In The Author's Corner With Etienne



We're now also on Stitcher. I've created this talk show exclusively for authors of published books and those thinking about writing their first one. Listen to authors as they share their stories of how and why they became writers of stories. Be part of the show: ask questions and share your comments. Come for the show; stay for the tips! Get answers to your stumbling blocks, writer's block, and more! Can't find a show you're looking for? Simply go to the bottom of the "Upcoming Broadcasts" window and click on the 2 for the next page.


  • From Scapegoats to Lambs. . . by Charles L. Brown Jr.

    08/09/2021 Duración: 32min

    Unlike so many murders of unarmed black & brown bodies by police officers, the viral video recording of George Floyd’s modern-day lynching set into motion a Kairos moment in time, the impact of which is still being felt over a year later.  How/Why did God usher in this season of transformation now? Can God’s Word teach us how to reverse engineer communal violent scapegoating? What role can each of us play to eradicate police brutality? From Scapegoats to Lambs: How God’s Word Speaks to George Floyd’s Murder audaciously confronts these issues stemming from Charles L. Brown Jr.’s unflinching belief that God’s Word is uniquely qualified to preach to &  through the legacy of the suffering of black & brown bodies, & that the Lord has a way of humbling the powerful & empowering the humiliated.  In adopting what he calls “hood hermeneutics,” Charles joins the ranks of a growing number of unapologetic, black, Christian intellectuals unashamedly challenging the Church to mine the text with fe

  • Sophie Schiller’s Lost Diary of Alexander Hamilton

    01/09/2021 Duración: 01h00s

    Shows his development from boyhood to manhood and how St. Croix shaped and influenced his character, how he learned about trade, the evils of slavery, and how he lost the most important people in his life: his mother and father. The story of one boy’s struggle to survive amidst all odds in a land of sugar plantations, slavery, and smugglers, a boy who would one day grow up to be a Founding Father. 1765: Alexander Hamilton arrives with his family in St. Croix to begin a new life. He longs for the chance to go to school and fit in, but secrets from his mother’s past threaten to turn him into a social outcast and tear his family apart. When he sees a young African slave being tortured, Alex vows to act. He urges his uncle to buy Ajax and promises to set him free. But tragedy strikes when his father abandons the family and his mother dies of yellow fever. Orphaned and alone, Alex is forced to survive by his wits. By day he works in a counting house learning the secrets of foreign trade. By night he reads Plutarc

  • Follow-up Our Testing for Maria Lourdes de Vera

    21/08/2021 Duración: 25min

    I've created this sample studio connection for today at 9:00 am Friday, August 20, 2021 at Philippines time.  Our studio time is at the same of New York City's time, 9:00 pm August 20, 2021 at Eastern Time.  Maria Lourdes de Vera  

  • A Testing for Maria Lourdes de Vera

    02/08/2021 Duración: 28min

    OK. Get your Test! Getting your test!!   I've created this sample studio connection for today at 9:00 am Sunday at Philippines time.    Our studio time is at the same of New York City's time, 9:00 pm Easter Time.

  • Shanita Allen, Board-Certified Behavior Analyst & Author of 9 Children’s Books

    27/07/2021 Duración: 41min

    Shanita Allen served individuals with developmental disabilities for over 17 years in the Tampa, Florida area. She's written a series of 9 children's books, with the first book, Sleep, Tiny Dreamer, a sweet bedtime story inspiring children to reach for the stars to become whatever they want to be, was released in September 2019. Her second book, What is a Dream?,  released in June 2020, introduces the main characters, Ari & her talking dog, Pepper. Ari describes to Pepper what dreams are & reveals the magic formula to create a dream in the whimsical bedtime story that explores the 5 senses. In the remaining 7 books, titled Let's Go Dreaming, Little Ari & Pepper go on adventures in their dreams, traveling to exciting places, meeting new friends, & learning important lessons about friendship, acceptance, bullying, & creativity. Each book has a matching Coloring Book or Activity book, which can be purchased separately or as a set. Join the mailing list for updates at

  • Schmus & St. Clair as Autistics Helping Autistics

    18/07/2021 Duración: 54min

    Robert Schmus, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in the Philadelphia-South Jersey area, has utilized therapies, such as CBT, motivational interviewing, & solution-focused therapy. His main focus is to help others dealing with mental health issues & others diagnosed with the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). He works as an advocate for those on ASD, where he's a mentor in public speaking events, & serves on panels & boards. As their advocate, it is his passion because, he, too, has ASD. He helps those who see that they can reach their goals, no matter the obstacles ahead. He’s written articles about autism advocacy. He wishes to build himself professionally as he moves forward with his career. Building his skills as an therapist takes him on a leadership role & motivational speaking events. As an ASD advocate, he expands his therapeutic skills for those in need of  mental health aid. If you're a family who feel there's no hope or not sure of the next step is, never fear! Schmus &

