP 098 Untamed by Glennon Doyle

    20/04/2020 Duración: 28min

    So excited to be with Dee again today as we talk about something that landed powerfully on us both.  Glennon's new book- Untamed.  This book has so many life/soul lessons that land perfectly albeit challenging in this season of life. Join Dee and I as we chat about aspects of this book that resonated with us and share with us if you have read it and what you think!

  • HHP 97 - What is crap and what is working during quarantine

    14/04/2020 Duración: 27min

    I had a blast recently with some of my closest friends as we shared our quarantine experiences during our 'virtual happy hour'.  We talked all about what is just shitty and what is working (and we are appreciating) during this quarantined time.   Some of our observations may align with some of yours, or perhaps you could share your experience during quarantine with us too!  

  • HHP 096 Taking advantage of this time

    01/04/2020 Duración: 26min

    How many times in the last five years (hell the last decade) have you said "I don't have time for that" or "I wish I had time to do.."?  I am thinking that if we had $1 for every time we said it (or thought it) we would be quite wealthy right now. Guess what?  We now have time.  And it is a great way to make this quarantine meaningful. In my podcast today my good friend Kim, creator of Project Mindful Movement, joins me and we discuss how this quarantine has opened up so many opportunities- if we look and are open to them. Read the full blog here. 

  • HHP 095 Is IV therapy for you?

    12/03/2020 Duración: 13min

    We’re all familiar with the IVs you get in the hospital that has been used for decades. But did you know that IV therapy offers many benefits outside the hospital? Today, you can get them in a boutique type of setting. You can even get them through a house call. People who get IV therapy say it makes them feel so much better. Typical uses are: Hangovers Improve immune system function (especially for colds and flu) Migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome Athletic, nutritional, or energy boost Beauty benefits There are also drawbacks of IV therapy.  Tune in to find out more and check out the full details at https://mindbodycomplete.com/is-iv-therapy-for-you/

  • HHP 094 Top 3 issues woman face physically and mentally

    05/03/2020 Duración: 32min

    Hey guys! I am over the moon excited to share this talk with you that I had with my dear friend Sue. Long ago, Sue and I shared kick-butt workout sessions at 5 AM in my garage before I moved to California. I miss her so much and am so happy to share her knowledge with you today.    Sue is a nurse practitioner who has been treating women for over 20 years. She’s worked in family practice, the ER/ICU, oncology, cardiopulmonary, and OB/GYN. I think one of the things that really sets her apart from other health care providers is that she really listens to patients and pieces together a total wellness picture based on lifestyle along with science.    I thought it would be interesting to find out what are the top three concerns that women bring to her from a physician’s point of view. Then I’d like to share the top three I’ve observed as a mental health professional. Check out the full blog here: https://mindbodycomplete.com/the-top-3-issues…lly-and-mentally/

  • HHP 093 When grief blooms into hope & compassion

    02/03/2020 Duración: 36min

    This episode of the Happy Hour Podcast is one that will leave you in awe of the compassion and love of Bonnie & Mark Barnes and her family and the DAISY Foundation. I’ve heard their story many times, and I still get chills each time I listen to it. So cozy up, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and be blessed by her story of loss, compassion, and triumph.  Read the full blog at: https://mindbodycomplete.com/when-grief-bloom…-compassion-hope/

  • HHP 092 Is Intermittent fasting for you?

    23/01/2020 Duración: 15min

    Right now, for many, losing weight is #1 on their list of New Years resolutions.  And, right now, intermittent fasting is a 'hot trend' that many are looking at (or actually using) to lose weight.  I myself have been intermittent fasting for almost 16 months and have had some incredible benefits, along with a few struggles.  Tune in to find out about my journey as well as all the amazing benefits...IF it is right for you! Thanks to our sponsor, Activated Faith.  Check out the full blog post here. 

  • HHP 091 The secret ingredient to lasting success

    09/01/2020 Duración: 23min

    So excited!  On today's show my friend Heather Hakes shares the secret to lasting success...which is perfect timing!  January is historically THE month for goals and ambitions- but by the end of February most have puttered out. How can you prevent this? Tune in to find out! Learn more about Heather here.  And thanks to our sponsor, Activated Faith.  Read the entire blog about this show here. 

  • HHP 090 What 2019 has taught us

    30/12/2019 Duración: 27min

    I am so exited to be recording with Dee today as we talk about what 2019 has taught us- and the crazy journeys traveled all year. Find the blog post here- and join the convo with us! Thank you to our sponsor, Activated Faith. 

  • HHP 089 What is happening right now is perfect

    05/12/2019 Duración: 37min

    Tune into today's show to find tips & strategies to be ok when things are not ok.  To feel good and aligned when expectations are not met.  To be ok with not being ok.   With special guest Kim DeMoss we talk struggles and reality with focusing on the wrong things vs. the present situation.  Find out more here.  Thanks to our sponsor, Activated Faith Candles. 

