Underdog Empowerment



Welcome to the Underdog Empowerment podcast!This show is for underdog entrepreneurs who have all the odds stacked against them want to learn how to win in their sales, marketing, and business goals.I'm Zachary Babcock, a 6 time convicted felon who spent over 5 years of my life in prison. I transformed my life, and found a way to win as a underdog entrepreneur.I share all of my biggest "a-ha moments" in my personal journey of identifying my target audience/ideal customer, crafting compelling offers, outsourcing, building a passive income business, tough lessons learned, and beating the odds while interviewing some of the most successful visionaries and thought leaders who practice entrepreneurship.


  • Ep: 330 - Real Estate And Crypto Investment Strategies For Beginners

    16/05/2022 Duración: 48min

    Today we’re talking real estate and crypto, and how to get started. Joe Robert grew up wanting to be independent, and so at a young age he started shoveling snow and doing landscaping.  Once he started working, he never stopped.  Joe was able to purchase his first property at the age of 19, which was unheard of back then.  He learned quickly that real estate was a great avenue to invest in.  Joe began his real estate career by establishing relationships and trust with the community.   Joe knows how to spot a quality property and location to invest in.  A lot of people are into flipping properties quickly, but often it can pay off to hold onto a property for 10+ years.  You can make passive income on it in the meantime and then sell when it’s appreciated enough. Another up and coming investment opportunity is in crypto.  Joe shares all his tips and tricks for getting started. You won’t want to miss this episode.   What You’ll Learn: How to get into the real estate game. How to find the right business partners

  • Ep: 329 - The Importance of Self Care With Seth Humphrey

    09/05/2022 Duración: 44min

    Seth Humphrey has always been a hustler.  He focused on what he wanted, didn’t want to rely on anyone, and that got him into some trouble.  Selling pot in college led to Seth having to leave town.  Luckily a friend of his owned a gym and offered Seth a job.  Learning all that he could, Seth went on to open his own gym.  Plenty of hurdles followed, but Seth continued to go full force.  He’s always believed in not talking about your accomplishments, but letting them speak for themselves.   Seth is now involved in the Gorilla Alliance, a group of men that are working towards being their best selves in 4 vital areas of life (family, faith, fitness, finances).  With that, he puts a heavy importance on self care.  Every morning he starts his day off by slowing down in the sauna and getting his day in order. He follows that with a dip in the ice barrel to bring his energy back up and curb his procrastination and stress. Show Notes: https://underdogempowerment.com/seth-humphrey   Get More Involved:  Leave A Re

  • Ep: 328 - Creating Generational Wealth With Aryeh Sheinbein

    02/05/2022 Duración: 59min

    Aryeh Sheinbein is a finance professional that has a lot to share about investment strategies and frameworks for creating generational wealth.  He started his journey the more traditional route, going to college and earning a finance degree.  He then moved onto Wall Street.  That’s where he realized how much, deep down, he was an entrepreneur.  Moving into venture capital, Aryeh realized just how much he liked working with private companies. He now works at providing valuation advisory services to private equity, hedge funds, and business development companies.  Aryeh isn’t about selling someone on something based on his best interests.  He will even tell people not to invest if the rate on their credit card debt is higher than what they would be earning by investing.   Aryeh discusses how Robinhood came to be from an investment need.  Back in the 70’s, companies were moving from pension plans to 401k.  They were no longer funding your future, they were investing your money to fund your own future.  Stocks us

  • EP: 327 - What Are the Main Core Values of an Alpha Underdog? This Might Surprise You

    25/04/2022 Duración: 10min

    Today is the 4-year anniversary of Underdog Empowerment, and Zach is reflecting on his core values that got him here.  His core values have evolved with him over time, and today he’s sharing where they stand.  He’s narrowed it down to just five. When tough decisions come, Zach turns to these 5 values to guide him to the answer.  Truth, freedom, excellence, order, and alignment are all key components of Zach’s life.  He’s true to his word, strives to be a little better each day, and is always there for his family. What are you made of? What defines your character?  It's important to know these things.  Take the time to really dial in what you want to bring to the world.  Define it, put it on paper, and memorize it.  If you have any input on these core values, Zach would love to hear from you. Reach out via Instagram @realzachbabcock, or subscribe to the Underdog Empowerment emails, where you can then respond and Zach will get back to you Show Notes: https://underdogempowerment.com/what-are-main-core-values

