Paragon Church



Messages from Paragon Church in Rio Rancho, NM.


  • Psalm 7 (Summer in the Psalms)


    Handle with Care: Looking at imprecatory prayer in Psalm 7 and how (or even if) it can coexist with loving our enemies

  • Psalm 1 (Summer in the Psalms)


    A look at Psalm 1 from one of our elders, Dave Moore

  • The Doxology (God is Able)


    The end of Jude. The Doxology. Christians are saved by the grace of God in Christ, and they are preserved for all eternity because God in Christ saves them eternally. To Him who is ABLE....

  • The Antidote: Godly Wisdom


    Jude 5-16 have warned us about "those people" - now vs 17 he changes his directs and says Dear Friends... and gives us some godly wisdom to live by (just like mom would) Happy Mother's Day!

  • The Ultimate Spiritual Judgment


    "Woe to them"... Jude drops a truth bomb: condemnation awaits those who are not in Christ... Jude 11-16

  • Reality Check


    There is the truth and then there is everything else. Are you living in reality or your version of reality? Jude 1:8-10.

  • Don't Forget.


    It has been said... “those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it” - in Jude 5-7 we are being warned... don't forget what happened in the past.

  • Contend for the Faith!


    The threat of false teaching is real. Do you know what you believe? Do you know how to live it out? (Jude 3-4)

  • Called. Loved. Kept.


    Jude 1-2. A "not so" simple introduction to the letter of Jude... plus our place and calling as Christians.

  • THIS. IS. LIFE. (Easter 2024)


    In John 11:25 Jesus says... “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me, even if he dies, will live." What great news for those who believe in Him.

  • Life is for Living! (but is it worth it?)


    Life is for living! As we wrap up Ecclesiastes by looking at chapters 11 & 12, we have heard over and over again Solomon tell us about the meaninglessness of life... but these last two chapters help us see life in a different perspective. The question of the day is... HOW DO YOU SEE LIFE?

  • The Tapestry of Life


    How to survive when life is not fair. Are you living a life "under the sun" or "under the Son?" A look at Ecclesiastes 10 with Elder Reese DeFrees

  • Living with the End in Mind


    Solomon says death can be meaningless or meaningful in Ecclesiastes 9... it's up to you.

  • Who's in charge here?


    When looking at the big picture of "life" do you ever ask... who's in charge anyway? The truth of the matter is life is unfair, people are unreliable, the future is unpredictable and death is unavoidable. Basically, we can use the quote from Winston Churchill... life is... "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." - The question is... how do you respond?

  • A little Practical Wisdom


    Ecclesiastes 7 talks about things that are "better than" something else... but Solomon's things that are "better" might surprise you.

  • Living the Good Life


    In chapter 5, Solomon brings us the results of wealth... discontentment and disappointment. What's your "number" to be content? What is the standard of living you must meet and how does it compare to your standard of giving? We look at that in chapter 6 as we look at what means to live the good life.

  • The Definition of Success


    Today, the biggest game of the NFL 2023-2024 season will be played in Las Vegas with the winning team being crowned "world champions." The questions is, what's next? Is that the peak? Is that the ultimate level of success? If so, what happens tomorrow? The same question for anything in our lives... when we reach the peak, what happens next?

  • Is your worship meaningless?


    Ecclesiastes 5:1 says Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Better to approach in obedience than to offer the sacrifice as fools do, for they ignorantly do wrong. - How do we approach God? How do we worship? Is our worship meaningless? Are we just going through the motions or is there something more to our time with God?

  • The Price for Success.


    Ecclesiastes 4:1-16 - So far in the search for meaning, Solomon has taken on a crash course through the meaningless of life... but what about success? In this world, what defines success and what is the cost to get there? How do you WIN at the game of "Life?"

  • It's about TIme


    Ecclesiastes 3:1 - There is an occasion for everything, and a time for every activity under heaven - What is the meaning of the time we have here? Who is really in control of time? How should that affect how we spend our time?

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