Climbing With Scars



Climbing With Scars is a podcast that has a focus on business and helping inspire other to do everything they want in life. Phil Scardigno talks about many different topics covering the entrepreneurial world and sharing funny and sometimes outrageous stories of his upbringing and beginnings in his business life.


  • #145: Fearless - born or learned?

    30/09/2020 Duración: 14min

    Are you born fearless or do you become fearless? This question has been on mind for many years and always something that comes up when talking business and pursuits. People are facing fears every day, no matter your age, sex or background, and it is all about how the individual interprets those fears.  In this week’s episode I share my learnings and stories from others on facing fear, overcoming fear and understanding what fear really is so one can find the path towards being fearless.

  • #144: Owning Your S#%T

    23/09/2020 Duración: 11min

    The world is full of ideas, problems, thoughts, services and next big things, but how many of these come to life? Owning your piece is the differentiator. Whether you are overcoming a personal problem or bringing to life the next “Uber” idea, until you own your sh#t, then nothing moves forward. On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I talk about Owning It, the importance of owning it for you and those around you, sharing my own experiences that until you do “own” your piece, you can never break through to the other side. Enjoy.

  • #143: Being the best is learned

    16/09/2020 Duración: 11min

    What separates entrepreneurs who are the best from the rest has more to do with learning new behaviours, rather than natural talent. Every entrepreneur starts out the same with an idea and a dream but only a few turn those into realities, why? This week I share my learnings over the years and what I continue to learn on the ongoing climb ahead, as well as what  I see around me with the successful entrepreneurs I look up to and the reality is much simpler than you think. Join me this week to discover a key that unlocks a truth to elevate yourself amongst the best.  

  • #142: Where It Starts

    09/09/2020 Duración: 11min

    On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I discuss ‘Where It Starts’. When I talk to start up entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs, I often hear complaints about what they need  and what they don’t have that gets in the way of climbing forward, but the truth is it starts with what you have and where you are. Join me this week where I go deep and share my learnings over the past 30 years on the lesson of what you have and not what you haven’t got, as this is the continuous key that unlocks the entrepreneur’s journey.  

  • #141: Yielding Bloom

    25/08/2020 Duración: 53min

    On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I talk to the co-founder of Edible Blooms, Kelly Jamieson who shares an inspiring entrepreneurial story as one of Australia’s early adopting e-commerce businesses, combining flowers with food to create a thriving gift delivery business. 15 years later, Edible Blooms now operates Australia wide and internationally. Kelly gives an honest account of her country life upbringing and how she turned the negative of being made redundant into the transition of an ambitious entrepreneur.  Join me this week to hear firsthand how Kelly Jamieson and her brand continues to bloom.  

  • #140: Preparedness

    19/08/2020 Duración: 12min

    There is the old saying “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” and over 3 decades of business this one always rings true. Prepared for what you may ask? On this week’s episode I go deep into being prepared for the unknown, something bigger, something better, an opportunity, a surprise or even for a pandemic. I share my lessons that there is no such thing as being  “over prepared” and when you least expect it our preparation will come into play to not only determine how we survive, but more importantly how we thrive. Join me this week on Climbing With Scars where preparedness is waiting for your next opportunity.

  • #139: Timing for perfection

    12/08/2020 Duración: 11min

    On this weeks episode of Climbing With Scars I talk about timing and how much we get caught up in trying to do things when the time is right! In pursuit of perfection people want to time everything to be “right”. Everyday entrepreneurs need to make decisions, big and small, so when is it the right time to make these decisions? Join me on this episode where I deep dive and share the learnings I’ve made on timing and that road taken to perfection in the daily pursuits of entrepreneurs.  

  • #138: Free Time

    05/08/2020 Duración: 14min

    On this weeks episode of Climbing With Scars I talk about “free time” and the importance of using it . A common theme that seems to be trending on social media, is business owners having to grind 24/7, all the time being on the path to working non stop. Is working til you drop sustainable and do we expect that of other professions? I share my learning's from understanding Free Time, what it really is and what it actually does. Make sure you tune into this weeks episode to hear my take on switching off and the performance impact it has had on my business and my head space. 

  • #137: Listening In To What's Needed

    29/07/2020 Duración: 14min

    On this episode of Climbing With Scars I cover off on how often entrepreneurs and business owners listen out for what they want, not what they need. I share the missed opportunities where business owners miss out on hearing what they need because of where they are directing their attention of wanting the “feel good validation” instead of what may irk them or listening into what may unsettle them.  All the while the stuff to listen into is often right under our noses. So to find out what you need and not what you want, join me and listen in.

  • #136: All in or nothing

    22/07/2020 Duración: 15min

    The difference between making your business or goals happen and wondering why it never moved to the heights you wanted is often down to one thing – going All In.   What do I mean by All In?  This week I share my own stories of what happens when you go All In and talk about many of the entrepreneurs who tell me they can’t progress to where they want to go and the basic reasons why. Join me on this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars where you’ll find that going All In gives you more achievement than just your goal.