  • EP: 326 - Dominate Business and Personal Life with Shannel Venegas

    18/04/2022 Duración: 01h11min

    Shannel wants you to know that the universe is on your side. It’s never conspiring against you–only conspiring for you, so that you can fulfill your ultimate purpose and become completely empowered. Shannel Venegas is the founder of Beauty & Hustle, a women’s empowerment brand that started as a Facebook group and has since grown far beyond that. Her corporate job at FedEx taught her about the lack of empowerment in the industry, but also taught her about her own power as a leader. It was this combination that led her to found Beauty & Hustle and to start a business in direct selling with LulaRoe. No matter what she does, she always comes out on top–that’s just who she is. On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, Shannel is here to prove that what other people think of you should never slow you down. Her own inner fire is what took her from feeling isolated at her FedEx job to launching her own apparel brand that has now sold over seven figures. She has tons of good advice for you today, from building

  • EP: 325 - Feel 10 Years Younger (or more) with These Self-Care Practices with Tim James

    11/04/2022 Duración: 01h23min

    What are you doing to charge your batteries? Maybe you’re sleeping enough, or trying to eat healthy. What Tim wants you to do is start getting some damn sprouts in your diet, and he’s here to tell you why. Tim James grew up in Oregon so he knows a thing or two about farming and outdoorsmanship. He spent some decades playing professional baseball, and these days he’s giving his own kids the childhood that he enjoyed. His passion in life is bringing nature back into our bodies, through means that most people have never heard of. On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, Tim recounts the path that took him to wellness. His life quality wasn’t always as great as it is now; his health faced a slow decline over a few years, finally coming to a head on a vacation in South America. Because of that, and a holistic treatment center he attended with a friend, he’s now dedicated his life to helping others by educating them about the options that exist for getting healthy. If you haven’t heard of the benefits from magnesiu

  • EP: 324 - Improve the Quality of Your Life with These Breathwork Practices with David Florence

    04/04/2022 Duración: 53min

    In order to heal, all you need to do is activate your inner healing process. Our bodies are meant to mend themselves. Your job is to get out of your own way and let your breathing and cognitive habits take over. David Florence is an expert when it comes to breathwork, biohacking, and hypnotherapy. After a head injury, he found himself seeking out cold therapy to bring himself back and evolve his health. Now, he lives his life in pursuit of one goal: helping others achieve and maintain a flow state.  On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, David surveys what he knows about creating flow states, and how he knows it. He knows exactly what kind of breathwork to prescribe to each kind of individual, from those with mild anxiety to those with PTSD. Doing breathwork will do more for you than just clear your mind; it can also help you deal with inner trauma, and help you along your healing path. Tune in today to learn a discipline that will expand your health horizons. Show Notes: https://underdogempowerment.com/

  • EP: 323 - Getting in the Real Estate Game with Richard Fergeson

    28/03/2022 Duración: 31min

    Is HGTV really showing you the full picture when it comes to flipping houses? The answer is no–and Richard is here to explain why. Richard Fergeson is a small business owner and a real estate investor. He specializes in creating passive income and turning it into generational wealth. He now has multiple properties, years of experience flipping houses, and a team of experienced professionals helping him reach the next level. On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, Richard jams with Zach about his experience investing in single-family homes. After an initial investment, he lets that growth happen naturally, and he’s here to tell you how to make that work. He’s worked hard to find good business partners, good houses, and good deals. At the end of the day, he says, what’s most important is the plan–and everything else will fall into place. Show Notes: https://underdogempowerment.com/richard-fergeson   Get More Involved:  Leave A Review & Subscribe On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/underd

  • EP: 322 - Business, Cars, and Cigars with Brandon Green

    21/03/2022 Duración: 28min

    How often do you find yourself overthinking what you should do, or what the right choice is? For Brandon, the answer is, very often. His advice? Whatever it is, just execute it first–and think second.  Brandon Green has over twenty years of experience in the car audio industry, from custom fabrication of show vehicles to radio installation. His business, The Car Audio Shop, has now been serving Missouri for over ten years–and it’s recently expanded to a second location. He’s always been into cars, building, and community,  and he’s managed to marry those interests in his entrepreneurial career.  Since Brandon’s been in the automotive audio industry, he’s seen a lot of changes. And he’s gone through a lot of changes, too. On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, get the inside scoop on Brandon’s exponential growth through business and through life. Hear all about his podcast launch, his decision-making approach, and his advice for managing the worst-case scenario.   Show Notes: https://underdogempowerment

