American Checklist



America is a country based on mindsets, and it's about where you're going, not where you came from. In this podcast series, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young avoid the limitations of identity politics and explain how you can become a better American through eight mindsets.


  • A Constitutional Crisis Episode 32

    01/12/2020 Duración: 53min

    A Constitutional Crisis The problems of 2020 have continued with the federal election, but the story is not over.  Mark Young and Dan Sullivan discuss how the election results do not make sense and share predictions for what will happen over the next four years.   SHOW NOTES: Inside a republic:    All U.S. states are democracies, but they are democracies inside of a constitutionally limited republic. Irregularities:  We might see proof of the following voting irregularities: systematic disposal of votes for one candidate, and massive amounts of votes for one candidate that came in beyond the time of the normal polls closing. Odd states:  In certain key states where Trump was far ahead, they stopped counting the votes with no logical explanation whatsoever. Why it’s there:  The very reason the U.S. has a constitution is to protect against the ways in which election results could be manipulated. Misuse easier:   Misuse of new technology is easier than the detection and the countermeasures for it. After 8:    Th

  • The Problem With Victimhood Episode # 31

    28/10/2020 Duración: 22min

    The Democratic Party places all importance on one’s group memberships and none on individuality. Dan Sullivan and Mark Young explain how seeking victimhood status only serves to make people unhappy. SHOW NOTES: Victimhood status: There’s an order of importance amongst the left that’s based on victimhood. The more of a victim you are, the more status you have. Won’t make you happy: If you’re determined to find proof that you’re a victim, you’ll find it, but none of it will help you achieve your goals. Disintegrate and collapse: During the 2020s, the Democratic Party will be the first major American political party since 1856 to disintegrate and collapse. European thought: Social justice is a European thought that has parts of socialism, fascism, Nazi-ism, and communism in it. News is nothing but opinions: You used to watch the evening news to form your own opinions, and now you listen to opinions and try to figure out what is actually news.

  • What the Next 25 Years in the U.S. Will Look Like

    09/09/2020 Duración: 53min

    DESCRIPTION: As the U.S.federal election approaches, many are worried that we’re losing the battle for the heart of America. However, what’s being commonly heard from the Left and in the media isn’t necessarily true. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young predict how the election is really going to go and how the long-standing structures of the Democratic Party might be set to collapse. SHOW NOTES: Two sides:  The outcome of the upcoming election will be an exhilarating win on one side and a demoralizing loss on the other. Haven’t responded:  The people who haven’t responded in polls are probably voting for Trump, but it can be dangerous to say you’re doing that. Structures collapsing:  We could see a collapse in the structures of the Democratic Party akin to the fall of the wall in the Soviet Union. Angered out:  If Trump wins, it might be that the Left and the mainstream media will be out of anger and fall into a severe depression. Broke tradition:  President Obama broke the tradition of peacefully ha

  • Why The Democratic Party Is No Longer Democratic Episode 29

    15/07/2020 Duración: 39min

    No schemes, lies, or falsehoods that the Democratic Party has tried against President Trump have worked, and now they’re out of ideas and getting desperate. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss the failures of the modern Democratic Party and list ways in which President Trump has continued to think big and succeed. Political correctness: Is nothing more than a bullying tool to silence and shame those who disagree with the modern Socialist mobs. Political subdivision: The Democrats are currently a political subdivision of the mainstream media. Moderate wing extinction: We may be in the last few months of the existence of a moderate wing of the Democratic Party. Set by childhood: One’s political affiliation is often set by their childhood. Nothing else left: It might be that the media and the Democratic Party have no options left but to manipulate people into rioting, and looting. World’s police force: President Trump understands that there’s no reason left for the U.S. to be the global police f

  • A Divided America In ThePost-Virus World

    21/05/2020 Duración: 55min

    The Democratic Party has taken the current crisis as an opportunity to take down the current president, but Donald Trump is making decisions that favor the American people. Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss current events as they relate to the lock-down and share predictions for American politics post-virus. Individual rights:  The U.S. is based on the rights of the individual taking precedent over the rights of the collective. Media failures:  Mainstream media isn’t reporting what’s happening so much as they’re projecting their wishes and those of their friends. Totalitarian Gameplan:  Behind the scenes, democrats have always been working on a totalitarian gameplan. No trust:  A problem in communist countries is that nobody trusts anybody else.  Individuals Don’t Matter: There’s no good communism, because in communism, individuals don’t matter. Lost credibility:  China might have lost its credibility as a reliable trade partner and political partner in the world. To Punish:  Donald Trump might focus on pun

