Kelly's Talkshow

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 18:37:53
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  • Merry Christmas

    15/12/2017 Duración: 04min

    Christmas is not just a day: it's a season when friends and family get together to eat, drink, and be merry. And while there is no one single way to celebrate Christmas.圣诞节不只是一天,而是一个亲朋好友团聚的节日季,享受美食美酒、欢乐的心情。没有一个固定的方式庆祝圣诞。If you want to experience a bit of craziness, try going to a shopping mall on Christmas Eve. There, you will see a lot of people (mainly fathers and brothers) last-minute shopping for their family. 这天最疯狂的地方要属商场。大堆人(男士为主)都在做最后的圣诞购物,给家人买礼物。 Back at home, people might be watching classic Christmas movies on TV. 很多呆在家里的人会在圣诞夜看些经典的圣诞电影。Every kid looks forward to Christmas morning because that's when they're finally allowed to open their presents. 对小朋友来说,最期待的就是12月25日,圣诞节的清晨。因为,他们终于可以开礼物了。A lot of families choose to have their big Christmas dinners on December 25th.大多数家庭都在25日晚上吃圣诞大餐。BackGround Music:Merry, Merry Christmas Artists:Fabian Buch 

  • Fine Dining高级餐厅

    08/12/2017 Duración: 04min

    This is the only Michelin-starred restaurant in town. I've been looking forward to this meal for months!这是城里唯一一家米其林星级餐厅。我期待这顿饭已经好几个月了!Good evening, I'm Mike. I'll be your waiter tonight. Would you like sparkling or still water?晚上好,我是Mike,今晚由我为您服务。您想喝气泡水还是无气水?Just to let you know we offer both à la carte and tasting menu options.好的。跟您介绍一下,我们提供单点菜单和体验菜单两种选择。Thank you Mike. Everything looks wonderful. I think we might need some time to decide.谢谢你,Mike。每道餐看起来都很棒。我们需要一点时间来决定。No problem. Please take your time. But I highly recommend the tasting menu as it features our signature dishes. If you have any questions, please let me know.没问题。请您随意。不过我非常推荐我们的体验菜单,里面包含了我们的招牌菜式。如果您有任何问题,请告诉我。I don't want to miss out. Let's splurge tonight.我可不想留有遗憾,咱们今晚就好好犒赏自己吧。BackGround Music:Jack Artists:HVOB 

  • 米其林指南

    01/12/2017 Duración: 03min

    When the Michelin Guide was first introduced at the beginning of the 20th century it was a little different than the popular guide we know today. Because Michelin was tire company, the purpose of the guide was to help people drive, not to help people eat. However, many of the maps included restaurants, and the company began to give stars (one, two or three) to the restaurants they liked best. Having a star is a really big deal: not only does your restaurant become more famous, but it also means that you can charge more money! However, not everyone is so happy about receiving it: Some restaurants have even asked for Michelin to take back their star. Why would people want to refuse such an honor? Having a star means that you will attract a certain type of customer, one that expects a very high quality meal along with a certain kind of atmosphere. In any case, even if some restaurants don’t want the Michelin Star, there are thousands of others that will happily receive one.《米其林指南》于上世纪初问世,但最初的指南和现在我们熟悉的美食指南非常不同,因

