Super Scoop Of Consciousness ~ Cathleen, Kim & Trina

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Inspired Choices Network Are you a Super Star of Magnitude?  A Consciousness Extraordinaire?  What if every wrongness, every judgement of you is actually a strongness?  What is this Magnanimous Universe gifting to you that you havent been willing to receive??  Are you using your gifts of awareness for you or against you? Cathleen Connor, Kim Malma Lucien, Trina Rice


  • Not All Who Wander are Lost ~ Cathleen, Trina & Kim


    Are you a wondering wanderer? Have you made yourself wrong for not staying on a linear path and staying “focused”? How does letting go of control and choosing more chaos contribute to us? Join us on Super Scoop to look at how to create your life and joyful living with the coherence of chaos and order. Are you a Super Star of Magnitude? A Consciousness Extraordinaire?  What if every wrongness, every judgment of you is actually a strongness?  What is this Magnanimous Universe gifting to you that you haven’t been willing to receive? Are you using your gifts of awareness for you or against you?  We INVITE you to explore in sharing tips and tools about fully & joyfully living while having FUN doing it!  Is now the time to BE the SUPER YOU? Join your hosts Cathleen Connor, Kim Malama Lucien and Trina Rice to explore the Infinite Possibilities of the Universe!

  • Adventure of Living ~ Super Scoop of Consciousness


    What if life, living and business was an adventure? What if life and living could be fun? What if the joy of living adds to your business? Tune in for tips on how create your living and business as an adventure, allowing yourself more fun & freedom. Are you a Super Star of Magnitude? A Consciousness Extraordinaire?  What if every wrongness, every judgment of you is actually a strongness?  What is this Magnanimous Universe gifting to you that you haven’t been willing to receive?? Are you using your gifts of awareness for you or against you?  We INVITE you to explore in sharing tips and tools about fully & joyfully living while having FUN doing it!  Is now the time to BE the SUPER YOU?? Join your hosts Cathleen Connor, Kim Malama Lucien and Trina Rice to explore the Infinite Possibilities of the Universe!

  • Unsticking from the Web of Unconsciousness ~ Super Scoop of Consciousness


    Sometimes we aren’t even aware of the places or spaces where we are unconscious. Where are we running from autopilot instead of coming from total conscious choice? How can we bring consciousness into every part of our life and body to create more aliveness? Join us for questions, tools and tips for choosing consciousness. Are you a Super Star of Magnitude? A Consciousness Extraordinaire?  What if every wrongness, every judgment of you is actually a strongness?  What is this Magnanimous Universe gifting to you that you haven’t been willing to receive?? Are you using your gifts of awareness for you or against you?  We INVITE you to explore in sharing tips and tools about fully & joyfully living while having FUN doing it!  Is now the time to BE the SUPER YOU?? Join your hosts Cathleen Connor, Kim Malama Lucien and Trina Rice to explore the Infinite Possibilities of the Universe!

  • Jumping Back into Your FLOW ~ Super Scoop of Consciousness


    Are you in the Flow or is it Rushing Past You? People talk about being “In the Flow” – how do you know when you are? So many of us are programmed to be in Autopilot, how do we unlearn that to get back into the flow? Does your flow need to look like anyone elses? Join us for easy tips on jumping back into your flow. Are you a Super Star of Magnitude? A Consciousness Extraordinaire?  What if every wrongness, every judgment of you is actually a strongness?  What is this Magnanimous Universe gifting to you that you haven’t been willing to receive?? Are you using your gifts of awareness for you or against you?  We INVITE you to explore in sharing tips and tools about fully & joyfully living while having FUN doing it!  Is now the time to BE the SUPER YOU?? Join your hosts Cathleen Connor, Kim Malama Lucien and Trina Rice to explore the Infinite Possibilities of the Universe!

  • What MAGIC are you refusing to be? ~ Super Scoop of Consciousness


    Have you noticed that the word MAGIC often has a bad rap? Do you cut off your magic to fit in here? What if you could choose the magic that only you can be? Join us to look at how to cultivate your magic and playfulness! For more information on the TeleCall mentioned in today's show, go here - Dealing with Difficult Kids Are you a Super Star of Magnitude? A Consciousness Extraordinaire?  What if every wrongness, every judgment of you is actually a strongness?  What is this Magnanimous Universe gifting to you that you haven’t been willing to receive?? Are you using your gifts of awareness for you or against you?  We INVITE you to explore in sharing tips and tools about fully & joyfully living while having FUN doing it!  Is now the time to BE the SUPER YOU??Join your hosts Cathleen Connor, Kim Malama Lucien and Trina Rice to explore the Infinite Possibilities of the Universe!

  • Walking, Talking UnDead Playtime ~ Super Scoop


    Super Scoop of Consciousness with Cathleen, Kim & Trina Radio Show Would you like to become more aware of the entities around that no longer have bodies? Would you like to know what questions to ask when things feel spooky or support some kind of spirit that would like to move on? Listen in to Super Scoop for ideas on how to communicate with those who no longer have mouths.

  • Choice With Your Voice ~ Super Scoop


    Choice with Your Voice How can you be more aware of when to use your voice and when to be silent in ways that allow more of you? When are the windows of possibility for speaking up? If your voice is ready to be heard, listen in for choice with your voice questions, tools and possibilities for using your voice powerfully.

