Faith Producers International Podcast



Dr. George Watkins, With over six decades in active ministry, brings you Prophetic insight, Spiritual relevance, Revelation of simple truths that bring understanding to the plans God has made for you



    04/09/2023 Duración: 16min

    JUST IMAGINE THAT Your imagination is like clay; reform it. There is a mysterious Scripture in the book of Genesis concerning the tower of Babel. God said that if he left these people to their own doing, they could imagine anything and do it. To understand that is so far beyond our comprehension in the natural mind that we miss the power of it. The imagination is the seedbed for thoughts and actions. Things we end up doing start in that seedbed and grow into giant trees. Our life's good, bad, and ugly originate in our thought patterns. One of the potent purposes of meditation that is lost to the Western culture is the result of thinking by letting your imagination develop and grow. The great discoveries, inventions, and technological wonders come from someone's imagination. The same day the dreamer came up with the printing press or the television, someone else came up with evil deeds and desperate thoughts. Jesus warned us to take no thought and say the things that would harm us. The Scriptures also tell us


    31/08/2023 Duración: 15min

    BE CAREFUL LITTLE EARS WHAT YOU HEAR   Jesus made a curious statement when he spoke to those around him. He said “he's that has ears to hear let him hear.” That's a very odd statement when we know that everyone generally has ears and they do already hear. This can only mean there is a spiritual ear that needs to be open so that we can hear spiritual truth. We can call that ear faith in God. The scripture tells us that if we come to God, we must believe that he is, and that he is the rewarder of those that diligently seek him. However, this is the challenge we face. Who are we listening to today? Where do we get our news from? The scriptures tell us, we are built up by our words, and our faith increases. That would also mean that we are tore down by words and faith is removed, and doubt takes over. What kind of company do we keep? First Corinthians 15:33 tells us that bad company corrupts good morals. How does that work? Because whoever you hang around, will influence you because of the conversations that you


    16/08/2023 Duración: 15min

    GIANTS DON'T GO AWAY ON THEIR OWN-YOU MUST CHALLENGE THEM Giants and other troublemakers that come along in our lives don't leave on their own; they must be challenged. When young David went to the battlefield, bringing food for his brothers, he encountered an odd scene in front of him. On one side of the valley, a massive man named Goliath had been there for over a month, shouting insults at the army of Israel. David also noticed, to his dismay, that the army of Israel was hiding in caves, afraid to come out and face the giant. God has been preparing David for giant killing without David's knowledge. His preparation was his encounter with a lion and a bear. Both of these obstacles in his life had to be faced before they were dismissed. (That's a nice word for killed and destroyed.)  David did several things that set him on his pathway that led to the throne of Israel.  First of all, he refused to use the weapons of natural man. That would be Saul's armor. The next thing he did was prepare his weapons of warf


    15/08/2023 Duración: 16min

    THE OLD ACCOUNT WAS SETTLED A wind blew through my spirit today, bringing this song to my mind. It's one of the songs we sang from a familiar hymnal in our Pentecostal church services. Let me quote a few lines for you. Verse one, "There was a time on earth, when, in the book of heaven, an old account was standing for sins yet unforgiven. My name was at the top, and many things were below. I went onto the keeper and settled long ago. Verse two The old account was large and growing every day, for I was always sinning and never tried to pay, but when I looked ahead and such pain and woe, I said that I would settle. I settled long ago. First three When at the judgment bar, I stand before my king, and he the book will open. If he cannot find the thing, then will my heart be glad while tears of joy will flow because I had it settled and settled long ago. First four When in that happy home, my savior's home above, I'll sing the redemption story and praise him for his love. I will not forget that book with pages whit


    12/08/2023 Duración: 16min

    WHEN YOU PLANT YOUR SEED FOR HARVEST, PLANT THE BEST A repeated phrase from the early computer days expressed how the system worked. GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT! Anyone who understands how the computer works knows that it is true. This is why someone who inputs data gets paid so generously. The success of the whole system depends on accurate, reliable information going in if you expect to get the same coming back to you. This whole idea is much larger than the mechanics of a computer on the Internet. It's the pattern of life itself. The reason for that is that is the way God set it up.  The Scriptures tell us, "If you want to have friends, show yourself friendly." They also tell us, "Give, and it shall be given to you press down, shaken together and running over will men get back to you?" We can also include the familiar verse, "according to your faith, so be it up to you." Then faith is likened to a seed that you plant. Jesus told us there was a category of faith. To one group, he said, "Oh, you a little faith."