  • Huge Economic Changes To Expect Post - Virus

    24/04/2020 Duración: 35min

    The COVID-19 crisis is having massive economic effects all over the world, and the changes won’t stop once the crisis is over. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young share predictions for how the U.S. will deal differently with other countries from now on. SHOW NOTES: Normalizing quickly:  One of human beings’ greatest abilities is to normalize almost any situation very quickly. Loss and gain:  Entrepreneurs are always dealing with the loss of something and the gain of something new. Select countries:  For the rest of the 21stcentury, North America will have dealings with South America, and the U.S. will deal with select countries when it’s to their own benefit. Adjust back:  Once you see that you can still function during a crisis, you adjust your life to get back to doing what you do. Economic Darwinism:  Some businesses won’t survive the current situation, but that will make room for the stronger companies to be even more successful. Won’t recover:  China might never recover economically from the COV

  • The Great American Mindset Shift

    19/02/2020 Duración: 34min

    The U.S. is in the process of ending long-standing practices and disconnecting from other parts of the world. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss what’s happening and share their predictions for major changes coming to the United States over the coming years and decades. From Europe: The Declaration of Independence originally meant independence from the king and now means independence from Europe, period. A shift: Donald Trump represents a shift in how America sees itself and how the rest of the world sees the U.S. Reconstruction required: There’s a massive reconstruction now required in the U.S. because, over the past 75 years, the United States has used its money to build in the rest of the world. Engagement over: The U.S. is sending messages in many different ways that their engagement with Europe, except in situations where they choose to be engaged, is now over. European connection: The power of the intellectual class in the U.S. is part of a European connection, and that will disappear

  • Disconnecting From Europe – Part 2

    22/01/2020 Duración: 32min

    For 100 years, the U.S. has done good for other countries in the world, but that involvement is coming to an end. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss how President Trump is dedicated to doing good for the American people and why those who hate him hate the philosophical American. Paid for: A lot of countries are wealthy because of the rebuilding efforts paid for by Americans after the Second World War. With money: When something really drives people crazy, it has something to do with money. People protected: It’s in the Constitution that the American people will be protected from the potential incompetence of its leaders. Qualities ensured: The Constitution ensures that no matter who is leading the country, the American people can experience the qualities that make up a philosophical American. Possibility ended: We’ve reached the end of the possibility for America to make the rest of the world like America. Anti-European: The U.S. Constitution is a 100 percent anti-European document. Access t

  • Disconnecting From Europe – Part 1

    26/12/2019 Duración: 32min

    For many years, the U.S. has provided benefits to other countries to the disadvantage of its own workers and taxpayers. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young explain how President Trump is changing that, and why there are those who hate him for it. Becomes corrupt: Any one party ruling over a long period of time will naturally become corrupt. Biggest cities: Most of the biggest cities in the U.S. have been ruled for a long time by the Democrats. Constitutional president: President Trump has, in essence, been the most constitutional president in at least 75 years. Finished rebuilding: President Trump has called an end to the rebuilding process, the purpose of which ended a long time ago. Philosophically socialist: Europeans like the benefits of capitalism, but are philosophically for socialism. Holding onto feudalism: Socialism is an attempt in an industrial age to hold onto feudalism. Operating system: The U.S. doesn’t have much philosophy; it has an operating system. Governing government: The constitu

  • Pushing the Limits of What’s Possible. Can We Alter Our DNA with Our Minds?