  • Being Vulnerable with the “Other” Sex


    Do you find yourself putting up barriers around others when you'd like to choose more vulnerability? Have you been trained to be a certain way around men or women that doesn't allow you much freedom to be you? Tune in for tips on how to be vulnerable with awareness to allow yourself more freedom.

  • Ease, Joy & Glory – Tool Numero Uno


    All of life comes to me with Ease and Joy and Glory. That is the motto of Access Consciousness. It was the very first tool that Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness channeled from Raz. Join us as we talk about this first tool, cover some history of Access Consciousness and explore all the ways you can use this tool to create the life and living you'd like to have!

  • Jackhammering into a New Reality


    Are you aware that big changes are required on planet Earth? Are you ready to be the power and potency of you to unfrack and reignite the consciousness to create change? Step into the Super Scoop show to access the tools for creating something different beyond what we even currently imagine. Are you a Super Star of Magnitude? A Consciousness Extraordinaire?  What if every wrongness, every judgment of you is actually a strongness?  What is this Magnanimous Universe gifting to you that you haven’t been willing to receive?? Are you using your gifts of awareness for you or against you?  We INVITE you to explore in sharing tips and tools about fully & joyfully living while having FUN doing it!  Is now the time to BE the SUPER YOU?? Join your hosts Cathleen Connor, Kim Malama Lucien and Trina Rice to explore the Infinite Possibilities of the Universe!

  • Releasing Retrograde Relationships


    Have you unconsciously chosen to keep going back to old habits in new relationships or keep repeating the same patterns that put you in retrograde motion instead of expansive creation? Do you have the tools and questions to chose creative growth in your relationships with your partners, friends, kids, co-workers and family? Are you ready to un-retrograde yourself and chose something that creates more ease and joy? Join us for some tips, tools and techniques to have more aliveness in your relationships.

  • What are You Protecting?


    What if protecting yourself was just another way to stop receiving from the universe? What if we took off all our coats of armor, lowered our shields, and pushed over any barriers that we may have? Would you become everyone's doormat or would you be super aware?

  • Re-Learning to Listen


    Before we spoke in words and were taught what was right or wrong in conversation, we had a sense of the energy of what was being communicated. Over time we were taught to have something important or attention-getting to say, and most of us lost our ability to really listen. What if we could be in the question again about how to listen without a point of view, but mostly from curiosity and wonder? Join us for simple tips on getting our barriers down and being in a state of receiving and gifting to others when we interact.

  • Powerful Potent You-Yes You!


    Are you ready to be the potent being you actually are?  Where are you holding yourself back to fit in? If you truly were willing to be you, what could you create?

  • Practical Tools for Being Crazy Happy with Susanna Mittermaier


    Everyone has at least one 'crazy' person in their life, right (even if it's ourselves!)? And there are a lot of labels and diagnoses out there - depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, bi-polar, schizophrenia...What if there was a different possibility with mental illness - and what if change and happiness were a totally available reality? Susanna is a clinical psychologist with an amazing capacity to facilitate what this reality often defines as crazy from a totally different point of view - one of possibility and ease. What if everything is the opposite of what it appears to be? What if you could employ and enjoy your insanity (and that of the people around you?) and create more ease for you and others - if you had the tools to change this reality's point of view about mental illness, would you use them?   Pragmatic Psychology Book

  • Recognize Manipulation & Use it to Your Advantage


    Did you know that the only way you can be manipulated against your will is if you are resisting and reacting to manipulation and have decided to turn off all your awareness in relation to it? Learn to recognize and be aware of manipulation. The kind that doesn't bother you and the kind that does. You know what I mean. There is that manipulation that you don't mind, the one where someone tells you, Oh, You are the best at this, is there anyway you can help me with it, I'll never be able to do it as well as you?! That is a manipulation. Somewhere you know that but you don't care - they are acknowledging what you are good at and you feel good helping them out. That doesn't mean it's not a form of manipulation. The truth is the only way you can be manipulated is if you, on some level, agree to it! Join us to talk learn a different definition of manipulation and talk about the different kinds of manipulation. How to spot it and how to turn the tables and use it to your advantage! We will also clear your limiting b

  • How to Hear the Whispers of the Universe


    I'm sure you've heard people talk about how the Universe, Spirit, Your Guides, Your Teammates, etc. talk and speak to you with a whisper touch. Like a subtle, gentle wisp on your cheek. Do you feel like you just don't get it? Or, you just can't hear it? We'll be talking about the various ways as well as share some of our own tricks to make sure we hear the communication from the Universe. They are simple tools that you can use too!

  • Funk the Fear – Live Your Life


    Where have you been letting fear keep you playing small? If you had no fear what would you choose? Get some tools for kicking the fear out of your life for good!

  • You vs Your Brain – How to Tell the Difference


    Have you defined yourself as your logical thinking mind? Your brain? Do you get stuck analyzing everything? What if you allowed yourself to actually be the source of creation? What if by being you, You opened the door to possibilities that you never knew existed? Is your brain leading your life? Or are you willing to include every aspect of you in your life and living?

  • Let’s Talk About SEX, Baby!?


    Let’s talk about SEX!  Specifically, let’s talk about having FUN with sex!  How many of you never, ever, think about fun and sex in the same thought?  Would your love life be better if you started to? Join us as we explore having fun with Sex!

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