  • 感恩节快乐

    23/11/2017 Duración: 04min

    1. Thanksgiving is celebrated in both Canada and America, but on different dates.加拿大和美国都庆祝感恩节,但是日期不一样。2.The Canadian Thanksgiving is on the second Monday of October while Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November.加拿大的感恩节是十月第二个星期一,而美国的感恩节是十一月第四个星期四。3.Thanksgiving was originally celebrated as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest.感恩节最早的起源是感谢丰收的祝福。4. The holiday is often nicknamed "Turkey Day". Ever wonder why the turkey shares its name with the country Turkey?这个假日有个别名,叫做“火鸡节”。 但是,你想过为什么火鸡的名字跟土耳其这个国家一样吗?5.Long ago, the birds were made popular in England by traders from Turkey, and the name just stuck.因为很久之前,来自土耳其的商人让火鸡在英国出了名。火鸡因此得名,沿用至今。6. A classic Thanksgiving meal consists of turkey with all the trimmings, which include stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce.传统的感恩节大餐包括火鸡和各类配菜,包括火鸡内馅、肉汁和蔓越莓酱。7.Because turkey by itself isn’t always enough, some Americans stuff their turkeys with a duck stuffed with a chicken. This is called a Turducken.因为火鸡可能不够吃,所以有些美国人会在火鸡里塞一只鸭子、又在鸭子肚子里塞

  • 离开双11的日子,我很怀念!

    13/11/2017 Duración: 04min

    Hey, Alex, are you buying anything on Double 11?嘿, Alex,你双十一会买东西吗?Of course, Elsa! How could I miss these amazing deals?当然了,Lisa!我怎么能错过这么划算的打折促销呢!Me too. My Taobao shopping cart is full!我也是,我的淘宝购物车都满了!Same. I think I'll max out my credit card.我也一样。看来我的信用卡也要刷爆了。I'll worry about that next month. I just hope my WIFI speed can beat other shoppers'!这个问题留到下个月再担心吧。我现在就希望我的WIFI够快,能抢过其他人。BackGround Music:God Is Crying  Artists:Joe Satriani 

  • 打车三两事

    09/11/2017 Duración: 04min

    Hi, where are you headed?你好,要去哪里?I’d like to head downtown.我要去市中心。Do you know the exact address or cross street?你知道具体地址或者交叉街道的名称吗?It’s at the intersection of Queen and King.是在Queen和King两条街的交叉口。It’s rush hour now, and the roads seem really backed up. Do you know a shortcut?现在是交通高峰,路看上去很堵。你知道有什么近路吗?We’re almost there. What’s the street number again?我们马上要到了。门牌号是多少来着?How much is it?多少钱?That’s $17.50.17块5。Here’s a twenty. Keep the change.给你一张20,零钱不用找了。BackGround Music:Back It Up  Artists:Caro Emerald 

  • Happy weekend

    02/11/2017 Duración: 05min

    It's so nice to sleep in on the weekend.周末能睡个饱真好。Let's just take it easy and chill.我们就放松、好好休息一下吧。If you sleep in, you've probably missed breakfast.如果睡懒觉,那一定错过早饭了。So have brunch. It combines breakfast and lunch. 所以吃早午餐吧,结合早饭和午饭。The brunch culture is big everywhere. 全球早午餐文化都很盛行。Spend quality time with your family.陪家人一起度过有品质的时间。If you're not in the same city as your parents, you can call them or WeChat them.如果你和父母不在同一个城市,至少可以打个电话、微信一下。Hang out with friends.出去会朋友。Whether it's coffee, dinner or bar hopping, catching up with friends makes for a great weekend. 不论是喝杯咖啡、吃晚饭、泡酒吧,和好朋友一起,就是完美的周末。BackGround Music:01-They Can't Take That Away From Me 、02-The Last Waltz Artists:01-Eliane Elias 、02-Engelbert Humperdinck

  • 民宿达人进阶篇

    26/10/2017 Duración: 04min

    Have you used Airbnb before?你用过Airbnb吗?Yes. Several times. It’s a great alternative to hotels. 用过好几次。它是酒店之外的好选择。You can get an entire apartment or just a room. It’s much more comfortable than being stuck in a tiny hotel room.你可以选租一整套公寓或者只是一间屋子。总之,比挤在一间宾馆小房间里舒服多了。Do I need to pay a deposit?Is there any housekeeping?那需要付押金吗?会包括打扫吗?It all depends on the host. 这要看房东了。I’d say try to choose a location you like and narrow down your search based on that to find the place that suits your situation and budget.嗯,我建议你先挑一个自己喜欢的区域,然后根据这个缩小搜索范围,选择符合你情况和预算的房子。And one last thing, I find the guests' ratings and reviews very helpful too.最后还有一点,我觉得用户的评分和评论都很有用。BackGround Music:Nine Million Bicycles Artists:Katie Melua 

  • 万圣节是个神马鬼?

