Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 55:59:14
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Being the first to pave the way for others is a unique calling for many of us striving to live a life of purpose and integrating that purpose into our business. I started Fresh Tracks because I don't believe in building cookie-cutter businesses. As individual as each of us are, I believe you are most successful when you listen to your intuition, honor your unique gifts, and create your business your way. And that often means not doing things the way everyone else does. This podcast was created to share ideas, best practices, and bring thought leaders together to help you create fresh tracks in your life and business.


  • Social Gravity and Harnessing the Natural Laws of Relationships

    02/04/2019 Duración: 44min

    In this week’s episode of Fresh Tracks I speak with Jason Lauritsen about Social Gravity and the Natural Laws of Relationships. We start by discussing the role intentionality plays in relationships and how that is different than manipulation. There is great power in setting an intention when building new relationships and Jason shares with us how to set intentions and give us examples of good intentions vs bad intentions. Jason shares his number one way to build strong relationships as well as the number one mistake people make when meeting others that sabotages their ability to connect in an authentic way. The truth is that relationships develop one person at a time and taking the time to choose your relationships one by one, rather than accelerating it in a mass setting, is a key to achieving your goals in business and in life. Finally Jason discusses the concept of social capital, which is the value that we have access to in our lives because of the relationships we have with others. Show Notes: 5:35 – The

  • Healing from Betrayal

    14/02/2019 Duración: 33min

    In episode 76 of Fresh Tracks I speak with transformational psychologist and author Deb Silber about betrayal. When we are betrayed it hits us at a very deep, core part of ourselves and shatters our trust. When experiencing a betrayal, either in your personal or professional life, it’s imperative to process and heal rather than push down the emotions and forge on. Debi shares with us the five stages of healing from betrayal as well as the value of discovering the lessons that are there to be learned when you are betrayed. Both are instrumental in growing through this experience rather than having it ruin you. A betrayal hurts so much because it is intentional. We are forced to face the fact that someone close to us put their needs above ours. Initially, survival instincts and strategies take over and we function on autopilot. In this week’s Fresh Tracks we examine why many people get stuck in survival mode rather than heal and move into the growth phases we are designed to experience. Making meaning of the ex

  • Fresh Tracks Meditation

    17/01/2019 Duración: 30min

    One of the most powerful truths in the way Universal Law works is you have to let of things of a lessor vibration to make room for things of a higher vibration. The releasing needs to happen before, not after, what you desire arrives. This is known as the Law of Sacrifice. For example, you quit drinking beer and eating unlimited pan pizza every night before you attain the beach body you desire. In this Fresh Tracks meditation you will easily shed the baggage that’s holding you back and release what no longer serves your highest and best good – making room for the new. Providing you with the courage and ease necessary to manifest your Fresh Tracks! Register to receive full access to the live Fresh Tracks Meditations at 

  • Fresh Tracks with Lola Wright

    17/12/2018 Duración: 39min

    In episode 74 of Fresh Tracks I speak with spiritual leader and consciousness powerhouse Lola Wright. Our discussion runs the gamut from the important role being authentic plays in contributing to society as a whole and why self-expression can be such an important value to society. Lola shares her personal journey cutting Fresh Tracks from becoming a mom at 18, to a career in the finance industry to becoming the Spiritual Director of Bodhi Chicago. How do you know it’s time to for you to cut your Fresh Tracks? Lola answers this question and provides a 7-day process for checking “your aliveness” in your day-to-day life. We also discuss why cutting Fresh Tracks is important – because people who enjoy the life they are living are contributing more to the planet! Finally, we breach the topic of race in America and why it’s such an important topic to explore. Lola shares that you cannot shift what you cannot accept – and this applies to race as much as anything else. Show Notes 1:40 – On being yourself 4:00 –How L

  • Fresh Tracks Meditation

    06/12/2018 Duración: 24min

    Giving and Receiving are an integral part of creating Fresh Tracks. Money, gifts, time, service, donating, reward, self-worth, circulation, flow are just a few of the myriad aspects to this freeing and enlightening meditation. The Universal Law of Giving and Receiving is a beautiful and often overlooked aspect of Universal Law we explore in this meditation. Join our meditations in real time online at  

