Alguna vez te has preguntado, ¿Porqué unas mujeres parecen verse más felices y saludables que yo? No es un secreto que para las mujeres uno de sus “Hobbies” más...
En Los Siete Habitos de las Personas Altamente Eficaces, el autor Stephen R. Covey presenta un método holístico, integrado y basado en principios para resolver problema...
Cuántica Activa Audiolibros se enorgullece en presentar el audiolibro en español “AFIRMACIONES ¡AUMENTA TU CONFIANZA Y TU AUTOESTIMA!AFIRMACIONES ¡AUMENTA TU CONFIANZA Y TU...
Primeiro livro escrito por Fernanda Young é um romance de formação que antecipa a voz de uma artista provocadora e original O inédito Posso pedir perdão, só não posso...
We all know it. Demanding accountability in the workplace is the quickest way to get your employees to start fidgeting nervously and looking at the door.Traditional accountability...
Was kaum jemand weiß: Rund tausend Kinder aus Tibet kämpfen sich jedes Jahr über die eisigen Pässe des Himalaya. Ihr Ziel: die Schulen des Dalai Lama in Nordindien. Dort, so...
After traveling around the world for several years, Rose Campbell returns home to find her boy cousins all grown up. In this upbeat sequel to Eight Cousins, Rose has become an...
Neglected by her parents, nineteen-year-old Maya Nidal has grown up in Berkeley with her grandparents. Her grandmother Nini is a force of nature, a woman whose formidable...
"When your read this, I'll be dead…"These are the troubling words Serena Charter's grandmother has written on a note accompanying four pages of a centuries-old illuminated...
The acclaimed actress and dedicated activist shares her personal journey of discovery, and destroys outdated ideas about partnership, love and family that will resonate with...