    21/10/2017 Duración: 06min

    Of all of the North American holidays and festivals, Halloween has maybe the most interesting history. Halloween, also known as All Hallows’ Eve, is celebrated every year on October 31. In the past, many ancient people believed that on this night, ghosts were able to return to our world. They started to dress in ghost costumes so that the dead wouldn’t hurt them. Over time, people stopped worrying about ghosts and the dead. Today, Halloween is a time for children and adults to have fun. Traditional Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, costume parties, visiting “haunted houses” and carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns. 万圣节在北美节日中的文化历史算是最有意思的一个。万圣节也叫万圣夜,每年都是10月31日开始。原来很多人相信这天晚上鬼魂会回到世界上。所以大家就扮成鬼,鬼就不会伤害人。时过境迁,没人相信鬼魂了。今天,万圣节是个大人孩子都能玩的节日。传统万圣节活动包括:不给钱就捣蛋,变装聚会,鬼屋探险,雕刻南瓜灯。It should come as no surprise that kids love to go trick-or-treating (who doesn't love free candy?!), it's very easy for older kids to get into trouble. A lot of kids will dress up in costumes, and throw eggs or toilet paper at the neighb

  • Mid-autumn festival中秋节

    29/09/2017 Duración: 05min

    On this day families will have dinner together and after dinner we eat moon cakes and appreciate the moon together.Because eating moon cakes is the most common and representative tradition on this day.It’s a symbol of family reunion and the cake is traditionally cut into pieces that equal the number of people in the family.在这一天家人会聚在一起吃晚饭,晚饭过后大家会吃月饼,赏月。因为吃月饼是最普遍和最具传统代表性的庆祝方式。月饼也象征着团圆,所以传统上把月饼切成几块是与家庭成员的数量相等的。About appreciating the moon that’s because in Chinese beliefs,the full moon is thesymbol for a family reunion.When people look at the moon it reminds them of their families and homeland.关于赏月,那是因为在中国人的观念里满月象征着家庭团圆。当人们抬头望月时这会提醒他们想起自己的家人和故乡。Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and Happy National Day!中秋节快乐,国庆节快乐!BackGround Music:Beijing Artists:Kasseo 

  • 旅行百科之“不住酒店住民宿”

    22/09/2017 Duración: 04min

    Have you ever wondered what the "bnb" stands for in "Airbnb?" It stands for "bed and breakfast", which is a type of hotel in the West where the hosts provided you with a room in their house and some breakfast in the morning.In fact, the original name of the site was 你有没有想过什么是Airbnb里的bnb是什么?”它的全称是"bed and breakfast"。它就是西方听普及的一种小家庭旅馆。主人用自己的房子做民宿,给客人提供晚上睡得已装船和早上吃的一顿早餐。事实上,airbnb最初的名字是。Airbnb is a website you can use to find a place to stay for your visit. The site allows people to rent out their homes or apartments for travelers. It's usually cheaper than a hotel.你可以用空中食宿找到住宿。这个网站让人们把房屋或公寓出租给旅行者。一般都比酒店便宜。I have used it many times and I have been very happy with my experience. Just make sure you choose a place with lots of good reviews.我用过这个网站很多次了,我对住宿经历都很满意。只是注意要找一个好评很多的地方。BackGround Music:Beat It Artists:Lizette & Groove Da Praia 

  • 换了新发型怎么说?