  • Mindfulness and the Key to Believing in Yourself

    03/12/2018 Duración: 33min

    In episode 72 of Fresh Tracks I speak with mindfulness expert John Allcock. We dig deep into the role mindfulness plays in setting and achieving goals, our belief in ourselves, and how we handle failure. John shares that being mindful (aware) allows us to recognize if our thoughts are unrealistically negative – which impacts our belief in our self. Once we are aware we can then make the decision to check the thoughts out and see if they are correct and, if not, replace them with more accurate, positive beliefs and intentions. Which ultimately allow us to live a happier, fuller, and more meaningful life. Sounds great, but how do you do this you may ask? John shares techniques to train your attention so you don’t get wrapped up in distorted thinking that’s not realistic. Awareness gives us the power to realize we are choosing to listen to negative thoughts and the choice to choose positive thoughts. In this week’s show we also take a look at how we handle failure. Because if you look at failure as something to

  • How to Go On Despite the Appearance of Failure

    13/11/2018 Duración: 35min

    In episode 70 of Fresh Tracks I speak with entrepreneur and author Rhett Power. Rhett shares his personal journey building a multi-million-dollar business and offers insights into how he continued on despite the appearance of repeated failure. Forced to analyze what was holding his company back, Rhett got the ‘big order’ of his life and quickly realized it would take more than a few quick fixes to transform his company into a success. Rhett shares how his positive relationships with his vendors and others is what helped him and his partner take their company to one of Inc. Magazine’s 500 Fastest Growing Companies two years in a row. Rhett tells us how the struggle building a company defined who he is today and why he doesn’t go into a venture with a plan B. Part of his key to success is knowing and following his own tolerance level. For Rhett this meant knowing when to not give up and go back to the safe, secure corporate job he had and continue to work on his business. Finally, Rhett shares the importance of

  • Law of Success Meditation

    08/11/2018 Duración: 23min

    Do you expect Success in everything you do? Did you know that success is your birthright? The Law of Success is one of the 12 Universal Laws each of us uses as we manifest (whether we know it or not!). If you are struggling to achieve success in any area of your life you are blocking your energy in some way. It's usually unconscious and can be unblocked rather easily if you know how. In this special edition of Fresh Tracks we have a guided meditation for embodying the Law of Success. You are made for progress and growth because it is the nature of human beings to grow and expand. Advancement in all things is your overall purpose in life, and knowing this is imperative your achieving it. Because you have to expect success to get it! In this Fresh Tracks meditation we are embracing and embodying the Law of Success. Releasing blocks, listening to what our heart guides us to do, and helping others above all else are all aspects to the Law of Success. How different could your life look if you KNEW you were guar

  • Three Things You Need to Know About Yourself to Cut Fresh Tracks

    26/09/2018 Duración: 56min

    In this special edition of Fresh Tracks, Kelly dives deep into both the physical and spiritual realities of creating Fresh Tracks. Kelly shares insights into both Universal Law and the human aspects of creating your life with intention, power and grace. The journey creating Fresh Tracks starts with knowing what IS possible. Not just what you think you are capable of, but the essence of what each of us is born with. Are we truly capable of manifesting instantaneously? Without struggle or strife? Or is the pain part of the expansion process? What would manifesting look like if you could completely let go of all your crap? A deep understanding of WHO you are and what you are made of allows each of us to embody the truth of what we are capable of accomplishing. In this episode we examine the nine basic traits each of us are innately born with and discuss why it’s imperative we not only understand but embrace these qualities fully in order to create our life with intention. Why it’s important to know yourself, you

  • Understanding Universal Law with David Neagle

    21/09/2018 Duración: 37min

    In episode 68 of Fresh Tracks I speak with author and business coach David Neagle in-depth about Universal Law and the role our beliefs play in our ability to cut Fresh Tracks. David shares that everything in the Universe is in a constant state of creation and a constant state of motion, it’s main intention is to bring more life to everything. In this week’s show we also discuss the two main obstacles people come up against when trying to create change and how not being aware of them can cause us to stop moving forward. David share’s his insights into the role our beliefs play in manifesting our desires and how important it is to understand our beliefs beyond an intellectual understanding. David also shares the secret that differentiates his many clients that have achieved millionaire status from the rest. We wrap up the interview with David’s teaching on his favorite Universal Law. Show Notes: 1:30 – What is Universal Law and why is it important? 6:10 – If you could remove all limitations, what would your li

  • Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson of True Leadership

    30/08/2018 Duración: 40min

    In episode 67 of Fresh Tracks I speak with leadership consultant, speaker, and best-selling author Steve Farber about what it means to be a true leader. His lofty plans to change the world one person at a time through his Greater Than Yourself project are shared, along with the understanding that the highest purpose of our work is the development of other people are all discussed on the show. Steve shares that our ability to shift from a “me” perspective to an “us” perspective changes everything ranging from people wanting to be around us to the respect we receive. Running your life and your business knowing that we are all connected rather than feeling you are alone effects not only your results but how you feel as a person contributing to your company, society, and your family. Steve shares that life and business are not a win-lose, zero sum game. It’s the quality of the relationships we have are important. Our ability to create a culture of giving, to facilitate relationships and share knowledge, life less

  • The Fear and Anxiety Solution with Dr. Friedemann Schaub

    06/08/2018 Duración: 40min

    In this week’s show I speak with Dr. Friedemann Schaub about strategies for overcoming fear and anxiety. His discoveries about fear and anxiety as a medical doctor, and his realization of the mind, body spirit connection, led him to the ground-breaking teachings he shares with us today. In this episode we discuss what can we learn from our fear and anxiety patterns and how that may impact our ability to cut Fresh Tracks. Dr. Schaub teaches us how to understand, direct and utilize the subconscious mind to create wholeness and health and work through our fear and anxiety rather than allowing it to run our lives. Dr. Schaub helps us understand the root causes and deeper meanings of our fear and anxiety. Understanding this allows us to release the emotional blocks from our past, be our true selves, and ultimately more easily cut Fresh Tracks in our lives. Tips for giving our fear and anxiety a name and recognizing where it comes from can help us break up unsupportive patterns in our life. Dr. Schaub also shares t

  • Living Large: The Achiever's Guide to What's Next

    02/07/2018 Duración: 31min

    In episode 65 of the Fresh Tracks with Kelly Robbins podcast I speak with Elizabeth Crook about how to live a large life. Our discussion starts with the importance of creating your personal trail map (chapter 2 in my book Trust Your Next Step). In our interview Elizabeth tell us that recognizing themes and patterns in our life so we can determine who we are and who we have been helps us know what serves us moving forward. There is a celebratory feeling of affirmation when people use their greatest gifts and talents to do work that energizes them and makes an impact. The Living Large training Elizabeth shares teaches us to live on purpose and in purpose. Discover insights into making decisions about careers, goals, and the future with your whole self, including your history, talents, characteristics, and the roles you play. When we interact with the world using only one or a few parts of ourselves, we can begin to feel small, says Elizabeth. It’s difficult to cut Fresh Tracks when you are feeling small! After

  • The Enneagram as a tool for Getting to Know Yourself

    14/06/2018 Duración: 35min

    The Enneagram is an ancient tool that shows where your focus of attention goes. When used correctly, the Enneagram can be used to get to know yourself, allowing you to create Fresh Tracks from a place of strength. In this episode I speak with Beatrice Chestnut, who shares that understanding the habitual patterns of your personality and where your attention goes can be essential to your personal growth and development. Your focus of attention is often a coping strategy and understanding where it goes, as well as what you avoid focusing on, will help you become a better leader of yourself. Getting to know aspects of yourself that you can’t see is important to understanding where you are now in life. Can you identify what have you been doing that works and what have you been doing that isn’t working? The Enneagram helps in identifying what motivates you and highlights your blind spots. It can also assist in identifying tools you might add to your toolkit to more easily accomplish your goals. Show Notes: 3:40 – W

  • Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions

    25/05/2018 Duración: 33min

    In episode 63 I speak with Dr. Gary Klein, founder of the Naturalist Decision Making movement. Gary discusses how we really make decisions and why the traditional, rational decision-making process that is taught in school is ineffective. Real decision-making is done on a subconscious level and is called naturalistic decision making. In this week’s show we discuss why experts make rapid decisions and how patterns play a role in the decision-making process. Struggling to make decisions while cutting Fresh Tracks? How to make and trust your decisions when you are doing something new as well as being open to see what you can be achieving instead of what you are not is covered. Dr. Klein also discusses the role mindsets play in making decisions and gives examples on how we can change our mindsets systematically. There are, in fact, two types of mindsets; fixed mindset and a growth mindset. Which one you favor most effects your ability to cut Fresh Tracks. Struggling to make a decision? Gary shares that presenting