  • EP: 321 - Money Making Strategies for Football Card Investing with Andy Cason

    14/03/2022 Duración: 01h17min

    Want to come to our live event? Click HERE The earlier, the better–that’s Andy’s advice on buying rookie cards. Once you’ve sat on those cards for long enough, you’ve guaranteed yourself a valuable sell. Andy Cason is a football card enthusiast and specialist. He is the host of the YouTube series "The Fantasy Football Card Quest." His investments in football cards have allowed him to make a living doing what he loves. On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, Zack and Andy jam about their shared interest–football cards. They cover everything, from QBs to FOMO. Tune in today for an episode dedicated to strategy, investment, and instinct when it comes to picking cards to add to your collection. Show Notes: https://underdogempowerment.com/jason-roberts   Get More Involved:  Leave A Review & Subscribe On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/underdog-empowerment/id1373572178 Free A-to-Z roadmap on launching a top-shelf podcast: https://underdogempowerment.com/roadmap Access Our Top Resource Re

  • EP: 320 - The REI Blueprint with Jason Roberts

    07/03/2022 Duración: 38min

    Don’t be afraid to bet on yourself. When you value yourself and your potential, and you do the work, you’ll be surprised at your own momentum, and you’ll be leveling-up in no time. That’s what Jason wants you to tell yourself every day, because that’s how he’s made his real estate fortune. Jason Roberts is the owner of REI Blueprint. He’s an educator, coach, and a real estate investor. Outside of REI Blueprint, he owns several other businesses that specialize in education and coaching in real estate investing. On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, Jason jams with Zack about the generational power in his company, REI Blueprint. His first company started in a bedroom, with an ironing board as a desk, and evolved into a multi-million dollar company. Then, the recession of 2007 hit, and he had to start all over again. Since he did, he’s learned a lot: how to use your business as a tool to reach the life you want, how to bounce back from hardship, how to seek out people to learn from, and apply their teachings

  • EP: 319 - How to Build a Successful Apparel Brand with Ryan Williams

    28/02/2022 Duración: 57min

    Ecommerce, production design, marketing–there’s a lot that goes into a successful apparel brand. The question Ryan wants you to consider is, what is your target audience actually wearing, and how can you create a brand that they’ll want to wear?  Ryan Williams is an entrepreneur and a former Navy SEAL. He  founded Industry Threadworks as a response to the poor communication and unfulfilled promises he found from other apparel sourcing companies. Now, he prioritizes accuracy and reliability in his quickly growing Private Label service. On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, follow along with Ryan’s journey, from his work as a SEAL to the foundation of his entrepreneurial career. He knows what it means to understand, visualize, and produce high-quality apparel for businesses. He loves his job, not just because he’s making tons of money and helping others do the same, but because he gets to bring his passion and energy to every project he works on. Every day, he solves problems, seeks alternative perspectives,

  • EP: 318 - 6 Pillars Needed to Build a Dominant Apparel Brand with Drew Laine

    21/02/2022 Duración: 48min

    If you’ve ever wondered about what all goes into building an apparel brand, Drew Laine is the first person to talk to. If you’ve ever wanted to get serious about it but weren’t sure where to start, today’s episode is for you–from DTG printing to customer feedback, we’ve got everything you need in order to kickstart your own apparel line. Born in Massachusetts, Drew Laine is an entrepreneur with thirteen businesses in his portfolio, from software to coaching. In his career, he is drawn to building and investing in businesses that both disrupt the status quo and make a social impact. He’s a philanthropist, too. His 501C3 charity, the PenaltyBox Foundation, provides support for members of the hockey community who have faced catastrophe or challenge.   On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, build an apparel brand with Drew’s insight and Zack’s drive. Starting with the foundation, go through the branding and development you need pre-launch. Consider your target market, your product, your aesthetics, and how they

  • I Was Seriously Going to Kill This Guy (RTRT 17)

    16/02/2022 Duración: 13min

    This is the one guy I was truly going to kill.