    15/09/2017 Duración: 04min

    I got a new haircut this weekend.我这个周末换了个发型。I got it permed and colored.我烫了下头发还染过了。I've wanted to get some highlights for a long time now and finally decided to do it this weekend.我想让头发颜色变亮一点很久了,我终于决定这个周末染一染了。In North American culture, men traditionally go to a hairdresser for men, called a barber. Woman go to a stylist, or more generally called a hairdresser. However, while all hairdressers can cut women's or men's hair, barbers only cut men's hair. 在北美文化中,男人通常去男士理发店找理发师(barber)。而女人则去找发型师(stylist),或者也可以叫hairdresser。Hairdresser男女发型都可以剪,但是barber通常只给男士理发。BackGround Music:Somebody Groovy  Artists:The Mamas & the Papas 

  • 9月大事只有一件“开学啦”

    09/09/2017 Duración: 05min

    Are your kids all set to go back to school?你的孩子们准备好开学了吗?Not really, but my husband and I sure are!他们还没呢。但是我跟我先生真盼着他们快开学。I hear you.我完全同意。Did you guys have a nice summer break?你们暑假过的怎么样?This year he went to summer camp for the first time.今年是他第一次参加夏令营。She took a few summer school courses to get ahead.她上了一些暑期课程,赶赶进度。They grow up in the blink of an eye.孩子真的一眨眼就长大了。BackGround Music:Sunshine Girl Artists:Moumoon 

  • 美发系列之“只剪一点点”

    03/09/2017 Duración: 04min

    Hi, there. Do you have any openings today?你好,今天有发型师有空剪头发吗?Ok, what are we doing today? Just a trim or would you like to add some color?好的,你今天想怎么弄头发?稍微修一下还是做个颜色?No, just a trim today. Thanks.修剪一下就好。谢谢。Sure. How much do you want taken off?好的。要剪多少长度?Just a few centimeters to take off the split ends.剪几公分就行,把分叉的头发剪掉。You bet. Would you like some layering to add volume?没问题。要不要剪一些层次、让头发看起来更蓬松?Some layering but not too much.可以剪一些层次,但不要太多。Great. Would you like to trim your bangs as well?好的。刘海需要修吗?Yeah, just a little above the eyebrows, but not too short.要,在眉毛上面一点点,但不要太短。BackGround Music:Let's Dance Artists:David Bowie 

  • 字里行间 眉目之间

    24/08/2017 Duración: 07min

    1:Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。2:Give your all to me, I’ll give my all to you.You’re my end and my beginning.Even when I lose I’m winning.若你愿交给我一切,我必当奉献出我的一切。我人生的起始点都源于你,即使人生陷入困顿有你我仍是赢家。3:I know someone in the world is waiting for me,although I have no idea of who he is.But I feel happy everyday for this.我知道这世上有人在等我,尽管我不知道他是谁,但我却因此而感到每天都很快乐。4:Precious things are very few in this world that is the reason there is just one you.在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。5:I wonder what goes through your mind when you hear my name.我很想知道当我的名字滑过你的耳朵,你脑海中会闪现些什么?6:One minute to say “I love you” one hour to explain it. A whole life to prove it.用一分钟说“我爱你”一个小时去解释这句话,用一生去证明。7:Having you around every day is the Valentine’s Day!有你在身边每天都是情人节!       《When you are old》-YeatsWhen you are old and grey

  • 再见吧可爱的小肉肉

    16/08/2017 Duración: 06min

    图片来自:ROLLIN' SAFARIPut on weight. 变胖,体重增加。Gain weight. 长胖了。Lose weight. 减肥。Get in shape. 减肥、拥有好身材。Get fit. 健身、减肥。Go on a diet. 节食。Watch what you eat. 注意你的饮食。The detox, cleanse diet. 排毒清洁饮食。The Paleo diet. 远古饮食法。Avoid late-night snacks.避免宵夜。Not eating enough. 吃得太少。Buying "fat-free" food. 购买“零脂肪”食品。Going to extremes.走极端。Overall, stay away from processed and pre-made foods.  Stick with fresh foods with minimal ingredients.总之,远离加工及做好的熟食。多吃新鲜的、配料少的食物。BackGround Music:Seve Artists:Tez Cadey 