    08/08/2023 Duración: 14min

    THE ANGEL CALLED TRUMPETER In the remaining hours of 2014, the Spirit of God spoke to me concerning the new year I was facing. The words 12 - 12 -12 were dropped into my spirit, and I asked What do you mean by that, father? He said I will introduce to you 12 angels and 12 keys that were released, 12 miracles for this new year. As you may imagine, I was all ears, and my spirit was tuned in and ready to receive. Through 2015, it was a wild ride of Faith to believe the word that God had given me. Each of those months, around the clock, struck 12, a new Angel would come and introduce himself to me. The August Angel's name was Trumpeter. As we communicated throughout August, I discovered why the father sent him into my life. (I found he had been with me since childhood, preparing for the ministry God had designed for my life.) One of the things that he was designed to do was blow the trumpet when he prophesied over someone or to a congregation. I discovered that the blowing of the trumpet did something to the prop


    07/08/2023 Duración: 24min

    THERE ARE NO MYSTERIES IN GOD-ONLY ON REVEAL TRUTH Those who have spent their life studying the human brain tell me that the average person uses a tiny percentage of their brain in their daily routine. To add to that thought, even the most intelligent men and women among us still use a tiny percentage of the brain that God gave us to think and create with. With that picture in mind, let me speak of our spiritual life and the revelation within us because of the God who dwells within us. Yet, as spiritual beings, we use a tiny part of the revelation and understanding of the kingdom that we are a part of.  It's like a child who goes into a giant toy store and stops at the first one they find, spending the rest of the day with one toy. We have found salvation, that is true, yet some churches and people you may interact with consider that to be the only toy in the store.  In my early days of travel, if I did not preach a salvation sermon, they considered me to have missed the mark. For those of us who are Pentecos


    02/08/2023 Duración: 14min

    THE ROCK OR SAND WHICH WILL IT BE The gift of life is so precious and yet so fleeting. It seems like just a flash of time, and we are older, and things have changed so much. Because of our busy lifestyle and the pressure of raising families, we often don't appreciate the days as they slip by. Only when we look back, do moments in time become precious, and we regret not savoring those moments. You build your life on something, whether a solid foundation, like a rock, or a shifting weak foundation, like sand. Jesus told us that the person that built their house upon the sand, their house will fall when the winds and the storm came in. But those who build their house upon the rock we know to be Jesus Christ will stand despite the strong winds and waves that come. It's always possible to readjust our foundations because when we deal with spiritual matters, the Scriptures tell us, "Today is the day of salvation.' There is no age limit on coming to Christ, and when you do, your foundation shifts from the sands of l


    30/07/2023 Duración: 15min

    WHY I DON'T READ THE BIBLE ANYMORE "I know this must come as a shock to you, seeing that I am Mr. Average Christians in America. First of all, I have already read the Bible, so what's new? Secondly, listening to my favorite preacher online gives me all the words I need. And, after all, it is hard to understand. One of my friends in the small group reminded me the other day that it is all about dead people, so what's the point? However, on the positive side, I plan to start rereading it around Christmas sometime." A few days ago, I was home alone while Arlis visited our son in another city. I took advantage of the time and reviewed some of my notes, preparing for today's video. It wasn't quite lunchtime, so I pulled out the apple fritter I purchased at the grocery store on the way home. Of course, I had to have some coffee with that, then I found the wheat thins that were left over from yesterday, so I nibbled on some of those. But this time, I was hankering for an ice cream slice, so down the Hatch that went


    30/07/2023 Duración: 14min

    TRAVELING LIGHT I have traveled around the world several times and in multiple countries. I have gone by airplane, train, automobile, boat, motorcycle, and tricycle. I have even walked a fair amount of distance to get to my destination. In all the miles I've traveled and all the miserable places I've endured as I traveled, I have learned a few things that have helped me over the years. On my first international trip, I loaded up suitcases like I was leaving town for good. I tried to imagine every possible problem or activity and made room for it in my three bags.  Not realizing the mode of transportation that I would encounter and needing a valet to help carry my abundance of luggage, I had trouble. I didn't open two of my suitcases on this first trip. If you know human nature very well, you've probably already guessed that I didn't learn just from one trip. But after a few of those experiences, I learned to travel light. Running through the airport in Japan trying to catch my flight home with the help of an