  • Late Freddy Powers Thru the Eyes and Pens of Catherine Powers, Jake Brown, et al

    08/06/2021 Duración: 46min

    Country Music legend Freddy Powers, credited with introducing Dixieland Jazz into Country for the first time, is affectionately known as the 'Ol Blue Eyes' of Country Music, according to the L.A. Times, & if you were to "ask country superstars Willie Nelson, George Jones, or Merle Haggard (they'll)...tell you that he's one of country music's best-kept secrets." That secret is spilled for the first time on paper in Powers' highly-entertaining and emotionally-touching page-turner "THE SPREE OF '83 - The Life and Times of Freddy Powers (with Exclusive Commentary from Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard)." Taking readers from the plains of West Texas into the Marine Core in the 40s before winding up in Arlington, TX alongside Willie Nelson as undiscovered artists in the early 50s before Freddy's career as one of Nevada's TOP performing acts exploded over the 1960s and '70s before landing in the studio with Willie Nelson to produce the Grammy-winning 1980 Over the Rainbow album. His career got even hotter in th

  • Double-Hit Panel for Authors with April Thomas and Virginia Castro

    26/05/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    My friend & author, Ms April Thomas, is the editor of Pandem Magazine is looking for authors of all genres to be featured in her following issues. They'll be published as an e-zine & a printed copy will be available in all major online retail providers. All vendors & businesses featured in Pandem Magazine will receive free e-copies to gift to clients. Share this link with anyone interested in marketing with Pandem Magazine. Submitting an article is at no cost. Email your manuscript to . My partner, Ms Virginia Castro, states that "the greatest fear of most authors is that, during the translation process, the original meanings they intended to convey might become distorted or even lost. However, the greatest ambition of literary translators is to keep every single detail & nuance of the text so that readers of the translation can experience the same emotions that the original words would incite them.” Visit Ms Castr

  • Tay Robson, Started as a Blogger Plus 26 Years of Social Service

    14/05/2021 Duración: 58min

    In August 27, 2011 Tay initiated her blog, Best Piece of Advice with the initial blog, Your body is your resume!! Here’s a synopsis: “I would love to say our world has evolved to a place where we see beyond someone's physical appearance however, sorry, no cigar!! We still judge, accept, and treat others according to what we see first . . . their visual appearance.  Which is why I say, your body is your resume!! If you take care of your body (i.e., eat right, workout, etc),  present yourself in an aesthetically pleasing manner (clean, well dressed, confident, not a hair out of place) you are more likely to be taken serious and treated with the kind of respect anyone of us should deserve.” “Now, this is not to say you need to conform to the social norms of our society. However, what harm can looking great do to your self-esteem? Besides, you can always go back to slacking off once you've accomplished your goal, right?" Click to get Tay's book,Best Piece of Advice, Coaching Your Own Life Workbook . Click to

  • Virginia Asks: Why Does a Certain Type of Book Titles Become Highly Popular?

    09/05/2021 Duración: 58min

    Due to technical difficulties pn the inital schedule on May 2,2021, we invite you to join us Sunday, May 9, at 5:00 pm AST/EST when our highly qualified Translator, Virginia Castro, will talk about the translation of a certain type of texts that has become highly popular in the last decades. This book industry is an $800 million market that’s growing 6% per year. This popularity can be observed not only in particular locations, but we can say that this genre has become a real global trend. In case our listeners cannot figure out which kind of texts is this to which you are referring we’ll  refer the kind of text. You often read this kind of books.  A great group of authors and specialists, mainly psychologists and anthropologists, started to dedicate a great deal of their time to trying to understand the human mind and the behavior of individuals. In this genre we will discuss the titles that are of major importance and generally fall into three categories. You don’t want to miss presentation my parter and

  • Kylie-Anne Evans, Author Who Was Born to Survive

    16/04/2021 Duración: 47min

    Kylie-Anne of New South Wales, Australia and the mother of 5, has been nominated for a book award at SABA 2020 Book Awards. Recently self-published her life story, Born to Survive and is working on her second book, Fighting for My Boys, about the 10 years she spent in the family law court to get her boys back. The hardest part of writing her story was knowing she was going to lose what little family she has left. Kylie-Anne claim it's time to tell her story as the truth will set her free as a survivor as a victim of incest, post-rape pregnant, post-mortem daughter at age 15. Subsequently, Kylie-Anne suffered domestic violence, depression, suicide-attempts. Additionally Kelly-Anne lost people she loved to suicide, natural causes, and murder. And having lost her sons, she could not look after myself, much less my children. My life was not worth living.I survived. More than that: “I lived. I found resilience. I fought my way back. I overcame. And I became me: a mother with wonderful children & an amazi

  • For Jessica Marie Baumgartner, It's ”Adventure First, Then Write!”

