Sands In Time

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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The number one source for my writings and ramblings.


  • Sands In Time Episode 26: Minus Side Music Tracks


    I’ve been moving, busy and back breaking work to say the least. However, I did come across a CD of seven songs from my band, Minus Side so I figured I’d share them with you all. These were written and recorded back between 2002 and 2004. Singer/Guitar – Adam Austin Bass – Nathan Richart Drums … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 26: Minus Side Music Tracks

  • Sands In Time Episode 25: Ancap Opinions


    Anarcho-Capitalists, voluntarists and libertarians share many similar ideas. These include property rights, a distrust or critique of State power, a belief that aggression is immoral, faith in the individual, the moral right of voluntary decisions, and the responsibility of personal accountability. Still, within the group we often have several different opinions on just about every … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 25: Ancap Opinions

  • Sands In Time Episode 24: NAP vs SJW


    White privilege, male privilege, wealth privilege; terms like these have been given new meaning by those known as social justice warriors as ways to explain differences in opportunity and behavior between people of different backgrounds. As a moral set of beliefs, in this episode, Joshua looks at what they entail and how the concepts differ … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 24: NAP vs SJW

  • Sands In Time Episode 23: Knowledge and Intellectual Property


    Aswain, like any true anarcho-capitalist country, doesn’t have copyrights or patents. Why? Because knowledge isn’t a scarce resource in intellectual property is a form of tyranny maintained by force. In this episode, Joshua takes a little time to explain each term and gives examples of life in a world without IP. Show Notes: Subscribe to … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 23: Knowledge and Intellectual Property

  • Sands In Time Episode 22: Vigilance – Who Runs Your Life?


    Do you believe we each run our own lives? If not, should we? This episode covers these questions and also looks at some of the behaviors and decisions that are necessary to keep any free nation from decaying and falling into Statism. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for free on iTunes and/or Stitcher Aswain Books … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 22: Vigilance – Who Runs Your Life?

  • Sands In Time Episode 21: A Look at Reparations


    Joshua gives his take on reparations in this episode. He looks at what should and shouldn’t be owed to victims, those immediately close to them, those further off and also distant ancestors. The talk covers different points on property rights, responsibility and accountability. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for free on iTunes and/or Stitcher Aswain … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 21: A Look at Reparations

  • Sands In Time Episode 20: Gods, Ghosts and Aliens


    Rather than focusing on one specific topic or issue, in this episode, Joshua has fun raising questions about aspects from the realm of the supernatural and metaphysical. From religion and life after death to aliens and inter-dimensional beings, he gives his thoughts and asks for yours. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for free on … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 20: Gods, Ghosts and Aliens

  • Sands In Time Episode 19: Freedom of Association


    In a free society, each of us would be able to associate with whoever we wanted. This includes personal, professional and commercial interactions. However, the State, acting in a way it claims is for the greater good, has again interfered with our natural right to choose who to associate with and who to exclude. Show … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 19: Freedom of Association

  • Sands In Time Episode 18: War and Tyranny


    President Trump has ordered missiles fired on Syria, an action that’s 180 degrees from where he stood four years and even four months ago. Joshua Sands looks into this as well as some potentially new tyrannical, totalitarian State legislation out of Germany. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for free on iTunes and/or Stitcher Aswain Books … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 18: War and Tyranny

  • Sands In Time Episode 17: Healthcare, a Right or Not?


    Is Healthcare a right? Joshua Sands doesn’t think so and explains why in this episode. True, people should have it to cover themselves, like other insurances (life, auto and home) but to make it a right would demand the labor of others. That’s force and force is bad. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 17: Healthcare, a Right or Not?

  • Sands In Time Episode 16: The Good Fight


    In this episode Joshua thanks and acknowledges all the proponents of freedom and libertarianism in the world. It’s a tough, challenging and often lonely job but through perseverance, the message of non-aggression has continued to spread. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for free on iTunes and/or Stitcher Aswain Books Novels Page  Thanks for your support! … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 16: The Good Fight

  • Sands In Time Episode 15: Unliberty Taxes


    It’s tax season. In this episode Joshua gives some thoughts on income tax and taxes in general. He also looks at the Social Contract and what people should do in regards to paying the State. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for free on iTunes and/or Stitcher Aswain Books Novels Page  Thanks for your support! Aswain … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 15: Unliberty Taxes

  • Sands In Time Episode 14: Love and Rage


    In episode 14, Joshua channels in another figure from the Hailiorea book series, Michael Vistaer. Vistaer tells one of his stories involving a battle against the tyrannical global union, Tehlasrin. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for free on iTunes and/or Stitcher Aswain Books Novels Page  Thanks for your support! Aswain Books Contact Page . Let … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 14: Love and Rage

  • Sands In Time Episode 13: Preferences to Prohibition


    In the thirteenth episode of Sands In Time, Joshua looks at how both personal and group preferences can often lead to rules and laws that bind everyone. He looks at and discusses a current issue along with historical cases of prohibition in both our past and his. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for free … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 13: Preferences to Prohibition

  • Sands In Time Episode 12: Socialism is Slavery


    The title sums up the episode. Here, Joshua gives his reasoning as to why he sees Socialism and other Statists governing models as varying unfree, forms of slavery for the governed. He looks at examples from both our world and his. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for free on iTunes and/or Stitcher Aswain Books Novels … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 12: Socialism is Slavery

  • Sands In Time Episode 11: All Words Are Not Equal


    In this episode, Joshua looks at some terms libertarians use which express meanings they’re both in favor of and against. He also explains how, with a larger, more powerful vocabulary and understanding of language, we think better and deeper while gaining a greater understanding of ourselves and our world. Show Notes: Information on Murray N. … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 11: All Words Are Not Equal

  • Sands In Time Episode 10: Backstory – August Cross


    In this episode Joshua gives us some background information on August Cross. Cross was / will be the founder of Aswain and one of the key figures in the free world’s fight again the evil, corrupt, global union, Tehlasrin. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for free on iTunes and/or Stitcher Aswain Books Novels Page  Thanks … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 10: Backstory – August Cross

  • Sands In Time Episode 9: Hailiorea Groups and Technology


    Even with all the news worthy current events going on, Joshua uses this episode to talk a bit about Hailiorea lore and history. He channels an inventor from his world named Mike Taft who gives insight and information about several of the fantastic inventions he helped create. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for free … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 9: Hailiorea Groups and Technology

  • Sands In Time Episode 8: Are Protests Worth the Effort?


    Inauguration, protests, lots going on. People are excited, worked up, angry, happy and some seem to be losing their minds. In this episode, Joshua gives his take on it all including a look at secession, a possible peaceful alternative to aggression. Show Notes: Subscribe to the show for free on iTunes and/or Stitcher Aswain Books Novels … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 8: Are Protests Worth the Effort?

  • Sands In Time Episode 7: Bound to Write


    In this episode, Joshua gives his ideas on what what makes a writer a writer and also discusses some of the areas that go along with writing novels and books. He also gives some of his personal history and why he wrote his first book, written some time in our possible future, called Sands In … Continue reading Sands In Time Episode 7: Bound to Write

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