  • 餐厅用语经典款

    10/08/2017 Duración: 05min

    I’d like to make a reservation please. 我想要预约一个位置。We have a reservation at 12:00 for Kelly. 我们有订12点Kelly女士的位置。Hi there,are you ready to order? 你们好,你们准备好点菜了吗?We’re not ready to order. 我们还没准备好要点餐。It’s our first time here. Do you have any recommendations?这是我们第一次来这儿,你有什么推荐吗?I’d like a…I’ll have a…I want a…我想要.....I’d like salad and for my drink I’ll have a latte and I want a cheese cake for my dessert.我要一份沙拉,喝的我要一杯拿铁,我还要一块蛋糕作为我的甜点。Excuse me,my dish hasn’t come yet.不好意思,我的菜还没来。Excuse me,how’s my order?不好意思,我点的菜怎么样了?Can I have some water,please? 可以帮我加点水吗?Can I have a fork,please? 可以给我一把叉子吗?Can I have a wine list,please? 可以给我一份酒单吗?Excuse me,I didn’t order this. 不好意思,我没点这个。Could I get the rest of the dinner to go? 我想要打包带走。Can I have a box for this? 可以给我一个盒子吗?Could I have the check please? 我要结账。I’d like to pay the bill. 我想要买单。Excuse me,I’m afraid the check is wrong,could you check it again please? 不好意思,恐怕这个账单是错的,你可以再核实一下吗?BackGround Music:Lake Shore Drive Artists:Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah

  • 意大利面~变变变

    09/08/2017 Duración: 06min

    pasta意大利面spaghetti Bolognese番茄肉酱意面linguine细扁意面fettuccine宽扁面penne管子面lasagna意式千层面Angel hair pasta天使面(是一种非常细的意面)Macaroni通心粉(是手肘的形状,所以有时它只是被称为“elbow pasta”或“elbows”)Fussili螺旋粉BackGround Music:Essarai  Artists:Cantoma 

  • 火锅家族

    09/08/2017 Duración: 06min

    Half and half鸳鸯锅Half spicy and the other half non-spicy一半辣、一半不辣Different levels of spiciness不同程度的辣To dip the food quickly in the soup涮Sliced beef牛肉片Fatty beef肥牛Marbled beef雪花牛肉Lamb羊肉(美国人常用)Mutton羊肉(英国人更常用)Intestines肠子Brains脑子Organs内脏、器官Sweet breads内脏 (高级西餐中形容内脏的词)Tripe肚子Balls丸子Fish balls鱼丸Meat balls肉丸shrimp balls虾丸Mushroom balls香菇丸Soup balls撒尿牛肉丸Spam午餐肉(spam有杂七杂八的意思。垃圾邮件的英语是spam, 午餐肉也是spam) Sprout豆苗Lettuce生菜Potato土豆Black fungus黑木耳Mushroom菌菇Needle mushroom金针菇Sauce酱料Peanut better花生酱Sesame paste芝麻酱Sesame oil麻油Fragrant很香Coriander/cilantro香菜Some people think cilantro tastes like dish soap有些人觉得香菜的味道像洗洁精 BackGround Music:Row  Artists:Smith&Thell 

  • 《机场篇》飞机上怎么选座位?

    09/08/2017 Duración: 03min

    关键词Window seat 靠窗的座位 Middle seat 中间的座位  Aisle seat过道的位置关键句子 How many bags are you checking today?今天您有多少行李要托运? Just one. This one is carry-on.就一个。这一件是随身行李。 Would it be possible to get a Window seat/an aisle seat?可以要一个靠窗的/过道的座位吗?

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