    13/04/2021 Duración: 33min

    When not running around exploring nature, Jess chases after multiple versions of herself & feeds furry babies. She’s also the author of the highly anticipated upcoming release, The Magic of Nature, as well as, Walk Your Path, The Golden Rule, and many more. Her writing has won numerous awards. She’s a current member of the Missouri Writer's Guild & SCBWI. She works mostly with children's stories & non-fiction, but a little spec fic. As a dyslectic Pagan, Jess loves all types of people, enjoys writing about spiritual issues, & the fun of a brain that works differently. Publications that have featured Jess's work: Evie Magazine, Father and I, Woods Reader, Witch Way Magazine, Light of Consciousness Magazine, Breastfeeding Today, New Spirit Journal, Alban Lake Publishing, Witchology Magazine, LitReactor, Buddy Lit Zine, The St. Louis Post Dispatch, Kids Imagination Train Magazine, Mothers Always Write, It's Alive: Bringing Your Nightmares to Life, Fantastic Tales of Terror: History's Darkest Sec

  • Virginia Asks What Happens When Readers Are Children?

    28/03/2021 Duración: 01h04min

    Join us with Virginia Castro, our English-Spanish translator, presents “What Happens When Readers Are Children?”. For the benefit of Spanish-speaking children, parents, and adult authors who might consider translating their book(s) during each episode in Spanish. In our  previous episode we discussed how translators try to understand the author’s mind in order to produce a faithful translation. But, being in the middle of the communicative event, shouldn’t we pay the same attention to understanding the readers’ mind as well?  AboutourTranslator: Virginia, a literary translator along with her colleagues, is trained to perceive all the semantic load of the words chosen by the author. They struggle to find the best equivalent to use in the translated version. They struggle to find the best equivalent to use in the translated version. A keen English-to-Spanish translator, Virginia graduated from the National University of Cordoba, Argentina. For 5 years, she has worked as a freelance translator in a variety of

  • Parenting: The Good and the Bad

    19/03/2021 Duración: 01h00s

    Some children are abused by their parents, step-parents, and others. Sometimes others, along with adult victims, become victims of traffiking women & girls who become traumatized victims. This topic spills over to poor parenting. What happens when these children become the victims of poor parenting? Let’s look at what factors contributes to poor child-raising.  To put it plainly: Some parents were exposed to incomprehensible damage, & to whom they traumatize? Their children, of course. The negative parenting skills are then carried into adulthood. In turn, it’s creating a society of unhealed adults trying the very best they can to ‘exist’ within the aftermath of a crime that should NOT have occured.  There are numerous therapeutic approaches. Here’s one of many positive parenting training that I was introduced back in the mid-1970’s. Slowly their BIG childlike innocent wishes & dreams are replaced by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Complex PTSD if the abuse is ongoing & prolonged), Personali

  • Kenza Gumbs’ Newest Book: Accepting Adversity

    14/03/2021 Duración: 58min

    The book of Hosea tells us "My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge". However, our Eternal Father does not take delight in His people being destroyed, especially in the season of adversity. So, He has put together some answers in this awesome revelatory journey that teaches His people how to joyfully and thankfully "Accept Adversity" no matter the magnitude or season of life we are in. So, get ready to take notes & review these precious truths that will empower each reader to boldly say; though He slay me; yet will I trust Him, amid this precious season & so will be able to encourage ourselves and each other In the Lord! The author's book trailer can be viewed by clicking here. Get your copy of her books at Amazon or Barnes and Nobles. Author also can be found on Social media platforms as Kenza Gumbs. "I would say that this book is an insightful look at Adversity through Blbligal Scripture. Even more so, I would say it's a detailed guide to dealing with the roller coaster of life and the

  • Virginia Answers Why, How, and for What Reasons Are Fictions Written?