    27/11/2019 Duración: 52min

    As much as human beings have learned over the years, there are still extremely significant concepts that we have no explanation for. In this episode, Dan Sullivan, Mark Young, and their guest Perry Marshall discuss some of the biggest unanswered questions, the different kinds of intelligence, and more. Unintelligent AI: Siri understands everything you say but has no idea what you mean. Limited companies: The limitations of AI limit what companies like Facebook and Google can do. Complete disconnect: A complete disconnect can be observed in what people are doing in medicine and biology, and what people are doing in technology. Spark question: Nobody knows what the spark is that makes life what life is, or where it comes from, and even a partial answer to that question would transform everything. Potential mistake: Humans have very little understanding of what biological intelligence is, and if we don’t acknowledge that, a terrible mistake could be made. Lacking tools: No system has the tools to fix itself. In

  • Election Predictions

    23/10/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    There are radically different ideas out there about the current president, and in this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss why that is, plus share predictions for the upcoming election. Mostly wrong: Most pollsters made the wrong prediction about who would win the most recent presidential election. Spending less: Donald Trump spent far less than Hillary Clinton on advertising during the presidential campaign. All socialists: All of the people currently running on the democratic ticket are socialists, whether they call themselves that or not. Creating war: If there’s no world war to get people to abandon their rights, something else can be created that will do the same thing. Good vs. evil: It can be argued that the upcoming federal election is a battle of good versus evil because socialism is evil. Weaker media: Media no longer seems to have the power to damage the prospects of the American president. In a liberal world: The average conservative understands liberals better than the average liberal un

  • The Impossibility of Socialism in America

    04/09/2019 Duración: 24min

    The Democratic Party is showing signs of being divided, and in this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young talk about why a Democratic candidate is unlikely to win the next election. Two parties: The Democratic Party might actually split into two parties, and two candidates might come out of it in the fall. Progressivism ending: One can see what’s happening now not as the beginning of socialism in the U.S., but as the end of progressivism. Only value: Nothing has any monetary value other than what is determined by the marketplace. No seats: It’s possible for a candidate to receive a large percentage of the popular vote in the U.S. without winning a single electoral seat. Unlikely elimination: It’s unlikely that the electoral college will be eliminated because that would require agreement from the very states that the electoral college protects.

  • America’s Frontier Attitude Toward The Future

    17/07/2019 Duración: 41min

    The same mindsets that possessed people to come to America and expand its surveyed boundaries are alive and well in Americans today. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss how people who are philosophically American are motivated to create bigger and better futures rather than stick with the status quo. Inherited wealth: In the U.S., inherited wealth isn’t well respected, and it may even be seen as a sign of incompetence. Comeback stories: Americans love comeback stories because reinvention is a central part of Americans’ DNA. Founding mindsets: There’s a theory that American mindsets were founded by the millions of people who came to America because they were attracted by the possibilities and promises that were made about this “new land.” Establishment and frontier: There’s always a tension between those who want to stay in established areas and those who want to expand the boundaries of what’s been established. Frontier mindsets: The characteristics of the people who expanded the American fro

  • The Entrepreneurial Mindsets of the American Frontier

    12/06/2019 Duración: 37min

    How did the American people come by their individualism, ingenuity, and exceptionalism? In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young explain how the challenges faced by the first European settlers in America led to the formation of the philosophical characteristics of Americans. Frontier mindsets: What was required to expand the frontier in America developed the eight American mindsets. The next frontier: Following the end of the actual, physical frontier, the form that the frontier took was entrepreneurism. Self-governing capability: For the first European settlers in America, it was crucial that they had the capability of self-government, quickly establishing rules and structures. Transforming opposition: Anything we come up against can be transformed to be the way we want it. Not conquering: America has never philosophically tried to conquer the world. Orderly and systematic: No empire has ever been created in as orderly and systematic a fashion as the U.S. Destroying innovation: Regulation is destructive

  • Episode 18: Democratic Philosophies Are Un-American

    08/05/2019 Duración: 35min

    While socialism can seem to be about compassion, it's really about a few people gaining power, and it's an anti-American concept. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young talk about how the next presidential election will be a decision between the American ideal and its opposite. Diametrically opposed: The next presidential election will feature two competing philosophies that are diametrically opposed: entrepreneurism and socialism. Philosophically opposed: Every quality that's philosophically American is opposed to the Green New Deal. Bringing back: Some Democratic candidates are proposing bringing back ideas that were the reason that some people left Europe for America in the first place.  Daily transactions: What changes society are the daily transactions of buying and selling things. Constantly shifting: Marketplace-determined prices for products and services are constantly shifting, which defeats the notion of central planning. Controlling power: Socialism is first and foremost about a very small nu