  • Letting Go of Indecision

    30/04/2018 Duración: 36min

    I speak with Fresh Tracker Linda Henman, The Decision Catalyst and founder of Henman Performance Group on how to make smart decisions. Linda shares some common reasons why we struggle when making decisions (particularly the big ones!), and provides insight into what we can do to make the decision-making process easier. Linda also provides solid advice on how each of us can learn to make strong decisions over and over again. In this week’s show you’ll discover specific action steps you can do on your own to become a more confident decision-maker! Are some of us naturally better at making decisions than others? How would your life change if each time you made a decision you didn’t look back? Linda explores this topic and more as we learn about ourselves and how we make decisions. Do you make decisions from your rational self or your emotional self? Which is better and why? In this week’s show we look at this as well as discuss the role experience and judgement play in decision making. Show Notes: 2:45 – The REA

  • Unlocking Greatness with Charlie Harary

    09/04/2018 Duración: 34min

    In episode 61 of Fresh Tracks with Kelly Robbins I speak with Charlie Harary, who speaks with us about unlocking our greatness. Charlie is driven by the belief that the potential for greatness resides within us and shares ancient wisdom, the practices of societies greatest leaders, and the latest brain research in our interview. Charlies tells us that the key to realizing your full potential starts by tapping into the astonishing ability of your brain by understanding its neuroplasticity. Why? More often than not, our own mental obstacles are holding us back from the joy, fulfillment, and meaning we all crave; by retooling our perspective, we gain the ability to see the path toward the life we truly desire. Advice for cutting Fresh Tracks - God gives us the ability to survive, it’s our job to learn how to thrive says Charlie. One way to accomplish this goal is to be great in the micro moments, because you are training your brain to react to the world from a perspective of greatness. Show Notes: 3:15 – We crea

  • Fresh Tracks with Josh Haynam, co-founder Interactive Quiz Builder

    06/03/2018 Duración: 33min

    Discover how 25-year-old Josh Haynam grew his website business to a thriving, rapidly growing quiz-building business (with over 40,000 paid subscribers!) in four short years. Josh shares his recommendations on how to start a new company as well as insights into what didn’t work for the first three years as they were starting out. Josh also explains the one strategy shift that grew their paid subscriber base by 300% in eleven months! In this episode of Fresh Tracks you’ll also learn the one exercise Josh continues to implement every time something takes up more than half his mental space and how you can do the same. You’ll also discover why keeping a clear headspace has been so instrumental to his business success and the one reset that must happen regularly – particularly when you get stuck! Show Notes: 1:15 – How, at 25 years old, Josh started and grew his business in four short years 4:10 – Josh’s advice on how to start a new company 6:30 – How Josh went from creating a few custom quizzes to a repeatable p

  • The Power of Not Knowing

    18/12/2017 Duración: 38min

    In episode 59 of Fresh Tracks I speak with Peter Ralston, consciousness teacher, master martial artist and author of The Book of Not Knowing. Our discussion starts with a look at what it means to ‘not know’, and how approaching everything we do from a place of not knowing, verses assuming we do know, changes everything. Peter shares why the moment you start living your life from a place of questioning or pursuing mastery, it becomes a different life. You live in a different world. The truth is most of us walk around not knowing a tremendous amount of stuff, yet our beliefs and assumptions are that we know most things. When we can allow ourselves not to know, it allows us to start investigating. Peter also discuss what it means to be authentic. The first thing we need to do to be authentic is to not know, and be ok not knowing. And then all kinds of things unfold – perhaps your Fresh Tracks! As we examine that feeling of being authentic, Peter shares why becoming aware of and releasing beliefs will allow us to

  • Living Life with Passion and Helping Others

    15/11/2017 Duración: 35min

    In episode 58 of Fresh Tracks I speak with entrepreneur Carey Smolensky about passion. What started as a DJ company in High School has evolved into a family of companies in the entertainment industry which Carey spearheads! While Carey is leading several companies, acting and pursuing other interests he enjoys, he shares his belief that you CAN do many things and be successful. He feels that as long as you are focusing on one thing at a time you are not multi-tasking. Carey’s passion as a recording artist, DJ, author, event producer, working actor, philanthropist and demonstrates how it is possible to create Fresh Tracks repeatedly in your life. Have an idea you would like to pursue but have been putting it off? Carey shares that everyone has the tools to do what they set out to do. It may not be at the level of someone that’s done 10,000 hours, but that doesn’t mean you can’t participate! Carey tells us that sometimes just getting started is the hardest part in pursuing your passion. Show Notes 2:45 – Carey’

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