    07/03/2021 Duración: 50min

    In the previous program we talked about the benefits that book translation can have for authors and how can translators help them and provide a good product.  We referred to the importance of choosing the right vocabulary and phrasing the content in a way that would sound natural for readers of the translated version. That step is the key if we want to obtain an accurate translation. Before finding equivalents, before attempting to translate anything, we need to understand the author’s mind. About Virginia: Virginia, a literary translator along with her colleagues, are trained to perceive all the semantic load of the words chosen by the author. They struggle to find the best equivalent to use in the translated version. They struggle to find the best equivalent to use in the translated version.  A keen English-to-Spanish translator, Virginia graduated from the National University of Cordoba, Argentina. For 5 years, she has worked as a freelance translator in a variety of fields, such as journalism, lite

  • Dr. Jeffrey B. Perry's Bio of Hubert Harrison: The Struggle for Equality

    02/03/2021 Duración: 01h11min

    Within two weeks we'll be completing Black History Month, but for my fellow-US Virgin Islanders we'll be initiating Virgin Islands History Month. And to kick off our celebration and education of a founding father, Professor Dr. Jeffrey B. Perry will be serving as our guest educating and enlightening us about Mr. Hubert Harrison, a native son from St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. “The two-volume biography of Hubert Harrison is extremely important,” statesDr. Perrywho believes this two-volume biography is the first, full-life, multi-volume biography of an Afro-Caribbean and the fourth of an African American after those of Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois, and Langston Hughes.” VisitHubert Harrison: The Struggle for Equality, 1918-1927at Columbia University Press and Dr. Perry’s site and get Volume I and/or Volume 2 at 20% discount via Code “CUP20”. Airing Times in the USA: 8:00 pm AST, 7:00 pm EST, 6:00 pm CST, 5:00 pm MST, 4:00 pm PST. For our international listeners, copy and paste www [dot] timeandda

  • Lee-ann Suddick's on a Twin Flame Journey

    20/02/2021 Duración: 01h02min

    Lee-ann volunteered to share her confidential journey to recovery and that of a close friend who, likewise, gave permission to have his name remain private. This lady has been forced to immigrate from country to country at the command of respective Government agencies. What was to be a healing recovery initially, it turned out to be as she put it, “a bomb”. A total stranger became her best friend despite her struggling with challenges and depression. Healing came, but on both sides. As Lee-ann puts it, “Throughout  our friendship, there was a constant ‘push and pull’. Our Journey has been extremely fiery, intense, and, at times, heart-achingly painful.” More to come about her Twin Flame Journey , but you’ve got to be prepared to listen in, and/or call-in, to find you questions or comments satisfying.   Sample of Lee-Ann's mental health blog: "From my own experience of childhood sexual abuse from the age of 4, and from the deepest part of my heart, I am sharing my story of recovery through my passion

  • Virginia Castro: “Why Authors Need Translation to Improve Sales”

    14/02/2021 Duración: 50min

    Did you know that in the United Kingdom, between 2001 and 2016, translated literary fiction has almost doubled in sales? According to research carried out in 2016, despite the fact that the market for general fiction was on a slight decline, the market for translated fiction has risen significantly. This trend is observed not only in the UK, but throughout the world as well. The greatest fear of most authors is that, during the translation process, the original meanings they intended to convey might become distorted or even lost. However, the greatest ambition of literary translators is to keep every single detail & nuance of the text so that readers of the translation can experience the same emotions that the original words would incite them. Virginia, a literary translator along with her colleagues, are trained to perceive all the semantic load of the words chosen by the author. They struggle to find the best equivalent to use in the translated version. They struggle to find the best equivalent to use

  • Denyse H. Turner, L.H.D, First Lady Helping Others Win!

    13/02/2021 Duración: 56min

    “Married for 38 years, Denyse had been a Pastor’s Wife for 35 of those years. Throughout my husband’s entire ministerial/pastoral career, I worked side by side with him tirelessly. As committed Christians, we erroneously thought that Christians were full of love and compassion. We found out the hard way this was not always correct. My husband transitioned Nov 22, 2015 from severe depression and betrayal at the hands of his church.” “Now I’m sure lots of questions immediately enter your mind. They will all be answered, either through this blog or my upcoming book. Stay tuned and follow us! This blog will take you through the entire journey of my life, my accomplishments, my failures, my joys, my grief and eventually my purpose!” “Travel has been my passion since I left my trained profession of health care administration in 2005. I owned a general travel agency since. My focus has now shifted to Faith-Based Travel Education for churches and ministries. Faith-Based organizations would be surprised to see how T

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