  • EP 317: Introduction to Inner Child Healing with Tiffany Toombs

    14/02/2022 Duración: 55min

    Have you ever experienced a lull of low energy that you just can’t shake? Or a feeling of uneasiness in public, or the overwhelming urge to scream or cry? Tiffany’s here to reassure you why all of those things are happening, and what you can do about it.   Tiffany Toombs is the founder of the Blue Lotus Mind Institute, a coaching business focused on helping others heal their traumas and find empowerment in themselves. She is certified in many practices including Archetypal therapy, Athletic therapy, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). She’s here today to focus on inner child work, and introduce you to the world inside of yourself.    On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, step in for a session with coach Tiffany Toombs. She wants you to heal from your trauma, and she’s here to lead by example. First, she shares the challenging life that motivated her to learn, grow, and share her therapy skills with others. Next, she breaks down how the release of trauma and negativity works to free the body from stress

  • EP: 316 - Mastering Breathwork with Marshal Gillen

    07/02/2022 Duración: 53min

    Clear your slate, calm your mind. Even if you regularly feel high-strung like Marshal, all it takes is three minutes a day of conscious breathing to reset your mindset. Yes, it’s really that easy. Marshal Gillen is an award-winning speaker and primal performance coach who has helped his clients earn over $114M in revenue. Over two million people have been impacted by his work. He’s come a long way; he’s overcome addictions, poverty, and hardship to be the leader he is today.  On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, Marshal and Zach take a deep dive into the holistic lifestyle behind Alpha Underdog. They break down why it works–why going out in nature, breathing right, and tapping into your inner frequency will give you the full charge you need to feel satisfied each day. After tapping into today’s show, you’ll have your pick of self-care practices to experiment with–magnesium soaks, biohacking, grounding, you name it. If you’re ready to expand your self-care work, or if you’re looking for a way to hit the gr

  • EP: 315 - Introduction to Ayahuasca with Neal Conlon

    31/01/2022 Duración: 22min

    For Neal, it all comes back to community. That’s what fuels his entrepreneurial style, and what led him to start running Ayahuasca retreats. Neal Conlon is a Marines veteran who dabbled in the corporate world, AI, and tech, before coming to alternative, plant-based medicine to heal his inner demons. On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, Zach jams with Neil about the power of Ayahuasca in self-healing. Neal has been right to the edge of life–he’s done everything, but there’s still a lot he’s had trouble letting go of. Through leading his men’s Ayahuasca retreats, he’s found a new way to connect with the people around him, and also find inner peace. For him, plant-based medicine is a tool you can use to break through trauma, limits, and backwards thinking–and he’s here today to explain how. Show Notes: https://underdogempowerment.com/neal-conlon   Get More Involved:  Leave A Review & Subscribe On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/underdog-empowerment/id1373572178 Free A-to-Z roadmap on

  • EP: 314 - Ground Yourself, Grow Yourself with Paul Tokgozoglu

    24/01/2022 Duración: 43min

    Mind, body, soul, relationships, finance. If you take care of your body and develop your relationship with all five of these pillars, you will find the sort of energy and “natural high” that will allow you to unlock new heights–and Paul is here today to tell you how.   Paul Tokgozoglu has been working with Zach for over two years. He’s the President and CMO of Podcast Powertrain, and he works tirelessly every day to empower other movers & shakers to publish their podcasts to their target audiences.    On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, these two old friends jam about the empowerment and spiritual connection that they’ve found by getting out in nature. For them, something as simple as a hike can form a direct link between yourself and a bigger, higher power. Whether it’s going barefoot, breathing intentionally, or meditating, Paul wants you to dive into it; he swears by the power of the flow state that can be achieved by connecting to yourself. Tune in for a conversation about how to achieve the medi

  • Unpacking My 2nd MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy Session (RTRT 16)

    22/01/2022 Duración: 09min

    Here'e what I learned after my 2nd MDMA-Assisted Psychotheraphy Session.

  • EP: 313 - The Realest Advice for Worthwhile Investments with Joe Evangelisti

    17/01/2022 Duración: 46min

    How many excuses are you going to make until you cut yourself a paycheck out of your business’s profits? Joe wants you to sit down and have a real talk with yourself–and then give yourself a regular cut of your profit.  Joe Evangelisti is the founder of a private  coaching practice. He specializes in assisting real estate investors, entrepreneurs, and business professionals as they exercise their true power and find their potential. Joe creates life-changing transformation by providing clients with the tools and strategies needed to create unstoppable momentum and break through obstacles. He’s helped hundreds of business owners to build better teams and increase their profits.  On this episode of Underdog Empowerment, tune in for an episode all about investing in, managing, and generating generational wealth. First, listen to Joe recount his journey, from building for the Navy to creating massive equity in development deals. Next, get a few pointers for managing your finances as an entrepreneur. Finally, use

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