Sarah Mane



CONSCIOUS CONFIDENCE RADIO - A TIMELESS WISDOM with Sarah ManeTune-in each month and join Sarah on an adventurous journey to the deeper level of meaning to move beyond today's world of constant change, confusion, and uncertainty beyond the shadow of fear.This hit show explores key concepts such as confidence, values, and attitude in a dynamic way.Learn to dispell the fear shadow as Sarah provides essential knowledge about embracing change and the power of transformation. Get ready for Conscious Confidence!


  • Being the Author of Your Own Story


    Becoming the author of your own life story is such a desirable goal, but how can we achieve it? Join Sarah as she gives you a practical easy set of tips that will put the power into your hands. These tips, plus a couple of bonuses will empower you to take control and write the next great chapter of your amazing life!

  • Goal Setting is Key


    To achieve our goals we have to know what they are. Goal setting is a powerful and effective key in our journey to success. Join Sarah as she outlines a practical easy way of moving from inspiration to achievement and ultimate success through the transformative power of goal setting.

  • The Top 3 Must Haves for Success


    We all know how important mindset is. No matter how hard we work, success can elude us because of our mindset. Join Sarah as she lays out the three easy must have essentials for a success mindset.

  • The Miraculous Power of a Simple Decision – A deeper dive into Resilience


    Resilience is the ability to bounce back in the face of life s challenges and setbacks. The power to formulate creative ideas and focused resolution are a platform on which resilience is built. Join Sarah as she discusses the power of our ideas, the need for resolution, and the freedom we attain through resilience. Watch/Listen

  • Resilience 101 - Bouncing Back with Strength and Vigour


    Everyone faces challenges and setbacks in their life, and what separates us is how we respond. Abhyāsa the Sanskrit word for Resilience is the key quality that motivates us to overcome the hurdles life throws up. Join Sarah as she discusses the fundamentals of resilience, and how we can bounce back with strength and vigour. Watch/Listen

  • Self-Care – Selfish or Essential?


    Does your mind say one thing, your heart feel something else, and your body gets pulled along for the ride? We need balance and alignment so we can live our best life for all, but this may appear selfish at times. Join Sarah as she reveals how to apply this wisdom and find a natural ease, and happiness. Watch/Listen

  • Mindset Matters


    Mindset is a hot topic at the moment. Understanding the power of an idea is at the heart of the matter with your mindset and achieving your dreams, goals and ultimately your soul s purpose. Get some key understanding and top tips on mindset matters with Sarah right here. Watch/Listen

  • The Power of Good Company


    Good company is a powerful and transformative energy, and essential on our soul path. Being in good company lifts you up, and being good company lifts-up others. Join Sarah as she explores the transformative power of satsanga good company.

  • Three Foundations of Strength: Power, Fearlessness and Resilience with Special Guest Sarah Mane


    True strength provides us with steady protection against the challenges of life. When we access our true strength, it shows itself in different forms. Join Dr Pat and her guest Sarah Mane as they explore what the ancient wisdom in Sanskrit says of the nature of true strength, how to become truly strong and how to use this strength.

  • Coming Home to Myself


    Many of us awaken to a feeling that there is something more to life and we yearn to find it. Having found inner stillness, this is available to us in all the ups and downs of life. Join Sarah as she discusses this move to being centred, which is like a journey to our true home.

  • The Mysticism in Ancient Sanskrit with Sarah Mane


    Sanskrit has a mysterious and mystical power. Even for those who know little about it, the shape of the letters and the beauty of the sound is magnetic. Join Dr Pat and her guest Sarah Mane as they discuss the beauty, magic and vibrational energy in ancient Sanskrit that opens the doorway to your soul.

  • Three Great Lessons: Restraint, Generosity, and Compassion


    A beautiful story from the ancient Sanskrit wisdom tradition, illustrates three great lessons. Each lesson meets a particular challenge that is all too common in life. Join Sarah as she uncovers the treasures of restraint, generosity and compassion contained in a delightful and unexpected package!

  • The Great Escape - why we should try to get out of our Comfort Zone


    Are you aware that we all have a Comfort Zone ? Do you realise that we are so much more when we step free of it? If this is you, join Sarah as she talks about making the great escape!

  • The World of Spirit Q&A (Part 2)


    People on their soul path find that they have many questions. Join Sarah Mane as she and her very special guest continue their Q A on a range of fascinating questions that he has asked on his own journey. These are the questions many people ask, and they may even be yours!

  • The World of Spirit Q&A (Part 1)


    People on their soul path find that they have many questions. Join Sarah Mane as she answers a range of fascinating question from a very special guest who is on his own journey. These are the questions many people ask, and they may even be yours!

  • Wake Up and Get Out of B.E.D! Moving from Victim to Victor


    Do you feel at the mercy of your past experiences or current events? The mindset of a victim or victor is a clear choice that only we can make ourselves. Join Sarah as she talks about changing your attitude to transform from a victim to a powerful victor.

  • The Path from Ordinary to Extraordinary


    Do you feel an awakening within to another dimension of life? Do you feel a bit uncomfortable using the word spiritual, worried about what your friends and family might think? If this is you, join Sarah as she talks about getting comfortable with a new orientation to life that is beyond the ordinary.

  • Seven Stages on the Path to Freedom and Self-Knowledge (Part 2)


    The 7 stages on the path to freedom and self-knowledge set out a journey of transformation. This transformation is from a state of limitation and division to freedom, sovereignty and unity. In this show, Sarah continues the conversation with Gilbert Mane, author of the 7 Steps to Freedom, as he discusses the final stages four to seven in a practical, enjoyable and easy way.

  • Seven Stages on the Path to Freedom and Self-Knowledge (Part 1)


    The 7 stages on the path to freedom and self-knowledge set out a journey of transformation. This transformation is from a state of limitation and division to freedom, sovereignty and unity. In this show, Sarah interviews Gilbert Mane, author of the 7 Steps to Freedom, as he discusses the first three stages in a practical, enjoyable and easy way.

  • Eyes Wide Open Yet Awake or Asleep?


    Did you know that we can live each day with our eyes wide open and yet so fast asleep? Do you want to wake up and realise you re a free, sovereign and powerful soul? Join Sarah to get some insights into the soul s journey from darkness to light, from being asleep to being awake, from being limited to expressing your full potential.

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