Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine



Gray Matters with Michael DeVine is a podcast that is dedicated to bringing people together instead of pulling us apart. We are stuck in a bad marriage with our politicians & who else but America's Counselor to guide us to where the answers are, the gray area of the in-between.. Feel like being part of the solution and bringing the country back together again? If so, grab a cold drink and join us in the gray


  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 12: An Honest Discussion About Age and Our Presidents With Special Guests Max Miller and Richard DeVine

    10/12/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    Just 2 short years ago we had elected our oldest president Donald Trump at the young age of 70 years old, which will put him at 74 when he goes for re-election. Now this is not an article or a show that will try to say Donald Trump is a crazy old guy but I do want this show to be about an honest discussion about age and our presidents. Just the other day Joe Biden declared that he was the most qualified person to be president which would make him 78 years old when he would take office. Lets also discuss how the other expected front runners in 2020 are Bernie Sanders who would be 79, Elizabeth Warren who would be 71, and Hillary Clinton who would be 73.So think about this for a second, most of the major front runners would be well into their 70’s with some being in their 80’s when they got out of office. Now I am not bashing on older people and saying they can’t do the job, but what I am saying is that should we have serious looks at candidates and how their cognitive functioning is at this age? I used to work

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 11: Michael Launches A Facebook Psy-Op On His Trump Supporting Friend

    05/12/2018 Duración: 01h03min

    So what is a counselor turned radio show host to do when one of his regular guests Ron the Opinionated Veteran taught him the basics of how to launch a psychological operation? Easy, he decides to use it on his Facebook friends and see what happens. Join us as we go over the Psy-Op campaign that Michael waged on his Facebook friends to see how they responded to emotionally charged comments and Michael’s attempt to bring the conversation from the polarized extremes back to the area of the in-between. Joining us in the studio will be the main guinea pig of this experiment, Michael’s friend of over 20 years & unabashed Trump supporter Ryan X. Well maybe he is still my friend…he might just be coming over to beat me up. So either way you are tuning in to Ryan talking about the experiment with us or to the silky smooth sounds of one mans fist hitting another mans face. All in a day’s work at The Gray Matters Studios.Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of The Reporters Network family of podcasts & TheReport

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 10: What Would It Really Be Like If Trump Were Impeached?

    03/12/2018 Duración: 01h15min

    It seems like everyone keep debating whether or not Trump should/could be impeached but nobody has really talked about what the consequences to the country would be if he were. The Gray has purposely stayed out of the Trump Russiagate impeachment debate on purpose. But with Michael Cohen flipping on Trump last week and saying that he was told to lie about the Trump Organization’s business dealings with Russia, it seems like this investigation is about to really escalate and maybe we need to have a discussion about how the country was affected the last time we impeached (well Nixon resigned but would have been impeached) and what it might mean for us today. We need to have this discussion because the collateral damage for the country might not be worth it in the end….or will it? To help us dive into this issue we invite back “The Professor” Richard DeVine to talk about the Nixon impeachment and what it would mean for the country today.Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of The Reporters Network family of podc

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 9: Black Friday Night Fights: “The Brawl In The Mall”

    26/11/2018 Duración: 01h26s

    Sounds like a great title for a MMA Pay-Per-View event doesn’t it? But unfortunately this isn’t a PPV event, this is the sad reality of the holiday season that just began. It seems like every year the violence in malls and retailers across the nation get worse and worse…yet retailers seem to up the ante every year. What started out as a discussion years ago about the holidays becoming less about family and faith and more about stuff we don’t need has now become a discussion about people getting hurt and killed over stuff they don’t need. A holiday that has people leaving their families on Thanksgiving, a holiday that is supposed to be about being with family and being thankful for what you have, to go a buy stuff that they don’t need and fight people for it.Something is just so wrong when people are getting hurt on a regular basis and videos all over the internet show something that more resembles the hunger games than anything else. To help us understand what the hell is going on we have our good friend neur

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 8: Are Campaigns & The Media Going Too Far In Using Psychology For Votes & Ratings?

    19/11/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    On the very first day of social psychology class, it wasn’t a coincidence that the first lesson was how campaigns and the media uses psychology to get votes and ratings. It is the inevitable result when the field of psychology started really understanding how humans work. Only in my field we use it to help people and business, politicians, and the media uses it to help themselves. One of the reasons that I didn’t go into the lucrative human factors field was because I felt as though it was selling myself to the devil and it went against my own internal moral compass.Now, I am not saying that it is bad to use psychology in any of these areas but what I am saying is that who is there to decide that maybe there is a line that you don’t cross? In the 1970’s it was the government drawing that line in the sand with subliminal advertising but since then we are trusting these industries to police themselves. With the rise of the internet and social media, no other time have these entities had a direct main line into

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 7: I Didn’t Realize How Many People Were Forest Fire Fighters