  • Fallacies About Socialism – Episode 17

    03/04/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    Many Americans are currently expressing a desire for socialism, but they don't seem to understand exactly what that means. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young explain the definition and some of the history of socialism and why it goes against what it means to be American. Voted in: The only difference between socialism and communism is that socialism is voted in. European product: Socialism is a product of European intellectual development. Against freedom: It could be thought of not as socialism versus capitalism, but as socialism versus individual freedom. Individual ingenuity: Ingenuity can only happen at the individual level. There's no collective ingenuity. Operating system: Capitalism isn't a belief system but an operating system that says if you organize your life a certain way and do certain things, you’ll come out ahead from an economic standpoint.  Capitalist-based: The United States is the only country that was purely created as a capitalist-based country. Financial literacy: Polls have sh

  • Why Socialism Can't Work in America – Episode 16

    06/03/2019 Duración: 57min

    Some believe that a change to socialism would be for the greater good in America, but socialism actually isn't for the benefit of all. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young explain why socialism can never happen in a voluntary state. Governs government: The Constitution doesn't govern the American people; the Constitution governs the American government. Three Ps: There are three "Ps" that actually create the economic world: the pricing mechanism of the marketplace, profit and loss, and personal property. Subject to theory: Socialism doesn't embrace measurement or accountability that isn't subject to theory. Not for all: It can be argued that socialism isn't for the benefit of all, but rather taking from some to give to others. Never voluntary: Socialism has to be imposed, and it has to be coerced, so it can never happen in a voluntary state. Immune to feedback: Some governmental structures have had problems in adjusting to the increase in the world's population because they’re immune to feedback. Crea

  • The Benefits Of Individualism In America - Episode 15

    30/01/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    While collectivism seems to be on the rise in the United States, it's part of the cyclical flow that's always been present. In this episode, Dan Sullivan, Mark Young, and guest Perry Marshall talk about the different ways of looking at what's happening with technology and the benefits of using your freedom of individualism. Two ideas: America has been described as a tension between two powerful ideas: equality and individualism.  Equally unequal: In America, there's equal opportunity to make yourself as unequal as you like.  Pendulum swings: Excessive individualism is unhealthy, and excessive collectivism is unhealthy, but it's inevitable that the pendulum swings back and forth from one to the other.  Always cyclical: Society can never get to where it's trying to go in a straight line; there will always be a cyclical nature to it. Coming and going: Some people are afraid of the jobs that driverless cars and trucks will make obsolete, but they might not be thinking about the industries and activities that will

  • Democrats Preferring Socialism – Episode 14

    02/01/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    A new Gallup poll indicates that the majority of Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss how socialism goes against the fundamental principles of the United States, and how the Democratic Party now has two voter bases. Unhappy Americans: There's nothing about socialism that corresponds to the principles of the American experiment, so American socialists are unhappy Americans. Democracies inside: The U.S. is a constitutionally limited republic but with 50 democracies inside of it. Strong divide: The eight years under President Obama created a bifurcation between those who are totally for the American principles and those who hate those principles and want a different kind of America in the future. Acceptable label: Unlike 20 years ago, socialist is now an acceptable label.  Governing government: America is a transformative process based on constitutional principles. America isn't governed by government; it has a constitution that governs government so that

  • The Power Of Teamwork – Episode 13

    05/12/2018 Duración: 54min

    While many people see entrepreneurs as being people who work alone, great things are usually achieved via teamwork. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young talk about how you can accomplish greater things if you collaborate with others, and how teamwork is easier than ever to engage in. Disliking entrepreneurs: Many big corporations dislike entrepreneurs because entrepreneurs tend to be individualistic and ingenious, strive for exceptionalism, and want teamwork rather than bureaucracy. Teamwork is key: As much emphasis as is put on individualism in American culture, the key is actually teamwork among individuals. Individual growth: One attraction to being part of a team is that it can help you grow as an individual. Collaborating companies: If you match up your company's ability with another company's ability, you'll create larger results than either company could achieve on its own. Changing technology: Technology created by entrepreneurs is allowing other entrepreneurs to change the world.   Viable tea

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