    04/07/2023 Duración: 16min

    THANK GOD I'M FREE AT LAST Among all the unique gifts God gave the human race, our ability to choose is the highest and most precious. When God said, let us make man in our image and provide them with dominion, rulership, creativity, and multiplication, he had reproduced someone like himself on Earth.  Free will and our ability to make choices in the direction of Our life have been reserved just for you and me because we are like God, created in his image, and our adversaries. The devil hates us because he hates God. The scriptures tell us that "the devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy." I can't say this enough because many people don't know or believe it. America, the one that was founded at Plymouth Rock and dedicated to God and his kingdom, is the greatest nation that the Earth is ever known. At the core of its greatness is our number one right, the right to free speech. Free speech cannot happen without freedom of thought because that's where our words come from. Guess who doesn't like freedom of speec


    27/06/2023 Duración: 16min

    YOUR DAILY SUPER PILL: EPHESIANS TWO   Daily freshness and a word in season is the formula that works in the Christian life every day. Someone said we are not in a sprint we are in a race.. Much of what happens in our Christian development does not happen overnight. Because of that, we need to be able to endure tough times slow times and boring times. That is the same thing a farmer dose before the harvest season comes. In our spiritual health and vitamin diet, there is the every day nutrition as we drink at the fountain of life through prayer meditation, and taking in the good word of God. However, held back in reserve is what I call “super pills.” they're probably not the same ones you would use because each of us develop our own super pill in the journey we've been on. When I see a hill coming on my journey, I know I have to supercharge my spiritual engine to make it over the hill. Then there's the times it seems like we're coasting or resting under the shade tree spiritually. Those are the times we get to


    27/06/2023 Duración: 14min

    THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST IS NOT THE ALAMO For some who may not know our nation's history, almost two centuries ago, there was a small mission station in Texas called the Alamo. The struggle in the land at that time was about who would determine the border between Mexico and Texas.  A small band of patriots gathered at the Alamo to defend Texas against tens of thousands of Mexican soldiers coming to destroy them. The unfolding story of the Alamo is that these patriots were brave, determined, and unwavering in their defense against impossible odds.  No matter how often I've watched the John Wayne movie depicting this epic account of the struggle against uneven odds. It always turns out the same way. The good guys lose, and the bad guys win. The confusing part about the church in these times is that millions of Christians across the nation go to church every Sunday and hear a sermon about losing the war. There's a virus that invaded our theology over 200 years ago that has been preached in our pulpits and writ


    26/04/2023 Duración: 17min

    ANTI-GOD'S VOICES WILL BE SILENCE A few days ago, we were babysitting one of my granddaughters, about three years old. Somewhere in the morning, she began singing a little song she had heard on cartoons. It was a catchy tune, something that was familiar to me, so I sang it with her. The bad news is that I couldn't get that silly song out of my mind for the rest of the day. As the saying goes, it was driving me crazy. Those voices that get into your head come from many different sources. And when they get there, it seems impossible to get them out. As you know, my name is George. If your name is not George, you don't understand how it feels to have the kids at school sing the song to you, "Georgie Porgie pudding pie." Little Georgie tried to kiss the girl in that silly children's song, then she cried. Then, when the boys came out to play Little George, he ran away.  No, you don't have to pray for me. I am long past that particular challenge, but it taught me that words can hurt and stay with you for a long tim


    25/04/2023 Duración: 17min

    PRAYER-THE HOUR OF THE CHANGE THE WORLD Unfortunately, many people hear the word work when we mention prayer in our churches. I suppose the reasoning is I thought this gospel was free; why should I have to work for it? Prayer could be at the top of the most misunderstood names in the Christian dictionary. What exactly is prayer? The Scriptures tell us that all perfect things come from the Father above, where there is no changing because what He gives us is good. With that scripture in mind, I conclude that God invented prayer because it's good for us and our future generations. First of all, let me tell you that prayer is not. Prayer is not a duty, and it is not an obligation, and it is not drudgery. God will not curse you if you don't pray, and the roof won't fall on your head. I bring this up because I've been told that more than once in my youth. What is prayer? First, prayers are a privilege; something is given to us that has eternal value. But most of all, prayer is our entrance to the throne of God, our


