Djcky - Jeffery Scott



Old school meets new school.


  • January 2024 part four

    19/01/2024 Duración: 04h37min

    Hello Boys and Girls, Well winter has finally hit us here in Texas. Brrrrrr. We don't do well in the cold here. One snowflake hits the ground and they close down the city. I'm not kidding!. Here's a podcast that has many of the "classics" mixed in with some newer stuff, or new remixes of older stuff. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!!! Jeffery D. Scott

  • January 2024 part three

    13/01/2024 Duración: 04h36s

    Hello Boys and Girls, Hope you all are doing well. Personally, I've gotten bit by something. Don't want to yell out Covid, but it sure feels familiar! But, after two days of feeling like "pure d shit", I'm feeling alittle better. Anyway, this 4 hour podcast has alittle bit of everything...I hope you like it. Thanks for listening, Jeffery D. Scott

  • January 2024 part two

    06/01/2024 Duración: 04h17min

    Hello Boys and Girls, It's a new year......Hope everyone is happy and healthy! This podcast is, as usual, a grab bag of misc mixed music. Some new and some older. And, all within alittle over 4 hours. I'm trying to keep them shorter...really I am! Ha Thank you for listening! Jeffery D. Scott

  • Last Podcast for 2023

    20/12/2023 Duración: 03h41min

    Hello boys and girls, This is my last podcast for the year. Getting ready for 2024!! Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Jeffery D. Scott

  • November 2023 part four

    01/12/2023 Duración: 03h50min

    Hello Boys and Girls, I'm trying to keep these under four hours. I did it.....3 hrs and 58 min!! Once again, alittle of everything on here. Old, new and newish. Hope you all are doing well and getting ready for Christmas and the New Year. Thanks for listening.... Jeffery D. Scott

  • November 2023 part three

    24/11/2023 Duración: 03h15min

    Hello Boys and Girls....Thanksgiving is over and I don't know about you, but I never want to see turkey again....ever!! (until next year at least). Hope your holidays were cheerful and safe. This is a "short" podcast (slightly over 3 hours). I had a major computer crash and have replaced my equipment but lost a ton of files, so it's time to recover as much as I can. Thank you for listening......Jeffery D Scott

  • November 2023 part two

    17/11/2023 Duración: 05h24min

    Hello Boys and Girls, Well, it's holiday season and my best wishes are with each and everyone of you! This podcast is alittle long (as usual) and includes some newish stuff along with the older stuff....just can't help myself! Thank you all for listening, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Jeffery Scott

  • Trash Disco 2023

    11/11/2023 Duración: 04h52min

    Hello Boys and Girls, I titled this "Trash Disco" which pretty much sums it up. Some of these are classics that hopefully bring back good memories and these songs might be new to others. I hope you all have a great week!! Thanks for listening, Jeffery D Scott

  • November 2023 part one

    03/11/2023 Duración: 06h05min

    Hello Boys and Girls....well, here is another long podcast (6+ hours). Misc music. Hopefully something for everyone. Hope everybody is doing fine and now that winter is on it's way...time to party indoors now (burrr). Or not! Thank you all for listening/downloading. I really appreciate it....more than you know. Take care, Jeffery Scott

  • Halloween 2023

    20/10/2023 Duración: 04h49min

    BOO! Boys and Girls, Here is my Halloween 2023 podcast. It's not all Halloween music, but some of it is scary for one reason or another. Ha Hope you have a great Halloween....and don't take candy from strangers! (Some of the songs are not appropriate for virgin ears....just sayin') Thanks to everyone, Jeffery D. Scott

  • October 2023 part two

    13/10/2023 Duración: 06h47s

    Hello Boys and Girls, I don't know where you're at, but here in Texas, they say it is finally going to cool down. FINALLY!! And with Halloween just around the corner, it couldn't have been at a better time. Hope you all have a great and safe weekend. As always, thanks to all that listen/download. It really means alot to me. Jeffery Scott P.S. The cover picture will make sense when you hear the final song on the podcast. (wink)

  • T&G 2023 Halloween

    03/10/2023 Duración: 03h06min

    This one is for my dear friends Tim and Gary in appreciation of their friendship and constant support. Thank you! (I tried to include most of your favorite artists in here....although it is hard to include Dean Martin, etc Jeffery D. Scott

  • September 2023 (end of Summer)

    30/09/2023 Duración: 05h36min

    Hello Boys and Girls, Well it's finally here.....FALL! And not a moment too soon, in my book! Here is my latest podcast. I think I'm going to change my name to "DJ Random", because I just can't stick to one style of music. New, Old, Classics or whatever, it's all here. Hope you like it. Take care, Jeffery Scott

  • Disco 2023

    24/09/2023 Duración: 05h11min

    Hello Boys and Girls, Was trying to get this posted before the Sunday T-Dances and Beer Bust Pool Parties started, happens. Anyway, this podcast is nothing but Disco. May be new to some and hopefully bring back fond memories for others. I any case, I do hope you like it. Summer has a few more days, so I hope you make the best of it!! Take care, Jeffery Scott

  • September 2023 part five

    18/09/2023 Duración: 03h32min

    Hello Boys and Girls........what a crazy few weeks it has been here, but it wasn't enough to stop me from doing what I enjoy. This is a podcast full of random songs, some new, some oldish and some down right trash disco. But, hopefully there is something for everyone. Thanks as always for listening/downloading. I especially appreciate the "likes"!! Doesn't happen too often, but it's a thrill when it does. Take care and stay healthy! Jeffery Scott

  • September 2023 part two(2)

    08/09/2023 Duración: 04h57min

    Hello Boys and Girls.....hope you've had a great summer, but it seems like it's time to get ready for fall. Personally, I'm tired of this hot summer (Texas) and am ready for some cooler weather. It makes things not so miserable. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this podcast. As usual it has all kinds of random stuff on it. Some current, some classics and Take care, Jeffery Scott P.S. Halloween is not far away!!!

  • August 2023 part two

    20/08/2023 Duración: 02h59min

    Hello Boys and Girls, Kind of skipping around here. Now I'm posting August 2023 part two. Had to cut it down because I didn't want to take of half your life listening to this podcast....yikes. So, it's now about 3 hours long. As always, I appreciate all those that listen or download. The "likes" are greatly appreciated too. Thank-you. Let's make the most out of this HOT summer, because fall is right around the corner! Jeffery D.

  • August 2023

    04/08/2023 Duración: 03h12min

    Hello Boys and Girls, I keep saying that I'm going to make a shorter podcast.....well, I'm trying. This one is "just" a little over 3 hours. And as usual, there some classics on here mixed in with some newish music. I hope everybody is doing their best to survive the "Heatwave" of 2023! Take care and thanks for listening/downloading. Jeffery D.

  • Summer 2023 part 4 short

    22/07/2023 Duración: 03h52min

    Hello Boys and Girls, This is the summer from HELL. The tempurature has been at or above 100 degress here for way too many days in a row! Hope you're making the most of your summer 2023. I promised I'd try to make these podcasts shorter.....well, this one clocks in at just under 4 hours. As ususal, there are some oldies on here, but hopefully one's that will bring back fond memories. Then some newer songs and some very random...which I do alot. Once again, I hope you are surviving the summer without melting! Take care, Jeffery D.

  • Summer 2023 part two

    10/07/2023 Duración: 05h12min

    Hello Boys and Girls, I don't know about you, but this heat is starting to get to me. But, what are you going to do? This podcast is a mix of everything, old and new. Mostly old (can't help myself) Hope you like it. Thanks for listening/downloading. You're the best!! Jeffery D.

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