  • HHP 088 Celebration vs comparison in motherhood

    12/11/2019 Duración: 36min

    In today's Happy Hour Podcast show, my good friend Stefanieand I talked about the different approaches to viewing parenting as a mother.  One type of mother will celebrate and connect with other mothers, regardless if their parenting styles match. Another type of mother will criticize or compare with other mothers, regardless if their parenting styles match. What type of mother are you (or do you want to be)? In today's show we also talk about what to do in grief, how to connect, and the importance of finding your village and loving them hard.  Join us in the convo! Stef's Facebook Stef's Insta

  • HHP 087 The epidemic (trend?) of being sick

    03/09/2019 Duración: 32min

    Welcome to season 3!  In this show my husband and I talk bout the epidemic (trend?) of feeling sick.  This is in no way saying that there aren’t terrible illnesses and tragedies in the world- only that there is a significant increase in those of us feeling ‘sick’ and sadly- more women are being affected than men (or at least reported).  Int this show we talk about the two approaches to healing: language and empathy.    Tune and find out more here.  Thank you to our sponsor, Activated Faith Candles.   

  • HHP 86 A season for change

    18/06/2019 Duración: 03min

    Happy Hour listeners!  We are going to go through a big change; and could use your help.  Take a listen to this short message and then shoot us an email at shannon@mindbodycomplete.com to give us your thoughts!   Thank you for the honor of hosting this show for the last two years.  I look forward to some exciting adventures together soon!   Shannon  www.happyhourpodcast.org 

  • HHP 085 A self awakening journey

    07/05/2019 Duración: 39min

    Alcoholism. Anorexia. A long list of challenges to overcome. Today's show is with Casey May Griswald, in which she shares her story of overcoming severe challenges to find meaning and self worth. Dee met Casey in their nine-month Kundalini teacher training program, and Dee was inspired by Casey’s authenticity in sharing her story.   Join in the convo!

  • HHP 084 Stop projecting what you don't want

    26/03/2019 Duración: 24min

    We are in an age where sarcasm is where we hide.  We project our tiredness, our busyness, our unhappiness, our stress- on our shirts, mugs, cars, social media and our homes.  Doing this only compounds what you don't want- it confirms the very things you are complaining about.  It is time to take responsibility for our environment and our lives.     Thank you to our sponsor: www.activatedfaithcandles.com 

  • HHP 083 Raising kind girls in a mean world

    12/03/2019 Duración: 51min

    We love to hear from our listeners when they leave reviews, but we also love to hear what issues and questions they’re dealing with. Recently, we got this note from one of our listeners:    “My daughter is 8 and is struggling with a girl in her class. I would love a podcast about raising girls in this day and age. I try my damndest to give her the tools to ignore the mean girls and be a leader... I would love to hear other bad ass women talk about raising nice, kind, and authentic girls.”    Check out the conversation we had with our guest, Rachel Weinstock, on this topic.  For more info check out the full blog post here.  Thank you to our sponsor Activated Faith Candles.   About our guest: Rachel holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts and a Bachelor of Education. In addition, she has spent over a decade studying public speaking, storytelling, improvisational acting, red-nose clowning, dance, and life-coaching. Rachel has been teaching both locally and Internationally for 15 years+ and was awarded the James W. Fair

  • HHP 082 Rock the season you are in

    19/02/2019 Duración: 27min

    Single? Married?  Rock the season you are in! Often times we look to others and fantasy the grass is greener.  In order to be happy in a relationship- one must just be happy.  Join the convo today as we talk about rocking the season you are in regardless of single, married or otherwise.   Find out more at mindbodycomplete.com/rocktheseason

  • HHP 081Meditation 101

    12/02/2019 Duración: 29min

    In today's show we talk about meditation!  The myths, the benefits and some how to's.  Join the convo and please - leave us a review!  Find out more at mindbodycomplete.com/meditation101  

  • HHP 080 How to restructure thoughts

    08/02/2019 Duración: 29min

    Our thoughts are not our identity. Our thoughts can be changed. But frequently negative thoughts hijack our life. Many people let these thoughts take over their identity, their daily experiences, their joy -- all without embracing the basic premise that we have the ability to change our thoughts.  Tune into today's show to learn how to take back the control and restructure your thoughts! From our sponsor: www.activatedfaithcandles.com  More info on: Dr. Amen Abraham Hicks More on this show: https://mindbodycomplete.com/how-to-restructure-your-thoughts/

  • HHP 079 Declutter for less stress

    29/01/2019 Duración: 23min

    It is possible to reduce stress and increase productivity by decluttering! Research backs this up! The Journal of Current Psychology has published studies showing the negative impacts of clutter. It causes “life dissatisfaction” and can “negatively impact our mental wellbeing”. Clutter also increases cortisol, the stress hormone, and is linked to greater procrastination (anyone else feel like putting shit off cause there is just too much crap around? If not, me either, was just asking for a friend…).    In this podcast, we discuss the concept of decluttering.  Dee really embraces the de-cluttered life. She says, “I’m by no means a minimalist, but I really try to not accumulate stuff.” She continues to explain that the research is so true in her life: “I agree with all those facts - and I feel it tenfold! I feel the negative impacts so strongly, that it’s practically debilitating to me. If I can’t find an outfit, and I make my closet a huge mess, I literally cannot go to sleep until it’s cleaned up. If there a

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