  • #135: The Power of Visualisation

    15/07/2020 Duración: 17min

    On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I talk about the “The Power Of Visualisation” and how important it is to visualise your goals and targets.  As an entrepreneur who wants to continue growing and becoming rich with new skills and relationships, it is extremely important to visualise thoughts and put them into reality. Talking about what we want isn’t enough and I share what I’ve learned over the past decade about visualisation and how it goes hand in hand with personal and professional development of the entrepreneur. Join me this week to understand how the power of visualisation has impacted me and how it can help towards being your best self.  

  • #134: Empathy is Key

    09/07/2020 Duración: 13min

    As an entrepreneur one of the hardest challenges we face is empathising for others in situations we have never experienced. On this weeks episode of Climbing With Scars I discuss empathy and talk about understanding the situations of others that may we may be foreign to. Join me on this episode where I share my firsthand experiences on learning to empathise in business and with others, that creates the key to unlocks many doors.

  • #133: Breaking the cycle

    01/07/2020 Duración: 18min

    We are now at the half way mark of the year and what a year it has been so far. 2020 - a year that nobody would have predicted and nobody will ever forget, turning the world on its head  and creating road block for many, but not for everyone.  On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I share how COVID-19 has impacted my goals for 2020 and how it is so easy to stay in the COVID19 cycle and how to break out. Now as we’re at the mid year point, how are you directing the rest of 2020 to make it a year that set you up for future outcomes that enable you to win? Listen in to find out more.

  • #132: Power of Purpose

    24/06/2020 Duración: 12min

    On this weeks episode of Climbing With Scars I discuss purpose and the power it has to direct us to help ourselves and to serve others. The power of purpose is our internal compass towards goals, but often business owners and entrepreneurs never take the time to really know what their purpose is and how they connect to it. Join me on today’s podcast where I share how establishing your purpose makes all the difference on your entrepreneurial journey.

  • #131: The Art of Being Adaptable

    17/06/2020 Duración: 16min

    This is a topic that is a favourite of mine and over the decades has been one skill that has enabled me to survive and thrive. Being adaptable in today’s current environment has never been more important for all of us and a skill every leader needs. On today’s episode of Climbing With Scars I share the importance of not only knowing how to adapt to the environment around us for products and services, but knowing how to adapt to situations with our people, customers and suppliers  in the workplace.  Adaptability - an art or skill? Listen in to get my take.

  • #130: The 'Too Hard' Basket

    10/06/2020 Duración: 18min

    On today’s episode of Climbing With Scars I delve into when things get hard and how it often triggers many good ideas to be given up on. I share why so many great products and services  never come to life because the pains and fears of taking on something difficult causes many to find a way out instead of a way through. Join me for this episode where I give the truths on the “too hard basket” and the findings of when you stay in the basket, instead of jumping out.   

  • #129: Game On!

    03/06/2020 Duración: 01h23min

    On this weeks episode of Climbing With Scars hear from an inspiring recorded from our CWS event where I was privileged to spend time with 2 entrepreneurs who have come from the sporting world to create scaling businesses.  Former AFL premiership player and CEO of AFL Max, James Podsiadly, and sports scientist Tony Mennillo  of Better Than Ever, joined me to cover not only their journeys into entrepreneurship but shared how they have dealt with the challenges of COVID19 and the learning's to adapt in today’s current climate and future world. A tonne of gems from a couple of real heroes with very real stories, enjoy.

  • #128: Showing Up

    27/05/2020 Duración: 14min

    On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I go deep into leaders showing up, when they show up, how they show up and  when it matters most. In tough times leaders are being leaned on to lead, guide and set the example. How leaders do this reflects on their business culture and regardless if you are the CEO of 100’s or have 1 employee, how you show up will show up in your product or service.  Join me this week where I share my stories on showing up, in smooth times or when the road is rocky.

  • #127: Every step of progress has struggle

    20/05/2020 Duración: 13min

    On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I share with you how struggle is behind every progress, and I go deep into understanding how to use the struggle to your advantage.  No matter if it’s business entrepreneurial pursuits or personal goals you are setting, every plan for progress involves a struggle. Come join me on this podcast where  I go deep into learning how to identify the signs of the struggle and how to embrace it. Enjoy.

  • #126: The Compound Effect

    14/05/2020 Duración: 15min

    Little things count, and when we add up all those little things they become bigger things over time. On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I go deep into the compound effect, and how it works both ways for individuals. I share details about a book I read 7 years ago that left me continuously thinking about how the compound effect impacts me daily in business and life, to guide where my focus needs to constantly be to get the best return on my efforts. Enjoy.

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