All Current Classes From Dean Bible Ministries



Keep up to date with Dr. Dean's ongoing Bible studies with this podcast. Typically you'll receive three messages a week from his current studies.


  • 76 - Reaching for the Goal [B]-Philippians (2022)

    20/06/2024 Duración: 01h02min

    What are you pursuing in your life? Success? Comfort? Enjoyment? Listen to this lesson to learn that Jesus has goals for you. Hear a number of these objectives and their purposes and significance. See that God the Holy Spirit is working to conform us to the character of Christ and learn what occupation with Christ is. Take time to rethink your goals in light of this passage and ask yourself if you are pressing toward the goals that God has set before you.

  • 17.3 - Building Spiritual Life in the Israelites: Seven Key Events: Events #5–7-Interlocked (2023)

    18/06/2024 Duración: 01h09min

    Events #5–7: 5) Defeat at Ai; 6) The Longest Day; 7) God Postpones the Kingdom at Bochim Why did the Israelites constantly get into trouble during their conquest of the land? Listen to this lesson to hear about several times when they disobeyed God and disaster occurred, beginning with Achan and the conquest of Ai. Hear how his punishment affected his whole family. Learn about the longest day in the Bible when Joshua was tricked by the Gibeonites and God slowed down time for a day. Understand that incomplete obedience to God is the same as disobedience.

  • 234 - How Should We Define Worship? – Part 2 [C]-Ephesians (2018)

    16/06/2024 Duración: 01h24min

    Do you worship God casually or is worship the most momentous time of your life? Listen to this message to hear the definition and principles of biblically worshiping God in an awe-inspired way. Find out it is designed to restore our vision of the God's majestic character as it focuses on the study of God's Word.

  • 75 - Running to Win [B]-Philippians (2022)

    13/06/2024 Duración: 53min

    Did you know that Christians are running a race and that they are to run to win? Listen to this message to learn that your goal should be to daily run that race in a way that is approved by God. Hear a detailed study of the crowns and rewards that are possible to win and live your life pursuing that for which you were saved.

  • 17.2 - Building Spiritual Life in the Israelites: Seven Key Events: Events #2–4-Interlocked (2023)

    11/06/2024 Duración: 01h03min

    Events #2–4: 2) Declaration of Judgment War 3) Rebellion at Kadesh-Barnea 4) Victory at Jericho Why did God tell Moses to utterly destroy the evil Canaanites? Listen to this message to learn that extreme evil must be isolated and removed. See that this is a preview of God’s judgment on all who reject Him because sin must be dealt with. Hear about incidents at Kadesh-Barnea and Jericho and how they teach us we must trust God and not lean on our own understanding.

  • 233 - How Should We Define Worship? [C]-Ephesians (2018)

    09/06/2024 Duración: 47min

    How should we define worship? Listen to this message to understand the introductory principles of biblical worship. Hear a number of different definitions based on word studies. See how worship is influenced by worldview and the importance of letting our thinking be changed by the Word of God.

  • 74 - Why Did Christ “Lay Hold” of Me? [B]-Philippians (2022)

    06/06/2024 Duración: 01h04min

    What is important to you in your daily life? Listen to this message to understand that gaining knowledge about Christ and being strengthened by the Holy Spirit are the things that should matter. Hear the importance of reading your Bible continuously to gain this knowledge and learn about three conclusions the Apostle Paul reached in this area.

  • 17.1 - Building Spiritual Life in the Israelites: Seven Key Events: 1. Covenant Breaking at Sinai-Interlocked (2023)

    04/06/2024 Duración: 01h14min

    How should a redeemed people live? Listen to this message to learn that God gave the Mosaic Law to instruct the Israelites how they were to live spiritually. Hear seven events that show God's judgment on evil, beginning with the covenant breaking at Sinai. See the difference between physical circumcision and circumcision of the heart and between positional and experiential righteousness.

  • 232 - Understanding Worship [C]-Ephesians (2018)

    02/06/2024 Duración: 01h48min

    Why do we worship God? Listen to this message to learn that you need to saturate your thinking with the Word of God on a day-to-day basis to understand why God is worthy of all of our praise. Hear a number of biblical examples of people who worshiped God. See how the prophet Isaiah was in awe of God's uniqueness when He was taken to the Throne Room of God. Set aside time to learn about the character of God and all He has done for us.

  • Causes and Response to National Chaos-Dr. Dean One-Lesson Specials

    30/05/2024 Duración: 01h11min

    Are you discouraged and down hearted by what is happening in the world today? Listen to this message to be reminded that God is still in control no matter what the circumstances are. Hear the meaning of biblical hope and see a number of Scriptures that teach us the importance of trusting God. Understand the need for focusing on internalizing the Word of God more than ever before. Enjoy Dr. Dean's description and photographs of his and Jim Myers' recent trip to Eastern Europe and the many ways that the Word of God is going out from West Houston Bible Church.