    22/04/2023 Duración: 21min

    THE KEY TO SPIRITUAL STRENGTH Among the many things we learn very early on is that if we don't eat, we become weak. In this season of my life, my wife and I are enjoying our seven young grandchildren, ages 1 to 7. We also have the privilege of being Babysitters Central.  It's an interesting observation about young children; even though they ate at home just before coming to our house, they still seem hungry. I've come to the conclusion that there must be something special about Mimi's pancakes that they have a hunger for. So they rub their little bellies and say Meet me. I'm hungry, and can I have some pancakes? One of the first things I noticed about young converts is their hunger for the word of God and church in Christian Fellowship. In their former life, they eat all kinds of physical and spiritual food. The food they ate did not satisfy them, so they found satisfaction when they came to Christ. The word of God, as we call the Bible, can satisfy the spirit that God is placed within each of us. However, we


    19/04/2023 Duración: 16min

    HIDDEN BUT NOT HIDDEN Here's a thought for you to chew on today while you're meditating upon the good things of God. Colossians three opens up the thought of being crucified with Christ, risen with Christ, and raining and ruling with Christ.  The third verse of that chapter talks about being hidden in Christ with God. What could it mean to be hidden in Christ? I recall a child playing hide and seek, and someone would bury their face and count to 50, and all the other kids would find a place to hide. If you were clever, you could fool everybody, and nobody would ever find you. We had a birthday party for one of my sons, and they played hide and seek. One young man went into the backyard, claimed a tree, and spent the entire party in the tree. He was so hidden everybody thought he had gone home. Could we become so hidden in Christ that the devil can't find us or even see who we are? Every time we show up, he sees Jesus show up, and he always knows how that works for him, which is not good. No, if you're playing


    18/04/2023 Duración: 13min

    AFTER THE VICTORY LEARN TO GOVERN If you're a student of the old testament, would you be if you have read it, you will notice the children of Israel had a hard time staying faithful to God's law.  Just about the time they had victory won a battle and conquered a nation, they would blow it by starting to worship other gods. What is it about human nature that has a hard time walking in a straight line and staying true to what they know to be good for them? We could call that sinful nature, and that rebel in our heart wants to do its own thing.  When we get our feet out of the mud of sin or bondage, we start playing in it again for some crazy reason. Jesus said when the house is swept and clean, and you don't occupy it, spirits worse than what you kicked out will return.  Now that's a loose translation of that verse, but it means you need to learn how to keep yourself healthy spiritually after being delivered from sin in bondage. To do that, we must maintain a healthy spiritual diet with the word of God, good fe


    17/04/2023 Duración: 24min

    TAKE THAT HEAVENLY WALKABOUT When I was a teenager, my father purchased 40 acres south of Oregon City and developed a small farm with cows and horses. When you have animals, you need a fence, and this particular fence is electric. Guess who was called upon to check the fence when it stopped working? You guessed it me. "George, check the fence out; somethings not working," and off I go into the dark. Summer, winter, wind rain, and snow, young George was off to check the fence out around the 40 acres. By the time I was ready for marriage and time to leave the farm. I knew every square inch of that 40 acres because I did a walkabout 1000 times.  When I was home, Dad bought an extra 5 acres next to the 40 with a barn somewhere in that time. You'd be right if you knew who helped put all the hay up every year into that barn. I tell you, I knew every square inch of that barn because I had surveyed it. God has given you a kingdom to watch over, survey, and walkabout. It is your job to know every corner, every fence p


    17/04/2023 Duración: 16min

    DATES AND TIMES THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE  Of all the weddings I have performed, we never started on time. They tell me the English have a tradition of always being 10 minutes late to the bride's wedding. However, even though all the weddings I have performed have been a little late in starting, they always happened because the couples kept a date they couldn't miss. I have had many jobs as a laborer in the workforce. I have an appointment to meet the labor manager for hot carriers and labor union of Portland. I was only 22 but had enough sense and training to show up on time. When I showed up on time, he gave me a date to show up for work. When I showed up for work, I made three times what my brother-in-law made on his job. I kept the time and date and was rewarded for it abundantly. What is God saying about you and your spiritual work concerning some times and dates? Is there something that you need to do that has a particular place to be in a time to go there?  The Scriptures Tell us today is the day of salva

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