    15/11/2018 Duración: 53min

    In case you haven’t seen the news, but apparently the fastest growing occupation in America is forest fire fighter and you can become a certified expert in less than one week. Of course we are being facetious but the debate between people on facebook and talking heads on the media seem to think they are experts on fighting forest fires and who is to blame. Our president surely didn’t help when he tweeted out during the fires that Calfire and by-proxy the democratic state of California was largely to blame. Regardless of your opinions of the causes, Americans once again are egged into a fight with each other and taking sides to a debate that they really do not know anything about. It is like my 4 year-old daughter arguing with me that allergens are really tiny green monsters that reside in your nose and that she is going to tell mom on me that I am wrong. So, The Gray is once again diving into the metaphorical fire and taking this head on. Join us as we break down the facebook discussions between our followers

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 6: The Gray’s Take On The 2018 Election

    09/11/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    Want to know the best thing about being a counselor? I can read people’s minds! I knew you were dying for The Gray’s take on the mid-term elections…well you got it. The media and the politicians have had their chance to interpret the 2018 election, now it’s The Gray’s turn. This was a very important election that will set the tone not only for the 2020 presidential election, but for the future of the country. Based on how each side interprets why democrats won the house and why the republicans won the senate will set the stage for what they think the people want and how they will govern. Will Nancy Pelosi survive as the house speaker? Was this a referendum on Donald Trump? Was it more about people voting out incumbents? All of this is discussed and more.Joining Michael in the studio to dissect the election is “The Everyman” Domenic Buccilla and “The Professor” Richard DeVine for this very special episode of Gray Matters with Michael DeVine.Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of The Reporters Network family o

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 5: Why Not Interview A Real Illegal Immigrant? Special Anonymous Guest

    05/11/2018 Duración: 01h17min

    I must be crazy as hell to dive into this immigration debate but I feel like I have to. Growing up in Ohio and living a large portion of my adult life in Texas, I have a rather unique perspective of immigration. I have clients who are immigrants (both legal and illegal) and consult with businesses who tend to employ cheaper immigrant laborers so I think my perspective is quite well rounded. Since it seems like this is one of the biggest debates sucking all of the air out of the room before elections tomorrow, we felt at The Gray we owed it to you to tackle this topic. Joining us in the studio will be an anonymous guest who has had immigration and status issues in the past several years that wanted to share her story. This guest is quite interesting because they have lived in America since they were 9 months old, married an American husband, and has children, works a full-time job, and yet because a shady company threw their employees under the bus and were charged with crimes this guest now has immigration is

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 4: Want To Know Why Healthcare Is A Train Wreck?

    29/10/2018 Duración: 01h23min

    Want to start a fight easily with someone…bring up healthcare and watch and see what happens. Two people duking it out over whether we should scrap Obamacare or have a socialized healthcare for all system. All you have to do is turn on the radio or a 24/hr cable news network and you hear the same arguments going on and on forever. They like to make you think that there are only two options and “Their” side is what is right and the other person is either a communist or heartless. But I am here to drop a bomb on you…healthcare in this country is a train wreck because the powers that be want everyone arguing over bullshit so we do not ask the real questions as to why it is this way. Because if we really understood why things are so messed up they would have an angry electorate and many people would lose elections and executives in the Medical Industrial Complex would lose millions.I could make a case based on my experiences as a clinician and as an employee of an insurance company but that would not be enough to

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 3: “Mainstream Conspiracy Theories? Oxymorons No More”

    27/10/2018 Duración: 01h57min

    So I guess it only took 1 day after the bombings for the false flag conspiracy theories to come to life. A congressman was on the news last night literally saying that despite there being no evidence, no one could prove it wrong. Powerful statement isn’t it from a sitting congressman? Who or what is to blame for conspiracy theories infiltrating public political discourse? Dudes n Beer I am looking in your direction. Join us for a special Saturday night live 10:00est episode of Gray Matters Radio where Bill Reed join us in the gray to discuss how conspiracy theories have become the go to tactic to get elected and ratings.Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of The Reporters Network family of podcasts &

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 2: “The Gang Talks About Racism In America”

    21/10/2018 Duración: 01h14min

    So we haven’t been cancelled yet…wait let me check…okay definitely have not been cancelled yet so that means more Gray Matters with Michael DeVine. Joining me in The Gray this week is my steadfast co-host Chris Jordan of the Dudes and Beer Podcast as well as this weeks special guest Leon Cradle. This weeks episode will focus on the explosion of racist incidents being uploaded to social media across the country where we attempt to understand the dynamics behind these incidents and how it is affecting our ability as a country to solve major problems such as crime, poverty, and addiction.Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of The Reporters Network family of podcasts &

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 1: “Rising Above The Fray”

    15/10/2018 Duración: 01h35min

    I sat here several times and tried to figure out what is the best way to write a summary for your very first episode. I mean…what can you really say that will capture every emotion that you are feeling in addition to explaining what the hell this show is going to be about? So let’s just make it simple shall we? Joining me in the studio tonight is my co-host Chris Jordan, the owner of the HCuniversal Network and host of the Dudes and Beer podcast on the HCuniversal Network. Tonight’s show will focus on looking at the toxic environment of social media interactions and how it has played a role in supercharging the hyper-polarization that we see in politics, media, and our own lives. Just as how social media played a huge role in this hyper-polarized environment, we explore using social media as just as effective tool in reversing it and humanizing each other again. Instead of asking experts for their opinions on this first show, we set the stage for a new dialogue in this country and instead use the voices of…gu

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